Mara Jade Skywalker Club
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"I'm a fighter. I've always been a fighter. The few times when I have been at leisure, I've been miserable. I want challenges, I crave them."
―Mara Jade Skywalker

"Yeah, it's true. Now tell me who blabbed so I can go cut his head off."
―Mara's response to a couple of Jedi trainees questioning her past as an Emperor's Hand

"She is, shall we say, an experiment."

"I hope your salary is lebih generous than your costume, Miss uh…"
"You, uh… can call me Arica."
―C-3PO and Mara Jade

"Victims run off and hide. Prey runs off and hides. But I'm not a victim. And I'm not prey. I'm the Emperor's Hand. I am the ultimate predator. And it's time for Dequc and Black Nebula to die."
―Mara during her hunt for Dequc

"If only for that, anda deserve to die."
―Mara Jade, to Luke Skywalker

"For I have foreseen that Mara Jade will bow before me. One Mara Jade, atau another."
―Joruus C'baoth to Mara Jade on Wayland

"When I entered the atmosphere I could feel anda and Kun tangling. The Force was boiling."
―Mara Jade, to Corran Horn

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd be just as happy if this stayed nice and simple."
―Mara Jade on Selonia

"You didn't know, but after that pirate base thing, Faughn told me anda and I made a good team. She was right. We really did."
―Mara Jade, to Luke Skywalker

"Stupid, stupid. A big fat diversion—the oldest trick on the list. And I fell for it like some dumb farm kid."
"Watch your language."
―Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker

"Mara…. will anda marry me?"
―Luke Skywalker to Mara Jade

"Doesn't look promising, does it?"
―Mara during the cari for Outbound Flight

"As long as I'm fighting, I'm not dying. And I'm not done fighting just yet."
―Mara Jade Skywalker

"The key thing is to find out for certain if my illness is connected to the Yuuzhan Vong. If it is, when I get healthy, the Yuuzhan Vong will pay."
―Mara Jade Skywalker[

"Your sister might be Han's soul mate, but Chewbacca was his first mate. It's going to take time."
―Mara commenting on Han's grief following Chewbacca's death

"Of course I'm up to it. I haven't felt so obnoxiously healthy since…Well, in a while."
―Mara after taking on an assignment following the remission of her disease

"Darling, I Cinta you, anda are my life and my light. If anda ever do this to me again, I will vape anda where anda stand."
―Mara jesting with Luke about pregnancy

"Luke, I don't want to discourage your curiosity, but I have to remind you, if something goes wrong, this is an exceptionally embarrassing way to die."
"I'll trust anda to improve the story. Luke Skywalker goes out in a blaze of glory in battle with a red devourer."
―Mara and Luke on occupied Coruscant

"So at last I meet the legendary Skywalkers. I've certainly heard a lot about you."
"All untrue, I'm sure."
―Captain Yage and Mara Jade Skywalker in the Imperial Remnant

"You promised me on Zonama Sekot that both of us have a lot lebih living to do."
"You think I'd drop anda into the midst of all this to make anda a widow—or me a widower?"
"That's not your style."
―Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker on Coruscant

"There is a lot of unrest in life. The Force is created sejak life, so it has unrest in it. If anda open yourself to the Force, how can anda not open yourself to a certain amount of unrest?"
―Mara, at the beginning of the saat Galactic Civil War

"I get the proverbial bad feeling about this."
―Mara, to Luke

"You're… as vile as he was."
―Mara Jade Skywalker and Jacen Solo

"You're an idiot. anda can't stop from touching the Force any lebih than anda can stop breathing. You're a Skywalker. The Force runs strong in your family."
―Cade's hallucination of Mara speaks to him

"Sometimes I think anda can be spooky just Singing nursery songs."
―Elassar Targon to Mara

"We don't have a lock for the window but there's an alarm on it. anda try going out, and it'll be a toss-up as to whether the vornskrs get to anda before I do. But don't take my word for it. Try it and find out."
―Mara Jade

"This ship fights my way, atau not at all."
―Mara Jade

"She's a girly girl."
―Shannon McRandle on Mara's physical appearance

"She fit the story, she fit the bintang Wars universe, and she was fun to write."
―Timothy Zahn, on Mara Jade
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Mara Jade Skywalker (born c. 21 BBY) is a fictional character in the bintang Wars book universe and the most popular original character from that book series.

She is a very beautiful human woman who was once known as an "Emperor's Hand", because she functioned as one of his personal assassins and answered only to him. She later became second-in-command to smuggling chief Talon Karrde, and afterwards she became a Jedi Master and Luke Skywalker's wife. Mara is not in any of the bintang Wars Filem but she is portrayed sejak the model Shannon McRandle in bintang Wars collectible card games.

In Hebrew, Mara...
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added by LeiaAmidala2000
Source: wookieepedia
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added by LeiaAmidala2000
Source: wookieepedia
added by LeiaAmidala2000
Source: wookiepedia
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