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posted by laura1233214

Paleolithic dog remains were found, one dog with a large mammoth bone in its mouth.
The prehistoric Anjing likely hauled mammoth tusks and meat and consumed mammoths too.
The dogs' brains were removed after death, suggesting ritual significance, possibly tied to releasing their spirits.
The fossilized dog skull clutches the mammoth bone, seen sticking out of the front. Click to enlarge this image.
Mietje Germonpré
The remains of three Paleolithic dogs, including one with a mammoth bone in its mouth, have been unearthed at Predmostí in the Czech Republic, according to a new Journal of Archaeological Science paper.

The remains indicate what life was like for these prehistoric Anjing in this region, and how humans viewed canines. The Anjing appear to have often sunk their teeth into meaty mammoth bones. These weren’t just mammoth in size, but came from actual mammoths.

In the case of the dog found with the bone in its mouth, the researchers believe a human inserted it there after death.

"The thickness of the cortical bone shows that it is from a large mammal, like a rhinoceros, steppe bison atau mammoth," lead penulis Mietje Germonpré told Discovery News. "At Predmostí, mammoth is the best-represented animal, with remains from lebih than 1,000 individuals, so it is probable that the bone fragment is from a mammoth."

Germonpré, a paleontologist at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, and colleagues Martina Laznickova-Galetova and Mikhail Sablin, first studied the remains, focusing on the skulls, to see what Haiwan they might be. In the fossil record, there is sometimes controversy over what is a wolf, dog atau other canid.

"These skulls tunjuk clear signs of domestication," Germonpré said, explaining they are significantly shorter than those of fossil atau modern wolves, have shorter snouts, and noticeably wider brain cases and palates than Serigala do.

She described them as large, with an estimated body weight of just over 77 pounds. The shoulder height was at least 24 inches.

"The shape of their skull resembles that of a Siberian husky, but they were larger and heavier than the modern husky," she said.

The Anjing died when they were between 4 and 8 years old. They had numerous broken teeth during their lifetimes.

Based on what is known of the human culture at the site, the researchers believe these Anjing “were useful as beasts of burden for the hauling of meat, Bones and tusks from mammoth kill sites and of firewood, and to help with the transport of equipment, limiting the carrying costs of the Predmostí people.”

Since mammoth meat was likely the Makanan staple, the scientists further believe that the surplus meat “would have been available to feed the dogs.”

The dog skulls tunjuk evidence that humans perforated them in order to remove the brain. telah diberi that better meat was available, the researchers think it’s unlikely the brains served as food.

Instead, based on these archaeological finds and the ethnographic record, it’s possible that there was ritual importance to the actions.

"Among many northern indigenous peoples, it was believed that the head contains the spirit atau soul," Germonpré explained. “Some of these peoples made a hole in the braincase of the killed animal so that the spirit might be released.”

The mammoth bone in the dog's mouth could signify "that the dog was 'fed' to accompany the soul of the dead (animal) on its journey."

Rob Losey, an associate professor of anthropology at the universiti of Alberta, told Discovery News that the new study is "very convincing," and shows "quite clearly that the dog domestication process was underway thousands of years earlier than previously thought."

He added, "The distinctive treatment telah diberi some of the remains also is compelling, and this indicates to me that a special connection had developed between people and some canids quite early on -- long prior to any good evidence for Anjing being buried."
added by laura1233214
posted by laura1233214
1.Grasp cat firmly in your arms. buaian its head on your elbow, just as
if anda were giving baby a bottle. Coo confidently, "Thats a nice kitty."
Drop pill into its mouth.

2. Retrieve cat from bahagian, atas of lamp and pill from under sofa.

3. Follow same procedure as in 1, but hold cat's front paws down with left
hand and back paws down with elbow of right arm. Poke pill into its mouth
with right forefinger.

4. Retrieve cat from under bed. Get new pill from bottle. (Resist impulse
to get new cat.)

5. Again proceed as in 1, except when anda have cat firmly cradled in
bottle-feeding position, sit down on...
continue reading...
posted by laura1233214
If anda have to throw up, get into a chair quickly. If anda cannot manage
this in time, get to an Oriental rug. Shag is good!
Determine quickly which guest hates cats. Sit on that lap during the
evening. He won't dare push anda off and will even call anda "nice kitty."
If anda can arrange to have cat Makanan on your breath, so much the better.
For sitting on laps atau rubbing against seluar, penekan legs, select Warna which
contrast with your own.
Always accompany guests to the bathroom. It is not necessary to do
anything. Just sit and stare.
Do not allow closed doors in any room. To get one open, stand...
continue reading...
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added by laura1233214
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