Strange Talk Ghost Whisperer - saat Season (DVD)

seeger posted on Aug 26, 2011 at 05:11AM
Ghost Whisperer is still one of my favorites, linkbut it fell on Australian television-radar (for some reason). Thanks to the magic of technology, linkI have now seen this entire season, and I found it as great as the first season.

My favorite episodes are still in love does not die (in which Melinda is to deal with teenage former and not sure why that shoplifting is a crime),link the woman of his dreams (the dream of sending his mother Melinda is on the eve of surgery But the dream goes by Jim, and he must find a way to help a ghost can not see when Melinda is out of town) and Collector (Melinda encounters another Ghost Whisperer, linkand he might have some answers on his rounds in the spirit world, but the information has a price).

You definitely have to suspend your belief in reality when you see it. It's a good escape (if not always best to see just before bedtime) and I love the characters and I also like her husband Jim. Overall, it is such a fun show to watch and I can not wait to get my copy as soon as possible.








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