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NOTE: The following stories are for a friend of mine. I just wanted to let anda guys know this. Enjoy.

The Talents from a Hero

Yagami High School has a share of gifted, talented students. From Karen Ichijo being the most strongest and lethal to Harima not only being the class delinquent but also a very tough person to reckon with. Within all of these students, they are each gifted in so many ways.

While one of the new exchange students, KC, has her share of talents, there was very little everyone knew about the other one. His gift to transform into Haiwan is his true power, but what he’s gifted at is a different story. The students of Class 2-C have always wondered what he was capable of other than what he’s already possessing. To him however, it is difficult to explain. “I honestly cannot answer” He would always respond. No matter how many times they asked, he would either refuse to explain atau give away his true response. It eventually got to the point where it bothered him tremendously.

“I don’t know how much of this I can take,” He sighed as he looked at KC. “What is with everyone asking me about my talents? Why don’t they just let it all go?” KC giggled a little as she smiled. “Just do it for them,” She berkata as she got on her knees and patted him on shoulder. “If anda continue avoiding it, they’re going to bugg anda until anda do it.” With a sigh of disbelief, Kasey looked at her and agreed. How this was going to play out however would be difficult. So they both turned to the girl trio- Tenma, Eri, Mikoto, and Akira.

KC explained everything to them and as they listened, they kept looking down at Kasey. “So, can anda guys help us?” She asked. Eri wiped the bangs on her hair as she respond, “I don’t see why we can’t. But why is everyone here so impatient about it?” Kasey stared at her with shock as he was impressed sejak what she said. She actually agreed with him- something that never occurred yet. With only Eri against the idea, it was now on Tenma, Mikoto, and Akira’s hands. “I think it would be enjoying,” Mikoto berkata as she smiled. “Even if they want to know I think it’ll be enjoying. I’d say let’s do it.” Mikoto was the only one who agreed. Tenma’s turn was now and there was pretty much nothing she could say sense she didn’t quite pay any attention. Akira nodded as she also agreed. With two undian voting yes and one disapproval vote, the opportunity to test Kasey’s talents and skills was well underway.

The first talent on the senarai was to test his athletic abilities. Sense PE was seterusnya period, Kasey went along with everyone. After the briefing, everyone went on to their activities. “Okay. Let’s see how good anda are with basketball.” Mikoto berkata as she dribbled the ball. Kasey, who was now the Monkey Man, was in position. Sitting on the bleachers were KC, Tenma, Eri, and Akira. Some other students were also watching as well. Mikoto made the first alih sejak passing Kasey. However, she received a surprise counter when he did a big, long front flip and grabbed the bola keranjang from her grasp. Dribbling the ball while running along the court, he arrived to the basket, jumped really high, and in slow mo performed an amazing basket dunk. KC and everyone else gasped as they froze. The expressions on their faces were filled with surprise. Even Mikoto stared with surprise, who was lying on the floor. The silence eventually broke into cheer as Kasey looked around and grinned a little. He then walked to Mikoto and offered to help her up. “That was impressive Kasey! You’re really good when it comes to basketball.” She exclaimed while grinning. They then shared a brief hug and pat on the back.

They then made their out from the gymnasium and stepped outside for the seterusnya operation. “Sense you’re good at basketball, let’s see how anda do with track.” Mikoto said. If there was one thing he was definitely gifted at was running. Any creature he turned into was equipped with speed- either fast atau double. When they arrived at the track, Eri, Tenma, and KC volunteered to run. Akira did the honors in counting down and after she shouted “Go!” they started running. During the start of the race, Eri and KC were tired together while Kasey and Tenma was a little behind. sejak the time they got in the middle of the track however, Kasey managed to pick up speed and eventually passed sejak Tenma, then Eri, and finally ran past KC in surprise results. After running across the finish line, he was declared the winner and everyone congratulated him for his victory. KC, Eri, and Tenma meanwhile were taking a break. “How-is-that-even-possible?” Eri asked as she breathed harder. KC turned to her and respond, “He’s so-tough. Nothing-has ever-passed him.” Eri continued breathing hard as she had nothing else to say. Even though she didn’t tunjuk it, she was happy and amazed sejak how he did.

