Ok, when I saw this moive I thought, "OK, I just wasted 80 minit of my life, and 6 dollars out of my wallet." Talk about TERRIBLE! For all anda Twilight peminat-peminat out there, if anda think it's gonna be a funnier version of Twilight, anda are so DEAD WRONG. And for all anda Twilight haters, if anda think that this movie will be making fun of Twilight, your right.....in a bad way! Seriously, I'd rather watch Barney!!!!!!! And I'm a TEEN. Ya, it was that bad.
But seriously, how many of anda want to see Edward NAKED?
Didn't think so.
And for those of anda idiots who wouldn't mind seeing Robert Pattinson.....unclothed.....It...
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