The Worst Generation [The Worst Generation: Hippies, Life, Rave and...Magic?!]

pLaStIcSUNDAE posted on Oct 21, 2019 at 12:19PM
1. talk wildly or incoherently, as if one were delirious or insane.
2. speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm or admiration.

(especially in the 1960s) a person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair, associated with a subculture involving a rejection of conventional values and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs.

1. the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
"the origins of life"
2. the existence of an individual human being or animal.
3. a particular type or aspect of people's existence
4. the period between the birth and death of a living thing, especially a human being.
5. vitality, vigor, or energy.
6. (in art) the depiction of a subject from a real model, rather than from an artist's imagination.

1. the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.
2. mysterious tricks, such as making things disappear and appear again, performed as entertainment.
3. a quality that makes something seem removed from everyday life, especially in a way that gives delight.
4. something that has a delightfully unusual quality.
1. used in magic or working by magic; having or apparently having supernatural powers.


~Plot Stuff~
Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, there existed an otherworldly arcane essence that existed by the name of Magic/Magick. This essence was a variety of things. Lush and in great abundance, full of life and a energy that science had become a pale reflection of in the years that followed. However, it was also an essence that harbored a wicked face as well, bound to attract misfortune and death to all who were able to understand and or obtain it if not tamed properly. The secrets of this essence falling into the wrong hands would bring nothing but catastrophe.

And catastrophe it brought, those hundreds a years ago. One that thrust magic into an era in which it had began to fade and a new form of energy created at the hands of man became the new. The world in which magic had come from became a myth, magic itself became a myth as time progressed and left it to fade and never be seen again.

Or perhaps....what isn't seen isn't truly gone. And perhaps...the world thought to be myth is much more than just so. But what is certain is that what has lurked in the veils of shadows within the darkness, behind illusions of people, places and things. Forces that had managed to slip into the ages of the new world. Those of good. Those of evil and malice. Those of...magic. And perhaps...hope. But...will the newest of generations derived from those hundreds of years be able to face what comes?

And so we fly ahead in time to the present, where villages have become cities of tall structures, and dreams of flight have become a reality.


~TWG Terminology and Lore~




Sangeon Park
last edited on Mar 11, 2020 at 02:27PM

The Worst Generation 9440 balas

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hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
"Grandma's," Jackline answered Mason briefly before turning back to McNeel. "You should work on your approach to situations such as these and be relieved that I was who you just so happened to make such a bold threat to. If you're keen on taking advice then remember in the future that those 'less than patient' officers won't be as kind. If I were a S.O.C. then you'd be dead. I'd suggest working on your communication skills." She paused for a moment, looking to Mason, and then to the unconscious Raven. And when she turned back to Claudio, she took out her badge. "If you want to do something useful, the here," She tossed it at his feet. "Tell the Constables that I hereby resign as a field operative. I expect the check that I don't receive for the position to arrive in the mail," She said sarcastically. "Mason, come. We don't have time to waste here." She created her own path through the fire with the use of magic and headed out.
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
"I thought my approach was rather professional" Claudio said, brushing his hair back casually as he responded, picking up the badge from the floor as he answered, "I hope you know the penalty from quitting the Constables unit isn't as easy as leaving a job at a fast food chain, but if that's what you desire, I can't stop you. I'm sure you are more than understanding of the ramifications of such a thing." With that, Claudio, crossed his arms, "Of course, I am still going to need that girl there" Claudio said, pointing at Raven. "I can tell that she is related to the disaster, one way or another. She needs to be questioned, and of course, brought to justice. Be it a sick satisfaction to cause death or one bad accident, a crime is a crime. And after all, you did just resign as a member of the Constables. So, if you please..."
As Jackie was stepping through the flames, McNeel snapped his fingers, the wall of flames returning, raising higher than before as he exclaimed, "I would suggest you leave the girl here and leave this building. It's not safe for civis like you two, and with it being fifteen minutes before I am to report back in to continue my shift, I am off the clock for the next fifteen minutes. That gives me fifteen minutes to do what I must if you obstruct order, ma'am and sir." As Claudio spoke, he adjusted his tie, the flames around them starting to get him to sweat from his forehead, yet he did not waver. He kept his stance, more than prepared to stop the two if need be
hampir setahun yang lalu cosmic_fusions said…
“H-huh? Whaaaa? Pshhh, no of course no—“ But then her stammering was replaced with a sudden quivering gasp that sucked up all her saliva and left her mouth dry. It was when the horrid wave of anxiety and fear washed over her, almost making her stumble back against the wall. Her grip on her phone loosened slightly, small grunts of discomfort being heard. She trembled while putting the phone back to her ear. She figured it must have been a side effect of what happened today. It took her a second or two to recall what she was even talking about. “I-I um...” She rubbed her head slightly. “I’m b-being truthful, m-my mom is just c-curious and would like to know.”

