Roxas and Namine Club
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Alright here I go.I know what anda are thinking...WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS ASSHOLE!But before the fanboys tear me apart just hear me out.We all know that Roxas spawned from Sora.And Namine spawned from Kairi.Well,shut up and listen to the facts.Namine actually came from Sora as well.You see,as the physical embodiment of Kingdom Hearts itself,Sora had enough life to spawn not one Nobody,but two.Roxas and Namine.Them together would basically be Sora dating himself.Just putting the truth out there for y'all.
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Tetsuya Nomura, Otzipai-Art, Zido, Reseliee and Lexalice
added by angiecakes
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Kazuki9484, Zido, Lexalice, Virtuousnamine
added by DArsenalFan
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Otzipai-Art Lexalice Naminf Tetsuya Nomura
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Kohaku-ume Kazuki9484 Zido Kingdom Hearts
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Sorasprincesss Kazuki9484 Kohaku-ume
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Tetsuya Nomura, Otzipai-Art, Reseliee, Lexalice, NaminF, and Zido
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Disney and Square Enix Zido Kokahu-ume Kazuki9484 Mickey103
added by angiecakes
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Tetsuya Nomura Otzipai-Art/Reseliee/Virtuousnamine/Zido
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Tetsuya Nomura Otzipai-Art/Reseliee/Naminf
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Disney, Square Enix, Kazuki9484/Otzipai-art, Tetsuya Noumra
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Zido Kohaku-Ume Virtuousnamine
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Tetsuya Nomura, Otzipai-Art, Reseliee, Lexalice, NaminF, and Zido
added by DArsenalFan