Michael Jackson Club
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posted by cherl12345
 Signing Autographs For His peminat-peminat
Signing Autographs For His Fans
"You really want to have it", Maris replied, "of cousre", Michael also replied, "I was intending on giving it to anda on our first, tarikh but I forgot". Michael had placed the book on order weeks after they first met at Quantrell's makan malam, majlis makan malam party, and had it sent o his office. He it would be good way for Maris to get to know him as person; as well, as an entertainer, so he gave her a personal copy of the book for her read. "Oh, Michael", Maris replied, "I really don't know what to say". "You don't have to thank me"Michael replied, " I wanted to have it". "Thank you, Michael", she replied and she...
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added by mjOlik
added by Bellafina2003
Source: SS
added by Reis7100
A series of video which do an excellent job when it comes to investigating a possible root on those false accusations.
added by cherl12345
added by cherl12345
added by Mjjfanforlyfe
added by liberiangirl_mj
Have anda seen the recording of the live performance of anda Are Not Alone sejak Michael Jackson during the HIStory Tour in Munich 1997? If anda care for Michael Jackson anda probably have. (Otherwise, anda can find it on YouTube.) There is this girl with the Teddy menanggung, bear who’s screaming her lungs out when the song starts. Suddenly, a man pulls her out of the crowd and they both run up to the stage. And there she literally jumps at Michael. She wraps her arms around him and hugs him close. She’s crying, screaming (we can’t hear her because it’s a playback). Then she falls to her knees and hugs...
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added by MJsLover1988
added by 14Michelle
added by Veronica84
added by liberiangirl_mj
Source: made sejak me
added by nanjakorya
added by nanjakorya
added by chokladen94