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posted by lovingflame
Morning's shadows lite the darkened skies. The chill made Fie curl against the now cooled hide of the strange creature. morgan coughed and tapped the girl on her shoulder. The girl opened her eyes and rolled away. As morgan drew her naked knees up to fight off the cold."S-s-sorry."
Fie backed further away, caught between running for her life atau taking pity on the now shivering woman.
A flash of light made morgan shield her eyes. Had they been found? Dread filled her. Blinking she uncovered her eyes.Where the girl had been, now sat a confused silver fox.It whinned and barked at Morgan, before trotting up to the dying fire. One problem down and a new one to content with. morgan slid on the now abandoned clothes went about eating and gathering up the well cooked game birds.
"Maybe we can sell these for some descent clothing and supplies.What do anda think?" The fox yipped."Sorry.I forgot."
In response it growled."I swear when I figure out how it all happened. You'll be the first to know." The fox ruffled up its back. morgan sighed.Slinging the birds over her shoulder, she headed out across the open space. Fie growled for a moment in indecision. How in the holy hell of the Sith had she changed?
Like she had much of a choice in the matter. The woman was the only hope she had in getting back to her normal form. Barking the silver fox drew Morgan's attention in the other direction. As she was headed in the wrong direction.
Fie knocked the woman down into a small drainage ditch, as a speeder buzzed over head."I owe anda big time, now we better make some fast tracks."
The old tracker held up a hand. Master Manni put down the speeder.
"Beastie was here, alright. Took out a small herd of deer and one very big bear. Didn't even know what hit 'em'. " Sniffing further down the stream he licked his lips. She'd left some of the cooked deer behind. Though why she had cooked it was a mystery. Master Steai kicked at a loose rock."Alright dog head, where did she go?" Tracker growled, his still keen eyes narrowing at the youngling.
"Stop pestering me boy. I can't work on an empty stomach. She cooked it just right, but why?" Master Manni chuckled. "Maybe she likes to fatten up her appetizers before she eats them." Sniffing the tracker shook his head. "No. Something's off." Tracker got up from his well cleaned pinggan of deer. His eye's catching the moister outline of the creature they were searching for.
"She's a little lebih then just your average changeling.Considering not only are the Jedi looking for her, but those two mongrel mutts anda call prince's are." The dog headed creation snarled its hate.Manni found an outline of two women, not one. He chuckled.
"I think our cari just got easier. One of these women walked out of here without any clothes on."
Tracker sneezed his eye's watering.
He growled."No.She didn't.Though with such changes, she should be easy to find."
Steai in the mean time had taken a look at the platter. Besides the disgusting amount of saliva now spattering it, it was beautiful.
The deep blue made him think of his time spent on the wild seas of Kamino.
Manni thrust his light saber into it, knocking Steai off his knees and into the dust.
"What are anda trying to do? Kill me!"
Tracker laught as he yanked it away from the mere boy master. "Oh shush anda insufferable pup.You're still alive enough to bark aren't you. Not a hole, not even a mark.She'd be worth killing in her beasty form. Just for her scales. Course she might revert to human form in death, we'd have to skin her alive."
Manni narrowed his eyes. "We're not here to hunt for fun atau profit." The tracker grinned.
"Yes I know. She sniffed out that sith amongst you. She's bad news for those dark users and luck for the Order."
Zori felt herself floating in her dream. Then a man dressed in old and ancient armor, caught her hand. "Your not what I imagined, but then again I never thought to be at this impass." The visor on the helm rose, revealing steely grey eyes. Which softened as her fears showed through. "Don't worry child. I'm not here to possess your body. I'm just here as a guide in your early years." Zori's mouth formed the words of guide, but no sound came out. He smiled."You are the Pathbourne's sword arm, her protector. atau rather her Chosen's. For if her Chosen should fall, so will she. We can't have that happen any time soon. The poor girl's got quite the laundry senarai of chores ahead of her." Zori coughed as she struggled to find a way to make herself heard. "What are anda talking about? What's a Pathbourne? And who are anda anyways?" Helm frowned. Surely the Family wasn't forgotten already. Though how long had it been? And why had the Almighty saddled him with such a miniscule girl and not some fierce warrior. Helm shook his head, maybe hell would have been the better deal.
"Hmmm....not bad for a kriffing degenerate. Why do....What kind of government do they have here Jorg?" Vizan inquired taking in the silk dressed walls of the former owner's quarters. Jorg was somewhat torn between the mumbling sleeping child and his poking brother.
"A democracy." Vizan sniffed. "Well if it allows such monsters such depravity. Thank the galaxy ours is a monarchy." Jorg shook his head. He'd seen much lebih evil done in the name of their father. Though a democracy had its cracks and troubles, just like any government. At least the people had a say. Taking a stand against the king atau the council was a death sentence. After a long stint of torture and those that ran were always caught sejak the Watch. Yet at least the Watch was quick. Vizan peered down at the girl twisting on the bed. "This is the girl, that the red head knocked out. I'd say she must have gotten lucky." Jorg shook his head. "Her talent was brought on sejak her anger. I don't think she even noticed what she was doing." Vizan backed away and pulled a chair on the opposite side of the bed. Changing the subject Vizan said.
"I'm sorry." Jorg blinked in surprise.
"Sorry for what?" Vizan took in his brother's form. So hard, so closed in. So alone.
"That father sent anda to the Watch. anda should have been sent here. Here anda would have been accepted and respected. Not made into what the Watch could." Vizan motioned out the busy window. "Being here, meeting people that are lebih like you, can't be easy."
Jorg swallowed hard. His emotions bubbling up from the fizzure in his defenses. Jorg softly swore. Nothing had been the same since the stranger's arrival. He was literally falling apart on the inside.
"There's no need. Father for all his faults, he did what would save my life at the time. I can respect him for that." Vizan snorted and sneered."Don't go overboard. He's still Mandalore's biggest asshole." Jorg smirked. Vizan was the only one who could get away with calling their father something so disrespectful. Even if it was the truth.
"What is wrong with her?" Vizan asked.
"The adrenaline gave her strength, but only just enough. She was tired before she even started." Jorg saw his brother involuntarily shiver."I'd hate to see what she's capable of when she's not tired. Might even cause a bit of trouble for you." Vizan kidded. Jorg leaned forwards towards the girl."You'd be right. I've read about the Imprinted Ones. Their not the kind to be taken lightly." Zori woke, slamming her open palm straight into Jorg's chest with such force it knocked him to the floor. Chair and all. Flying over him, she didn't stop until the open window. Turning she sneered at the Crown Prince. Who was still gaping at the girl's aptitude to take down his own brother. Before disappearing out the window. Helping Jorg up, he grouched."Great!You were a big help. Our only link to the stranger and anda not only let her get the drop on you, but escape!"
Jorg pushed his brother off of him. "Me? anda were just as close. anda could've at least stunned her. Go get the speeder. I'll see if I can't keep her in sight. How far could she run?"
Vizan snorted. As he jumped down the narrow stair way. Avoiding the clean up and into their speeder. And he had worried about being bored. He laught. Maybe he could go missing for just a bit. It wasn't like those eligible ladies weren't still going to be there in a tahun atau two.
"Kriffing girl must be carrying a jet pack. Just barely kept her in sight, headed towards the inner city. Your choice. Dri Mountains atau the little runner?" Vizan was silent for a moment.
"Which do we have a better chance at actually finding?" Taking a look towards both directions, Jorg replied. "The Dri Mountains. We were the only ones who really got a good look at her." Vizan chuckled. Oh yes they'd definitly got a real good look at her.Then Lost his smile. "What about her big change? Like anda said. We don't want to end up on her menu. Even if it is to the lovliest weapon this side of the universe." At his brother's words
Jorg forced his anger deep.The girl was as Lost and confused as Vizan had tried to convince him of earlier. Now she was only a means for their father to keep his thrown. No. It was bad enough that he'd had no choice, but the girl didn't deserve that kind of slavery. Servitude-slavery. One word was nicer and longer, but meant the same. anda were owned and chained til the master decided anda were either too old atau too dangerous. He remembered the look on his father's face the hari he came home. The man had not expected him to have survived. Yet now he was to strong to kill out right. Especially with Vizan so overjoyed at having his brother back and the queen's loving arms welcoming him. So proud, happy and amazed at his survival. The old man had become much lebih inventive with his instruments of death. Faulty repairs on fighters, jet packs and speeders. Just for starters. Then poisonious spiders, snakes and even Bunga that somehow found their way into his mother's garden atau his bed. When those didn't work, he was sent on near impossible missions. Skirting death sometimes sejak just a twist of his head. The only time the king hesitated at all was when Vizan went along. Now he knew why he'd been so reluctant on sharing the information.