Kyung-ha let Leonard continue his talk while she occupied herself in the busy. She lifted her brow slightly when he mentioned she only had a little wrinkles. And at the part of Yoon and her leaving for a better life, her expression softened only slightly. But that didn’t distract her from what she was doing. In the large Tupperware, she filled the container with at least eight pieces of juicy Korean chicken that were leftovers from today. In a separate bowl with a similar size, she stocked that up with rice on the left corner, and a bunch of side dishes like kimchi, pickled radish, creamy potatoes, and Korean-styled spinach. After tightly sealing them, the woman stacked them neatly inside a plastic bag. She retrieved a plastic cup and filled it to the brim with her sweet Korean rice drink, then made her way back to Leonard to gift him the drink, setting the bag of her home cooked meal for his travel. “You need to eat more healthy.” She pointed out. “You old now, can suffer from heart attack and diabetes any minute. Smoke gives cancer too, only rots brains.”
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hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
Leo looked down at the food handed to him, a bit of a smile coming to his face, if only for a moment before he responded, "If there's one thing I'll miss from our short reunion, it's your classic Korean cooking. You always knew how to make some great samgyeopsal. Better than the fake crap they sell here. But, I'll try to cut back on the fast food. The cigarettes.... I will try, but I make no promises." Leo said with a nod, holding the bag in one hand and his other hand in his pocket, giving another dry chuckle, "Though, you always did have a problem of cooking too much. Always left your houses feeling satisfied, but a little bloated." As Leo forced himself to take another drink of beer, he asked, "But, it's nice to see that retirement has been good for you. Well... up until now, anyway."
Windwakerguy430 commented…
And as it turns out, it was me that refused sleep XD hampir setahun yang lalu
Windwakerguy430 commented…
So I'll see anda in a few hours, Jade, since I know anda won't RP with me willingly XD hampir setahun yang lalu
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Okay, my reign of terror was short lived hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
"Oh, you misunderstand." When Jackie turned around, her eyes held a harsh green glow. "I resigned as a field operative. Not as the C.O.M (Consultant of Magic). And it just so happens that I have a bit of a lesson for you." She shoved the string of magic into Mason's hand. "Give me a moment and please, try not to let that slip from your hands." Her attention returned to Claudio. "The saying goes to turn the other cheek, yes? And that would be your second threat, no?" She flexed her fingers. "Fifteen minutes you said, correct? While I'll thank you for such a timely frame, for an amateur such as yourself, it'll take much less to straighten out the kinks." She cleared her throat before holding her hand up to her lips. And as she inhaled, the fire around them drew towards her for a moment until she blew a kiss.

It came like a bullet from hell, small but more than enough to send Claudio packing across the hot rubble and fire.

But Jackie in no way planned to let him off easily. "You see, you spoke of ramifications and repercussions of the sort, but have you not thought about the ones awaiting you, darling?" Her body glowed, and in just a few seconds she was standing taller while walking towards him. "An average nobody Constable, having the nerve to speak to me as if he is of any plausible ranking let alone my superior. And here's a bit of a tip." She forced her foot down onto his chest, grinding her heel. "The Order goes as such. My Grandfather's will, My grandmother, the Council, the 20, the Commanders, the Constables and the Research and Development teams, the custodians, their cleaning supplies, the dirty water, and then yourself. A Lackey. The name Constantine owns you. And if you believe they wouldn't allow me to take your head," she gave a chuckle that sounded too sweet to be one that was of good intentions. "Then you've severely mistaken, sweetie. Now I've had a very, very eventful day thus far and I'd like to keep this energy for the large man over there. My lenience is running thin oh darling pup. Running along back to your litter will be the best decision you and that excuse of a comb-over will make today. It's said to be a bit rainy today. You may want to grab an umbrella." And with that she let the man be. "Hope to the Constables that you'll never have to see this beautiful little face again. Oh, and do clean yourself up. We've already got one terrible representation as is, and he fits the bill quite nicely. And unlike yourself, he likable."
She brushed the flames aside, giving Mason as if to say he was next as she passed him while taking the string from his hand.


"Then perhaps I should contact your mother so that we may discuss it ourselves. Whatever it may be that draws her curiosity and skepticism, I'm certain that I will be able to rid any misunderstandings and answer the questions that she may. Or perhaps it would be much more effective to speak to her in person tomorrow morning." Abel lowered his phone from his ear when it rung for a moment.
A second or two later, he placed it back to his ear. "If you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to." Before Yoon could answer, he hung up so that he could answer the more urgent call.
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Windwakerguy430 commented…
The fuck did Mason do aside from run into a burning building like Mr. Incredible XD hampir setahun yang lalu
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Or, Mr. Mediocre, to be exact hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason took a bit of a step back as Jackie approached him, this sense of dread taking over him, but the dread was added even moreso at what he saw behind her. Without so much as a limp of pain or even a scratch, Claudio turned Jackie around before he sent a punch into her face, yet there was no following impact after. His hand remained on her face and her head remained turned from the impact, yet there was no movement, the two remaining in place, at least until Claudio pulled his hand away, shaking his head once he removed it from her cheek. "I think I cut my knuckle on her tooth. You see, Miss Jackie, I have no desire to care about who runs the Constables unit, what their intentions are, or anything like that. Though I am a member of the organization, I work on my own terms. Those being to keep order in tact. And letting a careless magic user such as herself out and about without the proper safety of a Constable building holding cell just won't do. While I apologize for striking a woman of such high regard, I can promise you that I will do it again if need be. I'm leaving here, with the young lady. You can comply or I can take her from you by force. After all, two on one is not a real fight for me... Well, one and a half on one. I'm making you quite the reasonable offer here, Jackie. It would be a mistake for me to have to follow after you."
hampir setahun yang lalu cosmic_fusions said…
“-wh-what? N-No, that’s okay—I-I’ll talk to her—“ Yoon began to panic. “S-seriously, it’s fine— ha ha, p-please don’t do that—“ However, when Abel mentioned he had to attend business, she quickly spoke before he could hang up. “Ohokaynoproblemhahahatakecarenow,seeyou­tom­orr­owi­nth­emo­rni­ngB­YE!­!!” She squeaked in before she no longer heard a response. She smacked herself in the forehead again, groaning as she let herself fall on her bed in embarrassment. Smooth, Yoon, very smooth.


“I make best samgyeopsal.” Kyung-ha corrected him. She grabbed ahold of her beer again and took another large gulp. “Retirement has been well. However, I wish I could have planned more beforehand.” After all, when Kyung-ha decided to quit, it was very abrupt and sudden. When she moved to the US, she didn’t have many plans as to where she was going to stay. “Miss action little bit too.” The mother admitted. She couldn’t deny that she rather help people than wash their hair. But, it payed the bills. Barely. “You too old now, need to leave fight to the young.” She referenced Abel. “They have better eyesight and cardio than us.” She chuckled to herself. “You still in force, you make sure no stupid things Abel do. I outside of force, I make sure Abel enjoy outside life now. My job no longer to train him. My job now to love and care for him. Show a world outside organization. He stubborn, like Yoon sometimes, but they both can learn something from each other.”
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
Leo couldn't help but burst out into laughter, scratching the back of his head, "I'm flattered that you assume I'm not the stupid one when it comes to me and Abel. It's usually the other way around. But I'll do what I can to keep that boy outta trouble. But like you said, he's stubborn. Gonna be real hard to get him to listen once he puts his mind to something. And hey, I'm only in my late forties. I still have some black in my hair, you know. I ain't kicking the bucket anytime soon". He lifted his can of beer to his lips once more, yet he couldn't bare to sip it. "Wish I got myself something more flavorful"
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hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
Jackie's tongue stretched from her mouth to lick her cheek, before spitting onto the ground. "First and foremost, in the words of my great, great, great, great, great uncle, 'You hit like a bitch.'. And secondly as I said. You hold no authority here. And thirdly," She cocked her hand back with no intentions of pulling a punch because he was a boy. But because he was only human. She swung with a force lacking magic but packing more strength than she would look to have until her knuckles crunched into his nose. "I believe I just cracked your nostrils on my knuckles. And while I don't apologize for striking a man, you're not taking anything. It's not your decision to make." She let go of the string of magic that was attached to the Raven's bubble, but then snapped her fingers and cause its entirety to disappear. "And oh I agree. I would be quite a mistake for you follow me. I believe the users of Tinder call this a, "left swipe"." She swiped her hand across the air in front of her, and there was a faint trace of a blur before he broomstick swooped from the air and crashed point first into his side, sending him off into the dying fires around them.

She brushed herself off, before shoving Mason onto the broomstick, it surprisingly holding all of his weight as if it were just another day of service. It extended in length as she climbed onto it herself. "Let us depart. We've wasted enough time here as is." The broom shot up into the sky and up towards the clouds momentarily before shifting direction in a wild whip that was like turning a motorcycle. And the she took off, looking down far down below for something while putting her phone to her ear. "Grandmother?–Yes, I have–Yes of course.–IN CHINA?! What could possibly so far, and now of all times?!" She fell silent for a long moment while her grandmother spoke. "Are you certain? I–" She had to hold the phone away from ear as she was being yelled at for questioning certainty. "Yes grandmother, I understand.– I'm sure that it can be memorized. Mhm–the lower cabinet–I'll call you back once we're finished." And with that, she hung up her phone.
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hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
Once Mason was pushed aside, he looked back to see where Claudio was, seeing him start to stand up without so much as a breath of effort. Mason was ready to scream for the broom to go, but found himself having to hold onto the stick for dear life as he found himself flying in terror once again. He waited for Jackie finish her phone call, looking around in fear before he said, "O-Okay, time out. Jackie, I need answers, and don't tell me there's no reason to question it. Who the hell was that guy? What are the Constables? What happened to Raven, both when she disappeared and what caused all this? And why in the hell am I not numb from the neck down?"

