Justin Bieber 15 True Facts Of Justin Drew Bieber

jbieberluver94 posted on Feb 11, 2011 at 09:42PM
1. Justin is hott shirtless
2. When he was younger, he wanted to be a hockey player when he grew up
3. In his My Worlds concert, he flew across the crowdin a big heart playing his guitar
4. Burnham was one of his opening acts at his My Worlds tour
5. He became popular by YouTube
6. He is the ultimate Twitter fan
7. His parents are the ones who got him really into music
8. Justin and his mom Pattie are super close
9. Justin is open to many different genres of music
10. Justin and dad have seagul tattoos
11. He loves his step siblings Jazmyn and Jaxon Bieber
12. Justin's dad likes to go by the name "Lord Rauhl"
13. Justin is a HUGE sports fan!!!
14. Justin has a dog named Sam and his dad has a dog named Juno
15. He can finish a Rubix Cube in 30 secs.

Justin Bieber 1 reply

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hampir setahun yang lalu saraqunini said…
i love justin bieber.i have 28 posters of him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu