The Heroes of Olympus The Ruins of Rome

LeosGirl posted on Jul 24, 2012 at 11:13PM
Authors: LeosGirl and Book-worm

Summary: The demigods are back! The Greeks are coming to meet the Romans but will they work together or fight against each other? Each demigod has their own problem:
Has Percy moved on from Annabeth?
Is Piper going to lose Jason to Reyna?
Is Reyna going to choose Jason, Percy, or neither?
Is Leo really Sammy?
Does Hazel still love Frank or is she going to fall in love with Leo?
And Gaea. The worst of all.
Is Rome going to prosper? Or is it going to crash and burn as we know it? Are we looking at the ruins of Rome?
There's only one way to find out:
Read on!

Characters: Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Jason, Piper, Leo, Reyna, Connor, Travis, Clarisse, Chris, Thalia, Octavian, Frank, Hazel, Rachel, the Camp Counselors, and more.

Disclaimer- Unfortunately for book-work and LeosGirl they don't own this story or the characters, Rick Riordan does): But we do own the plot and some ideas of the story and it makes up for it!


An hour. That's how long I have till I find out if he loves me or not. Even with ADHD the hour doesn't move fast enough. Part of me says he still loves me and can't wait to see him, but the other part of me says that he's forgotten you and you should just get off this mother-ship.
Shut up. I told it.
He loves me. He's gotta remember me...right?
Stop it, I told myself, Thinking like that will-will just break your heart.
Thankfully, Piper walked up.
"You okay?" she asked.
"Honestly, no. I'm about to find out if Percy even remembers me, let alone love me."
Piper nodded.
"I'm sure he-" she started, but she was cut-off by a metal-on-metal screech coming from the engine room.
Leo ran out of the room, that was pouring out smoke.
He was covered in oil and soot. His eyes were red from the smoke. He was coughing and cussing up a storm. To sum it up, he looked like crap.
"Hey, Repair Boy! Shouldn't you be doing your job?!" shouted Piper
"Shouldn't you shut up, Beauty Queen?!" he shouted back.
"What's wrong?" I asked, trying not to inhale smoke.
"Some-" started Leo
"Language!" shouted Rachel
"person," Leo said, glaring at Rachel, "threw a lug wrench in the engine! The lug wrench stopped some gears, the radiator is about to drop and-"
"English!" everyone yelled.
"We're gonna crash!" yelled Leo, "Is that clear enough for ya?!"
"Everyone, grab on to something!" shouted Grover
"Listen to the goat!" shouted Piper
"SSSAAATTTYYYRRR!!!" he shouted as the ship made a steep dive to the ground.
"What in the name of Hades is that?!" shouted Leo
"It's an-" started Jason
"AQUADUCT!" I yelled.
When I came to, I was sprawled on the ground and soaking wet.
Great, another thing to remind me of Percy! I thought
I looked around.
Everyone was the same way.
I tried to get up, but I immediately fell back down. A burning pain started in my ankle and went up my left leg.
Rachel saw.
"Medic!" she called.
Next thing I knew, I was on a stretcher.
"Yup, you sprained it, sweetheart." said an Apollo kid.
I kicked him. With my right leg, of course.
"Oow!" he shouted
"Sorry, sweetheart." I said through clenched teeth.
"Point taken." he grumbled.
"Well, welcome to Camp Jupiter!" said Jason
"Has anyone seen Grover?" I asked
"Found 'em!" said Travis as he threw Grover onto the ground.
"Food!" Grover bleated, coming to.
Piper handed me a set of crutches.
I got up, it hurt, but not as much as missing Percy.
Then I heard it.
A Hunter's horn.
A group of girls ran in. They were wearing white and silver hunting parkas and had their bows drawn. Multiple wolves ran beside them.
The Hunters of Artemis. Thank gods.
A punk rock-looking girl walked up to me with a beautiful white wolf beside her.
"What happened to you?" she asked
"Crashed. Aquaduct. Ankle. Pain." I tried to say while wincing from the pain.
She seemed to understand.
"Dang." was all she said.
"Come on," said Jason, "I wunna show you guys my home."
When I saw it, my heart stopped for a couple of seconds.
Oh man, the architecture was beautiful!
It took me a minute to see the thousands of Roman soldiers, waiting for the order to kill us or not.
A scrawny, white boy walked up, I knew him from Jason's stories.
He glared at me.
I gave it right back to him.
"Kill them while you can! There Greeks!" he shouted.
"No! They are friends, not enemies!"
I knew that voice.
And there he was.
He looked stronger. His black hair gleamed in the sun, his sea-green eyes sparkled, he flashed me his best 'I'm a trouble maker' smile.
Like the Wise Girl I am, I stood there, gaping like an idiot.
"Well, Wise Girl?" he said opening his arms.
I through down my crutches and ran for him.
I didn't even feel the pain.
All I felt was happiness to see his beautiful face again.
He wrapped his arms around me.
I sighed.
It was really Percy!
I didn't want to let go for fear of losing him again.
He pushed me away and then kissed me.
Oh, how I missed that.
I didn't want to, but we broke apart.
"Oh, Seaweed Brain! I missed you SO much! All I could think about was-what are you wearing?!" I said, just noticing his new clothes.
He blushed.
Adorable, I thought.
"Ummm, it's a toga." was all he said.
I laughed.
A girl with long black hair and a warrior-like quality cleared her throat.
She had a weird look in her eye.
Annoyed? No. It was more like- more like jealousy.
"Sorry," Percy said "Reyna, this is Annabeth. Annabeth, this is Reyna."
The girl, named Reyna, softened at Percy's words. She liked him, and I had no doubt that she wouldn't fight for him, but that's okay because if she wants a fight, I'll give her a fight.
I DON'T THINK SO!, I thought.
He's mine!
I held out my hand.
"Hi, Reyna. I'm Annabeth, Percy's girlfriend." I said
She tried to intimidate me by squeezing my hand, hard.
It didn't work.
"Hi, Annabeth, I am Reyna, praetor of Camp Jupiter and Percy's colleague."
She's going down, I thought.
She glared at me.
I glared right back.
"Okkaayy," said Percy breaking us apart, "Why don't you go see Jason, Reyna?"
Reyna softened, again.
Another guy she can't have.
She left to go find Jason.
"Let's go for a walk." said Percy.
We talked forever.
He told me about what had happened the 8 months he was gone.
How terrible. I thought.
I told him about everything that happened up till now.
He looked worried.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Nothing." he said.
He was so faking.
"Percy...?" I asked, sternly.
"It's would a lug wrench get in the engine?" he asked, suspicious.
"Somebody probably just dropped it." I said, trying to keep my voice from wavering.
I was worried now, too.
"I don't know, Annabeth. Sounds weird to me." he said, shaking his head.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
But I knew what he meant.
It wasn't just an accident.
The Argo II was sabotaged.

The Heroes of Olympus 2554 balas

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hampir setahun yang lalu rainbow_girl said…
i just woke up. its 9:45
hampir setahun yang lalu book-worm said…
Nice! Okay, here's the moment you have all been waiting for! Today's chappie!!!! Hope you like it!

