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jfq berkata tentang Ian Somerhalder dan Nina Dobrev
hei guys!! I've just joined!!!!
Huuuuuge Delena fan!
I can;t believe it took me sooo long to sertai the NIAN spot:D
They're sooo cute together:D telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
lizzie_jo5 dikomen…
Heyaaa:D hampir setahun yang lalu
Aubreykarew dikomen…
Hello there,,,.yeah they r adorable hampir setahun yang lalu
jfq berkata tentang Damon & Elena
Watching Elena and Stefan make me wanna stop watching TVD altogether. And sorry for saying this (don;t lynch me please), but elena has become such a colourless charachter this season:/ right now i really prefer Caroline... telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
lizzie_jo5 dikomen…
OMG Totally:) Damon is the only person who's holding this tunjuk together Milo ze coraz wiecej nas jest:) hampir setahun yang lalu
epicdelena4ever dikomen…
i freaking Cinta caroline! hampir setahun yang lalu
brokenheartlove dikomen…
Yeah Caroline has become a so much better character and friend since becomming a vamp. Maybe thats what Elena needs. && we all know who is the perfect sexy vamp to change her... DAMON!!! LOL :D hampir setahun yang lalu
jfq berkata tentang Damon & Elena
hi, guys i'm new to this club i thought i'd pop in to say hi before someone thinks i'm fake
I Cinta DAMON AND ELENA TOGETHER XD telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
serenate_lover dikomen…
Welcome!! hampir setahun yang lalu
overthedges dikomen…
hii welcome to DE spot!:)) ahah thedance scen is my fav too!<3 hampir setahun yang lalu
lovinghell dikomen…
yeah i couldn't agree more! and i just registered here to komen about Dalena hampir setahun yang lalu