After trying out a few lebih gymnastic activities such as weight lifting, wrestling, and tennis, the PE period was now over. After a while, KC, Kasey, Tenma, Mikoto, and Eri were all worn and sore. “I don’t think I can walk, run atau alih anymore..” Tenma moaned as she laid her head on her desk. There was nothing berkata sejak the others, though KC coughed a little.

While they were tired, there were still a few things Kasey had to prove for his skills. One thing that was never pointed out was his art talents- something that Kentaro brought up. He asked him if he could try drawing something for at which Kasey did. He drew a dinosaur, which wasn’t the best looking dino art, but was enough to surprise Kentaro. “Thanks! This is really good!” He exclaimed while smiling. Kasey scratched the back of his head as he tried to play cool. KC and the others watched as they smiled and giggled. It went to tunjuk that there were lots of things he was capable of- be it athletics, art, music, etc. But even with skills he wasn’t capable of passing, it didn’t matter because his Friends would always be there and even his transforming abilities were his true gift.

Saved sejak the Beast

Following the events that occurred yesterday, Yakumo was at the house, tending to her pet cat, Iori. Staring at the sun set from the side of the house, she wondered how things were going for her sister. “I hope she is fine.” She berkata as she looked down at the cat. Iori continued liking his paw as she smiled. An jam later, Tenma arrived. “Welcome utama sis.” Yakumo berkata as she smiled. Tenma greeted her as well and gave her a big hug. “Why didn’t anda come to school today?” She asked while staring at her in a worried way. She got a little confused at first, but then remembered. “Iori wasn’t feeling well this morning, so I stayed and took care of him. I’m sorry if I worried you.” Understanding, Tenma had nothing to fear atau worry about and told her it was alright. She then went up to her room.

At dinner, they ate quietly for a while. “How was school today?” Yakumo asked. Tenma turned and started explaining everything that happened today. She was about to blab info on Kasey when she quickly covered her mouth. Yakumo titled her head a little in confusion, but thought nothing lebih about it and continued eating. Iori stood seterusnya to her as he gave her a cute, cat-like stare. She often patted him on the head. A moment later, Tenma started pondering about how to propose her Cinta to Karasuma once more. Through her pondering, Yakumo continued eating as she tried listening. It was difficult for her to follow.

The seterusnya morning, things in the Tsukamoto house were average. Yakumo was in the dapur cooking while Tenma was up stairs, sleeping in her room. When the hours flew on, Tenma was dressed and had a traveling bag on her right shoulder. The reason she was dressed and carried a bag was because she was going to study with Eri, Mikoto, and Akira for the day. When they did arrive, Yakumo packed her a lunch and wished her a happy, selamat, peti deposit keselamatan trip for at which her sister did the same. After she left, Yakumo turned and sighed as she looked up at the ceiling. She decided to do some afternoon chores and went onto work. While she was busy inside, Iori was outside, walking around the yard. As he looked up, he caught sight of a tiny bird which sat perched on the fence post. This was enough to impress the cat as he climbed up on the large tree, jumped on the post, and leaped to attack the bird. While he didn’t catch it, he fell down and landed on the ground. He recovered from the blow and made his way out on the open.

After working for about an hour, Yakumo decided to take a break. Realizing how late it was, she forgot it was time for Iori’s lunch. She tried calling his name but there was no sign of him anywhere. She explored everywhere in and around the house, but there was no sigh of the cat. She started to wonder what could’ve happened. “I think he must’ve fallen over the fence,” She berkata as she walked out and observed the fence. “And he probably doesn’t know the way back. I better go after him.” Putting her traveling shoes on, she walked outside and started her long rescue search.

To start her search, she tried traveling deep within the city streets of Tokyo. She searched every alley, every corner, and even observed every stray cat she ran into. Her luck was getting nowhere. After a short break, she assumed that Iori must’ve ventured somewhere else and not in the city. She decided to venture into the closest, small neighborhoods to look for him. While she was able to find some Kucing the looked similar to Iori, none of them were in fact close to being like him. She started to feel too unsettled now. “Where could he have gone?” She asked in her mind.