Claudio watched as the broom flew off, feeling the blood drip from his now broken nose. He gave the bridge a light tap, a slight pain rushing through his skull before his nose snapped back into place, ceasing the bleeding as well before he wiped the blood away with his thumb. "This is incredible" Claudio said with a grin, "Finally, a real challenge, and with the descendant of the higher ups in the unit. This is amazing. This is the best possible outcome. I'd better make a report on this right now. Sure, they'll question why I was here off duty without clear jurisdiction, but surely they'll understand when I mention the girl here. Things are starting to heat up here in Orlando."
hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
"The "guy", if we're really being generous, is a lackey agent. A newer one to the organization. And apparently they've fallen even lower on their standards ever since the passing of my grandfather. The Constables are the organization that I spoke of before while we were on our way to Montana. Raven–is that the girl's name? She lost control, the darling. And under the worst circumstances possible," Jackie explained irritably. "As for where she supposedly disappeared, she didn't so much as disappear. I just simply need to reel her back in." She turned her hand over to reveal the string of magic that she still held, it being tied around her pinkie finger. "As for why you managed to survive the initial destruction, you can thank Grandma for that." But then she turned around on the broom, causing it to wobble, though it didn't bother her, and she looked at Mason. "There is a reason I told you to run, Mason. Your presence near her merely made the matter worse."
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
"T-That's what happened?" Mason replied, his eyes widening in shock, looking down, to the left, around, but not sure what to say, yet his expression of shock still remained. If he knew what would happen, he would've done more than just walk out. He would've run. He would've left and never came back. But he can't fix that now. He just shook his head slowly in response, "I... I just wanted... wanted to help her. I thought I could help her understand. I... I didn't... Oh god." Mason put his hands on his head, brushing through his hair in total shock now, starting to feel that even his mind was slipping now
hampir setahun yang lalu cosmic_fusions said…
“Black hair won’t last for long.” Kyung-ha warned him. In fact, she was a victim of having to pluck out a couple white hairs here in there. She chugged the rest of her beer with ease before tossing it into the recycling bag that was filled with other bottles and cans. It was an extra way for her to make money by returning the recyclables. And even though she never usually got more than 15 dollars, that was enough to help with at least a fourth of the electricity bill.
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
"Hey, don't remind me. I wanna at least try to keep myself looking middled-aged for as long as I can, woman. Besides, how do you manage to keep from looking over 25. And don't say smoking, will ya" Leo joked, though he had a feeling it was just an open invite for her to do just that
hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
"It couldn't have been stopped. And so in that regard it's not your blame to take. But it could have been minimized to a lesser degree that perhaps that boy would have still had his life." Jackie moved Mason's hands and lifted his face so that he would look at her. "Listen to me, Mason. The decision that you made today was just, but recklessly so. My Grandmother has always told me that time is everything. Timing is everything. Mason...this was not her time to understand. But yours." She turned the arm that had gotten the seal placed on it by her grandmother to show him that it had partially burned away. And she spoke sorrowfully. "This was your time to understand that fate is loving..but she is also cruel. A lesson that was meant for both of you to share. For one to learn and the other to understand. Remember this day well." She turned to where Raven now floated near them in her protective bubble. "For she will remember it for all her days and nights."
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hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason listened to every word she was saying, not sure how to feel about it. Relieved? Worried? Mortified? Responsible? Content? Many thoughts were going through his head, but none moreso than when she mentioned Raven, who would be suffering through this far worse than he did. He didn't say a word more, but the look of sheer shock and terror, the look of absolute dread, still remained on his face, not shifting in the slightest
hampir setahun yang lalu cosmic_fusions said…
Kyung-ha didn’t find Leonard’s joke funny in the slightest. However, what was humorous what his poor attempt of making one. It caused a somewhat exhale of laughter to be released from the woman through her nose. “Asian skin.” She shrugged as to how she kept herself looking so young. Sure, she did masks and treatments but in actuality her genetics were enough to keep her youthful. “Seriously, stop smoking.” Kyung-ha warned him with sharp eyes. “No good. Smell bad, rot teeth, cancer. Nothing good about it.”
hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
Jackie stared at him for a moment before looking away, not having nearly as much anger towards him as she originally wanted to have when she spoke about this. Instead, she hugged him out of both sympathy and empathy. She hugged him and she spoke quietly. "All was not lost on this day. Despite death, there are people who are alive due to your actions as well. And for that, you will stay strong. The stronger you become, the more you will save." After a moment, she turned around on the broomstick. "Hold on. This drive will be much more different than the van."
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
Leo gave a slight shrug at Kyung-ha's response before he followed up with his own comment "Hey, I could say the same for that beer you practically chugged like a college kid, but I ain't complaining". Leo gave a chuckle afterward, however, clearly showing he didn't mind

