Verne Brown Updates

a poll telah ditambah: Should Verne be lebih appreciated? hampir setahun yang lalu by WonderWoman12_
a poll telah ditambah: Which picture is best? hampir setahun yang lalu by WakkoWarnerLuv
a pop quiz question telah ditambah: In one episode of BTTF, Verne was able to untie a woman from a train track from knots that were too hard for Marty to untie. Verne told him it was because: hampir setahun yang lalu by WakkoWarnerLuv
a pop quiz question telah ditambah: Verne's brother is named... hampir setahun yang lalu by WakkoWarnerLuv
a pop quiz question telah ditambah: Which one of these names did Verne NOT suggest to Jules Verne when trying to change his name? hampir setahun yang lalu by WakkoWarnerLuv
a photo telah ditambah: Vernie hampir setahun yang lalu by WakkoWarnerLuv