It was then she overheard two people, who were neighbors that lived seterusnya to each other, chatting about a certain neighborhood that had been having bad reputations. According to what they were saying, it became a lot like a ghost town due to one major problem- aggressive, stray Anjing took over the complex and have took pleasure in taunting and scaring the locals. Upon hearing this news, Yakumo feared that Iori must’ve ventured into that side of town and couldn’t imagine what sort of calamity Iori would get into if packs of killer Anjing were after him. She managed to get the location of the place from the two strangers, but warned her it was too risky to go. Even though they warned her, she didn’t care for Iori’s life was at risk. She ran as fast as she could.

Upon arriving at the beginning of the street, Yakumo took deep breaths as she wiped her forehead. She was scared, but never, clearly showed it. Slowly and carefully she entered the neighborhood as she looked around. What the strangers berkata was indeed true- the whole place was like a ghost town. Nobody was out and about, no vehicles were running atau moving, and not even a sign of life was visible for miles. The tensions were getting pretty hard for Yakumo as she continued walking very slowly and quietly. When she walked passed the fifth house on both the left and right, she suddenly heard growling coming from behind. When she turned slowly, a big, massive dog stood, staring at her with an evil glare as drool dripped off from the bottom of its lips.

Yakumo was now in deep peril. She was being face to face with a big, vicious dog. She tried sweet talking it but proved to no avail. The dog continued growling as it slowly walked towards her. She slowly walked backwards a little until she was blocked sejak a pair of lebih big dogs. She was now cornered, with nowhere to escape. Suddenly, something jumped in front of her. She couldn’t make out what it was, but she knew it was colored a light brown and it has fur. She could also hear it growling too. Though it wasn’t the sound of a dog’s growl. She then heard a brief voice that said, “Make a break for it. Now.” Not wanting to stick around, she followed what was berkata and quickly made a break for it as the two Anjing that stood on the other side didn’t even notice her leaving.

As she continued running, Yakumo wondered what that creature was that saved her. She couldn’t really think too much about it as searching for Iori was lebih important. As she ran pass house to house, lebih and lebih stray Anjing would come out and charge after her. Luckily, Yakumo was faster than anything and the lebih she ran, the farther the Anjing were behind. She sighed with relief as she realized they were far behind her. She decided to slow down for a bit and started jogging. Suddenly, she heard a faint noise coming from the right. She stopped in her tracks, turned her head, and was relieved to find Iori, hiding behind a large, old tree.

She and the cat were united once more. However, the united moment ended when the largest pack of stray Anjing ever seen slowly walked towards them. One dog pushed its way through the crowd and made its way to them, baring fangs and all. Both Yakumo and Iori were scared out of their own skins. The only thing that did matter however was that Yakumo managed to find him with no problem.

A brush with death moment was about to begin. The dog that stood close to them continued standing still as its large, sharp teeth were shown and its drool kept dripping to the dirt. Suddenly, something jumped out of the pokok and attacked the one dog. The dog wasn’t killed, but was wounded on its left paw. As it cowardly limped away, the other Anjing turned their attention to the thing. Yakumo and Iori watched with amazement. Yakumo especially was amazed as she recognized the thing as the same creature that saved her before. Only this time, she was able to figure out what it was. It was a cougar.

With the creature’s revelation now revealed, Yakumo continued to be amazed. She couldn’t say much sense she didn’t want to interrupt the creature’s motives. Plus, there was no way to get away sense the area was surrounded sejak dogs. All what was left to be done was to let the cougar be the hero and distract the Anjing so that Yakumo and Iori would make a break for it. Within seconds, the most gruesome battle ever started. It was one wildcat against a vicious group of stray, aggressive dogs. Through the loudness of the sounds and covered of dust clouds, Yakumo and Iori were able to escape without being noticed. After she ran close to the end of the block, she turned back to watch the battle scene which was sejak this covered with pure awan dust. “I hope it’ll be alright.” She berkata quietly. Iori gave a little meow as he looked up at her. She looked down and smiled at him as she giggled quietly.

After returning home, Iori was telah diberi a bath. “There is no telling what anda picked out there today,” Yakumo berkata as she scrubbed him. “So anda are getting a bath.” Even though he didn’t like it, it was something that needed to be taken care of. What made things even lebih interesting was that not a single dog attacked atau touched him, which was quite amazing on Yakumo’s behalf. Shortly later, Tenma returned utama from studying and greeted her sister. “How was your day?” She asked while smiling sweetly. Yakumo wanted to explain everything that happened, but felt like explaining it to her was going to be too much. Instead of telling her the whole story, she ended up making something in the process. “I just cleaned and went grocery shopping.” She said. Tenma thought it was nice and didn’t think much of it. After going up the stairs, Yakumo sighed with relief as she turned and stared at Iori, who was now asleep on the floor.

