The zamrud, zamrud, emerald Atlas Club
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Finally! The interview, we have all been waiting for, enjoy! ;)

INTERVIEWER: At last year's Bologna Book Fair, everyone was buzzing about THE zamrud, emerald ATLAS. Now it is licensed in over 35 countries, with lebih on the horizon. As a debut novelist, what has this experience been like for you?

JOHN STEPHENS: Totally bananas. Though honestly, the nice thing about the book selling in so many territories before it's published is that now expectations are so high that there is no way I can meet them. I'm bound to disappoint. It's very freeing knowing that.

Okay, but really honestly— where I've felt it is in the pressure during the Penulisan of the saat book. With the first book, I wrote it lebih atau less in secret and there was never much expectation I was going to get anyone besides my wife to read it. So basically, zero pressure. Now, with the saat book, there're people waiting, asking how it's going… It's sort of like with the first book, anda manage to pull a rabbit out of a hat in the privacy of your own room. With the saat book, anda have to do it again, only this time you're on stage in front of a thousand people and there's a worldwide rabbit-shortage.

IN: Tell us about THE zamrud, emerald ATLAS, the first book in the buku of Beginning Trilogy.

JS: It's the story of three children, two sisters and a brother, who have been ripped from their parents while babies, and are then shuttled along from orphanage to orphanage for ten years, till they're finally sent to a mysterious mansion where they stumble upon a magic book that allows them to travel through time. Along the way, the children encounter a host of magical creatures (dwarves, wizards, monsters), discover they are at the center of an ancient prophesy, and seek to prevent a tragedy. Looking forward, the buku tell the story of how the three children, in the process of trying to put their family back together, end up having to save the world.

There are also a lot of jokes.

IN: The theme of family and the relationship between siblings Kate, Michael and Emma is so central to this story. Can anda talk about how your own childhood informed the development of these characters?


Okay, but seriously, I am the middle brother of two sisters, and though we are not as close in age as the children in the book, our dynamic was similar. We'd squabble, argue, and then when it mattered, we'd be there for each other. Then, as soon as the crisis was over, we'd squabble again.

Also, the time I put the dead snake in my sister's katil was actually kinda funny.

IN: Sibling rivalry…tell us about it! Did anda let your sisters read the book while anda were working on it, atau did anda hide it from them?

JS: My sisters did not read the book till I was done. Then my older sister read it first and really liked it. My younger sister, whose name is Kate, I sent it to her, waited, waited…she kept promising to read it. Finally, she heard that one of the characters was named Kate, and so she read it, thinking I might have put in incriminating things about her past. Of course, now she goes around telling everyone, “My brother wrote this book. I'm kinda the hero of it.” She's been telling me that she's having her book club read it when the book comes out. But I just learned that there's actually only one other person in her book club, who happens to be our cousin, who I also know happens to hate books, so it's not exactly Oprah.

IN: Finish the sentence – Kate is…

JS: a surrogate mother to her brother and sister. Forced to shoulder responsibility when she's still very young. She's strong, resourceful, Brave and extremely loyal. She keeps her word.

IN: Michael is…

JS: bookish. Probably takes himself a bit too seriously. Has a well-document admiration for dwarves. His idea of a great vacation would either involve going to the perpustakaan atau a dwarf castle. Best—a perpustakaan inside a dwarf castle; he'd be in heaven.

IN: Emma is…

JS: a pint-size brawler, always spoiling for a fight, but she's also got an enormous heart. She's both intensely feisty and intensely vulnerable.

IN: Which character in the book do anda identify with most?

JS: If I'm honest, probably Michael, for his studiousness, his desire to document the world around him, his relationship with his sisters, his glasses. Also, I gave him my own Cinta of dwarves which I had when I was his age. Growing up, I'd read Fantasi books, and the elves were always described as being so perfect that it annoyed me. Mostly because it was clear I was never going to be an elf. But the dwarves! They sang songs, had feasts, took naps. I felt like being a dwarf would be a lot lebih fun. So Michael and I share that.

IN: The countess is rather terrifying. Can we ask who inspired that character?

