Negima Club
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After talking to Evangeline, Kasey made his way back inside the building. He was currently walking through the shaded sector, thinking. “Well, at least that’s out of the way,” He berkata in his mind as he proceeded walking. “She may not like me now but I’m sure she’ll come around.” He continued walking until someone blocked his way. It turned out to be Kaede, who was exploring the academy grounds on her own. “Hey,” She berkata while looking down at him with her eyes closed. “What do anda think you’re doing walking around out here?” Kasey sat perfectly still as he didn’t know...
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A lot has been explained. Thanks to the innocence of a mysterious mountain lion, who can actually talk like a normal person, Negi and some of his students now learned what has been going on.

So far, they have learned that the cat was the one who made the large footprint yesterday. Then, they have also learned that the dinosaur Negi healed was actually the mountain lion in disguise. And from the battle of Satomi’s mind-controlled robot, they have also learned it was a true, innocent fighter. What other secrets are there to reveal? This is when the cat begins to explain itself to Negi and the...
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Yesterday brought some surprises- A mysterious footprint in town was discovered and on bahagian, atas of that, Negi and four of his students were face to face with what could be a shock of the century. Negi’s magic paid a great price when a large dinosaur that was covered with scars and had a piercing wound on its right leg was brought to full health and condition. What brought a total shock was that it also “spoke”. Without warning however, the giant beast made its way out of the woods and into who knows where. But the real deal was just beginning- can Negi, Konoka, Setsuna, and Nodoka keep what...
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Two days after returning from their trip to the hot springs, Negi and his students have been under hot pursuit. Sense the awakening of the legendary beast that was sealed thousands of years lalu the actions regarding the magical terrorists continued to plaque the minds of both Negi and Kasey.

In the Mahora Academy building, Negi, Kasey, and Chamo were all in his office. They have been debating as to what they believed was going on. “But why would they go through such measures just to release a monster that was sealed many years ago?” Negi asked. Kasey did what he could to think, but he too...
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The night sky soon filled all of Mahora. Everyone left the academy grounds. The entire complex was very quite. Not a single sound could be heard except for the wind and leaves that were being carried. As they were flying, a hand quickly reached up and grabbed one of the leaves. It was revealed to be Evangeline’s hand. “The way he looked at me,” She berkata while staring at the leaf. “Stupid little boy.” Just then, Chachamaru spoke. “Master, is it possible that anda were being a little over the bahagian, atas with him?” What she berkata made Evangeline very mad. She turned and gave her a glaring...
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Kasey has so far gotten a lay of what all is in and around Mahora Academy. What else could he possibly have missed? There was just one thing that was remaining. “I don’t think this is going to work,” Negi berkata nervously. “What if he soalan me?” Asuna was getting annoyed sejak Negi’s complaints. “You have to face it Negi! Sense he is part of our lives, it’s only fair anda have to tunjuk him.” Despite what she said, Negi still didn’t feel comfortable. “What is he going to say if I do it? I could be in trouble.” Because of Asuna’s pity advices, Konoka offered to explain....
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Something huge was about to occur. Kasey, who was hanging at the pantai for sometime, quickly flew to the sand while transforming into an Allosaurus. The mysterious changes and Warna from the sky brought his senses to high alert. He was prepared for whatever was coming. The shifts from the sky continued for quite a while until they came to a halt. Assuming that it was nothing, Kasey slowly turned. But before he could do anything, he could see large mass of dark shadows that were formed from the sand behind him. With ease, he turned and came face to face with a group of mysterious creatures...
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The whole park became quite as the epic battle in history came to a major close. While Asuna, Konoka and Setsuna were passed out cold and starving, Negi, Chamo and Kasey were helping them. For Kasey, it was easy as all he had to do was transform into an animal that could carry things on its back. Though a unta was an excellent choice, he went for a mule. “What kind of animal is that?” Chamo asked. Negi thought he was being rude and told him to stop. Kasey however gave a little chuckle and responded that he was a mule, which was a menyeberang, cross between a donkey and a horse. They were both fascinated...
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It was a dark night. As the wind blew firmly through the trees, chaos soon happened. A series of cries and wails were heard deep within the forest. A large and strange looking creature, resembling a dinosaur, collapsed to the ground. Scars were all over its body and it was trying its hardest to get up. The dino’s eyes were enlarge with fright as it looked upward. A mysterious figure was making its way towards the wounded creature. The figure stopped as soon as it came close while pulling out a shining sword. “It’s time we end this.” The figure berkata while drawing the sword towards the...
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 Negi Springfield
Negi Springfield
As of Negima vol. 38 & UQ Holder vol. 11