Meanwhile, KC and Kasey are in the room together. “What in the world happened to you?!” KC asked with shock. Looking at him, he was covered with scratches, bite marks, and wounds. “I just got into a fight,” He berkata as he licked one of his wounds carefully. “It’s nothing.” KC’s reaction then turned to confusion.

Welcome to the World of Pervs

The Ero Society- Class 2-C’s official club for boys who think about girls, discuss them, and even keep up-to-date information on them. If such a club exists, than why hasn’t it be disbanded atau even reported? The truth of the matter is that it’s a private, personal club lead sejak Ganji Nishimoto. Some of its members are pretty well known including Imadori, Takechi, Kentaro, and Jiro. Any guy who joins the club has devoted themselves to girls and will perform any requests that leader atau its members ask. In connection with this, the club has a sudden disposition ahead of them.

“I think Kasey must sertai our group.” Kentaro exclaimed. Everyone gasped as whispers were heard. Ganji put a stop to it all as he was about to speak. “As much as I agree, we can’t just go out and allow him to join. For one, what knowledge does he have of the girls in our class? Is he “perverted” enough to be called an Ero member? There are some things we do not know yet.” While this was true, the rest of the members disagreed. “With him on our side, we could get away with anything.” Jiro exclaimed. Everyone agreed. With the casting undian now underway, the entire club agreed to allow Kasey to join. Getting him their attention however would be easy.

The following day, Kasey and KC were walking down the hallway. Kentaro as walking along on his own when he accidentally stepped on Kasey’s foot. He let out a yelp as he circled around, trying to avoid his foot from touching the floor. “Are anda okay?!” KC asked as she tried helping him. Kentaro apologized as did the honors in helping him. “Are anda sure you’re going to be fine?” KC asked as she also helped him out. “Yeah, I’ll be fine,” He respond. “Just go on to class. I’ll meet anda up in a moment.” She proceeded down to class as Kentaro did what he could to help Kasey out. “Hey um, there’s something I have to ask you.” Kentaro berkata as he looked a little nervous. Kasey stared at him with confusion. “Why are anda looking down at the tile?” He asked. Kentaro managed to regain his confidence and went on with his question. “It would be an honor if anda could sertai the Ero Society! Please say anda will!” Kasey was shocked sejak the tone of his voice. He wasn’t really sure about joining and had to think it over. “I honestly am sorry,” He said. “I’ll think about it okay?” With that, he limped slowly away. Kentaro however felt great sense he managed to ask Kasey to join.

Kasey was able to make it to class. During break shift, he explained about encountering Kentaro and him asking to sertai the Ero Society. Eri and Mikoto both stared at him with fright. “Did-Did he really ask anda that?!” Mikoto asked with fear. Kasey looked at her with confusion. “Um, yes? Is it really that bad?” Eri’s expression soon changed to a bit of annoyance. “Yes, it is,” She respond while her reaction remained unchanged. “The Ero Society is a club for the boys in our class. They discuss about the girls, take embarrassing, perverted foto-foto of ourselves, and even pass on stupid information on us like we’re super Heroes atau something.” What she berkata really shocked both Kasey and KC. “So wait, anda mean to tell me that I’m being spied and followed sejak them?? This is horrible!” KC cried. Everyone tried to calm her down. “It’s just what we have to deal with,” Mikoto berkata as she patted her on the shoulder. “There’s nothing we can do. No matter how much we want to.” Kasey wanted to return back on topic. “But then, if that’s really what they do, why do they want me to join?” There were some good aphanites behind that. “I think they want anda to turn into something smaller, like a bug atau lizard, and let anda crawl into the girl’s dorm and spy on us.” Mikoto said. Everyone gave a discussed look, except for Akira. “Well then, there is no way I’m joining them,” Kasey exclaimed while crossing his arms and looking a little annoyed. “But then, what do I do if they keep bothering me? anda know I don’t want to harm anyone.” “Then we’ll keep a look out for you.” Eri berkata as she stared at him. “Right. We’ll make sure that they leave anda alone.” Mikoto added while giving him a little wink. Even Tenma tuned in, though she didn’t know what they were talking about. KC also agreed, but continued sulking.

