Quinn and Puck Club
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posted by tinkerbell_cate
Hi Guys! I'm cate and as part of a secret santa I'm doing, I've written my version of all the scenes in season one between Quinn and Puck for my friend morgan and I thought I'd post it here so anda could all see it. I would've done some of the ones we've gotten in season three, but I wanted to rewatch them before I wrote about them and I couldn't find many of the scenes online. hope anda like it, merry christmas!

Quinn walked through the hallways of Mckinley High with barely contained tears in her eyes. It was confirmed this morning, she was officially pregnant. Her whole world was about to change and she had no idea what to do about it. "Sup MILF". Quinn spun round and saw Puck looking at her. A flash of anger and desire passed through her. How dare he do this to her in public! as if things weren't bad enough! but he was so hot......"Leave me alone" she warned, walking away from him. She didn't want to have this conversation right now, let alone in a crowded school. "Who's the daddy?" Puck demanded, following her. "I think its kinda weird if its Finn, since anda told me anda were a virgin when we did it. And I know for a fact anda didn't do it with him". "How can anda be so sure?" she replied. Let Puck think the baby's father really was Finn, she couldn't handle any lebih drama right now, and she was terrified of Finn breaking up with her. She loved her life and being head cheerleader dating thr quaterback:the perfect high school fairytale. Until this mess. "Finn's my boy, he would have told me" Puck retorted. "You make a habit of sleeping with your "boy's" girlfriends?" Quinn hissed attempting again to end the conversation. "Well call the vadican, we got ourselves another immaculate conception!" Puck exclaimed loudly, throwing his hands up in the air. Tugging on his backpack strap, Quinn pulled him away. "I'd take care of it anda know" he berkata angrily, staring at her. "You too. My Dads a deadbeat, but I don't roll that way". He seemed genuine, bit still...."weren't anda fierd for peeing in the fast Makanan fryolater?" she pointed out, feeling tears spill out of her eyes. She was so confused. "I've got my pool cleaning buisness" "we live in Ohio" she berkata firmly. "I had sex with you, because anda got me drunk on wine coolers and I felt fat that day. But it was a mistake". She'd just gotten what she always wanted, she was popular and beautiful. She couldn't got back to being "Lucy Caboosy" now, not when her life was perfect. "You're a Lima Loser and you're always gonna be a Lima Loser" She saw hurt flash across his face but couldn't take anymore. Her hati, tengah-tengah breaking, she ran out of the school and quickly got into her car, sobbing the whole way. What had she done? What would happen to her? everything would be different and there was nothing she could do about it. She finally broke down and cried openly at the mess she'd made.

"Sweet Caroline, bah bah bah, good times never seemed so good". As Quinn listened to Puck sing, she was completley mesmorised. He was amazing, and she loved the way he could make her completley forget all about Finn and baby dramas. But he was Singing to Rachel, what the hell was goiong on there? First Finn now Puck being obsessed with that thing?! It was going to stop.

