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*Knock Knock*

“I’ll get it.” I berkata whilst getting up off my bed.
“NO I WILL!” harry roared as she shoved me to the ground.
He flew downstairs and I soon followed him. He opened the door to find zayn and Amanda grinning at us.
“Oh it’s only anda two.” Harry grunted and stormed back upstairs.
“I think he thought it was Kate.” I told them.
“Ahhh now I get it!” zayn laughed.
“Come on in guys.” I stood back and let them step in.

They removed their coats and went up the stairs. Greg strolled out of his room and greeted both of them before heading down to me.

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posted by xMrsNiallHoranx
Interviewer: As the renowned prankster of the group, what prank has Louis the larker pulled on you?

Harry: Oh gawd. I’m always falling asleep when we’re on tour and wake up to find straws shoved up my nose.

Liam: During the X Factor tour and in the middle of a live performance, Louis jumped on Harry’s back and the pair of them ran circles around me whilst I was trying to sing. It was most distracting!

Zayn: It gets worse! Last night he poured warm water over my hand whilst I was sleeping as he heard somewhere it makes anda wee yourself. It didn’t work thankfully! He’s such a doofus....
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posted by xMrsNiallHoranx
Q.1 = How do anda feel about being voted One Direction FOTM?
A.1= really pleased! i wasn't expecting it :) thank anda to the people who voted for me :) xx

Q.2 = who is your favourite member? Why?
A.2 = Louis :) simply because he's perfect in every single way possible :) xx

Q.3 = what was your favourite live tunjuk song? Why?
A.3 = definitely torn cos they sounded perfect and looked AMAZING on the platform :) xxx

Q.4 = If they could release one song, what would anda want it to be?
A.4 = I would Cinta them to release The Lazy Song sejak Bruno mars cos it would be so hilarious to hear them sing it :)) xx

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posted by Irish-Snowflake
Full Name: Zain Javadd Malik
Nick Names: Dj Malik, Zaynster, Bradford Bad Boi
Date and Time Of Birth: January 12, 1993, 10:00 AM
Place Of Birth: West Lane, Baildon, Bradford, England.
Age: 20 (2013)
Hometown: Bradford, England
Blood Type: O
Favourite Movie: Freedom Writers
Favourite T.V Shows: Family Guy
Favourite Restaurant: Nandos
Favourite Colour: Red
Fear: Heights
Favourite Food: Chicken
Favourite Drink: Red lembu, lembu jantan (yeah buddy)
Pet: Dog named Boris & Kucing called Rolo and Tom
Shoe Size: 8 1/2
Fun Facts: He is known for stealing the boys clothes.

More Facts:
He says a bit romantic Really....
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posted by superDivya
Your boyfriend, Liam, had been gone on tour. anda were really sad. Devastated, really. All anda wanted was to see him. anda cried a lot. He will be gone for eight months. Imagine! One hari anda woke to a text from him. It read:

*Hi, Y/N. I'm sorry. But We cant be together anymore.*

Your hati, tengah-tengah just dropped to the floor. anda replied:

*W-why, Liam? What happened? Do anda not Cinta me? Was I not good enough? We had everything Liam! Please don't do this.*

*I found someone else. I don't Cinta you, I did. Don't call/msg anymore.*

You started crying and cried all day. Literally, all day. anda cried when anda were...
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posted by onedloverlol
It hit me next.It wasn't the real Rosie atau the real Kate earlier it was, their vampire self's. I told the boys I had to go.I rushed to Sophies house. She knew what I was talking about now. We went to the grave yard and looked at Kate's grave. It was all intacked. There had to be something that caused this. I told her we need to dig up Rosie's grave I knew she wasn't in it. Everybody knew it.Atleast me and Sophie did. I had to tell Harry and the boys.But wait how did Kate and Harry become Vampires if they weren't dead atau have no sign of being dug up? I had to get to the boys flat.NOW!
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posted by _PRETTYQUEEN1E
hei there! I know alot about One Direction, but I always forget their tarikh of births.
Did anda know that Harry's first proper girlfriend was at age twelve? Wow was she lucky! And without Harry knowing- Harry's mom sent a video of Harry Singing to X-Factor. If she hadn't done that oh who would we be dwelling over in One Direction?
If anda have short hair then why don't anda tell Harry that? He likes girls with short hair!

