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posted by rydakota16
Wish Upon is a 2017 American Supernatural horror film, directed sejak John R. Leonetti, written sejak Barbara Marshall, and starring Joey King, Ki Hong Lee, Sydney Park, Shannon Purser, Sherilyn Fenn, Elisabeth Rohm, and Ryan Phillippe. The film follows a teenage girl who is telah diberi a magic suicide musicbox of nightmare hell with Bidadari and demons aside sejak her estranged father who, along with his new wife, thought that a newly born boy was plucked alive in the sewer shortly after his birth, that grants seven wishes and seven deadly sins belong the fallen and abandoned origins with haunted paranormal...
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posted by jlhfan624
WARNING: Beware that this coming artikel WILL have some pretty grisly/gory images. This IS the horror Filem spot after all! If anda do not like looking at these things, please DON'T. I don't want to be responsible for your nightmares &/or being sick. :)

Now, as for the origin of this artikel - well, I just wanted to try something new in this spot. I was coming up with nothing for picks, and that's usually my strong suit so I decided to try for an artikel instead and came up with this. Most of all, I hope everyone gets some kind of entertainment out of this. I had fun thinking of things to...
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So Halloween is coming up, right? Well, during this time of tahun my roommate and I always have our scary movie night on Halloween, and we've picked out some Filem already:

The Omen

The Grudge



The Shinning

My current kegemaran is The Omen, but since I've seen it so many times I don't really want to see it again. So if anybody has any Kegemaran they'd like to share with me, don't hesitate to!

Even after Halloween anda can keep commenting, I Cinta scary Filem and I watch them almost every Friday. So if anda would, just post some of your favorites. I'd really appreciate it.
posted by rydakota16
Erica Leerhsen as Nina Papas

Henry Rollins as Dale Murphy

Texas Battle as Jake Washington

Aleksa Palladino as Mara Stone

Daniella Alonso as Amber Williams

Steve Braun as Matt "Jonesy" Jones

Matthew Currie Holmes as Michael "M" Epstein

Crystal Lowe as Elena Garcia

MyAnna Buring as Stacey Skipper

Heather Hemmens as Leah Goodman

Nathan Corddry as Ryan Williams

Sasha Barrese as Julie Lyons

Kimberly Caldwell as Kimberly Caldwell

Wayne Robson as Old Timer / Maynard Odets

Ken Kirzinger as Pa

Ashlea Earl as Ma

Clint Carleton as Brother

Rorelee Tio as Sister

Jeff Scrutton as Three Finger

Cedric De Souza as Neil

John Stewart as Wojo

Bro Gilbert as Chris

Patton Oswalt as Tommy (voice)
posted by rydakota16
Tobin loceng as Jigsaw / John Kramer

Costas Mandylor as Detective Hoffman

Scott Patterson as Agent Strahm

Betsy Russell as Jill

Lyriq Bent as Rigg

Athena Karkanis as Agent Perez

Justin Louis as Art

Donnie Wahlberg as Eric Matthews

Angus Macfadyen as Jeff

Bahar Soomekh as Lynn

Dina Meyer as Kerry

Mike Realba as Fisk

Marty Adams as Ivan

Sarain Boylan as Brenda

Billy Otis as Cecil

James van Patten as Dr. Heffner

Kevin Rushton as Trevor

Julian Richings as a vagrant

Kelly Jones as SWAT Pete

Ingrid Hart as Tracy

Niamh Wilson as Corbett

Janet Land as Elderly Morgan

Ron Lea as Rex

Devon Bostick as Derek

Tony Nappo as Gus

Emmanuelle Vaugier as Addison

Hannah Hodson as morgan / Jane Doe 7

Tiffany Brouwer as Anastasia

Leigh Whannel as Adam

Noam Jenkins as Michael

Mike Butters as Paul

J. Larose as Troy

Oren Koules as The Man
posted by rydakota16
Tobin loceng as Jigsaw/John

Shawnee Smith as Amanda

Angus Macfadyen as Jeff

Bahar Soomekh as Lynn

Donnie Wahlberg as Eric Matthews

Dina Meyer as Kerry

Leigh Whannell as Adam

Mpho Koaho as Tim

Angela Sarafyan as Jessamy

Hannah Hodson as Morgan

Barry Flatman as Judge Halden

Lyriq Bent as Rigg

J. Larose as Troy

Debra Lynne McCabe as Danica

Costas Mandylor as Forensic Hoffman

Betsy Russell as Jill

Stefan Georgiou as Dylan

Niamh Wilson as Corbett

Alan van Sprang as Chris

Kim Roberts as Deborah
I made link about half a tahun ago. My how things have changed. I'm sure in another 6 months atau so, I'll look back at this coming senarai and reconsider another article. But here I we are! One thing anda will learn about me (and quick) is that I'm a person with a fickle mind - sure, I will always have my solid Kegemaran which will always be in my list, but they don't have a set number. I will change my mind whenever I feel like it. I don't LIE when I say "A Nightmare on Elm Street" is my kegemaran horror movie, because it IS. It has been my number 1, my number 2, even my number 20. Things...
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posted by rydakota16

Directed by: Cathy May

Release Date: May 17, 2006

Distributions by: Lionsgate, Spyglass Entertainment

Genre: Horror, thriller, drama

Cast: Sian Clifford, Sullivan Stapleton, George Dzuznda, Maia Morgenstein, Ed Bernard, Lin Shaye

Plot summary: When a young woman gave birth to a baby in a natural way at a hospital, she concealed a deadly choice of paranormal dimensions and a nightmare of possessed evil behind her husband's lie sejak having revenge of the fallen above the incident with death for truth atau dare inside her house.

Runtime: 1 hr 40 min

Filming location: Alabama, September 2004
 Marzy Hart
Marzy Hart
Got a hankering for a little bloody humor? Then, you’ll probably want to check out the original web series, “SLICE.”

Created and directed sejak Daniel Ferry, this horror meets dark comedy crossover stars Marzy Hart as a woman who can’t quench her thirst to kill. Marzy also produced the 7 episodes that make up the first season.

“SLICE” recently screened at Vancouver WebFest, earning a ‘Best Horror’ nomination, and will be heading to HollyWeb Fest as an ‘Official Selection’ later this month.

I recently caught up with Marzy Hart to find out lebih about “SLICE.”

How would anda describe...
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posted by victoriaprother
Lost hati, tengah-tengah (1973) based on a tale sejak the marvellous ghost story teller MR James, is one of the Ghost Stories adapted sejak the BBC for the Yuletide series, adapted sejak Robert Chapman. Filmed on location in Lincolnshire during November, the autumnal scenery and Gothic Manor House provide a beautifully effective setting for such a spooky ambient tale.
The story tells of Stephen Elliott, (Simon Gipps) a young orphan boy sent to stay with his much older cousin, Mr Abney (Joseph O'Conor) who's portrayal is reminiscent of Dr Caligari in his jerking movements and animated expressions. The eccentric Mr...
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posted by Cinnies4uk
I am a fun of horror remakes strangely, I enjoyed Halloween and Nightmare on elms jalan almost to near perfection , the Evil Dead was em was just Okay-ish! It had a good metascore of 7.2 from iMDb so I knew it was worth seeing , which it wasn’t frankly. The plot has been done many times over and over since its original so anda would have that deja vu cliche feeling hanging around you. The story line in the beginning was not so clear but it made up for it with its superficial gore that kept me tuned whilst it sent some shrills down my spine. The dismemberment of the limbs was a little “SAW”...
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posted by Ninjago118
This is going to be a fanfiction on my crossover story, Amelia Stone, and the horror Filem too. In this fanfic, headstrong and courageous 17-year old Serena wants to take on lebih than she can handle and try to step up her toughness. But when her dearest aunt Audrey starts questioning and doubting her bravery, Serena must prove to her that she is lebih than just her old lady's "sweet little niece" and not a wannabe gangster.

"So, anda think you're tough, Serena?"


"You think you're hard?"

"Oh, yeah!"

"You think you're all big and bad?"


"Well, let me tell anda something, Serena....
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Everyone is familiar with the usual branches of horror: Jump Scares, Torture Porn, Psychotic Slasher, Unspeakable Evil, Domineering Villainy etc. Yet in today's current media stream we are slowly seeing the demise of one of the greatest mediums of the horror genre. Psychological. Now, I know some of anda know what this genre is but to those who do not it is based on the emotional and psychological aspect of the main character/characters sejak either exploiting atau twisting them in ways that drive them to a fine breaking point. From films such as "Jacobs Ladder" to even video games such as "System...
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posted by wifeofjason
 Pennywise from IT
Pennywise from IT
Being the horror researcher that I am, I decided to compile a senarai of Filem featuring killer clowns. There's probably some here that you've never heard of before. A few of them are good (You'll already know which ones), but most, not so much.

