Superman Club
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Superman's one of the most popular superheroes ever made. Because of his popularity he has had eight live action films. Justice League is excluded, because Superman doesn't have a big enough role in that film for it to count.

8. Superman and the tahi lalat Man

Although the first Christopher Reeve Superman is considered to be the first Superman this obscure film from the 1950s is Superman's first film. The film has George Reeves as Superman who also played Superman in a live action TV show. The film was made during a time period where it was really hard to make good superhero films so this film lacks...
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posted by whatsupbugs
1978's Superman: The Movie is often still considered to be the best Superman film and one of the greatest superhero films of all time. However, I have seen some people complain about certain aspects of the film. I will be sharing my thoughts on those complaints.

Some people think that the film is too cheesy and outdated. I strongly disagree. Superman: The Movie has a timeless feel and is still a powerful, uplifting film to this day. The film is lebih bright, colorful and family-friendly than a majority of today's superhero films. That's not a problem. In fact, I think that it's something worth...
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Superman 2 was originally directed sejak Richard Donner, the director of Superman: The Movie. However, Richard Donner was fired for spending too much money and was replaced sejak Richard Lester. Richard Lester directed the version of Superman 2 that was released to theaters. For decades, Richard Donner's version of the film wasn't available to the public. However, in 2006, his version of the film was released to DVD.

I will go over some of the biggest differences between the theatrical cut and the director's cut:

In the theatrical cut, Superman saves Lois Lane in Paris and gets rid of a bomb. The...
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Below is a senarai of my bahagian, atas five (5) kegemaran episodes from Season Two (1994-1995) of "LOIS AND CLARK: The New Adventures of Superman". Created sejak Deborah Joy LeVine, the series starred Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher:


1. (2.18) "Tempus Fugtive" - Lane Davies and Terry Kiser are superb as time traveling villain Tempus, who wants to kill Superman before he becomes an adult, and legendary writer H.G. Wells, who needs Lois and Clark's help to stop him in this first-rate episode.

2. (2.14) "Top Copy" - Raquel Welch...
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"MAN OF STEEL" (2013) Review

When I first learned that Warner Brothers Studios and D.C. Comics planned to release another Superman movie, I did not greet the news with any enthusiasm. In fact, my first reaction was sheer frustration. The last D.C. Comics movie I wanted to see was another Superman movie.

There were so many reasons for my negative reaction to the news of a new Superman movie. The last one I saw was 2006's "SUPERMAN RETURNS", which had been directed sejak Bryan Singer. There had also been two Televisyen series about the Man of Steel in the past twenty (20) years - "LOIS AND CLARK:...
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Below is a senarai of my bahagian, atas five (5) kegemaran episodes from Season One (1993-1994) of "LOIS AND CLARK: The New Adventures of Superman". Developed for Televisyen sejak Deborah Joy LeVine, the series starred Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher:


1. (1.12) "All Shook Up" - After preventing an asteroid from impacting upon Earth, Clark Kent/Superman loses his memory and forgets how to use his powers. Martha and Jonathan Kent arrive to help Clark regain his memory, so that he can become Superman and stop a fragment of the asteroid...
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posted by LeaderVladimir
Ever since New 52 Superman died, the Superman fandom has been perpecahan, berpecah between those who are overjoyed the pre-Flashpoint Superman is coming back and those who actually liked N52 Superman’s stories.

I will not speak about the new Superman movies. That’s another matter of debate.

For the most part, I was on the fence about New 52 Supes. There were good stories, like Superman Unchained and Superman: Doomed, but so far there was nothing on the New 52 that could be considered transcendent atau groundbreaking for the Man of Steel. Superman: Truth, however, was a proverbial brick to the testicles.

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2006's Superman Returns might look like a reboot of Superman, but it's actually a sequel to the Christopher Reeve Superman films. Rebooting franchises has been a very common trend in Hollywood. However, the Cinta for the classic Superman films was so strong that it was decided to make a film that would serve as a nostalgic tribute to what came before.

Superman Returns is meant to serve as a sequel to Superman: The Movie and Superman 2. The events of Superman 3 and 4, as well as the Supergirl spin-off film are ignored. While it's a bit disappointing that Superman Returns ignores some underrated...
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This artikel is dedicated in loving memory to Christopher Reeve, Lee Quigley, Margot Kidder, Marlon Brando, Jackie Cooper, Glenn Ford, Phyllis Thaxter and Ned Beatty.

Superhero Filem have become extremely popular. In fact, they're one of the most popular types of films. However, superhero films used to not be so common atau beloved. In the 1940's, there were various superhero movie serials. They were decently successful, but they weren't meant to be re-watched atau to have much to have much of a lasting legacy.

Things changed in the tahun 1978. That was the tahun that Richard Donner's Superman movie...
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"SUPERMAN RETURNS" (2006) Review

The 2006 Summer movie season was a memorable one for me. I never got around to reviewing Filem like"MISSION IMPOSSIBLE III", "THE DaVINCI'S CODE", and "X-MEN 3: THE LAST STAND". I had just started on my first blog and never really bothered to put much effort into a movie review. However, I did managed to write a few words about "SUPERMAN RETURNS".