Quinn sighed, measureing out what seemed like endless amounts of flour and sugar to put in the Kek Cawan for the bake sale that she doubted would actually raise any money. But then again, it gave her somthing to do so she wasn't worried about money for the docters bills atau upset about being kicked off the cheerioes. "I didn't even know we had a utama ec room" dikomen a voice behind her. She glanced round and saw Puck. Great, she so didn't need this right now, but at the same time...it was good to see him. "Whats this?" he asked, gesturing to the meja, jadual filled with mixing bowls, eggs, sugar and flour. "Ingredients for cupcakes,she replied, for the stupid bake sale". Puck sighed and put some money into her hand. "Whats this?" she enquired. "What I had left over from my pool cleaning money. After I bought dip. And numchucks. I was getting that anda kinda need money. For our kid". "For my kid" she corrected. The idea of having a child with Puck made her confused, she was suppoused to Cinta Finn, right? But Puck was actually here, helping her.'Eighteen dollars" she commented, glancing at the money in her hand. "How much has Finn telah diberi you?" Puck retorted. "Just stop" she warned "I told anda before, even if that baby comes out with a mowhawk, I will go to my grave swearing it's Finns." She couldn't risk her reputation, better that everyone think it was the quaterbacks baby then a boy who made his money cleaning pools. And besides, she couldn't do this alone and was terrified of what Finn would do if he found out that the baby wasn't his. She needed all the help she could get. "It would be pretty cool if it came out with a mowhawk" Puck commented, grinning. "She couldn't help but smile at that. "You are such an egghead" she informed him, fighting off laughter. "I'm not" replied Puck with a smile on his face, leaning closer. She grabbed an egg from the counter and cracked it on his head, laughing in earnest now. He responded my throwing flour at her, giggling lebih than she had in a long time, she threw coco.A Makanan dight, she though, I'm actually having fun. "That was perfectly measured! she exclaimed as he dumped flour onto her hair. "Ahhhh!" They shriked, squeaked, yelled and laugh as theey mucked around, feeling happy, there was a point where they stopped, and as Quinn and Puck moved closer to each other, and he brushed the hair off her shoulder, she realised somthing. She wanted Puck to Ciuman her. Really badly. And he wanted to Ciuman her, she could see it in his eyes. He was so close now...."What the hell?." The pulled away slightly, startled. In that moment, there had only been her and Puck. Finn. Dammit. "We're baking" Quinn replied with a smile, even though all she could think was "go away, go away Finn". "Yeah I can see that" Finn replied, looking disapproving. "I'm gonna go change" muttered Puck. She felt a wave of regret as she watched him go. So close.....

"Hey, wait up!" Puck called as Quinn turned away from her locker. "I cracked open the piggy bank. This is for you. Well, its for it" he told her, handing her a wad of cash. "It is a she" replied Quinn softly, thinking that Puck had a right to know. "Cool" he said, a warm, cute smile spreading over his face. "Tolld anda I wasn't a deadbeat." "Look Puck, this is really sweet-" she said, thinking that she felt guilty for taking money from him. "I can get more" he told her earnestly. "People call me a screw up because I think schools for suckers, but I got ambition. I can get us a house, some stuff. Furniture. We can be a family." Quinns hati, tengah-tengah melted as she realised he was deadly serious. If that was what she wanted, he would do anything he had to, to help her raise their baby. "Finn is you're best friend..." she protested, trying to ignore how tempting that offer was. To be cared for. Looked after. Loved. "He'd be pissed for a while" Puck agreed. "But when he'd realise he doesn't have to
deal with all this he'd bake me a damn cake." A realisation hit her in the face. "You mencuri from the cupcake, kek cawan fund" she accused. "No I didn't...." he said, not very convincingly. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Fine. I did. I made all those cupcakes. I'm all about being a team player but my family comes first." "I get it" she told him, realising that Puck desperatly wanted to tunjuk her that he wasnt the lima loser everyone thought he was. People misjudged him, he was hard working and determined."And I'm sorry" she said, putting a hand on his chest. "I should have never called anda a lima loser. You're not. You're special, and romantic..." her hati, tengah-tengah was fluttering, he was so sweet to do this for her."And, a good enough person to realise that we are not gonna take money from a friend in a wheelchair" she said, thinking of the guilt she'd feel if she took the money and stopped Artie going to sectionals with them. "Hey" Finn called, coming up to her in the wheelchair. Interuppted again. As Finn gave a lift to rehersal, She couldn't stop herself from looking over her shoulder at Puck, atau the thoughts in her head..."I want to be with him...."

"This is for you" berkata Puck, handing her a book called "how to raise a baby on five dollars a day"."Saw it in a book store, thought I'd steal it for you. In case anda decide to keep it". "That is so sweet" Quinn exclaimed, getting a warm fuzzy feeling in her chest. After what had happened with her parents, it was nice to feel like someone was looking out for her. "To be honest, my mind's pretty messed up about everything. I really don't know what I'm gonna do about it anymore", she admitted. It was kind of amazing to think that she had a little person growing inside of her. "Well whatever anda decide, no preassure" Puck said, squeezing her shoulder and walking off. Thank god for Puck she thought. As she sat in Glee club rehersal, she found herself angan-angan about what it would be like to have a life with Puck,to have a family like he'd said. She decided to give him another chance, after all, he was the real dad. She hatched a plan, using Kurt and Rachel to distract Finn while she took Puck for a test drive.

