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Twenty minit had passed and nothing was happening. The stillness in the small living room was deafening. Vanessa was left with her thoughts, which weren't any better. Bottom line. She never should have left her alone. Period. This was all her fault.

Blair hadn't moved an inch since they'd arrived at her apartment in Brooklyn. Her intention was to check her over for any injuries, but she just sauntered to the couch, wrapped a nearby blanket around her small body, and sat there staring ahead at nothing. Every sound outside, whether it be a police siren, atau a car alarm, atau a dog barking, they were all a potential threat. She reacted to each one of them with a snap of her neck towards the picture window overlooking the street. After minit of that, Vanessa tried to approach her, but Blair wasn't having any of it. She didn't say anything, but her eyes let Vanessa know that she didn't want her near her. atau anyone for that matter.

The jacket. Vanessa let out a deep sigh, leaning on the counter top, without taking her eyes off of Blair. Now she wished she would have gone back upstairs for it. Maybe then she would of found some clue as to who was responsible for this. She had to have been in one of the dorm rooms. Glancing over at the cordless phone, Vanessa picked it up slowly and moved even lebih slowly towards Blair, keeping a selamat, peti deposit keselamatan distance.

"Blair..." Vanessa started, unsteadily. "I know anda don't want to talk, and that's fine, but we need to call the police and tell them what happened to you." There was no response. She just kept staring at the same spot on the wall. Vanessa turned the phone on and dialed nine. "No." Finally, a sign of life. Vanessa stared back at her, waiting.

Tears welled up in Blair's eyes, and for some reason, Vanessa had missed the part where they had fallen. The smeared mascara and eyeliner gave it away. She still wasn't looking at her and that scared Vanessa a great deal. "No police. I just need to..." And with that, she hugged her legs to her chest and started to rock slowly back and forth. She would shake her head from side to side every once and awhile too.

There was no way Vanessa was taking another choice out of Blair's hands. She wasn't about to do something else to her that she didn't choose. Another solution. She had to find one and fast. If she kept going on like this, she'd shut down completely. Where had she read that? An artikel in some women's magazine maybe. Dan would know what to do. He always did in any situation, but Blair barely knew him. Serena and Rufus were also valid options. Neither of them would make her go to the police if she didn't want to. Dan on the other hand... that's another story entirely.

Then there was a slight whimper. What did she say? Vanessa listened lebih carefully and heard her whisper it a saat time, rocking lebih steadily now. "Chuck." And then she knew exactly what to do.


Less than an jam later, Chuck was on Vanessa's doorstep, water from outside dripping from his stylish rain jacket. Before she could ask him to wipe his feet atau remove the jaket before entering, he was already standing at attention a few feet from the couch, looking down at the wounded girl before him. His body language suggested a lot of things. Concern, confusion, panic, curiosity... "Blair?" He berkata softly, observing her rocking body. Still no answer atau even recognition of his presence. She was somewhere else.

Vanessa watched as Chuck strode quickly across the room to her side in the kitchen. "Tell me everything. Start from the beginning and if anda leave anything out, I'll know." He assured her.

Now came the hard part. She just hoped her memory of the night's events was accurate enough. Chuck seemed, in this state, much lebih intimidating than any cop. "Wednesday afternoon I was putting up flyer's on the jalan for my sister's tunjuk downtown. Blair asked if she could tag along, I berkata yes. I went to her place at around eight and she was dressed and ready. We saw the tunjuk and she was talking to this group of guys that had been hitting on her all night. One of them berkata something about a party at this community college a few miles away." Vanessa felt her breath catch in her throat, realizing even lebih that she was to blame. She could have stopped her from going. It would have been so easy.

"She really wanted to go, even when she found out it was in a frat house. I saw a couple of my Friends from earlier and sort of..." Vanessa stopped, not wanted to continue. God, she hated herself.

Chuck ran a frustrated hand through his damp hair. He knew the answer but he was still going to ask. "Sort of what?"

"Left her alone. We went to a quieter corner to talk. She was fine. She seemed fine. I saw her talking to this guy at the bar and when I looked back a few minit later, she was just gone. I thought that had done the same thing we did. Go to a quieter place to talk. Get to know each other. I don't know." Vanessa explained. "I didn't know what..."

"And then?" Chuck demanded. His eyes were fierce, nostrils flaring. He looked like he was going to kill someone. Guess it was a side he didn't tunjuk much.

"Then about half an jam later, I guess, I was looking around the house for her, and all of a sudden, she came running through the crowd. I noticed right away that she didn't have her jaket and thought that was weird. She had berkata before in the limo that it was the most important part of her outfit. I followed her outside and she was just standing against the wall, not saying anything. I asked her where she had been and what had happened, but all she did was ask me to get her out of there." Vanessa tried to remember what came next, and then she remembered. The reason she wanted so badly to check Blair over when they first got in the apartment. "There were marks on her wrists. It looked red, like blood, but I don't know if it was... is."

Vanessa looked over his shoulder at Blair, who hadn't moved from her normal position. "I tried to get her to let me look her over, but she won't let me anywhere near her. Chuck, I know she was raped. That's the only explanation for her behavior. The only thing she's berkata since we got back here is no police your name. That's why I called you."

Chuck turned and took a few steps towards the couch, back to Vanessa. "What are we going to do?" Vanessa asked him.

"We aren't doing anything. I'm getting her out of here and anda will keep your mouth shut, like this night never took place." Chuck turned to her briefly, eyes connecting. "I'll find out what happened and take care of it. As of this moment you're not involved. Is that understood?"