I wish I could say that I had loved "SUPERMAN RETURNS". I wish I could say that I found it very original. I wish I could . . . but I cannot. Because I would be lying if I had berkata so. Do not get me wrong . . . "SUPERMAN...
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The original Superman film franchise started in 1978's Superman: The Movie. The film was directed sejak Richard Donner and starred Christopher Reeve as the tajuk character. Christopher Reeve went on to play Superman in three sequels to the film. That might sound simple, but the film franchise has ended up having a confusing timeline.

The first thing that makes the franchise confusing is that there are two very different versions of Superman 2. Superman 2 was originally directed sejak Richard Donner and had Marlon Brando reprising his role as Jor-El. However, Richard Donner was fired from the production...
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I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me

I'm lebih than a bird, I'm lebih than a plane
I'm lebih than some pretty face beside a train
And it's not easy to be me

Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a utama I'll never see

It may sound absurd, but don't be naive
Even Heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed, but won't anda concede
Even Heroes have the right to dream
It's not easy to be me

Up, up and away, away from me
It's all right, anda can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy, atau anything

I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
Men weren't...
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Below is a senarai of my bahagian, atas five (5) kegemaran episodes from Season Three (1995-1996) of "LOIS AND CLARK: The New Adventures of Superman". The series starred Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher:


1. (3.17) "Seconds" - In this finale of a three-episode arc about Clark Kent and Lois Lane's aborted wedding, Clark races to find Lex Luthor and an amnesiac Lois before the former billionaire can convince her to kill Clark and leave Metropolis forever.

2. (3.13) "The Dad Who Came in From the Cold" - A visit from Jimmy...
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Superman is DC's first super hero in addition to being 1 of the best super Heroes of all time. Superman doesn't have as many iconic villains as Batman, but he does have some cool enemies. This senarai is about my 5 kegemaran enemies of Superman.

5. Mr. Mxyzptlk

Mr. Mxyzptlk is a trouble making antagonist. He is lebih of a comedic villain than the other Superman villains. He manages to annoy Superman a lot. Mr. Mxyzptlk is 1 of Superman's most entertaining enemies. He truly shines in Superman: The Animated Series where is amusingly voiced sejak Gilbert Gottfried.

4. Doomsday

Doomsday may not be that prominent...
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 Red Son
Red Son
Below is an essay I had to write for a college Film Genre Class:

In 1978, when Christopher Reeves flew on to the silver screen as the Last Son of Krypton, the superhero film genre was born. The film Superman: The Movie would go on to establish the narrative structure that is still used in the superhero films made today. Budgeted in 1977 at $55 million, it would set many precedents for the popcorn blockbuster, “not the least of which was the idea of hiring big stars in action genres that previously were made under mostly B-picture budgets” (McAllister, 110).

The first and most important thing...
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posted by whatsupbugs
1983's Superman 3 is the third Superman film to bintang Christopher Reeve as the titular character. The first two films were loved sejak critics and fans, but sadly, the third film didn't receive the same kind of love. Although some people like the film, Superman 3 has garnered a lot of hate. It is often considered to be a bad, campy film that hurt the franchise. Do I agree? No.

In my opinion, there is no such thing as a bad Christopher Reeve Superman film. Any film where he plays the man of steel is a treat to watch. In our current times, superhero films tend to get into very dark places and/or...
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1978's Superman: The Movie has remained one of the most popular superhero films of all time. It was the first blockbuster superhero film. The success of the film led to the trend of superhero films that's still going on to this day. In fact, superhero films are now lebih popular than ever. That happened thanks to the strong impact that Superman had on people. The film had three sequels in the 1980s and one last sequel in 2006.

It's common for popular franchises to get rebooted. Since Superman is one of the most iconic superheroes of all time, it made sense that a Superman reboot would eventually...
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When people think about Christopher Reeve's first two Superman films, they tend to think of them with fondness and love. However, the 3rd and 4th films got a much different response. Superman 3 is often regarded as a mediocre sequel, while Superman 4 is often considered to be one of the worst superhero films of all time. Personally, I don't agree. I believe that Superman 3 and 4 are both charming tales in their own right.

1983's Superman 3:

Superman 3 is often mocked for being a Richard Pryor comedy film, rather than a serious Superman film. The Superman films are lebih family-friendly than...
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Mr. Mxyzptlk, Susie Tompkins, and Bizarro have to be in the seterusnya Superman. anda can introduce Lex Luthor here being a philanthropist and being at fundraisers where Perry White is who loves him because they fund him, all the while he's building a military base at Metropolis Airport and bribing members of the military to work for him, that way in the seterusnya one, he can start sending all those missiles and warheads at Superman. What anda do here as Superman's just arriving in Metropolis is explain why Metropolis? He was flying along the eastern seaboard, saw a commotion around New Yorkish, and then...
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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a film that serves as a sequel to 2013's Man of Steel. It's the saat film to bintang Henry Cavill as Superman and the first film to bintang Ben Affleck as Batman. Man of Steel quickly became one of the most divisive films in superhero history. Did adding Batman as a co-protagonist help the sequel avoid the same fate? No. Batman v Superman is yet another film that got very mixed reactions from audiences. Most critics didn't like the film, but other people were perpecahan, berpecah on it. Some people thought it was an amazing continuation of what was started in Man of Steel,...
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