Harry Potter vs. Twilight Club
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added by LoopyLuna96
Source: Green watches on Deviantart, not mine!
added by lilcherrywine
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: FB
added by Gred_and_Forge
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added by Brysis
added by goodtimes
added by goodtimes
added by goodtimes
added by goodtimes
added by goodtimes
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
I've read plenty of arguments stating that Bella angsa, swan is anything but a normal teenager. But, if we skip the whole Supernatural Cinta segitiga, segi tiga part of the series (Which, granted, is most of it) the soalan remains: Is Bella angsa, swan a normal teenager?

Lets take a look at the average teenager. lebih often than not, teenagers are stubborn, make bad choices, and consider themselves the center of the universe. I'm not intending to insult anyone here, this is what I have observed. We don't do it all the time though, other times we can be selfless, make great choices, and happy. We also sometimes go through...
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posted by RavenclawRocks
OK, I just got this message from somebody on this spot. They're a Twilight peminat and I couldn'y help laughing. It's very pathetic.

Not naming any names, but this is a message somebody sent me:

It made me LOL when I saw somebody had to add Jessie J to their profile.

It made me LOL when I saw somebody had to add an "Edward is Cedric" reference in their motto.

It made me LOL when I saw somebody had to add Harry Potter to their profile.

It made me LOL when I saw somebody had to have an unoriginal Hermione and Ron icon.

My thoughts:
1)Yup, I like Jessie J. She's a great singer and I Cinta her songs....
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posted by RavenclawRocks
Before anda all come out with pitchforks and guns, I'd just like to say this is my opinion.

1, Half of the peminat-peminat only like Twilight, because they think Rob/Taylor is hot.

2, I can't argue about the plot because there isn't one.

3, Bella has no personaility.

4, Edward is just plain creepy.

5, Bella always needs a man in her life. When Edward leaves she needs Jacob. This is really stupid.

6,Bella wouldn't even look at Edward if he wasn't hot.

7, Edward wouldn't look at Bella if she didn't smell good.

8, It gives a bad message. Like kill yourself when your sparkly boyfriend is around. atau there is no point in being happy unless anda have a boyfriend. atau it's ok to ditch your Friends to tarikh a super hot vampire.

9,Meyer constantly repeats the same words to tell us how hot Edward is. This gets boring after two pages.

10, The actors suck.

There,ten reasons. Feel free to add on more.
twiligh is so better then harry poter becauz twilight is a LUV stoty and harry potter has no luve at all.it also has VAMPIREZ wich are REEL unlike wizards from hp. plus anda can realat to bella lebih then hary becuz bella has FELLINGS. and do i even need to menchon edward? he is so SEXY. jakob is to. no one in harry potter is as hot as edward culen!! they had rober patenson in harry potter but that was the only reazon i watched it. twilight is also lebih exiting then harry potteer. whoevr can balence out Cinta and exitment mmusr be a great writer! ans stefinie meyers came up with new creaturs and...
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posted by I_Hate_Twilight
Now that I have enough free time, I researched a bit and noticed that Twifans has some tics and mannerisms while writing.

I'm not just good, because the first thought was that I noticed the keyboard problem. But then I saw that it was too frequent, several problems with keyboards on many different people.

SO WHY WRITE: ZE becoz FANNS TAWLK Diz lyk !!!!!
There is already some Twilight-English dictionary? It is normal that no one writes like that. What is interest? Look like they're talking to snakes ...
Who invented it?

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added by RealSunshine
Source: tumblr
posted by bamagirl5899
okay can u people ot yell at me this time please.

may pov

at looked at my phone it was 3' o clock then i got a text. (wat up girl u coming 2 the paint ball war girles agnst boys u know whos going to win whith u on their team) Sue texted me. ( srry cnt gt a friend problem well nt really a problm bt im not allowed over at te cullen house )( what happned) (Bella went bezerk she actually threw something at me)

( }: she's just jeolous you'll take edward frm her)

(okay thats just funny i dont like him ok )

(watevr u sy bt r we going to play bsebll tomarow)

(no nt in the mood i might mov to italy atau go...
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posted by luv_warriorcatz
lets say that bella and hermione were off Friends (really off). Hermione is at hogwarts where she is happy and bella is at forks with her vamp buddies where she is happy. And they know each other's secrets. One day, Hermione wrote bella a letter.

Dear Bella Swan,

I have heard about your acts in Forks and how your boyfriend, edward broke up with you. I feel really sorry for you. Then anda found him again in Volterra, Italy and anda started going out with him again. My opinion might not matter in this but I feel as if I should tell anda about this. I am afraid that anda might be a little bit obssessive....
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