Before anda all come out with pitchforks and guns, I'd just like to say this is my opinion.
1, Half of the peminat-peminat only like Twilight, because they think Rob/Taylor is hot.
2, I can't argue about the plot because there isn't one.
3, Bella has no personaility.
4, Edward is just plain creepy.
5, Bella always needs a man in her life. When Edward leaves she needs Jacob. This is really stupid.
6,Bella wouldn't even look at Edward if he wasn't hot.
7, Edward wouldn't look at Bella if she didn't smell good.
8, It gives a bad message. Like kill yourself when your sparkly boyfriend is around. atau there is no point in being happy unless anda have a boyfriend. atau it's ok to ditch your Friends to tarikh a super hot vampire.
9,Meyer constantly repeats the same words to tell us how hot Edward is. This gets boring after two pages.
10, The actors suck.
There,ten reasons. Feel free to add on more.
1, Half of the peminat-peminat only like Twilight, because they think Rob/Taylor is hot.
2, I can't argue about the plot because there isn't one.
3, Bella has no personaility.
4, Edward is just plain creepy.
5, Bella always needs a man in her life. When Edward leaves she needs Jacob. This is really stupid.
6,Bella wouldn't even look at Edward if he wasn't hot.
7, Edward wouldn't look at Bella if she didn't smell good.
8, It gives a bad message. Like kill yourself when your sparkly boyfriend is around. atau there is no point in being happy unless anda have a boyfriend. atau it's ok to ditch your Friends to tarikh a super hot vampire.
9,Meyer constantly repeats the same words to tell us how hot Edward is. This gets boring after two pages.
10, The actors suck.
There,ten reasons. Feel free to add on more.