Jorg ferverently prayed those holier then thou jedi would actually find her first.
morgan came to a small village square. Listening to the chatter, no one knew of her little escapade. A tired old woman with a cart, troli decorated with rough outfits eyed Morgan's offering. "How did anda get them so well cooked?" morgan pleasantly smiled.
"Trade secret. If I told, I'd have to kill you. Well, is it a deal?" The old woman thumbed through the stack morgan had picked out.
"2 packs, canteens, 2 sets of clothes, boots and robes. For 8 birds. Yes we have a deal. Don't want to throw in that scruffy mutt do you?" morgan laught as the fox growled.
"No. She's my good luck charm. Keeps me out of trouble. Don't know what I'd do without her." Throwing a jubah on, she packed the extra birds into the empty pack. The silver fox growled one last time at the old woman before yipping behind the young woman.
"Not now, later. There's miles to go and I've got to get these canteens filled before we leave."
"Can anda find her?" Manni asked the tracker. The dog head lifted taking in the foxes scent.
Stiffling a sneeze he answered."Been headed for the outpost since we passed them." Though it didn't smell at all like the scale, but then his nose wasn't quite what it used to be.
"Passed them!" Manni berkata losing his patients.
"Didn't know it was them til I had the scent. Yes on foot they'd be just there. We should be able to make it in a bark."
Zori knocked her fist against her skull. Hoping that pest of a warrior would answer. Of course when needed, he wasn't answering. Great, just great! What had been his plan, to get the two princes to follow?
Well that had gone completely flat.They'd gone towards the mountains instead. Towards this so called Pathbourne. She heaved. As it was someone would come looking her soon. Neither option was really her cup of tea, but one had to be chosen. Looking back towards the mountains she shook her head. Zori hailed a cab with the last bit of her pocket money. The temple it was.
A hesitant knock came at Master Kala's door.
"Come in." The guard advanced into the room, a girl beside him. "You berkata to bring anyone who asked for sanctuary to come directly to anda master." The guard seemed edgy, while the girl's eyes had a steely glint to them.
"Afraid I gave the boy somewhat of a freight. Nearly ruined his shinny armor."
The girl chuckled wickedly. Dismissing the guard the master narrowed his eyes at the admitted stranger. "Why do anda wish sanctuary with us?" The girl who was inspecting his sparse surroundings turned to him smiling.
"Not for the same reason the She did. I assure you. She had hopes of thinking anda could possibly answer her many questions. True if those two knit whits had avoided the Families last spat. They could have, but of course when called utama sejak war. They just had to answer in the affirmative. Brainless twits." She snarled.
"You are wanting sanctuary are anda not? What is your name?" Master Kala berkata very interested in the possessed girl's commments. In a flippant tone she answered.
"I killed the bastard husband of my sister.Self- defense. I only had a broken bottle to his blaster. A most unfair advantage wouldn't anda agree." Master Kala frowned, at this knowledge."And your name?" The girl helped herself to his decanter."Name's Zori Helm. No youngling, I'm not possessed. We are merely linked sejak need and blood. My only place here is as her temporary master. To ensure that the Pathbourne is well guarded." At this Kala sat down with a surprised expression on his ikan face. "The Pathbourne?" Zori Helm swished the liquid getting the feel of the textures in the wine. Swallowing she nodded.
"But she was believed to be only myth." Zori laught. "Trust me she was never myth, but very much flesh and bone." Master Kala searched the girl's aura finding the other behind her own. It did not lie. Master Kala inquired.
"Tell my why did anda come here then. Why not go after the Pathbourne?" Helm smiled as she tasted the sweet wine again."Very young wine, but good superior grapes. Why?" Zori easily made herself at utama in the chair opposite from him."She'll come here. Passed on another imprint too. May want to tell those brats you've got after her. That she's traveling with that sly devil. One of the two silver foxes. Strange." Zori squinted her eyes in thought."That imprint usually goes to twins." Zori shrugged and took another drink, closing her eyes savoring it.
"I figured with a heads up.You boy's wouldn't screw it up this time." Her reminder hurt, but was acknowledged."How do anda know we'll be the first. The Mandolarian Princes...." At the mention. Zori crushed the fragile crystal into shards. Yet there was no cut atau blood, just pulverized crystal."Don't mention them if anda value your life youngling. Those backwards cowards were the ones who decided such a small band of us were fair game.