Mason let out a faint shiver, though her words were calm, it did little to help him, "B-But I could've done more". That was all Mason could think. He could have done more, yet he didn't. He told Carlyle that he would do whatever it took to help people, to keep people from needlessly getting hurt. Instead, many people died, including a kid, and Raven was left traumatized from it, and so was Sammy.
hampir setahun yang lalu cosmic_fusions said…
“I excused, I no do it everyday.” She defended herself. “You on the other hand...” She squinted. “Liver kill you before big monster does.” Kyung-ha reminded him. “Or maybe New York street food.” She thought to herself while tapping her chin. Nonetheless, he was going to probably die of something not work-related. “Send fridge magnet of big green lady, Oke?” She told him so she could continue to fill her fridge with stickers.
hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
"Yes, you could have," Jackie agreed with a small nod. "We both could have. And we both will. Mason I have told you many times that we are allies, you and I. But today I would like to make you friend." She was silent for a moment as they flew through the air, the clouds shielding them from sight. She felt deeply for Mason, for she was once in his shoes, walking without a clue of where to start in a world that was new to her. A world where things weren't suppose to exist, yet they did. And like her grandfather had done to her, she would test his resolve to move forward. "I want to teach you how to use your magic. I will teach you if you are truly willing to learn."
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason felt the embrace from her and was able to at least feel her kindness, her desire to help, and he gave a nod. It did not help him feel better, but he did understand, "I will. I want to learn. I want to do better. But... I want to know what will happen to Raven. Can... can she get through this?"

"Hey, I don't drink every day either. This was just a special occasion. Besides, I hate the taste of plain beer" Leo defended himself, "And you mean the Statue of Liberty? Kind of a crummy gift to send back to you, but, hey, if it's what you want, it's what you'll get. And I may eat trash, but I ain't gonna stoop so low as to eat New York food. Except maybe a pizza"
hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
Jackie's jaw tensed at this question, and for a moment they flew threw the sky in silence as she thought back to what she had witnessed before Mason had arrived. She didn't want to give an answer that she was unsure of.herself. But in the same instance, she knew that right now Mason needed answers. And so she shook her head. "I..don't know, Mason. I honestly don't know." But she knew that Raven had to. She had to. "But I promise that I will do the best to my ability to make it so. That we will help her through it."
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason expected this to be her response, but it didn't make him feel any better. It just gave him a pathetic sense of some hope, some hope that it will get better. Yet, he wasn't sure about it. He just gave a slight, faint nod and responded with "okay"
hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
Jackie closed her eyes for a moment, letting out a steady sigh. The most that she could do was try to keep their minds off of the subjects the best she could, at least until they had to cross that bridge. "So tell me darling," she said after a while. "What is this website that your stories are being harbored on? I don't believe that you've ever told me. Would it be wise to keep away a potential fan from your treasury of literature?"
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason looked up at her, a look of absurd and confused. He wasn't sure why she was changing the subject, yet he just gave a sigh and replied, "It's called Enigma. It documents things such as strange happenings and things. I... I guess it's not so strange to you, though. I guess it's more like a source of actual news to you"
hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
Jackie found herself chuckling at the last bit, giving a small shrug as she replied, "I suppose that would mean that it wouldn't be too strange to you now either. Enigma," she said the word in thought. "Mysterious, puzzling and difficult to understand. It sounds much like how you must think of all of this. It's..poetic. I like it." She smiled a little. "Perhaps I could assist in your penmanship." But then a thought came to her. "With your documents and my skills as a journalist, we could make an archive of our own. A Constables 2.0, if you will." She chuckled at the idea.
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
"Uh.... sure, I guess". Though Mason would happily joke about the situation, he was unable to find much to think about other than what he had just witnessed. Not that Jackie's attempts to annoyed him, in fact he appreciated it under the surface. It was just that his mind was still stuck on the disaster that occurred. Mason just gave a shrug and said, "I doubt it'll stick around much longer if major medias are getting involved"
hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
"If the Constables have anything to say about it, they won't. Especially if it pertains to what we do. We, as in the Constables, I mean." But then Jackie frowned a bit. "They've changed. If my grandfather were well and kicking.." But she stopped, because then she began to think about her grandmother. And that lead her to thinking about her mother and father. Her real mother and father. But then she went to another subject that she found interest in. She had never gotten to ask him before, and now was a better time than never. "Enough about the shadow organization though. Tell me Mason, what of your love life? Its rather intriguing that someone as large as yourself favors someone of the same gender. Is there someone you love?"
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
"S-Someone I love?" Mason thought for a moment, though still a bit worried about the situation that had taken place, "Can't really say, to be honest. I've always had a sort of hopeless romantic way of doing things. I usually date a guy for a bit, then I end up breaking things off only after a couple of days. It's hard for me to find a long lasting relationship, truly."
hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
"Ah, I see," Jackie said, thinking for a moment. But as she thought, an image that she found rather hilarious popped into her mind but she held back her laughter. "M-maybe they find you intimidating. It's not everyday that a man meets a descendant of a nyphelim after all. Have you thought over wearing a dr-dress and heels?" She started laughing for a few seconds.
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
"I'm gay, Jackie. I'm not trans" Mason said, shaking his head at her consistent attempts to mess with him to take his mind off the previous disaster. That said, it was working, as much as he didn't want to admit it, "I'm actually quite proud of my gender, thank you. If a guy doesn't like my appearance, that's just a deal breaker for me"
hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
"Interesting indeed," Jackie nodded in understanding, glancing back at him with a small smile. "There's nothing wrong with searching for someone who will cherish both your appearance and who you are. A wonderful thing it is." She looked ahead of them again, the wind that passed them by surprisingly calm compared to their trip in the van. "I'm curious. As a gay male, what are your thoughts of transgender male to females or females to males? You all would almost be one in the same if not for the physical changes yes?"
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason gave a shrug, finally starting to get a bit more comfortable with her responses now, if still shaken up from the events, before answering, "I don't see anything wrong with that. It's about the same as being gay, you just accept them for who they are, no matter what they look like, how they feel, or any of that. Though, can't say I know any personally"
hampir setahun yang lalu cosmic_fusions said…
“Statue of Liberty?” Hmmm... so that’s what it’s called... “Pizza no good either.” But, if he HAD to eat it with no other choice possible, she couldn’t judge. Her arms crossed as she leaned against the counter. “I see how I send real food to you, no plastic.” She teased. “I send kimchi in envelope.” Was her attempt of a joke. She eyed the McDonald’s bag before unexpectedly opening it and eating a French fry and gagging. “Blegh... how Yoonie like this?!” She exclaimed. “I give it to Sangeon instead, he eat healthy most of time.”
hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
Jackie began to laugh a little in an almost knowing manner. "I'll leave that door to the holder of its key," she said to him. "But I agree. I was raised to love everyone as they are if they are good people. It doesn't matter what or who, as long as their intentions are good and resonates with their actions and heart. So are you a active representation of your community? If so, Or for that matter, the numerous extra they're attempting to add onto everything? Does that sit well with you? I believe it to be a bit over excessive myself."
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cosmic_fusions commented…
o.O hampir setahun yang lalu
cosmic_fusions commented…
ugh >:( hampir setahun yang lalu
afewseconds commented…
Hgu :D hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu cosmic_fusions said…
Yoon stared at the screen where she read again and again the text message she sent to Abel. Her fingers hovered over the keyboard. She inhaled deeply and swallowed her pride before double texting him.

