Disney Princess Club
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Welcome to my artikel and hope anda enjoy it.
So, I made a kegemaran princess countdown a while ago, and decided to post results today.
I choose placements based on fanpopers undian on each princess.
Ex. Mulan 1st place - 5 votes, 3rd place - 7 votes, 5th place - 2 votes.
So average score for Mulan would be 3.
The princess with biggest average score is last, and lady with lowest - first.
If I know which fanpoper had picked princess I write his/hers ID seterusnya to placement
Ex. Ariel - x place - x undian - x fanpoper.
I added all komen-komen from tinjauan-tinjauan (and mine from today that weren't published...
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Hi, I've decided to make some artikel-artikel to bring back this spot to life and I really enjoy making analysis, so here is first part of MBTI posts.
Hope that you'll enjoy it :)

- Act before thinking (or do both things at the same time)
- Don't mind ,,shallow'' relationships/talks
- Prefer spending time with others
- Talk lebih than listen
- Doesn't have trouble with expressing themselfs
- Confident
- Makes Friends easily
- Likes expressing their secrets and feelings to not-very-close people
- Enjoy talks about everything and nothing
- Outgoing and enthusiastic

Snow White actually fits that description...
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PrincessAyeka12 gave me the fabulous idea of coming up with what buku and authors each princess would like to read. We already know that Belle's a bookworm, but what would the other princesses spend hours flipping through, totally Lost to the outside world? I had a lot of fun with this article, since I Cinta reading. I've read at least one book from most of these authors, although not all of them. All credit for this idea goes to PrincessAyeka12! All imej made sejak me.

Snow White

I get the distinct feeling that Snow would just adore classic children's buku such as Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures...
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posted by Lavendergolden
Ranking the Disney princess eyes
Eyes are considered to be windows to the soul. Eyes are the most important facial feature. They beautify your face and are a beauty trademark to be admired if beautiful. I have aquamarine eyes which I spend time examining them and stare at many other people’s eyes. I decided to rank Disney princesses sejak their eyes. And it is unique that I prefer big, wide eyes than small, tiny ones.

15. Mulan’s eyes

I don’t think she’s pretty, and I don’t like her eyes also. They are the least beautiful of other Disney princess eyes. They are angled up, almost the V-shape....
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 12 Season Color Wheel
12 Season Color Wheel
So I never really got to experience much of fashion-culture growing up and have just recently begun to give it any focus atau attention. I have heard of the rule that "Redheads shouldn't wear pink." and I have seen some people discuss this here on FanPop in terms of Ariel and her merah jambu dress. I have also read many komen-komen debating Aurora's famous "Blue vs. merah jambu Dress". In those discussions, I heard a talented user on this site, link say things like "She's a Winter." etc. I thought that was so fascinating! I had never heard of this concept before so I decided to look into it. That is how I came...
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This is a series I'm starting, I did some research, I'm not gonna say I was 100% thorough, and tried my best with each princess. Some of them were easy, some were harder than others. I won't talk about Anna and Elsa because 1. I hate to say it but it's hard to pin Elsa anywhere and 2. The less princesses to write about, the easier for me. Let's go.

Snow White-Earth
She was difficult because she shows aspect of water, api, kebakaran and earth. Ultimately I went with the latter, Snow White is motherly, practical and the most grounded classic princess. She's doesn't have her mind in the clouds as much....
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 This is basically Elsa's character in a nutshell.I can relate to those words easily.
This is basically Elsa's character in a nutshell.I can relate to those words easily.
Elsa is without a doubt my kegemaran Disney character ever because she's the one I related the most out of all the Disney characters out there.Let's get into lebih detail why I Cinta her so much,shall we ;):

Originally,I didn't Cinta Elsa that much,I thought she was okay and felt neutral about her.That is until I re-watched the movie 2 months lalu and from that hari on,I realized just how much I have in common with her.
It was like I was seeing myself in her,for me that meant so much,and I'm thankful for that.
anda see,my mom told me to hold back my emotions at school because I have big anger issues...
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posted by Silverrose1991
Overdone? Maybe. Needed? Strongly so.

So, maybe some of anda don't know, but I'm strongly annoyed when users criticize the Clasic Princesses for reasons I think are invalid. These reasons are:

1. Weakness
2. Anti-Feminists
3. Passiveness
4. They're Mary-Sues (have no flaws)

 These are the lovely ladies I'm going to defend - Cinderella, Snow White and Aurora. Art not sejak me.
These are the lovely ladies I'm going to defend - Cinderella, Snow White and Aurora. Art not sejak me.

