Rawak Club
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posted by Feathershine

Who do anda have a crush on?

If anda had to tarikh anyone here right now, who would it be?

Name one celebrity anda would want to make out with

Name five people anda hate and why anda hate them

Name all the people you've had a crush on before

Have anda ever embarrassed yourself in front of everyone in school? If anda did, what did anda do?

What embarrassing thing has a parent done to you?

Have anda ever cheated on your girlfriend/boyfriend?

Have anda had your first kiss, if anda have, were was it and who was it with?

Have anda ever seen a parent naked?

Have anda ever seen Haiwan reproducing?

Have anda stalked anyone,...
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1. Her eyes were like two brown circles with big black dots in the center.

2. He was as tall as a 6′3″ tree.

3. Her face was a perfect oval, like a bulatan that had its two sides gently compressed sejak a Thigh Master.

4. From the attic came an unearthly howl. The whole scene had an eerie, surreal quality, like when you’re on vacation in another city and Jeopardy comes on at 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30.

5. John and Mary had never met. They were like two hummingbirds who had also never met.

6. She had a deep, throaty, genuine laugh, like that sound a dog makes just before it throws up.

7. The ballerina...
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just got this while browsing the net

1.I was kidnapped sejak terrorists and they only just let me go, so I didn't have time to do it.

2.I didn't do it because I didn't want to add to my teacher's heavy workload.

3.A bunch of nerds mencuri it to make sure theirs were completely perfect.

4.We ran out of toilet paper at my house last night, and my Dad isn't feeling so good. He grabbed it in a big rush and I haven't seen it since.

5.My mother took it to have it framed.

6.It was in my back pocket and a pickpocket mencuri it.

7.I let somebody copy it but they never gave it back.

8.My mom's whooping cough vaccination...
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posted by Shelly_McShelly
Solve the puzzles sejak saying them out loud, over and over, faster and faster, repeating the phrase, until anda "hear" the answer.

Example: LAWN SAND JEALOUS (place) Answer: Los Angeles

1. SHOCK CUSSED TOE (person)

2. SAND TACKLE LAWS (fictional character)

3. MY GULCH HOARD UN (person)

4. MOW BEAD HICK (book)


6. CHICK HE TUB AN AN US (product)


8. AISLE OH VIEW (phrase)



11. DOCKED jenazah, hearse, kereta mayat WHOSE (person)


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I have a very boring Humanities teacher, and therefore for the purpose of survival I must invent games to get through the monotony. I was thinking of making this a regular feature for every new game I come up with, let me know what anda think.

Okay, this first one is a variation of Connect 4 which i have adpted to make it not only available to play in lessons, but also in silence.

Basically All anda need is paper and a pencil. And an equally bored friend

anda draw an 8 sejak 8 grid no the paper with lines along the sides and bottom. anda then choose whether to be see through circles atau shaded ones. You're friend is the other one. then basically like connect 4, anda take it in turns to draw your bulatan in, and try to 'connect 4'.

remember like the original game u cant randomly place them in the middle, they ahve to go from the bottom up.

Have fun, and tell em if anda want lebih of my games ;)
So NieR: Automata is a great game. Everyone has sang this games praises and that is for very good reasons. I’ve sang the games praises on numerous occasions and will probably do so again and again. But every game has to start somewhere. Some of anda may not know this, but NieR has got a sort of Persona situation going on, as in the spin-off game is a lebih popular game than the mainline series. And how could that be? Well… it’s quite simple to see. Drakengard, known in Jepun as Drag-On Dragoon, was a game created sejak Yoko Taro, who created it to make a lebih grim RPG with no morally just...
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posted by animefreak21
do this stuff if u dare but it would be funny 2 c
something like this happen i also made this up myself

1. start caramelldansen in the middle of the store

2. go up 2 a Rawak person and hand them a paper
that says death on it when u hand it 2 them say
wakarimasen (i don't understand) in a really weird
voice then run away

3. sing a really annoying song at the bahagian, atas of your lungs repeatedly

4. follow Rawak people all over the store atau where ever they go except the bathroom (that would just be

5. say there u r i was looking all over 4 u and glomp (hug some 1 really tight) a Rawak person

6. go up...
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CAUTION:there will most likely be consequences!!

