Ranma 1/2 Club
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posted by summer448
 Rio...when she's not in a fight xD
Rio...when she's not in a fight xD
Snow fell gently to the ground.
I picked up the pace and ran deeper into the forest.
The foot steps behinde quicked.
I kinda wanted my life to end with a sweet Ciuman from my true love....or something along those lines.
Something sharp jabed right into my leg.
I carried on with the newly devolped pain.
I tripped over a root concealed sejak snow.
So much for my happy ending.
I looked up to face my attacker.
The person wore a dark blue jubah that covered their face.
"Didn't you're mother ever tell anda its rude to pick on girls?" I berkata leaning up against a pokok for support.
"Didn't your mother ever tell anda its rude to murder people?" The man berkata taking a pisau out of his pocket.
I smirked.
"Nope." I berkata simply.
I could feel power building up inside me,it was taking control once again.
All the pain faded and I charged toward the man taking out my hair pin.
He dodged with ease.
I quickly turned back and let my hair pin grow its normal size.
It is kinda hard to carry when its a yard long.
I used it like a sowrd and swung at my opponent.
Finaly I struck him and sent him flying into a tree.
Snow showered him from the branches, without hesitation he sprung up and ran toward me.
His hud, hood flew off and revealed his face, he was very pale he had a large scar on his cheek that reached to his nose. His hair was blonde and was tied up in the back.
"You remember me?" He asked knocking me to the ground.
"No but thats one nasty scar." I berkata sticking my tounge out.
He grabbed his pisau and held it against my neck.
"You murdered my brother." He berkata angerly.
I looked into his eyes as I tryed to inch my arm over to my hair pin that he knocked out of my hand. He held the pisau away then plunged it down.
The power inside me started to die down.
Damn, I tried to api, kebakaran it up again. I pictured my family, their helpless looking faces, the overflowing amount of blood.
I caught the knife, flipped it around and stabed the man right in his chest.
His body became lifeless and I pushed him off me.
I felt drained but I kept pressing on.
I picked my hair pin up and let it shrink. I became fully aware of the pisau stuck in my leg.
My head hit the snowy ground.
_____________________chapter 1______________________
I woke up in a nice warm bed.................a warm bed?
I sprung up.
"Oh, your awake. Is your leg feeling any better?" The girl asked.
"U-uh yes. Where am I? Who are you?" Im so confused.
"Oh, well my name is Kasumi Tendo and anda are in my fathers house." She smiled sweetly.
"Why am I here?" I asked looking around.
"My sister Akane and her fiance Ranma found anda Unconscious and decided to bring anda utama for treatment." She berkata and gave me a bowl of rice.
"T-Thank you." I ate the beras trying not to look so much like an animal.
She left and I put the empty bowl down.
Should I get up and snoop around? Geez, I don't like being in a strangers house.
I stood up and walked out down stairs, I better get out as quick as I can. I smoothed my hair....Where is my pin !!
"Your up!" A girl berkata surprised.
She had short blue hair and was carrying a small pig.
"Yes, umm sejak any chance have anda seen my hair pin?" I asked peering in the every other room.
"Uh, no maybe Ranma has it, he was the one who carried anda here.Oh sejak the way im Akane."
"Im Rio its nice to meet you, thanks for-"
I heard a scream.
"Ranma?!" Akane berkata running into a room.
I followed her and saw a boy with my hair pin.
It was its normal size, a yard long hair pin....strange isn't it.
I walked over to him, I grabbed my hair pin and wacked him on the head with it.
"Ha, I think im going to like you." Akane laughed.
"What was that for!?" Ranma asked rubbing his head.
"Its rude to play with things that aren't yours"
My hair pin shrinked as I walked out of the room and outside.
"Where are anda going?" Kasumi asked taking clothes off the line.
"For a walk." I smiled.
Well, never gonna see them again. I have to get out of here before I meet someone else that takes an interest in my hair pin.
I put my hair pin back in my hair and looked up at the fading sunlight.
Eh, maybe I could stay here for another night.
An old man was running right toward me carring a big bag.
He was being chased sejak a mob of girls.
"Protect me!" He cried and jumped into the air.
He planted his face in my chest and grabbed around.
I fell to the ground and screamed.
"Wha- Crazy old pervert!" Ranma hit the old man right on his head.
The old man laughed and jumped around.