In this article, I'll explain why these arguments are invalid. Now, I'll warn you, you'll probably disagree (or agree, depending of what is your view in the classics) a lot with this article. If anda don't respect opinions that...
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posted by rhythmicmagic
 What, someone's actually going to defend me?
What, someone's actually going to defend me?
People have been doing these kinds of artikel-artikel for their kegemaran princesses lately, so I thought I’d do this for one of my kegemaran characters from a DP movie. She is a character I feel is really underappreciated and gets a lot of unfair hate. anda can read some of the negative things people have to say about her on milky-way’s link. I really Cinta Nakoma and feel a desire to defend her.

First of all, I want to defend her against something I’ve seen berkata about her (it wasn’t in that article, I’m not sure where it was, but I know I’ve seen it) that is just blatantly unfair and untrue....
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posted by magicfairydust
 She's so pretty in this one, too bad it's not an official screen shot from the movie
She's so pretty in this one, too bad it's not an official screen shot from the movie
So I've noticed that a lot of Disney princess rankings rank the princesses down because they don't have the prettiest keseluruhan scenes. Well, I did a little digging and came up with what I thought were the prettiest scenes for every princess. Here's what I think regarding each of their unique and maximum beauty.These are all scenes from the actual movies.

Mulan is actually quite pretty if anda look at her. Obviously the animators couldn't make her as gorgeous as she could have been because she's dressed as a man for lebih than half the movie. In this picture anda can see that her eyes are...
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This is my opinion on the subject I hope anda like it atau maybe even Cinta it because I just hope people like all the stuff I make and please leave nice polite komen-komen there's no need to be mean nasty atau rude it's just my opinion and I'm just gonna type stuff in so keep this long so I can siarkan it but first please read it and leave a komen please and thank anda so I guss I don't have uch to say about it I mean what else is there to say so I hope anda enjoy it please leave a komen and keep in mind this is my opinion so I hope anda like it atau maybe even Cinta it well enjoy.
 9.Snow White her eyes are cute though most of the time their closed her eyes would be better if the animasi was better
9.Snow White her eyes are cute though most of the time their closed her eyes would be better if the animation was better
 8.Mulan she eyes are kinda pretty the amond eyes of china they tunjuk her bravery wit though they don't compare to her great beauty
8.Mulan she eyes are kinda pretty the amond eyes of china they show her bravery wit though they don't compare to her great beauty
 7.Tiana her eyes big and beautiful and how her eyes sparkled during Ma Bella Engaline but I like blue eyes better
7.Tiana her eyes big and beautiful and how her eyes sparkled during Ma Bella Engaline but I like blue eyes better
 6.Belle her eyes are so beautiful just like her name her eyes have no parallel and look how they look here but once again blue eyes
6.Belle her eyes are so beautiful just like her name her eyes have no parallel and look how they look here but once again blue eyes
 5.Jasmine her big beautiful amond eyes tunjuk her beauty strength bravery kindness her being sassy and sexy but again blue eyes
5.Jasmine her big beautiful amond eyes show her beauty strength bravery kindness her being sassy and sexy but again blue eyes
 4.Aurora her eyes are gorgeous blue that gow with her hair and dresses merah jambu and nlue and when she awakens GORGEOUS but the others just have lebih lovely eyes
4.Aurora her eyes are gorgeous blue that gow with her hair and dresses pink and nlue and when she awakens GORGEOUS but the others just have more lovely eyes
 3.Pocahontas she definatly has the most soulful eyes of all the Disney princesses so gorgeous especually in this picture but again blue eyes
3.Pocahontas she definatly has the most soulful eyes of all the disney princesses so gorgeous especually in this picture but again blue eyes
 2.Ariel HA FOOLED anda so anda thought I would make her my number one well her eyes are gorgeous like the ocean but there is one I think has prettier eyes than her
2.Ariel HA FOOLED YOU so you thought I would make her my number one well her eyes are gorgeous like the ocean but there is one I think has prettier eyes than her
 1.Cinderella her eyes even though sometimes closed are the prettiest of them all so gorgeous every single time I see them truely gorgeous just like her
1.Cinderella her eyes even though sometimes closed are the prettiest of them all so gorgeous every single time I see them truely gorgeous just like her
 *~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
In honor of the beautiful Princess of the Month, Ariel, I decided to write this artikel and decide what the most popular/favorite song is. Here we go...

 "Fathoms Below"
"Fathoms Below"

"I'll tell anda a tale of the bottomless blue
And it's hei to the starboard, heave-ho
Look out lad a mermaid be waiting for you
In mysterious fathoms below
Fathoms below, below
From whence wayward westerlies blow
Where Triton is king and his merpeople sing
In mysterious fathoms below
Below, below
Mysterious fathoms below"

This is the opening song from The Little Mermaid. This is where we first meet Prince Eric, and most of...
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Here's the first artikel for the Best Disney Princess outfit countdown. It covers the places from 41 to 55. Enjoy!

