Zachary Quinto Sylar becoming a good guy

raknaff posted on Nov 08, 2008 at 06:12PM
Am I the only one that doesn't want Sylar to become a good guy! I just wanted your thoughts about this. Because I seem to be the only one buged by this please post a comment! I'm so board!

Zachary Quinto 13 balas

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hampir setahun yang lalu alexapetrelli said…
I dont want him to be a good guy!
I love the Sylar that is sensitive at times [rarely] and yet unbelievably hot, sexy, attractive and so evil it's unreal!
I love evil Sylar.
I'd cry if he was good.
I didnt like it when he was working with Bennet.
Until I saw him kill that guy!
I was happy he's not good =]
hampir setahun yang lalu raknaff said…
I know I'm so glad he's back!
hampir setahun yang lalu alexapetrelli said…
I wonder how evil he'll be in Volume Four o_O
hampir setahun yang lalu raknaff said…
I hope super evil!
hampir setahun yang lalu chels125843 said…
Honestly im fine with both!!!
i dont know if that makes sense but i love both good sylar & evil sylar for different reasons :)
hampir setahun yang lalu raknaff said…
I know I like nice Sylar because he was nice to Elle. And I like Evil Sylar because.......I don't know I guess I just like the villians!
hampir setahun yang lalu The-Stig said…
I love Sylar. End of. But I did like him and Elle. the ideal is him and Elle, but Sylar still evil, then in a few years time, Little Noah is born and Sylar truns good again.
hampir setahun yang lalu raknaff said…
Yeah thats what I hoped for until he killed her.
hampir setahun yang lalu The-Stig said…
I know, i was devestated when that happened
hampir setahun yang lalu raknaff said…
I know I think the writers of Heroes just love killing off my favorites!
hampir setahun yang lalu The-Stig said…
They do it to me aswell, thought that might have something to do with the fact that me and you are uncanny in our favourite characters...
hampir setahun yang lalu raknaff said…
Yeah, I'm kinnda weird like that!
hampir setahun yang lalu NeonGlo said…
Well, now the writers seem to be COMBINING Sylar's good and evil. I love it! He's killing like crazy again [great touch, his lifting his shoes and leaving footprints bloody from the strike force guys], but he's showing a soft spot, too, for that teenager who needs a big brother figure. The more complex, the better.