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Zer0isNotABaka berkata …
Ya know what I really hate?? When people mix up Sakine Meiko and MEIKO. THERE'S A DIFFERENCE, PEOPLE. I Cinta both of them, but I just get so mad when they're mistaken for each other. telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
Krystalia_Ucara dikomen…
I agree as well. Although Sakine Meiko is supposed to be MEIKO's younger self, she is still a derived version and not official as a Vocaloid. Derivatives can only reached to the highest rank of being an official derivative. They can't become a Vocaloid officially and get their own voice specifically because they are derived from original works. Besides we all know that MEIKO and Sakine Meiko both seem to have completely different personalities. In my eyes I just see Sakine as Meiko's younger sister. hampir setahun yang lalu
emerald_32 dikomen…
Sakine Meiko and MEIKO are not separate Vocaloid characters, just that Sakine is made as MEIKO's younger-sounding voice bank. anda know, somewhat Miku-like. hampir setahun yang lalu
mangaotaku berkata …
I DOUBLE THAT CALL! telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
Kogami berkata …
to the admins of this spot: PLZ PUT ikon AND BANNER telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu