The Heroes of Olympus The Mark of Athena*

blackNblue posted on Oct 06, 2011 at 01:32PM
Title: The Mark of Athena

Rating: C, I guess, maybe T?

Main Characters: Percy, Jason, Annabeth, Reyna, Leo, Piper, Frank, Hazel

OC: Mac the Shark, Stephanie, more to come :)

Synopsis: People from Camp Half Blood had finally reached Camp Jupiter! What do you think will happen? Will they unite and fight with each other, or will they kill each other? Find out in The Mark of Athena* by blackNblue. :D

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO, HOO, All rights to Rick Riordan

A/N: Please comment! Thanks :D So guys, I have decided to write a fanfic about the third book in the heroes of Olympus. If you have not yet read the Son of Neptune, try not to read it because it will have lots of spoilers and stuff. So yeah. I don't own TLH, SON, this is all Rick Riordan's
last edited on Apr 11, 2012 at 11:38AM

The Heroes of Olympus 1397 balas

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hampir setahun yang lalu thunderwolf233 said…
hampir setahun yang lalu darkrai6543 said…
big smile
hampir setahun yang lalu ninjagirl77 said…
hampir setahun yang lalu happyfestus said…
big smile
PoOoOoOoOoOoooOoOoOoOoooooOoooOoOoooOoOoOo­OoO­oO SoOoOoOoOoOn!!!!!!!
hampir setahun yang lalu fishhea6 said…
big smile
I Love It
hampir setahun yang lalu Nemisis said…
amazing post soon please
hampir setahun yang lalu blackNblue said…
Chapter 9

Annabeth’s POV

“-ron told me tha-, OH MY GODS!” I saw Percy about five feet away from me, unconscious, with blood trickling from his forehead. Around him was a faint glow. The others ran up to us and started panicking.

“Is he okay?”

“Is he still breathing?”

I checked his pulse. Good, there was one. Suddenly Leo spoke up.

“Wasn’t that how Jason looked like when he was Hera’s true form? The faint glow?”

“Yeah, You’re right,” Piper said. “Maybe I can charmspeak him into waking up.”

“Go on, Pipes,” Jason said. “We can let Percy die..”

Piper kneeled next to me. “That’s impossible,” I said. “Percy was at my side one second ago, now suddenly he’s five feet away!”

“But Annabeth!” Piper protested. “We have to try. You don’t wanna lose your boyfriend right? Lets dressed his wound first.”

I was already on the verge of tears. I just got to see Percy after eight long months and this happens!

I knew she was just charmspeaking me but deep inside, she was right.

“Perseus Jackson, it’s time to wake up now,” Piper charmspoke Percy. Nothing happened.

Piper tried one more time, but nothing happened. A couple of Apollo guys got a stretcher and put Percy in it and went over to the infirmary. We followed them. We went inside the Senate House while they checked what happened to him. Reyna, the other Praetor, called a meeting to know what happened to Percy.

I felt as if my energy suddenly left my body. I plopped down to the nearest chair and put my head in my hands. Why does this have to happen?

I heard a voice I didn’t want to hear during this time. “So the great Percy Jackson lies in the infirmary, what a great hero!!” He said in a mocking voice. Octavian.

“What do you want, Octavian?” I said.

“Why?” He made a face. “Isn’t it true? He got wounded from an unseen attacker. Isn’t this a sign that greeks are weak?”

Jason stood up so quickly and pulled his sword, “Shut up, Octavian! You know nothing of Percy’s life! Greeks have their own strengths and so does Rome!”

“That sounds so Ironic, coming from someone who left Camp Jupiter in the time of need!!!”

“Why you-“ I said as I started to come near him. I wanted to strangle him right now when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see it was Apollo. The..uh, Roman One. He was looking at Octavian the way you don’t want a god to look at you.

“Don’t ever speak about Percy Jackson like that.” He glared at Octavian. “You just insulted the person who saved my sister from the clutch of Atlas.”

Octavian slowly backed off and said, “Look, I’m Sorry-“

Apollo ignored him faced us, “Do you know why I’m here, soldiers?”

All the people inside, including me, shook our heads, no.

“Okay, So I came here to heal Percy. You want to know what happened to him right?”

Again, a hundred head nodded yes.

“Gaea or in your case Terra, tried to make Percy cooperate with her. She made froze time, so no one would know. Percy said no, and Terra tried to kill him by showing him his true form. It was a miracle he survived. I mean, Jason here, saw an Olympian’s True form and barely survived, well, what about Percy? A Titan’s true form is a hundred times stronger than ours.”

“So does that mean Terra is fully awake?”

“That’s just it. In her rage to get Percy out of her way, she used the little energy she had gained to transform. But in doing so, She lost that little energy, so she’s back to being uh, a little sleepy.

“Percy sacrificed himself by doing that, in order to buy time to figure out the meaning of the prophecy. He knew that would drain Mother Earth’s energy.” The god smirked. “The child is really smart then what he looks like.”

Thunder boomed across the sky. “Well, so long Demigods! I’m not supposed to be here. Farewell”

And he vanished, Just like that.
hampir setahun yang lalu thunderwolf233 said…
your #1 fan(me) says that this is one of the best forums out there!!!
hampir setahun yang lalu LAALAApercabeth said…
that was REALLY good!!!
hampir setahun yang lalu ninjagirl77 said…
cool! post more!
hampir setahun yang lalu fishhea6 said…
big smile
Awesome I thought it was great post soon!!
hampir setahun yang lalu unknownquestion said…
That topnotch! My hand is swollen and hurts so I can't write as much
hampir setahun yang lalu percabethX2 said…
big smile
Awesome, that was freaking amazing!!!!!! This story is amazing, i cant wait for your next post, so KEEP IT UP AND POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!
hampir setahun yang lalu son_of_cratus said…
big smile
this is absolutly awesome! can not wait till the next chapter
hampir setahun yang lalu dancergirl78 said…
big smile
You're a good writer. I can't wait until the next chapter :)
hampir setahun yang lalu Kronos429 said…
hampir setahun yang lalu fishhea6 said…
Ima wait all day tomorow for one chapter lol:)
hampir setahun yang lalu Kronos429 said…
hampir setahun yang lalu kelzun1325 said…
Post soon i am dying
hampir setahun yang lalu Kronos429 said…
i need a post soon
hampir setahun yang lalu darkrai6543 said…
and i have decided to hold a writing contest. anyone who wishes to nominate themselves or others will report to The giant war my version in the SoN club. it is writen by me, but please nominate!
hampir setahun yang lalu fishhea6 said…
Ok giys he will probebly post today just stay calm lol
hampir setahun yang lalu Inevera said…
So did Apollo heal Percy or not? What's going on? Post soon!
hampir setahun yang lalu Kronos429 said…
i think he did but im not sure
hampir setahun yang lalu 3rdCj2ndCJR said…
post soon...
hampir setahun yang lalu thunderwolf233 said…
please post
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
hampir setahun yang lalu unknownquestion said…
hampir setahun yang lalu blackNblue said…

Chapter 10

Jason’s POV

Woah. I can’t believe someone like Percy would do something like that. Sacrificing. That’s so…unroman-like. And then I remembered. He was a greek.

Annabeth was in tears after the senate meeting. Thalia, Rachel and Piper were talking with her. I could tell it was girl stuff so we, boys, moved a little father away from them. Grover went and hung out with the other faun. I bet the fauns think Grover is a king or something judging by the way they look at him.

Hazel, and the Chubby Chinese…what was his name? Oh, Frank. So yeah they both went over to us and said they wanted to talk to Leo. Okay. So I moved a little more farther away. I probably looked like an idiot, alone. Reyna came over.

“Jason, can we talk?” She said.
I nodded and glanced over Piper, but she kept avoiding my eyes.

“What about?” I said.

“Do you still remember me? Like all the times we’ve been through before you…got your memory erased?”