Later on, the Ero Society returned in the classroom for another meeting. “Were anda able to convince Kasey to join?” Ganji asked. Kentaro responded that he was able to ask him to sertai but also mentioned that he would think about joining. “That’s not good enough,” Ganji exclaimed in a serious tone. “If we’re going to let him become a member, we have to tunjuk to him what we do. Get him hooked.” Imadori raised his hand in which Ganji allowed him to speak. “I think getting him hooked would be the wrong way to settle this,” he said. “Instead of doing that, let’s see if he can sertai on his own?” While most of the members agreed, others disagreed. They believed that in order to get him to be a member it would be best to get him hooked on the girls from the class. Takechi volunteered to do the job first sejak menunjukkan him the photographs of every girl he took. “See that anda tunjuk them,” Ganji berkata as he grinned a little. “He has to sertai our club as soon as he witnesses them.”

On the following afternoon, Kasey was making his way back to the classroom from hanging outside during lunch. After he turned around the corner, Takechi stopped in front of him and tried talking to him in a normal fashion. “How are anda doing today?” He asked. “I’m fine thank you,” Kasey respond. “And how are you?” Takechi respond that he was doing alright. He then got on with the main topic at hands. He dug in his right pant pocket and showed him some photographs of all the girls from Class 2-C. “If anda sertai the Ero Society, anda can have these foto-foto and lebih for free.” From observing, Kasey didn’t know what to say. It was then that Eri and Akira jumped into action. “What do anda think you’re doing?” Eri asked while looking down at Takechi with pure evil. He was scared out of his own skin as he stuttered, grabbed the foto-foto off the floor, and raced away. “Thank anda both so much.” Kasey berkata as he looked at them. They turned and looked at him. “No problem,” Eri berkata as she smiled. “We are keeping our promise after all.” “Don’t go messing with the wrong people.” Akira said. Kasey and Eri stared at her with confusion.

Takechi explained his failure to Kentaro and Imadori. “That’s a real disappointment,” Kentaro berkata as he sighed. “But how did they even know?” “It’s possible he had already mentioned about us to them.” Takechi said. While they couldn’t imagine him bragging about their group, it was the only logical explanation. “So, what’s our seterusnya move?” Imadori asked. “We’ll just have to keep trying,” Kentaro added. “If it takes all day, we just have to get him to join. Our society depends on it.” With that said, they high fived together at the same time and started planning their seterusnya move.

It was now PE period and as everyone was in the locker room changing, Kasey was in the gymnasium all alone. However, Kentaro, Takechi, and Imadori were spying on him beside the bleachers. Kentaro decided to reveal himself to Kasey and started forming a little conversation with him. After discussing Rawak topics for a while, Kentaro decided to offer Kasey to do one little request. “I really would like anda to turn into something tiny and go into the girl’s locker room.” He said. Kasey’s reaction was puzzling and shocking. “I’m so sorry, but I’m not going to do that. It’s wrong, against the rules, and despicable.” After saying that, he turned and walked away. Kentaro tried stopping him but it was no use as he was long gone. Sighing with disappointment, Kentaro leaned ke hadapan a tad as his eyes were closed. Suddenly, an evil presence filled the air which strucked him in his soul. Turning slowly, he came face to face with not only Eri, Mikoto, and Akira but pretty much the entire group of girls- excluding KC.

Attempt after attempt, the three guys did everything they could to get Kasey to sertai the Ero Society. On every attempt however, they were either stopped atau attacked sejak Eri, Mikoto, Akira, and most of the girls from their class. The whole plan was useless sejak the end of the week. On their seterusnya meeting, Ganji became really disappointed. “How can anda guys fail so easily?” He asked with eagerness. “It’s not our fault,” Kentaro moaned. “It’s those girls. They are the ones preventing us from allowing him to join. I even offered him to go into the girl’s locker room and he refused.” The whole room was suddenly quite. Not a single sound was heard from any of the members. Even Ganji was as quite as a mouse. What he berkata really surprised sejak the whole society. They couldn’t imagine one of the greatest people in the world would turn down an invitation to a club where everything revolves around girls. Sense leaving the job to the members weren’t all that great, Ganji decided to do it himself. “It’s settled,” He berkata as he got up. “I will do the honors in asking him to join. And I will not let any girls get me in my way.” The members grew lebih impressed sejak his efforts.