Quinn smiled to herself as Finn asked about doing somthing friday night. Kurt was good, she'd give him that, Rachel had certainly gotten Finn's attention. "Uhuh,thats fine. I'm babysitting anyways" she told him. 'Ok, cool. Cya." I can't believe how easy this was she thought as she went to find Puck. "Hey. What are anda doing Friday night?" she asked when she caught up with him in the hallway. "Just the usual. Stand outside the 7/11 looking depressed until someone offered to buy me beer, but whats going on?" he asked, looking curious. "You wanna maybe baby sit with me?" she said, looking up at him.

As she struggled to untie the knot the brats her and Puck were suppoused to be babysitting had used to tie them to a chair while they ran wild, she was beggining to think agreeing to babysit Kendras kids had been a big mistake. "I told anda we should have been the cowboys" she sighed to Puck, watching the kids make a gigantic mess that she was going to have to clean up without being able to do anything about it. "Who are anda texting?!" she exclaimed, glancing at Puck and noticing he had his phone out. "Uh, Mike Chang, he's got wig problems" replied Puck, refering to the hairography assignment for the week. "Well put the phone down and help me with this knot, I've almost got it". As her fingers brushed against his, she felt the spark of attraction that had made her want to give Puck a saat chance. "Stop that, not the table!" she groaned, jumping out of the chair. Crash. Too late, one of the little monsters had tipped the meja, jadual over. "Think of somthing!" she hissed at Puck as the children ran round them screaming. "I brought my gutair" berkata Puck, grabbing one of the three kids, "maybe we should sing them a lullaby?." "Okay, kids, look at me" berkata Quinn as Puck hit one across the back of the head. "You wanna see a real live Muzik video?"

"You were amazing" Puck told her as they were waiting for his mom to give them a lift utama from Kendras house. "I was surprised at how I kind of...enjoyed it" Quinn admitted with a smile. She'd had fun tonight. "I was worried about anda at first, all that texting to Mike. anda seemed distracted". "Distracted? I was the opposite babe. All I know is we proved somthing tonight. This parenting thing? we can do it!". She felt a glow as she realised that what she'd daydreamed about earlier in the week might be possible after all.

Quinn marched down the hallway, feeling furious. Just when she'd thought she and Puck might just have a future together, Santana had told her to stay away and that he'd been sexting her when they'd been babysitting! She found Puck at his locker and grabbed his phone, searching through the messages. "Hey babe.Uh, anda really don't wanna do that...". Shaking her head as she saw messages like "hat colour are your panties?" "I'm not wearing any". That was it. "You lied to me!" she said, glaring at him. 'I'm sorry. I tried to resist Santana, I did. But I'm young and girls have this...power over me". "I thought anda wanted to be with me!" she said, still to angry to feel hurt just yet. Was everything else she'd felt a lie? "I do!" Puck berkata "like a lot. But baby, I'm a dude. I have needs. anda haven't telah diberi it up to me since the night I knocked anda up. But hey, its all good". "Its definatly not good!" Quinn retorted, unable to believe what she was hearing. Was this what all teenage boys were like? "You expectto raise a baby with me and text dirty messages to every other girl at the school if I don't 'give it up' to anda every day?!". "No. Just the hot girls. Look, I'm gonna be a good dad, but I'm not gonna stop being me to do it". As she walked away, Quinn decided that she couldn't keep the baby. She couldn't do it sejak herself, and a girl really needed a good father. She didn't have a decent father,the least she could do for her daughter was make sure she had a decent male role model, and that was most certainly not Puck.The baby would have to go to Terry Shuster.

Quinn sobbed as her careful charade finally came undone. Rachel had told Finn the truth. "Yes" she cholked out "Puck's the father". Finn looked so confused, she felt a pang of guilt. "I am so sorry...". "All that stuff about the hot tub, anda just made that up?" "and anda were stupid enough to buy it!" Puck retorted. At least that was one good thing, Puck was with her, standing beside her. "I'm done with you!" shouted Finn after he'd tried to punch Puck again "I'm-I'm done with all of you!" turning, he kicked a chair and stormed out of the choir room. Puck glanced at her as they took the fallout of the mess they'd made of things.