"Thats the most action i've had in a while." He jumped over the fence.
The mob of girls turned back.
"Hey, look im sorry about that." Ranma helped me up.
"W-Who was that." I asked covering my chest with my arms.
"Happosai, you'd better be carefull he's a big perv." Akane stepped out behide ranma.
"Where are anda going?" She looked at my bag.
"U-uhh, to the market. Did anda need anything?"
"Oh yeah, Ranma go with her and pick these things up" Akane handed him a piece of paper.
"Why do I have to go?" Ranma questioned.
"Stop your whining and do it!" Akane hit him and went back inside.
He sighed and put his hands behinde his head.
We began to walk in silence.
We reached the market and picked up the few things that were on the list.
"So what were anda doing in the woods with that guy?' did anda get attacked atau did he attack you..." Ranma and I started walking back to the house.
"Does it matter?" I berkata not looking at him.
"Well yeah, I just gotta be sure your not dangerous, atau attract dangerous things ya know." He kicked a rock.
I dropped the subject sejak remaining silent.
We arrived at the house and there was a giant panda menanggung, bear sitting at the table.
I backed up a bit.
"You guys have a pet panda!?" I asked staying perfectly still.
A girl approached me.
"How long are anda staying?" She asked.
"Um I don't know I guess untill tommorow." I berkata unsure.
"Yes its our pet panda. He won't hurt you." She walked back to the meja, jadual and sat down.
"Unless he sits on you." Ranma chuckled.
The Panda walked up and threw him into the small pond. Ranma didn't come up, instead a red haired girl took his place.
"What did anda do that for!" She complained.
The panda sat down and began to eat his bowl of rice
I looked at the girl and back to the meja, jadual of people, nobody looked as shocked as I did.
"Oh, Rio. Have anda met my father?" Akane asked.
I looked over to her.
"Well here why don't anda sit down and get to know each other." She dragged me over to where a man was sitting.
She took a teapot full of boiling water and left.
"Hello sir. My name is Rio Yamada I would like to thank anda for letting me stay here for the night." I bowed.
"Its not a problem, im impressed sejak your good manners." He chuckled.
"You may call me Mr.Tendo."
Ranma was back dripping wet with Akane.
They both sat down and soon makan malam, majlis makan malam was over.
Mr.Tendo indroduced me to Nabiki his saat daughter and that was it for the night.
Everyone took turns in the bath.
Akane came out and berkata the bath was free but her piglet P-chan was still somewhere in there.
I undressed and took my towel into the bath.
The steam felt nice, I was out in the cold all hari so this was a nice break.
I stepped into the warm water.
Suddenly a boy emerged out of the water causing me to scream.
I started to panic, He quickly covered his eyes and fell out of the bath.
As long as he doesn't see me i'll be fine.
I peeked over the edge of the bath his towel was covering his.......lower half and he was passed out with a nose bleed. Poor guy.
I stood up and went over to a mirror. I stared at the tattoo on my chest, well its not really a tattoo it only appears if I get wet..... not very normal, but hei who berkata I was normal.
I wrapped my towel around myself and dragged the boy out.
Ranma was coming for his turn and saw me carring him out.
"Oh Akane look who the pervert is now." Ranma laughed
Akane walked over to us.
"Oh, Ryoga!" She looked at me.
"Rio was he spying on anda in the bath." She Sounded shocked.
"It was my fault, I didn't know he was in there." I blushed and apoligized.
I glanced at Ranma who seemed to be staring at my chest.
Akane looked at him.
"Your the pervert quit staring at her chest !" She kicked him into the seterusnya room.
My hati, tengah-tengah nearly skipped a beat.
Did he see my tattoo.....
I walked down the hall and into the room I am staying in.
Soon it was late and everyone was sleeping.
Well with the exception of me...I never sleep, I have insomnia atau something.
I got up and walked out, I looked in every room making sure everyone was asleep.
I walked outside,the sun was just peeking out over the roof tops.
I walked around and into their dojo.
I didn't know they knew martial arts.
Ryoga was sitting at one end staring at the celing.
"Can't sleep?" I asked.
His head snapped down to look at me.
I must have scared him.
I smiled and walked over to him.
"Whatcha thinking about?"
"Oh, nothing..but hei look im sorry about the bath and all that." He mumbled and blushed a bit.
"Its alright, I don't think I have properly introduced myself, my name is Rio. And anda are?"
