MARIO NEEDS YOU! Do anda draw Mario pics? Write Mario stories? Make your own Mario YouTube video atau make comics? Come and register for an authors profil at link today :-D
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Cinta all things Mario? (and Luigi) Come sertai me at link :-D It's about all the Mario games from old to new, not just particular games. I would Cinta if some people would help me grow it :)
telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
I sooo want that old super Nintendo to work to I can play this game!! it wont turn on *kicks the the snes and cries* that damn snes is dead! and so is the save battery on the game. I miss this game so bad!
telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
Hello Nice meeting anda here, how are anda today i will want us to be Friends contact me here with my e-mail address (grace w i 1 1 3 2 @ y a h o o . c o m ) because i have a special reason why have contacted anda so that i can send anda my foto-foto and also tell anda lebih about myself here is my e-mail address( ) anda can also drop me your e-mel mail address i am waiting to get a reply from anda remember that co-lour, language atau age and distance does not matter but understand matters Yours New Friend Miss Gracehampir setahun yang lalu