Chapter 17-  
3rd Person POV 
Aphrodite started working on her newest idea for Percy and Annabeth. It was risky but she had no other choice. 
"Well, I could just leave them alone, or I can keep going and make life harder for them..." 
She decided to keep going, after all she had already started. "I can't believe Percy and Annabeth's love was so strong it broke my spells." 
Her newest idea was sure to work. She was going to put some of her own love into Percy and Annabeth. They would immediately fall in love with the person Aphrodite was thinking of when she put her love in them. It took a lot of energy and was super risky. She would have to be really careful.  
She decided to do Percy first.  
She thought of Piper, her hair, her smile, her eyes, just everything. A pain racked through her body. She opened her eyes and to her relief, Percy was still alive. Now Annabeth.  
Aphrodite thought of Jason. His scar, his hair, his style, how he fought, his muscles, his intelligence on everything Roman. 
Once again a pain racked through Aphrodite as she injected love into Annabeth. She looked at Annabeth and she seemed to be alive. 
Aphrodite was drained of energy, but she somehow found the strength to flash herself back to Olympus.  
--------At Camp Jupiter----------- 
We all woke up refreshed. Apparently we all had a dreamless sleep again. We went to the kitchen of the Argo ll. No one really felt like going down to breakfast with the cohorts. Leo pulled some  eggs and various vegetables from the fridge and started making omelets. Leo was actually an amazing cook.  
I took a seat between Percy and Jason. As everyone sat down I realized something. We were missing some one. 
"Where's Piper?" I asked, everyone looked around. Hazel shrugged and got up to help Leo with breakfast. 
"Here." said Piper as she walked into the kitchen. She was fully dressed and it looked like her makeover from Aphrodite hadn't worn off yet, because she looked beautiful. Oh the perks of being a child of Aphrodite. 
I ran a hand through my curly hair and hoped it looked okay, I didn't want Jason to think I didn't care about how I looked.  
"Wait, Jason? I don't like Jason I like-" I tried to force myself to admit I loved Percy but my mind and body was convinced I loved Jason.  
Something was wrong. 
I looked at Percy and he was clutching the table and looked concentrated. I looked down and realized I was doing the same thing. He was having the same problem I was. 
"Hey Perce? Can I talk to you for a minute?" he looked at me and nodded towards the door to the living room. 
"Sure" he said  
As we walked into the living room I shut the door behind us. I wanted to be sure of what was happening before I told everyone. Now that I thought of it, I should've seen the signs. Hazel was fighting to sit by Leo, and help him with everything instead of frank. Piper was laughing with Percy and catching his attention, instead of Jason's. I was going to try to tell him what I thought was going on but instead what came out was: 

"Percy I want to break up"  
He looked anxious.  
"So do I" he said. He looked panicked 
"That's not what I meant to say." it looked like he forced the words out. 
"Me either." they were a struggle to say. 
Suddenly I got an idea.  
I grabbed Percy's arm and dragged him down the hall to the library. 
"Why are we in the library?" Percy asked, I went over to the white board and grabbed a marker. I wrote  
 I think Aphrodite did something to us. 
Percy wrote back: 
Well what did she do?  
She is screwing with who we fall in love with  
He looked at me confused.  
How did she do that?  
As far as I can tell she just used potions, I don't know how powerful they are or when they are going to wear off.  
What do we do until then?  
Try not to fight it, if we fight it, it could strengthen the potions and make it last longer.  
Do we tell the others?  
I erased the conversation and said "Just go with the flow, trust your instincts no matter what they make you do." 
He nodded "Do we tell the others we 'broke up'?" he asked 
I thought about it. "For now we'll tell them we broke up." 
He nodded and we left the library to see what was going on in the kitchen.  
When we got to the kitchen, the strangest thing was going on. Piper and Jason were glaring at each other. Leo had an arm around Hazel's shoulders and she had an arm around his waist. Frank was sitting at the table staring at an apple. I'm not really sure why he was staring at it, he acknowledged we came in so I let him stare at the apple for a little while longer before I got worried.  
"Percy and I broke up." I blurted out. 
I felt the need to say it right then. Both Jason and Piper stopped glaring each other and looked up at us. Piper smiled and Percy went to sit by her.
"Piper and I broke up too" Jason said as I took the seat next to him. He casually put an arm around me and I leaned into him. Percy and Piper were holding hands. 
Well, that was fast I thought. 
I guess Percy was following his instincts.  
We sat in a comfortable silence for a minute until Hazel and Leo put plates in front of us. We all ate heartily until our plates were cleaned. 
"What time is it?" Percy asked 
"Time for you to get a watch, my friend!" said Leo. I smiled 
"I think we have the senate meeting soon." Percy said 
"Well, then what are we waiting for?!" Piper said. 
We all got up, dishes forgotten, and headed off to the senate meeting  
hampir setahun yang lalu LORDCHAOS said…
hampir setahun yang lalu book-worm said…
hampir setahun yang lalu tristain714 said…
big smile
ooh great chapter bookworm
hampir setahun yang lalu book-worm said…
Thanks tristain
hampir setahun yang lalu LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
big smile
Thts beautiful ... Wonder whts gonna happen when it wears off
Am I have to wait another week or is leosgirl postin tmmrw?
Anyways nice chappie
hampir setahun yang lalu book-worm said…
I'm pretty sure she's going to post tomorrow
hampir setahun yang lalu bella372436541 said…
big smile
rainbow girl we have the same time zone... what state are you in!!!!!!!!
hampir setahun yang lalu book-worm said…
hampir setahun yang lalu bella372436541 said…
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ttttttttttttttoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo :) :) :) :) :) :P XD
hampir setahun yang lalu Phoenix_Stone said…
big smile


...that was AWSHUMLY AMAZING! :O

I am more obsessed with this story now. (If that's possible.) LOL! xD
Your ideas are amazing! :D
hampir setahun yang lalu rainbow_girl said…
@bella: i cant really tell u. u no, safety reasons. cuz who nos whos reading this? there might be a stalker!
hampir setahun yang lalu book-worm said…
@rainbow-way to be safe on le Internet! I'm the same way!

hampir setahun yang lalu bella372436541 said…
big smile
state mine is on the upper left side ......... thats all imma gonna say
hampir setahun yang lalu Phoenix_Stone said…
^I live on Earth. :D

Alice: I should be thanking you for this AWSHUM story! xD
...So, thank you! :D
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
pttf anyone alive?
hampir setahun yang lalu book-worm said…
I hope I'm alive....
hampir setahun yang lalu corrected said…
nice chaptwe
hampir setahun yang lalu Phoenix_Stone said…
^^^I should be alive. O.o
hampir setahun yang lalu rainbow_girl said…
im pretty sure im alive.
have u guys watched sixth sense?
sorry. random question. cuz talking bout being alive.
hampir setahun yang lalu LeosGirl said…
Enjoy! <3

Chapter 18


The Senate Meeting was boring, so far.
Everyone was buzzing with excitement, well, except for us seven. All of us were nervous.
Reyna looked honestly sad that we were leaving. I think she was mainly sad that Connor was leaving, but I decided not to point that out.
“Well, Percy?” Reyna asked, breaking my thoughts.
“Huh?” I asked. Like a boss.
I saw Annabeth face-palm and Piper giggle.
“I asked about your plans for the quest…” Reyna said obviously annoyed.
“Oh…Well, The Seven and the other Greeks are going to stop by Camp Half-Blood to drop off the counselors…and Rachel.” Rachel glared at me. “Then The Seven, including me, will head to Greece.” I answered nervously.
“What is it you are going to do exactly in Greece?” Reyna asked. She wanted details, and I sure didn’t have them.
I thought about my answer for a second or two.
“Save the world…” I let that sink in.
Hushed and worried whispers spread through the room.
To my surprise, Frank shot up.
He stomped his giant, clumsy foot twice, very hard; it reminded me of Chiron.
QUIET!” he shouted with more power than a charm-speaker.
Everyone went silent, mainly from amazement that Frank did that.
“I can’t believe that you, Romans, would have the slightest doubt that these warriors couldn’t do it! You know these people! They are good people! If anyone can do this task…it’s these demigods.” His words filled me with pride and love.
I will not give up on these people.
One after another, everyone stood up and bowed to us. A silent tear streamed down my cheek.
Reyna walked to the center, causing everyone to fall silent.
“They may be Greeks-“
I chuckled, earning me a smile from the praetor. Then I noticed her watery eyes.
“-but…they are also Romans.”
Everyone clapped and cheered.
I watched in awe as every other Roman stood up and joined in on the cheer, adding clapping, whistling, fist-pumping, and other types of praise.
I looked at my friends, or The Seven.
Frank was on his chair, clapping his huge hands and letting out a huge battle cry.
Hazel was laughing and had her petite hands in the air.
Annabeth looked around genuinely amazed, tears streaming down her face. Her blonde curls bounced as she sobbed and laughed with joy at the same time.
Leo had flames rippling across him as he danced around his chair. Like a spaz, I might add.