"Hi so I know you said no texting but my mom didn't get the chance to say bye so she just wanted me to tell you have a nice day and stay safe." She sent. And after worrying her message sounded too serious, she followed it with a "😎" emoji. Yoon could feel herself internally cringe before she forced herself up from bed, cursing at her behavior while removing the green tea mask. She rubbed the excess moisture into her skin before returning to her hunt of whatever he meant by the dress for the occasion since she wasn't able to get answers from him.
afewseconds commented…
ABEL IS NOT ANSWERING THAT xD Fuck it, I'll just send Nicholas hampir setahun yang lalu
cosmic_fusions commented…
*sniffle* why must anda always make me suffer for anda satisfaction :,{ hampir setahun yang lalu
afewseconds commented…
anda make yourself suffer XD And that is not my fault hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
"Yeah, that girl is gonna need a diet soon" Leo said with a wave of his hand "Hate to say it, but she's only gonna be the target of more attacks in the future. She'll need to be ready to protect herself when others aren't there to help. At least enough to get away from whatevers after her"

"I.... find it a bit excessive. I don't really care much for representation or getting more rights. As long as I can go outside without getting yelled at, that's all I need. I don't need a character in The Simpson's telling me that being gay is okay." This very topic was something that Mason was passionate about, for better or worse. He could't really stand the excessive nature of how his type was being pushed onto everything, to make sure that the gay community had representation and more rights, more rights than they truly need
hampir setahun yang lalu cosmic_fusions said…
"And she will be ready." Kyung-ha quickly emphasized after Leonard mentioned she would become more of a target. "Next time you see her, she able to flip you upside down." The woman promised with a very small grin. She had no doubt her daughter would master what she had come to master. After all, they both shared similar pasts of being doubted and underestimated. She knew Yoon had complained she would never accomplish anything because of her height; however, in her eyes she saw that as an advantage no one else had. Of course, she wasn't as short as Yoon, but they were similar in the sense that at their lowest point, they no longer wanted to be pushed around. Kyung-ha just needed to come up with a plan of training that differed from Abel's and other students she had taught. She herself learned from her very strict parents, but it was in a form Kyung-ha would never want to teach Yoon like. She was taught to be merciless, about after the years, especially after having kids, she realized that was not always the way to go. Kyung-ha told herself that after tomorrow's day with Abel, Yoon's lifestyle would change forever.

"I need go now." The mother suddenly spoke again. It was getting late and she still needed to attend her second job of cleaning the mall overnight to earn some extra cash, especially now with the need of a new car. "Do not do anything stupid." She gave as advice to Leonard. "Nothing that I wouldn't do."
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
"Wasn't it me who had to do all the investigating while you went and had all the fun fighting?" Leo joked, remembering Kyung-ha as being a far better fighter than he was, if only because he had no desire to follow up with magic of any kind. Regardless, he gave a nod and responded, "But I'll keep it in mind, Kyung-ha. Train that kid of yours well and maybe she'll be as good as you were once." Leo turned around at the door, opening it before he spoke once more, "And Kyung-ha... Thanks for hearing me out. I know I'm not the same Leo I was twenty years ago... but my intentions are still the same... I'll be seein' ya." With that, Leo walked out the door and closed it quietly, though he still stood behind the closed door, his eyes looking down at the floor with a sigh before he turned and walked back to his car.
hampir setahun yang lalu cosmic_fusions said…
"I know. You do horrible job showing it though." Kyung-ha added to his commentary about having the same intentions. And when he said his form of goodbye, she stood quiet for a few seconds before saying her own. "Travel safely." Was what she told him. She waited until the door was closed before she sighed. Looking at the time, she realized she was running a little behind.