The seterusnya morning, both Kasey and KC were making their way to the school. “I need a break Kasey.” KC sighed as she took easy breaths. Kasey sighed as he chuckled and walked back to her. “You really need to stop going to katil so late.” He said. She continued breathing as she looked at him with annoyance. “It’s not my fault.” Kasey had to remind her that it was indeed her fault sense she had piles of homework to do and she ended up staying up until 2:02 AM to finish it all. Poor KC moaned as a sweat drop formed on her head. When the first loceng rung, they both looked up at the building as they gasped.

During lunch break, everyone was eating lunch together. Tenma, Eri, Mikoto, Akira, KC, and Kasey were all sitting near a desk, getting ready to eat. “Why don’t anda ever have a packed lunch?” Mikoto asked. Kasey respond that making lunches is impossible on his own. Because of this, KC has to share bits of her Makanan with him which wasn’t all too bad. He isn’t as feisty eater after all. When he had enough to eat, he had to excuse himself for a while and left the classroom. He managed to find a water mata air, air pancut and turned into something tall enough to reach the button and where the water came out. He dranked the water for a while and when he was finished, he received a surprise encounter from Ganji who was standing on the right for a while.

“Listen Kasey,” He said. “I know anda may think our group is dirty and creepy, but anda have no idea what anda are missing. Our group does lebih than check on the girls. We keep an eye on them, do research on them, and make sure that they don’t get involved with anything else. You’re the one who tries saving the hari when there is trouble right? Well, think of joining us as the same thing. Please consider being part of our group. We could really use your support.” Kasey was surprised, but at the same time also felt a little creped out. “As much as I want to join, I just can’t. The truth is- I don’t think about girls in that manor. I know it’s a hobby anda and your society do but I just don’t want to be a part of it. Please understand. I do enjoy this school and don’t want to sertai anything that’s going to get me and others in trouble. But if anda guys want to keep your group, I’m not going to stop you. Now if anda will excuse me, I have to get back to class now. Good day.” He turned and walked away, turning around the left corner. Ganji just stood still, staring with a blank, surprised expression.

As it turned out, the Ero Society gave up hope in convincing Kasey to join. Ganji even referred his generosity towards him, the members, and the society itself. The whole group were delighted and even cheered for him. As for Kasey, he was better than alright. With the society now off his back, he can return to a normal state. However, if any of the members dared take inappropriate pictures of KC atau even attempt to hurt her they were going to hear from him- and it was going to be no ballgame.
 Korean Otaku marries his Anime bantal Fate Testarossa
Korean Otaku marries his Anime Pillow Fate Testarossa
1.The feeling atau opinion that two-dimensional anime, Manga atau game characters are lebih attractive (visually, physically atau emotionally) than real-life people (from the English "2D complex".)
Can anda believe nijikon want to legalise marriage with fictional characters? That's totally ridiculous.

2.Nijikon (二 次 コン?) is a Japanese term used to refer to people who are only interested atau obsessed with the form of two-dimensional form of the character of anime, manga, and video games, which incidentally is related to two dimensions on paper atau screen, as well as figure doll of the character....
continue reading...
posted by ginei_werewolf
I am impressed sejak this truly. Pokemon hasn't been this good in a long time. They stopped milking off of the same comedy skits. The girl isn't the girl choice the the game either she is a original character with a very interesting personality.

As for team rocket...
they still haven't won but they aren't near as wimpy. They don't hide with as many dumb costumes
and blast off. They are able to escape and play a much lebih important role in the Anime now.
Giovanni is trying to lure out team plasma using team rocket.

The story don't have as many dumb Rawak stops and makes d/p look like trash.

Currently only four episodes are out but anda can watch them here. link

This is just my opinion so say as anda wish..
added by weirdalfan2788
added by berto
Source: animecrazy
added by AikoTsuchiya
added by soulfire524
added by otsuu-chan
added by meliblack
added by bubblegum_kiss
Source: not mine
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One Piece
added by pinkbloom
Source: Cute
added by pinkbloom
Source: Edited sejak me
added by sunsetstar