Did anda know that Zayn's name is actually spelled, "Zain" but he thinks that it's much lebih sejuk Zayn.
Zayn LOVES red! Oooh! A color of my kegemaran fruit! Pomegranate!

All the boys...
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posted by MadisonFontenot
I sat outside on a lawn chair. How could this be possible? How could this happen? How... that's what I want to know.

"You okay?" I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Tiffany. She sat sejak me in a dark brown wooden rocking chair. I swallowed hard, "Yeah..." I mumbled. anda see I was pregnant but, come to find out, the baby died. I don't understand how she atau he could have died in such a young stage. I looked at the pinkish orange sky. It was almost dark out.
"Tell me if anda need anything..." Tiffany sat on the chair for a few lebih saat then left.

Amie POV:

"Li, my friend is going to come...
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posted by MadisonFontenot
hei sorry I didn't post yesterday, atau did I? What ever! Either way I just want to thank all of anda for the support with my stories!!!

*Present day(Baby is Born)*

Aria POV:

We are back in London and little Anna is born, Amie's baby. I was sitting in my room hugging a rama-rama, taman rama-rama bantal that I have had since I was six years old. My Granny gave it to me for my birthday, a tahun later she past away. I couldn't even say goodbye too Nick. He wouldn't talk to me, please, he still won't. I try calling him almost everyday but he never picks up. A knock on the big red front door startled me. I sat up slowly...
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posted by bunnyboo27
I became a Directioner this tahun 2012 i am also an enchancer i Cinta Greyson Chance. But i really like 1 direction. My kegemaran is Louise Tomlinson cause he is really cute :) but i know he has a girlfriend Elanor well IDC Elanor is a lucky girl. so thats it i Cinta your songs BTW we want lebih okay luv anda guys rock on. and Harry and Niall my English teacher thought anda guys were girls hahahahah LOL. and Zayn and Louise i thought anda 2 were brothers hahahahahaha LOL. ohhh yeah before i forget every time my school has like an assembly in our school gym and we play your song for a presentation we all shout like crazy. LOL anyway good luck to all and god bless


sincerely ~ bunnyboo27 :)
posted by Niall1D123
Alright this is my frist fanfiction so don't forget to komen

Ok so before I start here is a little "get to knowing the chacters"

Alright the main chacters is my dad (not my actual dad)

Tom(my chacters Riley's dad): is dynamice and confidant never shys away from striking a conversation with someone however he is very impulsive and quick tempered

Is also


alright here we go!:

Riley's Dads POV:
I saw her overt thier I had no idea my daughter was so lonely in school I know it's wrong to "spy" on her in schoolbit she seems so lonely in school she's not...
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posted by MadisonFontenot
I walked utama with the others. When I got there I took a pancuran, pancuran mandian and changed.


I sat on my katil read The Lucky One. I heard a knock on my door and it opened. I looked up.
"Oh sorry I was looking for the bathroom..." Niall..I think.
"It's down the hall to the right.." He was about to shut the door.
"Hey...Um...I'm sorry for yesterday."
"Forgive and forget!" He smiled and shut the door. I closed the book, slipped off my shoes and laid down under the covers. I fell asleep but woke up an jam later. My mouth was really dry so I went down stairs and got me a glass of water. When I got down stairs...
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(A/N Hey,hey,hey. Kay,so I've been doing some thinking. Maybe I have the slightest idea of what
to do. Don't hate me for this part. I get dramatic when I want to. Haha.)

I glanced at the boys,no Harry,"Can-can we go
see him now?"