Not listed in any particular order, except for the first few being the lebih familiar ones.

0. Poltergeist (1982)

1. Stephen King's It (1990)

2. Clownhouse (1990)

3. Killer Klowns From Outer angkasa (1988)

4. Drive Thru (2008)

5. Amusement (2009)

6. Gacy (2002)

7. House of 1,000 Corpses (2003)

8. The Clown at Midnight (1998)

9. Dead Clowns (2008)

10. 100 Tears (2008)...
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Hello everyone, I thought I'd do a senarai of my kegemaran horror movies. There may be some that should be there like The Conjuring 2 atau The Woman in Black but there won't be because I have not seen them yet. There are about 20 Filem listed here that are my Kegemaran and it's in no particular order. I should also mention when I put 14A atau 18A, that is the Canadian movie ratings, as I am from Canada that is what I use. I hope that cleared up a bit.

20. Ginger Snaps 2000 18A Starring Emily Perkins, Katharine Isabelle, Kris Lemche
 Ginger Snaps
Ginger Snaps

This is such a great movie. I haven't seen it in a...
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I recently heard about a tunjuk called Harpers Island on CBS. The premiere episode aired on April 9th at 10p.m. I didn’t think much of it. A couple of weeks lalu I saw some imej from the tunjuk on the link, but didn’t know what it was about atau if I wanted to take the time to find out. I happened to see a promo for the tunjuk a couple days before it aired and decided to give it a try. Alas I forgot and didn’t get to see it the night it aired. Out of curiosity I went to the link Website and looked the tunjuk up. I ended up watching the tunjuk and loving it. If anda are anything like me anda have never...
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Chapter 1:

"...I am standing in front of Haddonfield Correctional Hospital were local resident Laurie Strode is being kept under strict surveillance. It has been recently discovered that Strode is actually Angel Myers, sister to notorious killer Micahel Myers. For the past year, Strode has been at this hospital after the events of last Halloween when Myers took Strode hostage after brutally killing her best friend and daughter of Chief of Police, Annie..."

The Televisyen screen turned black as it was turned off, leaving the large living room in darkness.

"Hey, I was watching that!" 20-year-old...
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 Slasher Survey conducted sejak Eye Kandi Lenses
Slasher Survey conducted by Eye Candy Lenses
As an avid peminat of horror films, Halloween is definitely one of the highlights of my entire year. However, I can’t hide my disappointment at the fact that – despite Hollywood’s efforts – there has never been a modern slasher remake, sequel, atau prequel that has ever matched up to the original film… and it seems I’m not the only one!

A survey carried out sejak Eye Kandi Lenses revealed that the majority of avid horror films peminat-peminat would be delighted to see some of the most iconic original slasher films brought back to life. However, whilst it came as no surprise that horror peminat-peminat have been...
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In these days people are very busy in their life. They hardly get time for enjoyment. They always find the sources to get relieve from their messy atau tedious life. Watching Filem becomes one of the means of relaxation. It not only gives knowledge but also amuse them. There are hoards of films available on internet. There are many types of genres used in every flick.

Thriller is one such genre which keeps the audience attentive and on the edge of seats. In such types of films usually the protagonist is put in a problem consist of escape, task atau mystery. This mystery leads to a traumatic climax....
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posted by EllentheStrange
 The Last Exorcism Movie Poster #1
The Last Exorcism Movie Poster #1
I enjoyed the movie very much.It was creepy and scary and made me stay up half the night.It made anda think about the Devil and God and all of that stuff.As anda may atau may not know it was mockumentary horror film.It is not real footage,it is only a tease.It was made to look like real footage though.
So for thoughs of anda who are to scared to see it,here is the plot:

Reverend Cotton Marcus (Patrick Fabian) lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with his wife and son. Raised as an evangelical pastor sejak his father, he has been accustomed to performing exorcisms on "possessed" individuals. However, his faith...
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