In love:
4. Yue Ayase
5. Ako Izumi
10. Chachamaru Karakuri
12. Ku Fei
16. Makie Sasaki
26. Evangeline A.K. McDowell
27. Nodoka Miyazaki
29. Ayaka Yukihiro

1. Sayo Aisaka
2. Yuna Akashi
3. Kazumi Asakura
6. Akira Okochi
7. Misa Kakizaki
8. Asuna Kagurazaka
13. Konoka Konoe
14. Haruna Saotome
15. Setsuna Sakurazaki
17. Sakurako Shiina
18. Mana Tatsumiya
20. Kaede Nagase
22. Fuka Narutaki
23. Fumika Narutaki
25. Chisame Hasegawa

Not in love:
9. Misora Kasuga
11. Madoka Kugimiya
19. Chao Lingshen
21. Chizuru Naba
24. Satomi Hakase
28. Natsumi Murakami
30. Satsuki Yotsuba
31. Zazie Rainyday
 4. Yue Ayase
4. Yue Ayase
 5. Ako Izumi
5. Ako Izumi
 10. Chachamaru Karakuri
10. Chachamaru Karakuri
 16. Makie Sasaki
16. Makie Sasaki
 27. Nodoka Miyazaki
27. Nodoka Miyazaki
 29. Ayaka Yukihiro
29. Ayaka Yukihiro
 12. Ku Fei
12. Ku Fei
 26. Evangeline A.K. McDowell
26. Evangeline A.K. McDowell
Fuka and Fumika’s mysterious disappearance plagued everyone’s minds. Even Kaede, who cared for them, couldn’t determine what happened. According to her explanation she went away for at lease five seconds, heard the screams of the twins, and sejak the time she returned they were both gone- never to be seen again. Everyone was completely shocked sejak the events. All except for Asuna, who was filled with anger and vengeance. “Wait until I get my hands on those dirty little!” Konoka and Negi both calmed her down. Kasey however was busy pondering. Kaede took notice of this and tried asking...
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posted by AnimeFan66
NOTE: Before Membaca this story, there is one thing I should mention. If you’re wondering how the other students know about Kasey’s powers it is because this story takes place a few months after some events from “Negima! Earth’s Survivors”. I wanted to clear this fact in case a lot of anda are wondering how the other students knew about his powers. Please enjoy!

It was the hari of October 31st and this meant one thing- fun, the craving of sweets, and dressing up as a character from one’s imagination. Halloween is worth celebrating across the world. Most cultures on the other hand have...
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Mahora Academy: An amazing school filled with wonderful students. Thirty one and all are female. It might come as a surprise, but life here can be astonishing as it can be wonderful. What makes it astonishing is that Mahora is a place where even danger lurks- magical dangers. With these dangers, a certain wizard named Negi protects these grounds with the use of his magic. His thirty one students are also magical as well- being his partner and supporting him with their own magical capabilities. As anda can imagine, life around here is as crazy as it is adventurous.

Despite this, Mahora also has...
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posted by iwatchthestars
Negi: goodevening Nodoka-san !
Nodoka: ohh! :"> goodevening negi-sensei
Yue: (whispers) nodoka! here's your chance ! confess to him !
Nodoka: eh?!?! err.. okk..
(nodoka walks closer to negi)
Negi: uhhmm? is there anything anda want nodoka-san?
Nodoka: Negi-sensei ! please go out with me !
Negi: (blushes) huh?! err-- umm ok?
nodoka: really?
negi: yeah... i guess =w=
(nodoka stares at yue)
yue: go on! ask when !
nodoka: umm... can we have a tarikh right n-now?
negi: ehh!?! but umm its kinda late
nodoka: (whimpers) oh ! your right! haha. stupid me!
negi: nodoka-san......
nodoka:goodbye sensei !
negi: nodoka-san! come on! i know a great restaurant! :)
nodoka: ohh !
yue: dont worrry about me ! goo !
nodoka: thank anda yue-san!
(yue sees nodoka and negi leave but somehow a frown was on the face of yue.)
to be continued....