Piper’s kaleidoscopic eyes were teary-eyed as she danced with Leo, but not too close so she doesn’t get burnt.
Jason flew up out of his chair, (I laughed when I saw the Roman’s faces), and let out a thrilling wolf howl.
A huge grin spread across my face.
These were my friends.
This was my family!
And you always protect your family.
Without even caring, I jumped up on the Senate Table, let out my best, ear-splitting, thrill-living, Taxi whistle and shouted with all my heart and all my being:
Everyone joined in on the cry.
It took a long time to get everyone to calm down. Once everyone was back in their seats, Reyna said “Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Annabeth Chase,-“She looked at me and Jason with pure pride and a huge smile, “Jason Grace, and Percy Jackson!-”
People cheered.
“-I…we all, like to wish you a safe journey, and we await you after your success. Good luck, our questers! And Rome is forever with you!”
Everyone cheered, except for The Seven.
I knew we were all thinking the same thing:
If. If, we succeeded.
I moped as we all packed for Greece. Not Camp Half-Blood, not to my home with my mom and Paul, not here, but to Greece. Greece!
I sighed.
Leo did an unbelievable job on the Argo II.
He made everyone’s room custom-made. They were perfect.

Annabeth’s room was her exactly. Its walls were stormy and grey; just like her eyes. The door way was made to look like Greek columns, tying in her love of architecture. She had a cherry-wood desk, just like the one in the Athena cabin, with Daedalus’ laptop and assorted papers scattered on it. Her bed-spread was olive-green with a beautiful and detailed snowy owl on it. She even had her own personal library!

Next was Piper’s. I’ll be honest, I was expecting to be swarmed by bright pink walls and perfume when I entered. But I was shocked to find white walls with aqua and black stripes running the length of the room. She had a walk-in closet, on the door was an old snow-boarding jacket hung carefully on a coat-rack. She had a life-size mirror with pictures of Jason, Leo, an actor who must be her dad, and her half-brothers and sisters from the Aphrodite cabin stuck in the sides of the mirror. Her bed-spread was an amazing rainbow designs; matching her kaleidoscopic eyes.

Jason’s room was across from Piper’s. Unlike the others, Jason’s room was literally alive. The walls crackled and roared with lightning and thunder. Leo must have put some type of holographic thingy in the walls to make it look real and make it move. He had a dresser with a mirror. Unlike Piper, Jason just had one picture; A happy scene with Leo and Piper, who were laughing. I also saw that his mirror was covered in little notes. They read different names of the Romans. He probably did that when he remembered someone or something. His bed-spread was a shocking purple with the gold letters SPQR.

Next was Hazel’s room. I was amazed by the detail. The walls were snowy like you were really in Alaska. She had marble floors with assorted gems sealed in them. She also had a desk, but it was way different from Annabeth’s’. Her desk was made of midnight black obsidian and it also had assorted gems and metals engraved in it. I saw a button on the wall, so naturally, I pressed it. I watched in awe as a black stallion, just like Arion, trotted across her walls. Another awesome hologram. Her bed-spread made me smile. It was Mardi Gras colors: Cheery green, yellow, and purple, with New Orleans titled on it in bold golden letters.