"We don't know if you'll be able to..handle it. He's awake now" Liam responded

Well,it's been 4 days. Last time the boys went,the nurse berkata Harry was in a coma. That just was worse. I couldn't handle knowing I wasn't there
like he was when I got stabbed. He stepped in
the room the minit I woke up. But no. The boys berkata it would be too much and that I'd probably have...
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Niall: (gets outside the store bringing the huge teddy bear)
Tracy: (eating and sees him) Hey.
Niall: Hey. (gives the teddy menanggung, bear to her)
Tracy: For me?
Niall: I know anda want it.. (smiles)
Tracy: (smiles) Wow.. (gets up and hugs him) Thank you. (pulls away and hugs the bear) I Cinta it.
Niall: (thinks: my first hug with her.. ahhhh) push the button at the center...
Tracy: Okay. (pushes the button) Woah...

Teddy menanggung, bear (TB): Hi, I'm Niall!

Tracy: (laughs) This is good, Niall.. (clicks the button again)
Niall: hey, No-

TB: I Cinta you, Tracy!

Tracy: (shocked and looks at Niall)
Niall: (blushes)
Tracy: (chuckles)...
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Tracy also brought some magazines with her designs on it.
Eleanor: (flipping the pages) I Cinta your designs. I bet these are quite expensive.
Tracy: Yeah. Those gowns are made of satins, silk, and etc.
Via: Let's look for lebih designs.

While the three girls are looking for some designs in the magazine, the boys went to the entertainment room: link.

Louis and Harry plays the xBox... Zayn, Liam, and Niall are just watching them eating some chips. Just then, Niall stops eating. Liam noticed him staring at the wall..
Liam: (eating chips) Hey, Niall. What's the matter?
Niall: Nothing,
Zayn: Thinking about...
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Harry runs across the jalan and approaches the girl..
Harry: (taps the girl's shoulder very happy) Via.
Girl: (turns around) Who's Via?
Harry: (shocked) oh uhmmm sorry.. i thought you're my girlfriend.
Girl: (recognizes him) Hey, It's Harry Styles of One Direction!

The four boys are watching him at the car..
Zayn: I told you. The girl's not Via.
Louis: He really misses her so much.
Niall: Right.

With Harry and the girl...
Harry: (panicking and puts his hoodie on and runs to the car)

The peminat-peminat are now following him like crazy...
Girls: It's Harry styles! (runs after him)

Harry: (tries to open the car's door)...
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posted by MadisonFontenot
Niall POV:

I saw Liam run outside.
"What anda looking at?" Tiffany asked me. I looked at her then back at the door.
"Nothing...." We walked over to get some punch.
"Where's Amie?!" Jessie ran up to us. She looked like she had been running.
"I don't know.... What happened to you?!" Tiffany asked laughing.
"Long story!" She was still out of breath. She grabbed a cup of punch and chugged it down.
"I saw Liam run outside and where is Louis?" I said/asked.
"I don't know when we where getting chased I Lost 'em!" I couldn't help but laugh.
"You got chased?!"
"Yeah! I am going to look outside for Liam!"...
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posted by MadisonFontenot
Tiffany POV:

"Niall!" I ran and hugged him.
"I thought we where going to meet anda guys there?" Amie asked.
"Well we thought it would be a nice surprise if we came and picked anda girls up!" Damien berkata taking Amie's hand.
"Well it was a very good surprise!" Hannah berkata hugging Zayn. We all walked outside.
"Whoa.... A limo?!" Jessie berkata smiling.
"Yeah!" Harry said. We all got in and drove to the school.
"Here we are!" Aria berkata getting out of the limo. We all walked into the building. There was bunches of balloons and lights. There was a big light above the dance floor. I looked over at Niall...
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Christie's POV

        In my head I was screaming, YES! YES! OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE HARRY STYLES JUST ASKED ME OUT! OF COURSE IM GOING TO SAY YES! But, being how I am, I decided to have fun with this.
        "And why would I go to the Filem with you?" I asked pretending to look like I thought the idea was unthinkable.
        "Oh-well...I-I just know...I'm Harry Styles and all. And I saw your face when anda saw who I was..." he trailed off, his face I bright red. I had to try really hard to keep from laughing.
        "I do have plans with a boy tonight..." I berkata trying...
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