"Im Ryoga." There was a long pause.
"Are anda a martial artist?" He asked.
"Uh, not really." I bit my lip.
"Hey P-chan anda here for another butt-kicking?" Ranma walked into the dojo.
P-chan? Isn't that the name of Akane's piglet?
"No Ranma, actually im here to -" Ranma poured a bucket of cold water on Ryoga and Ryoga turned into P-chan!
"Ranma! What did anda do to Ryoga!"
Ranma turned around.
"Oh..hahaha, hei Rio didn't see ya there." He smiled nervously.
"P-chan! I was looking all over for anda last night!" Akane walked in and picked the bucket up off of his head.
"Did Ranma hurt you?" She asked picking him up and glaring at Ranma.
"I didn't do nothing, why anda always gotta asume I did it?"
P-chan angerly squeaked.
"Because your the only one here!" She berkata and flung the bucket at his head.
Am I really that invisable to them?
Akane walked out with P-chan.
Ranma kicked the bucket across the room.
"She is so un-cute!"
"Ranma, how did Ryoga turn into a pig?" I asked him.
He looked at me blankly.
"Ryoga didn't turn into a pig he got scared of the water and ran off." Ranma laughed. "People turning into pigs! What have anda been eating?"
I raised my eyebrow.
"So hei why are anda in here anyways? anda training?"
"Uh, no I just couldn't sleep and some how I ended up in here."
"Oh." There was a dead silence.
Suddenly he swung his leg at my ankles.
Quickly I jumped and steped back.
"Ha, and I thought anda didn't know martial arts."
He threw some punches and I easily dodged each one.
"Uh, can anda stop...please." I don't wanna lose control, especially here.
"Lighten up." He came at me with complicated moves attacking me at every angle.
I fliped a couple times to dodge his kicks, and i blocked all his punches.
"Are anda finished." I teased.
He became angery and jumped up, he came down with a kick that struck me right on my shoulder.
My eyes widened and I stumbled back.
"I knew no girl could actually beat me!" He laughed.
That tears it, the power inside me flared up.
With one pantas, swift motion I took out my hair pin and swung violently at him.
I caught him off gaurd and sent him flying into the wall.
I covered my mouth and the power drained out.
"Damnit!"I ran over to him.
He looked up and smiled.
"Gotcha!" He laughed. "Like some giant bobby pin would hurt me!" He stood up.
I hit him on the head.
"Idiot!" I berkata and walked out.
The sunrise was absolutley breath taking.
I climbed up ontop of the roof of the dojo.
The raident pinks and oranges swirled around with the tints of yellow.
It looks like a Cinta scene of a movie, the only thing missing is a super cute guy.
The light breeze swept my hair back.
I moved my pin back into place.
"Akito." I whispered and closed my eyes.
"Rio thats dangerous! Please come down before anda get hurt." Kasumi shouted from down below.
I sighed and jumped off the roof landing on my feet.
"Nothing to worry about." I smiled.
"Uhh, Kasumi I think im going back utama now...okay?" The words burnt on my tounge.. Back home..
"Alright well can I pack anda a lunch?"
"Yes please that would be nice." I smiled and we walked back to the house together.
She went to the dapur and I looked around.
"Are anda really leaving already Rio?" Akane asked walking out of the kitchen.
"Yeah, I gotta get going I have my family to get back to." That killed me to say the truth is i have no family to go back to, no home, no boyfriend, nobody to keep me safe..
I smiled.
"Rio, there is some guy outside for you." Ranma called.
My muscles tensed.
"Be right there." I made my way over to where ranma was.
"Who is it." I berkata sweetly.
Ranma raised his eyebrow. "I don't know he won't give me his name." Ranma berkata absently.
I glanced at the man and back to ranma, the man looked to me then too ranma.
"Ranma could anda give us a moment." I shot him a "I'll handle this" look and motioned him to go away.
He just nodded and left.
"Alright what is it." I leaned against the house.
"Your time has finaly come" He berkata staring right into my eyes.
I sighed. "Lets take this somewhere else, kay?" I jumped from roof to roof.
He folowed patiently. Whats with this guy I thought I Lost them for sure.
"No mercy school of martial arts final attack! Chain murder." He yelled an knocked me down to the ground.
My eyes wided. No mercy school of martial arts!?
added by soulfire524
Source: ranxa
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