I kind of didn’t know what to expect when I was heading to Frank’s room. But it honestly took my breath away, but then again, they all did. His walls were blood-red with a single black stripe running the walls. I laughed when I saw his solid steel, unbreakable desk. He’ll find a way, I thought. His bed-spread was a calm green, which didn’t go at all with the walls. On it was his father’s symbol of power: A bloody spear. I saw another button like the one in Hazel’s room. I pressed it. Different animals that Frank has dwelled in flew across the walls in a march of strength. An eagle ready to attack with its talons. An elephant strutting its tusks. I laughed. A weasel, its hind-quarters in the air as it viciously attacked some basilisks. I also saw a swarm of bees. And a deadly, rude red, dragon that snaked over Franks’ bedframe.

Leo’s turn. I laughed when I saw that the door had a frame with the title Supreme Commander of the Argo II!. The room was…well, Leo. The walls were painted with a flame design, like his room was fire-proof like him. Hades, it might be for all I know! He also had holes that you could see were made from hammers painted on the walls. They were so life-like that I had to touch one to be sure they weren’t really holes in the wall. His bed-spread was camo-green color with his name in bold, red letters. His bedframe was made from cool rusted metal, two night stands appeared on each side of his bed, they looked like giant replicas of Leo’s hammers, but of course, you could also set a drink or a TV remote on these. A TV remote? Why does the kid have a TV remote? I grabbed the TV remote and a button came flying out of the night stand. I flew back because that puny little button scared me. I cautiously pressed it, and in complete awe, watched as a freaking 100-inch Flat-screen came out of the opposite wall. Wow. Then I noticed Leo’s table. It was amazing in detail and it almost looked like it was-was…breathing…? I reached out to touch it, when it growled and scooted away from me. It startled me so much, I screamed.
“Percy?!” I heard Leo shout.
“I’m okay! Just…admiring your desk!” I shouted back.
I heard Leo as he roared with laughter then he said “That’s Buford! He’s really sweet once he gets to know you!”
“Uh. Hi Buford. I’m…uh, Percy.” I said to the table. I smiled as it came back and let me pet its tabletop as it purred. Then I noticed a big red button on Buford.
“May I?” I asked.
He purred.
I pressed the button and nearly tripped as I watched flames ignite in Leo’s room. Then I noticed that the flames were on me. I immediately started swatting at my clothes. But…I wasn’t hurt. I reached out and touched the flames. I was fine. They were fake flames. Of course Leo would put that in his room, just so he can scare the Styx out of someone.

The big moment: My room! My breath flew back into my lungs as I opened the door. I was wrong when I said that Jason’s room was the only one that looked like it was alive. My walls swayed with waves. The walls were covered in different types of beautiful fish. I reached out to run my fingers across the wall when it moved. Causing the waves to ripple and the fish to scatter. I smiled. I had a walk-in closet, too. Even though I don’t have much to put in it. My desk was black obsidian with green emerald designs in it. There were pictures scattered on it: Annabeth, Grover, My mom and Paul, My father Poseidon, Chiron, The Stolls mid-laugh. A tear rolled down my cheek as I picked up a picture of Camp Half-Blood. I saw the Big House with Chiron and Mr. D playing their card game, the sun gleamed off the strawberry fields, Apollo kids practicing archery, and other campers running around the beloved camp. I smiled and wiped away my tears as I set the picture down back on the beautiful desk. The floor-boards were decorated with perfectly sculpted sea-shells. My bedframe was the same way. I smiled when I saw my bed-spread. It was sea-green with a city-skyline imprinted on it in black. It looked, amazingly, just like New York. I saw a fountain, just like the one my dad gave me that I broke, next to my night stand. I smiled at the memory. I noticed another one of those magical buttons. I smiled and pressed it. I stood there, mouth agape, as I watched images. Not just any images. Images of my adventures with Annabeth and Grover. Images of my days at Camp Half-Blood. Images of my friends, my family. Images of me. Images of my life. I soaked it all in with pure amazement and pure love. This really was my room. I jumped on my bed. It shook and waved from the impact. No way! A water bed! Yup. It’s settled. I’m never freaking leaving this room! The movement of the water immediately made me fall asleep.
“Percy! Wake up!” That was my lovely wake-up call.
“What?!” I said.
“Don’t use that tone with me!” It was Rachel.
“Sorry, Rache. Just cranky. What’s up?” I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes the best I could.
“Were here.” She replied with a smile.
“Camp Half-Blood?” I asked.
“No. China! No der, Sherlock!” she said sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes and got up. I followed behind Rachel as she led me outside.
And there it was.
Camp Half-Blood in its glory. It was still as beautiful as I remember. I heard screams and immediately went into demigod-mode. I was expecting to be mobbed by monsters.
Instead I was mobbed by campers.
I was on the ground in seconds. There was “Percy!”s, and “We missed you!”s and “Are you okay?!”s, but mostly there were “Where the Hades have you been, Perce?!”s. I smiled.
“I missed you guys, too. But, seriously, get off. I may be a son of Poseidon, but I still need air!” I chuckled. They all stood up one by one. Someone offered me a hand. I took it.
“Percy, my boy! It’s a true pleasure to see you!”
“Chiron!” I hugged the centaur.
“How’ve you been?” I asked.
“Well, besides missing my favorite camper ever; fine.” He gave me a wink. “My boy, may I asked where you have been? I sure hope for Annabeth’s sake it wasn’t another visit to Calypso?”
I blushed. “No. But it was a pretty messed-up trip.”
He nodded. “You can tell us at the camp fire tonight.”
I nodded.
Most of the day was spent walking around, catching up with old friends that I missed like crazy. It honestly felt good knowing that everyone actually missed me. Even the Ares campers! The day flew by fast.
Soon it was time for the camp fire. The flames were a bright orangey-red from feeding off the camper’s excited emotions. Chiron stomped his foot two times, just like Frank, silencing the campers.
“As we all know; Our beloved Percy is back!” He shouted.
The campers roared, while I blushed.
“He is going to tell us how his eight months have been.” Everyone went silent in expectation.
I took a deep breath and started talking. Talking about my quest. Talking about the Romans I met. Talking about how much I missed these guys. Just…talking. About everything. I never held anything back, no matter how stupid or emotional it made me sound. Not once was I interrupted. When I finished I took a deep breath and looked at all the campers, mouth agape in awe. I began to worry. You could hear a cricket chirping. Did I say something bad?
Then the campers exploded in cheers and claps.
I smiled to myself. This place is freaking amazing.
“My boy!” Chiron clapped me on the back. “You should think about being a story-teller or maybe an oracle!” I blushed and everyone chuckled as Rachel huffed and walked out of the room.
“I’m afraid it is past curfew.-“There were moans and groans from the campers. “Yes, yes! I know!,” Chiron continued, “But I am afraid that these questers need their rest for the journey ahead of them…” He trailed off with sadness in his voice.
We all went our separate ways to our cabins. I opened my door and was surprised by an unexpected visitor.
I saw a man with a head of messy black hair and a beard to match sitting on my bed. He was wearing a pair of sea-green swimming trunks and a cliché Hawaiian T-shirt (Don’t tell him I said that!) on. Next to him was a glowing green, golden trident.
I smiled softly. “Father.”
“Son!” He exclaimed shooting up. He crushed me in a hug.
“You’re worse than Tyson!” I said as I tried to get the kinks out of my back. My father let out his roar of a laugh that always made me smile.
“Sorry, son. I have been very worried about you.”
I nodded. “Ask Hera…Juno…whatever.” I mumbled.
I saw a flash of anger in my father’s eyes. “That lady has been up to no good.” He said.
I shrugged. “S’Okay.” I said.
My dad smiled. “You’re the same Percy.” He said.
“I always will be.” I smiled too.
My dad’s smile faded. “Perce…” He said sternly. “I want you to know that I will be with you on this quest and I want you to be careful. Please.”
“I will.” I promised.
He smiled and clapped me on the back. “I will let you rest.”
“See you later, dad.” I said.
He nodded. I had to advert my eyes so he could flash out.
I yawned and lay down in my old bunk, in my old cabin, in my old home.
The home I would have to leave tomorrow. I sighed. I just got back and I would have to leave in the morning all ready.
I’ll be back, I told myself.
“I hope.” I whispered.
On that lovely thought, I fell asleep.
Leo shook me awake the next morning.
“Gods! Don’t you people know any polite way to wake a sleeper?!” I exclaimed half asleep.
Leo chuckled. “Sorry, buddy. We gotta roll. The Argo II waits for no one.”
I rolled my eyes. “Okay. Okay. I’m coming.”
We all gulped down our breakfast and loaded up, again, onto the Argo II. I caught another glimpse of Camp Half-Blood before we had to leave. Honestly, I was kind of glad I didn’t get to say good-bye to everyone. It would have been too terrible to cope.
We began our descend.
“Greece, here we come.” I mumbled.