1. Follow them around the house while giggling loudly.
2. Moo whenever they say your name.
3. Pretend to have amnesia.
4. Say everything backwards.
5. Run into walls.
6. Say that wearing clothes is against your religion.
7. Go into their room at 4 in the morning and say "Good Morning Sunshine!"
8. Snort loudly when anda laugh.
9. Say all of the words in a film.
10. Pluck someone's hair out and yell "DNA!!!"
11. Go around the house saying: "Beep, beep!" Then hit your head with a book.
12. Have a lively conversation with a pen.
13. Have 20 imaginary...
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How to Tell if a Guy likes You
How to Know that a Guy Likes You

Here are the 500 ways to tell if a guy likes You....

01. He smiles at anda a lot.

02. He likes talking to you.

03. He compliments anda a lot.

04. He always agrees with you.

05. He asks if anda are single.

06. He asks anda out for lunch.

07. He asks anda out on a date.

08. He knows your zodiac sign.

09. He never burps around you.

10. He really cares about you.

11. He treats anda like a lady.

12. He walks anda to your door.

13. He wants to see anda often.

14. He always wants to hug you.

15. He tells anda he likes you.

16. His Friends know...
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posted by invadercalliope
Ok today i'm going to tell anda a story!
Mrs.green: Class today is friday and this is your last peried but still doesn't give anda the right to slack off! ARE WE CLEAR!
Class: YES MA'AM!
Cheral:Hi i'm Cheral this is my class i'm in the seventh grade and it's been a fun year!
Tabbi:Hi i'm new in the class i have only been here for a week and it's been fun! my rival here is cheral we sometimes have a fight with umm braging in it it's a never win atau lose fight its one of those that anda hate.
Cheral:Do anda have that one girl that anda don't like naturaly its not that we figght about whose better its that...
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posted by kitkat709477
now i will read the female comebacks Man: Where have anda been all my life? Woman: Hiding from you. Man: Haven't I seen anda someplace before? Woman: Yes, that's why I don't go there anymore. Man: Is this kerusi, tempat duduk empty? Woman: Yes, and this one will be if anda sit down. Man: Your place atau mine? Woman: Both. anda go to yours, and I'll go to mine. Man: So, what do anda do for a living? Woman: I'm a female impersonator. Man: hei baby, what's your sign? Woman: Do not enter. Man: How do anda like your eggs in the morning? Woman: Unfertilized. Man: Your body is like a temple. Woman: Sorry, there are no services...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a My Little kuda, kuda kecil peminat fiction. If anda do not like talking Kuda that come in different colors, run for your life.

Song: link
 As the green lines come closer, so do the words.
As the green lines come closer, so do the words.

France, 1938

Two stallions were walking to a warden at a jail. They were outside, near the exit where all the prisoners were lined up.

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

Pierce Hawkins as....


Police kuda, kuda kecil 54: All present, and accounted for sir.
Warden: Thank you.

Also starring Dragonaura15's Metal Gloss

Police kuda, kuda kecil 95: *Playing drums for five seconds*
Warden: As of this moment, anda will all be transferred...
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posted by TimberHumphrey
oh, this tunjuk is a blast so far! blood, guts, mayhem, sex, lots of swearing, drugs and of course demons. and it all works perfectly! i Cinta watching the I.M.P shenanigans Blitzo and co. get themselves into.
but so far, Episode 2 is my favorite. never would've i thought we'd get so much character depth for Stolas of all characters. he might be a total pervert, but he sure is a good father. and his song.... wow! that brought a tear to my eye. i never thought he'd have such a beautiful voice.
also, i can't forget about Octavia. i've only known her for one episode, but she's already up there as one of my kegemaran characters (along with Loona, of course). i really hope Vivzie brings her back for another episode. maybe have her and Loona on a girls' night together. that'd be great to watch!
all i can say now is: i can't wait to see what episode 3 has in store for us.
posted by whatsupbugs
Hi, Fanpop friends. These are some Rawak bits of trivia about me.