"YOONIE, I GO IN FIVE MINUTES!" Kyung-ha advised her daughter while heading back to her room. She changed from her kimono into some pants and a green worn-out sweater, along with a pair of sneakers she wouldn't mind getting dirty. They were her working shoes, after all. Kyung-ha combed her hair before neatly tying it into a bun. She gathered her personal belongings and shoved them into the discounted purse she got at a yard sale. The mother had to hurry if she wanted to make it to the bus on time which was relatively cheaper than ordering an uber or taxi.

As Kyung-ha headed out her room, she spotted Yoon in the kitchen rumbling through the fridge for a beverage. She had already gotten ahold of the McDonalds bag Leonard had left, snacking away at the fries. At this, the older woman rolled her eyes. "Yoonie please share with brother." She begged her while heading out. "And no leaving house, oke? Call me if anything wrong. Love you, Yoonie Pie!" She reminded her before closing the door on her way out.

Yoon dismissed her mom with a wave of her hand, muttering that she loved her too. She reached for the can of diet coke at the very back of the fridge, squealing in success when her short arm grabbed it.
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Yoon has the dietry of a fucking raccoon. Both Cinta eating trash xD hampir setahun yang lalu
cosmic_fusions commented…
anda brought the mcdonalds in the first place xD hampir setahun yang lalu
Windwakerguy430 commented…
She hasn't talked to any of my characters, so I have no clue hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
"Wonderfully put," Jackie commended with a grin. "I believe that you and I will have a fine conversation over a heavily desired glass of Château Lafite." Because gods knew she needed one right about now, perhaps over half the bottle more or less which, of course, would have to be after Raven was aided.


Abel didn't read the text.
cosmic_fusions commented…
colitaaaa that's meeeaaaaannn hampir setahun yang lalu
cosmic_fusions commented…
>:( why does no one appreciate my Cinta here! hampir setahun yang lalu
Windwakerguy430 commented…
You're Cinta is accepted, but can anda speak like a human when anda do it XD hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
"A glass of what?" Mason was not the type to drink anything too fancy. Not only because he could barely afford cheap wine that he passed off as fancy, but because he just wasn't one to drink it that much. he was more of a beer drinker. And though his mind was still on what happened, this definitely distracted him for a moment
hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
"And here I was just beginning to think that you were a man of class," Jackie commented humorously, chuckling to herself. "It's a rather fine wine if I'd say so myself, and perfect for the longer days. Oh, and you may want to hold on a bit tighter. Its going to get a bit windy for a moment."
hampir setahun yang lalu cosmic_fusions said…
Meanwhile, in the sandy beaches of Miami, Alana was finishing her last shift of the day as lifeguard duty. Her layered, coarse hair was up in a ponytail, still damp from the swim she took in the ocean earlier. She was currently sitting inside the red lifeguard tower, eyeing the families on the shore packing up their towels and buckets to head home. And as she was layering some aloe vera gel on her skin after packing sunscreen at least three times a day, her sharp blue eyes caught sight of a nightmare happening for any child when visiting the beach. Well, besides drowning of course.

A little boy's action figure fell off the bucket that was being carried by who she assumed to be his mother. And the further they got away from their initial spot at the beach, the more the little boy began to wonder where his toy had gone, rumbling through the buckets and bags. When he heard there was a possibility he had lost it inside the water from his mother, his small brown eyes began to tear up.

Alana found herself sliding down one of the poles connected to the tower rather than going down the stairs to save some time. She bolted into a run, as if she were called to save someone–even if it was just for a toy. Thanks to her athletic figure, she was able to reach the family's spot and find the superhero action figure buried in the ground. The woman picked it up, rubbing it against her one-piece blue bathing suit to rid any extra sand. She looked around momentarily before finally spotting the family that was already a few ways away. But that didn't stop her. Barefooted, she sprinted across the dry sand and closed the distance between them while waving the toy in the air.

The little boy, who was being comforted by his mother across her shoulder, caught sight of the female lifeguard running their way. His eyes seemed to sparkle when they recognized what she was waving while approaching them. "Mama!!! MAMA TOYYY!!!" He squeaked out, fidgeting within her grasp. This caused the brunette older woman to turn around, coming to face with the 5'9 woman in her swimwear who finally caught up to them. "Y-You saved him!" The little boy cheered, hugging the toy as soon as it reached his chubby hands.