The Pathbourne was too weak to defend us. Giving birth is the only time she was ever vulnerable. Our ship was coming, but it wasn't there fast enough. So we perpecahan, berpecah up. Never did know for sure what happened to the other group. Never seen them even on the other side, they were good people." At her sad note he went silent. Helm sighed, thinking back over the joy's and trouble's that had come on them so swiftly. So sudden he hadn't had time to wonder if it had been a boy atau girl that his friend had telah diberi birth to. He'd been lebih concerned with making sure that they survived at whatever the cost. Zori saw and heard all he said. A young strong man who'd cared deeply for the people he gladly served. For they were family.The mark had made them so and to an orphan.That's what mattered the most.
She reached out to the worried face that appeared in her memory. Her hands going straight through, as if she were the ghost instead. "I'll have the room seterusnya door prepared for you. If anda would like. anda can take part in the padawan's weapon exercises."
Zori blinked, her eye's softened.
"Yes that would be fine. I'd like to earn my stripes lebih sejak my own merit, instead of his. No offense." Master Kala smiled at the girl's sense to apologize in case he was listening. After forewarning the guards and menunjukkan Zori around the temple Master Kala left her to her assigned room. Zori snuggled under the light sheets and closed her tired eyes in a much earned sleep. Helm watched her as she did so, conflicted. No one had ever tried to touch him in all the time he'd been on the other side. Not even Morgan. Of course she'd been in such a hurry. Cursing her ill luck and saying another was needed as she disappeared through another door. Helm eased down onto and into her conciousness closing his eyes. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad.The girl had a wirey flexible frame, far from weak. He sighed as the sleep he'd missed mencuri over him.
The prisoner ship floated, like the dead vessel it was. "This is very disturbing, my lady Terra. I believed your man lebih then capable of bluffing his way through any situation. It seems I was wrong." The icey blue grey eyes narrowed at the Sith.Terra smiled at the tall blonde Mandalorian King."His curiosity was his own undoing, but his mind has shown us much of this powerful new stranger.She is very impressive. " King Vizla growled."I do not wish to find out just how impressive she is from your man's point of view." Terra snorted.
Thinking to herself that his people were not the only opposing tribe of Mandalorians, but one of six. Though she had to admit, he was one of the lebih handsome princes. A gorgeous golden boy with cold blue eyes tinted sejak a hint of grey steel."With your man gone, we don't have a pod in this race." Terra shook her head.
"He was just a better positioned one. I have others, but not as well connected." King Vizla narrowed his eyes and made to grab her arm in anger. Which he knew better not to do.
"I was hoping not to have to open that path. The others are not as easily compensated. Some are very particular in such things." Vizla gave her that. There were people he hadn't wanted to incorporate into this little war of his ither. His need made it neccessary, unfortunately."I will meet any price that they ask for as long as the job gets done. atau will anda give up your dreams of rule and of a Sith academy so easily." Vizla reminded her. Terra steamed at such an idea, of giving up. He kissed her harshly, her anger always excited him. "Make your conversations short. I have plans for the rest of the night." He smiled as he exited the interigation room. Dragging the still unconscious victim, towards his doom out into the wilds of space.
Slug slid unhappily through his very prosperous night club on Couruscant.
The hutt had felt very sure, that with his successful assassination of his ruling cousin. He would have been the seterusnya obvious choice.
The dark lady Mistress Terra got lovlier with each new soul that fell before her. He smiled as the image came through on his comdevice.
"My price is anda my fine lady." Terra's color darkened with disgust and anger."That price is not possible. What other price would anda settle for?" The hutt put a fat finger to his lips."The one anda are looking for. She will do." Terra was losing patience with the slug.Slug held up his hand."This new pet of yours is bound to become the new high king of Mandalore.Yes."
She nodded."When this happens I will take this new threat and his army to conquer my own people." Terra bite her lip, to hold back from strangling the piece of scum. "I am sure he will be most willing to help, but this girl. I must have her first, before I lend her out." Slug laught, he would surely like to see the dark lady try to rangle such a creature."My men have heard that a young woman killed a proprietor of a bar. With only a broken bottle for a weapon. It could be her, but she has been telah diberi sanctuary in the temple. Should I send in my boys to acquire her?" Terra frowned. With Stefan's cover blown the temple would be on full alert. "No, let them sit on her awhile. Let them loosen up their guard. Right now would be suicide." Clicking off Slug frowned deeply. If the girl was that profitable, then it was worth the waste of men to acquire.
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