I hope you liked it. I made the chapter very long because I know I haven't been on much lately so I wanted to give you guys a treat and because A LOT was needed to be put into the chapter. I have to get off. Bye my POTAGs!
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu book-worm said…
@rainbow-yeah I've seen it! It's good!

@leosgirl-the chappie looks even longer here!!!! Your the best!!!!
hampir setahun yang lalu LeosGirl said…
^Lol! Thanks. Where did everyone go? You guys were like chatting and I come on and you guys scatter. Am I scary or something? LOL!
hampir setahun yang lalu book-worm said…
Not scary, they're just reading, it should take a while!(:
hampir setahun yang lalu LeosGirl said…
^LOL! True.
hampir setahun yang lalu Phoenix_Stone said…
big smile
That was amazing! :D
hampir setahun yang lalu LeosGirl said…
^NO! Are you okay?! Do you need to go to the hospital?! ROFL! Tank you! I am glad you like it!
hampir setahun yang lalu bella372436541 said…
i almost cried i dont know why though.......
hampir setahun yang lalu bella372436541 said…
the chappie was great
hampir setahun yang lalu LeosGirl said…
^Thank you. I'm glad you liked it.
hampir setahun yang lalu IStandCorrected said…
big smile
It was EPIC!!!!!!!!
hampir setahun yang lalu LeosGirl said…
big smile
^ISC! I missed you! And thank you! I worked hard on it for you guys.
hampir setahun yang lalu IStandCorrected said…
ive been busy... but i should be able to be on a lot today
hampir setahun yang lalu IStandCorrected said…
big smile
and i missed everyone!!!
hampir setahun yang lalu LeosGirl said…
big smile
hampir setahun yang lalu IStandCorrected said…
big smile
hampir setahun yang lalu LeosGirl said…
Lol! I think we're like the only one's here.
hampir setahun yang lalu IStandCorrected said…
lol me too
hampir setahun yang lalu LeosGirl said…
Lol. So bored...
hampir setahun yang lalu rainbow_girl said…
I LUVED IT!!!!!!
hampir setahun yang lalu LeosGirl said…
^Thanks! <3 I worked really hard on it and was really anxious to see what you guys would think.
hampir setahun yang lalu Phoenix_Stone said…
big smile
Mad Hatter: The room descriptions were amazingly awesome! :D
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu corrected said…
big smile
that was amazing!
if only every chapter was that long
hampir setahun yang lalu book-worm said…
@festus-I agree! I couldn't think of anything for rooms so I'm really glad leosgirl put the discriptions
hampir setahun yang lalu bella372436541 said…
big smile
hey leos girl thx for the extra long chappie and also thx for becoming a fan of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!
hampir setahun yang lalu bella372436541 said…
i wasnt on for so long becaise i had to clean my room :( it wasnt that bad though i made my self do it because of a new school year... 3 more days till school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hampir setahun yang lalu kkw1700 said…
^3 days?! I have 13 hrs and 30min!
hampir setahun yang lalu rainbow_girl said…
@bella: ur excited for school?!? *faint*
hampir setahun yang lalu book-worm said…
I will never be excited for school!