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added by anisebastian
added by Ionelia
added by ravissa
added by CielXlizzy19
Source: merah jambu no Koneko - Tumblr
added by michellepotter
added by bouncybunny3
Source: reishikiz.tumblr.com
added by bouncybunny3
Source: reishikiz.tumblr.com
added by meliblack
added by usernameinvalid
added by bouncybunny3
added by Ionelia
added by CielXlizzy19
Source: Zerochan.net
posted by CielXlizzy19
When I opened the door, I saw his red eyes screaming at me. As I stood there, rendered motionless, my mom came running up behind me. I thought she was going to yell at me for opening a door to strangers, atau just shoo him away but she did neither. She merely just greeted him with a smile and berkata "Hello! anda must be the new butler!!". He returned her kindness with a smile, but when he looked at me, his grin was lebih sinister than Dante's Seven Layers of Hell.

Even though chills went down my spine, I had a feeling this was going to be a very special birthday...

"So...why do we need a new butler?...
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added by rupsa
added by anisebastian
added by bouncybunny3
added by KaterinaLover
added by michellepotter