“Um, not all of them, but yeah, some are still fuzzy.” Reyna didn’t answer. I starred at her. She still looked beautiful to me, and my heart beat faster. She was the girl I first fell in love with, four years ago.

After a while, she said, “So…have you liked someone else when you were at the greek camp?

Oh. That was a touchy subject. I mean, sure I loved Reyna and I liked Piper, but I don’t know who to choose. Am I getting mushy and stuff? So I just shook my head.

She smiled. “That’s nice.”

Suddenly, the little girl, Julia, burst in the room, went over to Reyna and said quietly, “Praetor, Lupa wants to talk to you, she wants to know what happened,” She stood up and got ready to leave. “See you later, Jason.”

I looked after her as she left. Then, a voice inside my head spoke up. Juno.

Well, well, Jason, your love life’s a mess.

“Shut up, Juno”

Fine, but I just want to tell you, you’re lucky you are not Percy.

“Why, He’s the one who’s lucky! He almost has everything!”

Almost, Jason. If you only knew what the Fates have in store for him…

And with that, she left. So much for talking.
hampir setahun yang lalu unknownquestion said…
Yes you posted! :) I wonder what's in store for percy

hampir setahun yang lalu Aponimisae said…
big smile
Creepy! I saw this one minute after you posted!
What's that supposed to mean? I don't get what Juno's saying! Well, about Percy nayways, I like her comment on his love life though... Hehehe...
Cool! Awesome! I'm not sure what to say at the moment, sooo, yeah. Thanks! Post again when you can!
<Blank Minded Moments Suck! Just, BTW>
hampir setahun yang lalu darkrai6543 said…
post soon!
hampir setahun yang lalu pink-bookworm said…
Awesomeq and sorry I haven't commented but I'm here now
hampir setahun yang lalu blackNblue said…
So I'm gonna do Percy____Jackson's advice, only three POVs: Jason, Percy and Annabeth, cause its kinda hard to do seven POVs. So yeah,

Chapter 11

Percy’s POV

I was in an island. A very peaceful one. I was all alone. I felt like I was back in Ogygia. Wait. This is Ogygia! But then, where’s Calypso? I walked around and kept calling her name but nothing. I was really alone.

I felt like I walked a gazillion miles. I felt like I’ve been here for already half of my life. I sat down and thought, Why am I here? I thought no man had visited Ogygia twice?

“ Don’t you remember, Percy? You freed Calypso from her curse. </i>”

I turned around to see a teenage girl, about my height. She had a hazel hair and her eyes were…purple? I felt like I’ve seen her before. But where?

“Who are you?” I asked.

She sighed. “So you still don’t remember me. Well, My name is Sytx.”

“Sytx? As in the goddess Styx? Have we met before?”

“Yes Percy,” She came near me and sat down. “Don’t you remember? We met on the Montauk Beach when you were six. You were so cute. And then you made friends with a shark. What was his name? Mac the shark? Didn’t he tell you to shout his name whenever you need him?”

“Yeah, okay, I get the point.”

“So do you know why you are here? Do you remember what happened before you woke up here?”

“Um.. time was frozen,” I said. “Gaea came and talked with me. She wanted me to join her. But I said no. She opened her eyes and transformed and I saw something horrible.”

“Percy,” The goddess said. “You just saw Gaea’s true form.”

“Wha-?” I said. Then I realized something. “Does that mean I’m like… dead?” I braced myself for her answer.

She laughed. “No you’re not. That’s just it. You saw a titan’s greek and roman true form, and yet you’re still alive. I figured it has something to do with your very special…condition”

“Condition? What? Am I sick with something?”

“Oh, no Percy,” She smiled. “Haven’t you realized why you can both speak Greek and Latin? Why you can both use Greek and Roman Style of fighting? Why both Greeks and Romans trust you with their lives? Well not all of them.”
“Um no?” What a great answer. Wow

“In due time, Percy.” Styx said. She handed me a Silver coin. “When you slam it in your hand with head up, it turns into a whistle. When you blow it, Mac the Shark will come to your aid. On the other hand, if tails, it’ll turn into a sword, made from my river. So it’s the one and only sword made from the river Styx, and it’s more stronger than Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold.”