JS: No one in particular. However, my years in Televisyen (Gilmore Girls, The O.C., Gossip Girl) gave me a great deal of experience Penulisan evil, heartless teenage girls. It's well known in Hollywood that if anda want someone to write a conniving, back-biting seventeen-year-old, anda get John Stephens on the phone. The only thing that set the Countess apart from others I've written was that she had magical powers. And there's something else about her too, but I don't want to spoil the story.

IN: What do anda hope young readers will come away with when they read THE zamrud, emerald ATLAS?

JS: Number 1: They're not bored. I really really hope that. Number 2: The idea of family. The idea that magic aside, it was these kids Cinta for each other that saw them through. Number 3: That they're not bored. That's like, really important. Did I say that? Number 4: That buku can be magic. Whether it's like the book Kate, Michael and Emma find that takes them through time, atau a book anda read that takes anda on an adventure to another world. Number 5: That they're not bored.

IN: Time travel plays into the plot of this book. Did anda have to do extensive research so that anda could incorporate it, atau did anda know the ins and outs when anda started out?

JS: When I turned in my draft to my agent, he asked me, “So which theory of time travel are anda using?” And I had to respond, “Um…the one I'm making up as I go?”

That didn't cut it.

So yes, then I went back and I researched the various theories of time travel. There are, as anda probably know, three main theories of time travel that get used in fiction (the multiple strands theory, the single, unmutable time stream theory, and the single, mutable time stream theory). I chose to use the single, mutable time stream theory (which is used to such beautiful effect in the first Back to the Future). The secret of Penulisan a time travel book is (and witness the anecdote above, I learned this the hard way) to decide the theory you're to use, decide whatever new atau altered rules you're going to apply to that theory—AND THEN STICK TO IT. Time travel can be extremely confusing, but in the end, your book will not make coherent sense, and the reader will feel cheated, if you're breaking your own rules. And the rules, sejak the way, can be as bonkersville as anda like, but they have to be clear, and anda have to hold to them.

The biggest problem with the theory of time travel that I chose was that each time someone goes back in time, the time line changes, and only the time traveler knows what's different, so then I had to have multiple graphs to keep track of how things were changing. Also, there's the real danger of simple information overload with a time travel story, of burying your reader and yourself in exposition. anda need to be careful and very selective about what you're going to include and exclude.

IN: anda spent many years in Televisyen with Penulisan and producing credits including Gilmore Girls, The O.C. and Gossip Girl. How did anda make the transition from Penulisan for that audience, to Penulisan a novel for young readers?

JS: It's strange, but when I wrote The zamrud, emerald Atlas, the idea that it was a novel for younger readers never played into its composition. I knew I was going to write a Fantasi novel that was in the tradition of Narnia and Rowling and Philip Pullman, but after that, I just wrote the book I wanted to write. There was never any sort of adjustment atau gauge for the fact that it was intended for younger readers.

If anything, the adjustment in my Penulisan had happened in the other direction, when I'd written television. All of those shows had clear voices and audiences and formats. Each episode was forty-three minit with five atau six commercial breaks. With a novel, anda can write whatever anda want it to be. Penulisan Televisyen requires a great deal lebih thought in terms making sure something fits the appropriate template.

I feel like that's a really boring answer. Sorry.

IN: What is your Penulisan process like? Do anda already have all three buku mapped out?

JS: With The zamrud, emerald Atlas, I knew where I was going very early on. I had the ending, lebih atau less, and then I just had a find a way of getting there. It's saying, “I know I have to get to Chicago, but I have no idea where Chicago is atau how to get there, and I'm going to start sejak going south from Dallas.” But eventually anda end up in Chicago and then anda go back and cut out all the uninteresting detours, so that to someone hearing the story, your trip to Chicago sounds purposeful and exciting with cool twists. Hmm, I think that metaphor kinda got away from me.

But also, sometimes I don't have the ending. I have the character. atau a scene. And I'll write that scene, which will take me somewhere else. At the beginning of a book, I sort of just write a lot of material to see what I have, and then I start to take that and outline it on a big white-board in my office. I like to have a general outline, with the points I know I'm going to hit along the way, but an outline which is still loose enough so that things can surprise me in the writing.