Just when she'd finally got Rachel to go away and be quiet, Puck came to talk to her. Just him being there brought her a little comfort. "look, I know you're upset now, but I think this is a good thing. I wanna be with you. We can be a family". Her hati, tengah-tengah heavy with what she had decided, it was time to tell him. "Thats really sweet" she said, unable to stop the tears from falling "but I'm gonna do this on my own. I honestly can't handle any lebih stress in my life right now. I know anda don't understand it, but please respect it". She couldn't risk loosing the precious little girl inside of her because she was stressed. A relationship only brought lebih stress, so for now at least, she decided she'd be better off on her own.

Quinns eyes started filling as Puck began Singing "Beth". It was the perfect name for their little girl, and in this moment, she loved him. "I know anda wanna give her up, but before anda do, I think anda should name her Beth. And, if you'd let me, I'd really like to be there when she's born". Speechless, she nodded, tears rolling down her face. That was all she'd wanted from him, and she knew that he'd be there for her through the birth, and whenever she needed him. He would also be a part of Beths life, even if he didn't think so now, she could see it in his face, how much he cared about her and the baby.

In the hospital, Quinn was still amazed that she'd done it. After nine long months, she'd brought a beautiful, healthy little girl into the world. And she couldn't take her eyes away. Beth was perfect. "She looks like you" berkata Puck with a smile as they gazed at their daughter. "Do anda want to keep her?". "No" berkata Quinn, thinking about the enormous responsibility. "Do you?". He didn't reply and she had the feeling that maybe, just maybe, he did. Then she summouned the courage to ask him a soalan she'd been wondering for a very long time. "Did anda Cinta me?". "Yes. Especially now." The smiled at each other, and she wondered if this was only the start of somthing great.
 "face to face....and hati, tengah-tengah to heart, we're so close, yet so far apart"
"face to face....and heart to heart, we're so close, yet so far apart"
 "good times never seemed so good........"
"good times never seemed so good........"
 "so close....."
"so close....."
 "I want to be with him..."
"I want to be with him..."
 "you wanna maybe babysit with me?"
"you wanna maybe babysit with me?"
 playing cowboys & indians :P
playing cowboys & indians :P
 "this parenting thing? we can do it"
"this parenting thing? we can do it"
 they bring out each others true colours :)
they bring out each others true colours :)
 he wants to be with her
he wants to be with her
 "Beth I know you're lonely, and I hope you'll be all right. Cause me and the boys will be playing, all night"
"Beth I know you're lonely, and I hope you'll be all right. Cause me and the boys will be playing, all night"
 "she wondered if this was only the start of somthing great"
"she wondered if this was only the start of somthing great"
 Quinn fangirling over Puck
Quinn fangirling over Puck
 quick in season 3
quick in season 3
 Merry Christmas!! <3
Merry Christmas!! <3
added by mcewen_girl
Source: me
added by skatethebest
added by skatethebest
added by Irenenew
peminat video
Credit; sistersgocrazy
quinn fabray
noah puckerman
dianna agron
mark salling
added by BlairChuckFan
Source: http://fuckyeahquinnandpuck.tumblr.com/
added by Slayerfest93
Source: puckandquinn.tumblr.
added by skatethebest
added by Slayerfest93
Credit: DazzlingSparkles
quinn fabray
noah puckerman
dianna agron
mark salling
added by Slayerfest93
Source: puckandquinn.tumblr.
added by Irenenew
peminat video
quinn fabray
noah puckerman
quinn fabray
noah puckerman
added by BlairChuckFan
Source: http://finchelquick.tumblr.com/
QUICK FOR THE FRECKIN' WIN! Glee is love. i Cinta a hella bunch of shippings on that tunjuk but quick is sejak far my kegemaran out of all of them x] think about it, she's pretty, he's hot, they're gonna have one gorgeous baby (:
added by Slayerfest93
Source: puckandquinn.tumblr.
peminat video
quinn fabray
noah puckerman
quinn fabray
noah puckerman
credit; brittx3uhneee
quinn fabray
noah puckerman
dianna agron
mark salling