At this, Alana released a wholesome chuckle. "Couldn't have ya returning home without your best friend, now could I?" She smiled, revealing her pearly white teeth that contrasted her slightly sunburnt skin. Alana waved goodbye at the family, watching them disappear from her eyesight. She eventually turned around to witness the sunset, a soft sigh escaping from the depths of her chest while admiring the beauty in front of her. It was definitely one of her top favorite parts of her job.

[Alana Vizcarra]

 Meanwhile, in the sandy beaches of Miami, Alana was finishing her last shift of the hari as lifeguard
afewseconds commented…
Who the fuck do I bring to a pantai XD hampir setahun yang lalu
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Hoo boy XD hampir setahun yang lalu
afewseconds commented…
Yep, going with Frye for this XD hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason picked his head up, having had his eyes down looking at the ground. He wasn't sure if it was because he was numb from the previous ride of it because his mind was thinking about the prior events, but he wasn't as scared as he was before. But hearing Jackie's statement, he grabbed the broom tightly, holding on as best as he could
hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
Jackie eased the broom downwards, and the moment they excited the clouds it was if they crossed a threshold. The wind blew passed the harshly, sending her hair flying backwards like a red flag. She swooped down towards the ground to get a closer look at the landscape, darting back towards the sky even quicker in a blur. Once they were back inside the clouds, she sighed through pursed lips. Her phone was within her hand again, and she was pulling up, ironically, the GPS app. "Okay, so at the moment we're at the borders between Alabama and Mississippi. I suppose that's decent in means of time."


“Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? No. Just as one can never learn how to paint.” – Pablo Picasso

“There are two things in the painter, the eye and the mind; each of them should aid the other." – Paul Cezanne

“The longer you look at an object, the more abstract it becomes, and, ironically, the more real.” – Lucian Freud


The sound of laughter along the sandy shores of the beach brought a sense of relaxation into the atmosphere for him. The waves washing about in soft splashes as far as the eyes could see were captured under the noon's setting sun and the eye of Edgar Frye, who stood under the shade of a tall beach umbrella with his feet barely within the water that came and went. He was dressed in white shirt that was covered in navy blue palm trees, and a pair of casual beach shorts. He wore a sunhat to keep the sun out of his eyes for when he would eventually lean forward towards the canvas displayed in front of him for his brush to makes strokes of elaborate detail. He was his own distance away from the rest of the people there so that he could commit to the screen of white uninterrupted.

The imitation of the scenery was done in watercolors. The blues of the sky cried into the waves of the ocean, and the orange sunset was a fire that pulled fleecy clouds towards its light. Reflecting onto the waves, the sun bled into the sea.

He wore a small preoccupied smile, and unlike most, he didn't seem as if he was planning to leave anytime soon. The assumption could be further made due to the many large blank canvases that were laying on top of a cooler that was a few feet away.
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cosmic_fusions commented…
😑 hampir setahun yang lalu
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Scowling only leads to him ignoring anda twice as hard, Jade. Trust me, I'd know XD hampir setahun yang lalu
afewseconds commented…
She wasn't ignored so fuck her scowling, Ed's on the pantai XD It's either take it atau leave it at this point atau take a yu, ikan jerung to the face instead hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason didn't feel the need to scream, though faint sputtering sounds could be heard as he tried to keep Jackie's hair from falling into his mouth, turning his head away from it as he looked down. Just yesterday, the sight of this would've driven him to fear, even on the verge of vomitting. Now, looking down at it, seeing the miles upon miles of landscape, buildings, houses and the faintest of people, he found some calm in it. If only because of the events that had taken place, it made him feel more relaxed, like this was all a dream, that he was hoping to wake up from already
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu afewseconds said…
Jackie used tucked her phone under he bra strap to keep it in place while they started flying on their way again. She continued her conversation with Mason, which was the beginning to many that ranged from music, briefly to politics, to travels and fine arts that she had seen. In between conversations she would point out where they were at that moment. But as all good things did, their exchange of words came to an end as they approached the bridge that none of them had dared to speak much of while they were on their way.

The ground became closer and closer until they were gliding under the trees to avoid branches. They came across the fence that they had passed the first time, and there was no time wasted going into the fields.

"Have no worries. They're tucked away during the mornings in case the rare visits occur," Jackie assured him, speaking about the "pets" that her grandmother kept around. "I say rare, because the only one's that visit are those who are already familiar with things. Anyone else would be liable to go missing."
hampir setahun yang lalu Windwakerguy430 said…
"Uh... Right" Mason answered as they were getting ever closer to the cottage of Carlyle. Though Mason had gotten over his fear of the flying, having experienced more than enough at this point to handle it, his fear of the dogs were more rampant, even overpowering the previous mood he was feeling. He truly did appreciate Jackie's attempts to calm his nerves. Whether it was out of genuine worry, or if it was to steel him for her own benefit, he didn't care either way. He still appreciated her attempts, though it unfortunately did very little to actually take his thoughts off it, even over the hours they had spent talking
Windwakerguy430 commented…
I have gained the ability to do the vroom vroom hampir setahun yang lalu
afewseconds commented…
Congrats on becoming the driver that could XD Drive responsibly hampir setahun yang lalu