In terms of routine, I like to say that I'm a morning writer. But really that just means mornings are my best time. I write in the afternoons sometimes too, but that's usually garbage. But I get up early, usually 4:30 atau 5, have a cup of coffee and start work. I guess the most important part of my schedule is that I work in two jam sessions and during that time don't answer the phone atau check e-mel atau even go into the dapur for a donut if I'm hungry. Which can be awful because sometimes when you're writing, anda really really want a donut, and in fact anda can even convince yourself that if only anda had a donut anda could figure out that plot hole in Chapter Seven. Those days are hard. Man, those days are hard. Man, I Cinta donuts. You've already begun to hear feedback from your kid readers. Any particularly funny/surprising/off the dinding komen-komen to share?

Hm, probably the most surprising soalan I got was, “Will Emma and Gabriel get married?” To that, I can say, with complete assurance, “No.”

IN: What were your kegemaran buku growing up? How about now?

JS: Growing up, I was a huge peminat of Tolkien's buku (see my komen-komen on my dwarf affection above). The Narnia buku had a huge impact on me. Particularly The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. For me, that book had and still has the feeling of real magic. I loved the Tarzan series when I was young, and I went through a whole phase of trying to convince my mother to let me eat my hamburger raw (she refused). And I was, and remain, a big Roald Dahl fan. I loved his sense of humor and feel for the grotesque and how terrible things did happen to the characters; his buku were not safe.

As far as my kegemaran buku now, all of the above with the exception of Tarzan, which has not aged well. To that senarai in the YA world, I would also add Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy which truly changed my life sejak convincing me that I wanted to write children's fantasy. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan; telah diberi any fictional world to live in, I would choose Hogwarts. I re-read Edith Nesbit's Bastable buku frequently. I Cinta the way the children are with each other. Her humor is perfectly nuanced. In the adult world, just to name a few, David Copperfield, Great Expectations, Pride and Prejudice, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, The Sun Also Rises, War and Peace (that's right!) and The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.
bahagian, atas Ten MoviesHis Girl Friday
The Wild Bunch
Badlands TIE The Yakuza Papers
Memories of Murder
Castles in the Skye
Sullivan's Travels TIE Purple rama-rama, taman rama-rama
Iron Giant TIE Shogun Assassin
The Third Man

bahagian, atas Ten BooksCatcher in the Rye sejak J. D. Salinger
The Golden Compass sejak Philip Pullman
The Sun Also Rises sejak Ernest Hemingway
The Hobbit sejak J. R. R. Tolkien
Great Expectations TIE David Copperfield sejak Charles “the Man” Dickens
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell sejak Susanna Clarke
Transit of Venus sejak Shirley Hazzard
The Biographical Dictionary of Film sejak David Thompson
Emma sejak Jane Austen
Blood Meridian sejak Cormac McCarthy


John Stephens Book Tour EventsTuesday, April 5th at 6:00 PM
Barnes & Noble - El Cerrito
6050 El Cerrito Plaza, El Cerrito, CA
For lebih information: (510) 524-0087

Wednesday, April 6th at 3:00 PM
1378 lincoln Avenue, San Jose, CA
For lebih information: (408) 292-8880

Thursday, April 7th at 4:00 PM
universiti Book Store - Mill Creek Town Center
15311 Main Street, Mill Creek, WA
For lebih information: (425) 385-3530

Monday, April 11th at 7:00 PM
Tattered Cover Book Store
9315 Dorchester Street, Highlands Ranch, CO
For lebih information: (303) 470-7050

Friday, April 15th at 4:00 PM
Pudd'nHead Books
37 South Old Orchard Avenue, St. Louis, MO
For lebih information: (314) 918-1069

Monday, April 18th at 4:00 PM
Book, Bytes & Beyond
197 Rock Road, Glen Rock, NJ
For lebih information: (201) 670-6766

Saturday, April 16th at 3:00 p.m.
Philadelphia Book Festival at the Free Library
1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA
For lebih information, link