“Thanks,” I said. “But why are you helping me?”

“Well, Let’s just say that you are the most special demigod I have ever seen in the hundred of years I’ve been alive.”


“Oh, I forgot to tell you,” She took out a pair of contacts. It was green like my eyes. “Use these. You’re eyes changed into kaleidoscopic. It keeps changing colors.”

I took and put them into my eyes. “Why? And can I use these when I’m like sleeping? Won’t I get blind?”

“Well, you absorded some of Gaea’s power, which made your eyes to keep changing colors. And Don’t take off those contacts. Okay?” I nodded.

“Yes, Well good bye, Percy,” She waved her hand and started to vanish. “See you next time.”

“Wait!” I said. “How am I going to get back?”

“You already know the answer. Think.” She totally vanished.

Think. How did I get back the last time? Curse Hera for not giving me all of my memories. Then I heard water nearby. I went over and found a raft. I got into the raft and thought, Camp Jupiter, Camp Jupiter..

I opened my eyes. And my whole body felt sore. I could tell it was two in the morning. I felt the coin in my pocket. Wew. So it wasn’t an imagination. I got up and sat. I saw Annabeth sleeping at the foot of my bed. I took her and put her into the bed. I kissed her forehead. Man, she must’ve been worried sick about me. After I tucked her, I went over to the sofa and slept. Dreams left me alone.
hampir setahun yang lalu pink-bookworm said…
Wonderful chapter
hampir setahun yang lalu TheSennin said…
when is the next
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
awesome chapter!! post soon!
hampir setahun yang lalu nicecatch42 said…
post soon, that wuz awesome
hampir setahun yang lalu darkrai6543 said…
post soon!!!!
hampir setahun yang lalu fishhea6 said…
hampir setahun yang lalu Inevera said…
That was very good. I can't wait for the next for the next chapter :)
hampir setahun yang lalu unknownquestion said…
Wowzo that was good but just my opinion I've always wanted Percy to stock to riptide
Not saying you should change your story it's just my opinion anyway POST SOON:@)

hampir setahun yang lalu fishhea6 said…
Unknown. He will probebly still use riptide Ali bet his coin will break later in the chapters.
hampir setahun yang lalu unknownquestion said…
Yeah I hope your right^ anyway post soon blacknblue hey that rhymes

hampir setahun yang lalu 3rdCj2ndCJR said…
Post soon!!
hampir setahun yang lalu Aponimisae said…
big smile
Woah! So... Percy's like some sort of Greek/ Roman mix demigod? Hehe, he's a mutt... Sorry, just popped into my head! And his eyes keep changing color... I KNOW, for a fact;), that Annabeth will find out, either because he tells her, or he takes the contacts out, cause, we all love Percy, but let's face it: he's forgetful.
I don't think the silver coin will break, personally. I think he'll use Riptide instinctively. Only remembering the coin when he needs Mac or Riptide fails to kill.
If I think of more to analyze before you post again I'll say more. ;)
Until then;
<My History Teacher Would Be So Proud: I'm Thinking Critically>
hampir setahun yang lalu lcrs50 said…
i so don't rember Mac the shark.

nice twist, with that coin-sword-whistl thing.
wish i could have one, but i guess nobody will get one of those. to bad, it would be really cool to have it. i have some ways i could use it.

*grins evily at enemys* will use it on them first.
hampir setahun yang lalu son_of_cratus said…
cool twist with the coin and styx thing.... great couple of chapters and post soon
hampir setahun yang lalu fishhea6 said…
I don't like waiting I want tue next chapter lol
hampir setahun yang lalu darkrai6543 said…
did you ever notice that percy's middle name is kronos??? because his grandfather on his dads side is kronos, wierd huh????