RUST_010 | Roblox Myth Guide sunting - Exit historical view

Rust_010 Quotes in his Description

"What is in the past has been completed, but there is much more to come." 

":) welcome" 


"What's that... in the distance?"


Their account was created the same day that Flamingo's account Alberts was created. 


Rust_010 has 5 games. 1 called " R U S T ", 1 called "Smile!", 1 called "It's out there", 1 called "look behind you" and the other called "happy"



You will be identified as your character. You have two choices. Yes or No. If you press No, it'll kick you out of the game and if you press yes, you will find yourself in a dark room. If you walk around you will see an empty character and if you go near it... it'll give you a jumpscare and it'll be you with a creepy face but if you have already touched it before, it'll be you and if you touch it, it'll jumpscare you and now appear with a creepy face. If you walk to the telephone right beside it, you'll hear whispers and if you put it down and then pick it up again, it'll say "Sorry, this number cannot be reached," If you walk around some more you'll find a computer and if you sit on the chair. This will come up: 

If you want more information watch Flamingo's creepy things series!

Written by PeckOnAJ.

Remember, this is only the beginning. There is much more to come, much more to discover and much more to be completed. I won't let this wiki page rust away.