55. Ariel - rags

Yeah...rags... What lebih could I say...they definitely deserve to be at the bottom of the list!

this is one of the uglier ones, imo. - ppgbelle4

this isn't even an outfit. seriously, it needs to go -__- - pretty_angel92

we can't call this atau Mulan's towel an outfit ! seriously ! - CuteDiana

I like Ariel's rags. It's one of her better outfits, and she knows how to work it. - VGfan30

It's just an old sail!! - random_camo

all of them arent too bad if anda think about...
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 I personally don't like this. except for Tiana's outfit.
I personally don't like this. except for Tiana's outfit.
Yeah yeah, let's get this on with for the fourth time, now look at the rankings!!!!
Snow White: Nullification
Aurora: Stallling Combat
Cinderella: Time Travelling
Ariel: Water Bending/ Animal Translating
Belle: Teleportation/ Grace Combat
Jasmine: hypnosis/ reflexes
Mulan: Asian Super Combat
Pocahontas: Nature Combat/Wind Bending
Tiana: Illusionist/ Crafting on the Spot
Rapunzel: Healing/ Hair Combat

 This is nice!
This is nice!

Also I'm in a bad mood, so be critical in the comments, DON'T DARE to komen on my dinding atau you'll see the exorcist (makes mad face)
I'm also running out of ideas, since i'm posting Fanpop's...
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 The Official Disney Princesses
The Official Disney Princesses
Yes, I know there has been quite a few of these done (I was acctually begining to feel a bit left out), but I just thought I'd throw my two cents out there. Enjoy!

10. Mulan

 The Asian Beauty
The Asian Beauty

Mulan is a natural beauty. She traded her elegant traditional wear for an earth-green set of armor, cut her silk black hair to a man’s length, and wiped off every trace of makeup. And anda know what? She still got the guy, and looked good doing it. So maybe she did pass herself off as a dude for 90% of the movie – but hey, that’s what makes her who she is.
9. Snow White...
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posted by MaidofOrleans
Hello all! Many apologies for running a bit behind on this one. The holidays are always chaos incarnate.

Cinderella was our Princess of the bulan for December, and here is a collection of thoughts on why we adore her. Many thanks to those who telah dihantar comments!

I absolutely Cinta when Cindy's snarky side peeks through, like when she makes a quip about the "music lesson". It's adorable but also rounds out her character. <3 ~MaidofOrleans

She teaches me to DREAM BIG!!! ~deedragongirl

She is kind, hard-working, and a princess from my childhood that I still Cinta today. ~LMH5113

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posted by deltabannermen
A Disney Tale: A young girl is forced into drudgery sejak her step-family, only to win the hati, tengah-tengah of the kingdom's Prince and live happily ever after.

Disney Hero: Ostensibly, the 'hero' of Cinderella is the Prince (never actually referred to as Prince Charming, despite that being what he is generally known as today. Some sources have him named as Henry.). It is he who romances Cinderella and desires her as his wife after the ball. But, actually, the real Heroes of Cinderella - for me - are Jaq and Gus, Cinderella's mice friends. They are the one's who rescue Cinderella from her attic room. Jaq...
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 Their wonderful hair makes me jealous
Their wonderful hair makes me jealous
Hell, I am having a good hair day! atau not? Well, whatever, I’m in Cinta with the Disney princess hair. So, hair’s a great physical feature we all have got. Yea, all of us rock it! And I Cinta how it varies much less on tastes. According to opinions, Someone’s eyes seem too big atau too small, someone’s body can be too thin atau too fat, our nose can be too big atau too small, we can have too thick atau too thin eyebrows and can have too thick atau too thin lips. But hair rarely gets such opinions, right? My hair is a shade of dark ginger hair, which is down to my waist and is wavy . I Cinta my hair,...
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10. Cinderella- I like Cinderella but I feel like she is a little too inexpressive in my opinion. I like that she is very strong and shows it sejak keeping her cool throughout the movie. I mean her life is hard throughout the entire beginning of the movie, she is a victim of abuse sejak her step-mother and sisters. So I definitely respect that about Cinderella. She is still a very monotonous character in my opinion so that's why I put her so low on this list.

9. Rapunzel- I like her girly and childish attitude, and I really like her style. I think purple definitely fits her. One complaint I have is...
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posted by deedragongirl
 Don Carlo
Don Carlo
Hi guys, since my younger brother loves classical Muzik especially opera. I will write down some of the perfect opera that features princesses in it, ready?

Don Carlo (Giuseppe Verdi)

Based on a true story about the real Don Carlos, the Infante of Spain and son of King Philip II of Spain. He was originally betrothed to Elisabeth of Valois, but because of his madness, she married the King instead.

Turandot (Giacomo Puccini)

Actually, I don't mind if Disney were to make another Chinese princess. The signature song 'Nessun Dorma' is the most popular aria ever and it is sung sejak Pavarotti (RIP) and...
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