* I think Anime is the best.

* I'm a nerd when it comes to Batman.

* My kegemaran holiday is Christmas.

* I have nostalgia for what Cartoon Network was like in the 1990s and 2000s.

* My kegemaran actor/singer is Tony Jay.

* My kegemaran actress is Emily Blunt.

* I'm a writer. I've been Penulisan regularly since I was a teenager. I started off as a comedic writer, before becoming obsessed with Penulisan romantic stories.

* I'm not a peminat of horror films and I only like a small amount of documentaries. My kegemaran film genres include animation,...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

More Car Stereotypes

We have lebih stereotypes for lebih cars, coming your way.


Butler: *Parks a Silver Wraith in front of a giant mansion*
Rich Man: *Steps out with an unbrella* Well, pish posh and perfection, welcome to my British utama dear chap. Come this way and I'll tunjuk anda what's inside. *Inside his house* First off, we have every picture inside a emas frame. Each frame is 24 karat gold. I have 65 million pounds worth of diamonds, and 65 million pounds in general. I make ten thousand pounds...
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Poor Rob Dyke... Having to sit though this when people send him fucked up temblr posts, for his videos.. Maybe WindWaker430 should do a similar series though.. He likes getting angry...

Who cares about remembering soldiers, long as it means a hari off school, I'm happy!

I don't care if it's illegal, if a corpse looks hot, I'm fucking it!


I don't care about your shitty opinions! I like having sex with my father, it feels mature! So fuck off haters!

My kid is NEVER gonna watch Skrek! Disagree...
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 My Sweet 16
My Sweet 16
In most of the Western countries,like the UK,the age of majority is set to 18,sometimes 21.In Muslim countries people are already treated as adults at age 13!There are recently made proposals to reset the global age of majority from 18 to 16.
 A Car For A Birthday
A Car For A Birthday
 Clear The Road
Clear The Road
 Bride & Groom
Bride & Groom
 My Vote,My Choice
My Vote,My Choice
 Happy 16th Birthday
Happy 16th Birthday
 16-Happy Birthday
16-Happy Birthday


Goku: (puts his hands up, preparing a spirit bomb)

Frieza: (not aware of what’s happening) What are anda doing now?

Goku: … Stretching.

Frieza: In the middle of our fight?

Goku: …… Yes.

(from distance)

Piccolo: What’s going on? He’s just standing there with his hands up.

Krillin: Wait a second.

Krillin: (Goku and Frieza and hear Krillin, cause he’s screaming as loud as possible) HE’S USING THE SPIRIT BOMB!

Frieza: The Spirit whats-it-now?

Goku: (thinking) Oh no.

Piccolo: Would anda stop screaming.

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1. Write a new artikel on this website
2.Draw a snow wolf
3.Go to the perpustakaan
4. Call a friend and go on a walk with them
5. Have a dance party
6. Listen to Muzik and "scream sing"
7. Clean your house (That might get boring though)
8. Paint Your room
9. Go to the park
10. Call a friend atau two and do the yoga challenge
11. Decorate the house
12. Watch YouTube
13. Watch Friends The TV Series
14. Go on Google and cari weird things
15. Learn to juggle
16. Go to an elevator and annoy Rawak people (this could get anda kicked out but its super fun)
17. Go shopping
18. Go skating
19. Play a board game
20. Sleep!
21. Bake food
22. Exercise
23. Read
24. Hike
25. Garden
26. Sugar Cookies
27. life size Kandi land
28. Paint snow
posted by GDragon612
Sea otters hold hands when they sleep to keep from drifting apart.

When anda were born, anda were, for a moment, the youngest person on earth.

The elements that we are composed of were formed in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are all made of bintang dust.

Cows have best friends.

A prison in Washington pairs up “death row” shelter Kucing with select inmates as part of a rehabilitation program. It seems to be a pretty wonderful thing for both the inmates and the cats.
Princess Natalie relaxes with Joseph Contreras, one of her caretakers.

Blind people smile even though they’ve never seen anyone...
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