All Vanessa could do was nod. This wouldn't end well for Blair if she kept the attack a secret from everyone but she and Chuck. There was no way.

"Blair?" Chuck berkata softly, only a foot away from the sofa, kerusi panjang now. He crouched down on one knee, so that they were at eye level. He had never felt so scared for someone in his life. His hand brushed her shoulder and she flinched, instinctively blocking the angkasa between them with one of her arms. Chuck jerked back, both hands in a surrendered position. "Blair, it's me. I'm not going to hurt you. anda know that. No one here is going to hurt you." At this point his emotions were taking over. He had no clue what he was saying atau why.

Her tear stained face meekly looked up at his own, as if it had taken all the strength she could muster just to make her neck turn. He leaned in and her head fell to his chest, arms holding onto his waist for dear life. Chuck held onto her as well, but not too hard. He had no clue what kind of physical trauma she had gone through, and truthfully, didn't think he could handle knowing. But he held onto her gently all the same. "You're okay. You're selamat, peti deposit keselamatan now. It's alright. Just breathe." He stroked her hair for a few moments, trying to think of what to do next. Though he was still very much in protective mode, he needed to take the necessary precautions. "Blair, what did he do to you? Can anda tell me?"

"He... he raped me." She sobbed uncontrollably, holding onto him harder. "I'm so stupid, God, I'm so stupid!"

Chuck shook his head adamantly. "Shh, it's not your fault. anda didn't do anything wrong. Okay?" Blair didn't answer him and just continued to cry in his arms. He let go of her briefly and looked into her eyes, so that he had her full attention. But then he remembered who he was talking to. Despite this not being the Blair he knew and yes, loved, there was no way to convince her of something that was already in her head.

She believed this was her fault.


Chuck did everything possible to make Blair believe, and himself, that she was going to be selamat, peti deposit keselamatan in her house. As dumb as that sounded and even though there was no way in hell he was leaving her, it gave him peace of mind. He found the biggest, sharpest pisau possible in the dapur and made his way through each room, closet, and bathroom in the house. No one was there.

"Are anda expecting Eleanor back soon?" Chuck asked her, as he slipped back into her dark bedroom. She hadn't turned on the light yet.

He saw her head shake in the pale light coming through the window. "She's out of town for the rest of the month." Suddenly, her breathing became erratic and she stood up. Chuck did the same. "Did anda hear that?" She asked, her voice cracking.

"I just checked the whole house. There's no one here. The staff's gone utama for the evening." Chuck steadied her back onto the katil in a sitting position. "There's no one here, Blair. I promise. I won't let anything happen to you."

She turned away from him and rubbed both arms up and down. Her expression changed to one of pain. Chuck had already suggested multiple times on the way over that they call the police, atau just tunjuk up at the station, and file a lapor on the bastard who had done this to her. But she berkata the same thing every time. "I can't, Chuck. No police. Please. No one can know." That made him angry. Not at her but at him. Whoever he was.

"Are anda in any pain?" Chuck asked, scooting closer to her. After she didn't respond, Chuck mechanically removed his jaket and Vanessa's off of her body. His expression changed drastically at the sight before him. He wasn't just concerned atau upset now, he was fucking angry. Not only were their bruises, which he expected, but cuts and red marks as well.

Her arms and wrists were almost purple. Her back had scratch marks all the way to the back of her neck. Hickeys were all over her collarbone. He clicked on a small light on the bedside meja, jadual to get an even better look. Big mistake. The injuries stood out more, including her cheekbone that was almost black, looking like she had been hit with a closed fist. "You need to see a doctor, Blair."

"No, please, Chuck... No. They'll call my mother and then everyone will know. Please." She pleaded with him, wrapping him into a hug.

He rubbed her back reassuringly. "He works for my father. He handles private matters like this. There's a clause in his contract that binds him from revealing any information." He took her hands in his. "You don't have to call the police atau go to the hospital if anda don't want to. We can do all of this quietly. I'll protect you, Blair. No matter what it takes. Trust me."
Gossip Girl features ensemble cast of nine regular speaking roles which were mainly adapted from the book series. The series began with the mysterious arrival of fromer 'it girl' Serena van der Woodsen (Blake Lively), who attempts to start a new page in her life with her Friends and family. Dan Humphrey (Penn Badgley), an outsider who becomes a part of the turbulent Manhattan scene, is Serena's main Cinta interest whom she starts dating in the first episode. Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meester) is a beautiful Queen Bee of Manhattan's social scene, Serena's best friend, ally, and often rival, on...
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Anger is the Best Remedy for Love- Chapter Six

“Carter Baizen.”
She felt her mouth go dry and found that no words could even express her shock and surprise. First Dan, then Nate, and now Carter. “Are anda sure it’s his?” Blair whispered.
Serena took it as a sign that Blair hadn’t bolted yet that she was going to help her out with this. “I’m sure,” she confirmed. “Dan and I haven’t slept together in months because of some problems, with Nate it was only that one time and we used protection, but with Carter it’s been lebih than once and we haven’t used anything.” She tilted...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
A/N: Okay, this might be the last thing that I ever write. There is still going to be a C/N Slash fic, but I do hope to continue this story is the future. Hope being the key word. If this is indeed my last story, I want to thank a couple of Friends who mean a lot to me. First off to Laura for encouraging me like no one else does. She has convinced me time and time again that my Penulisan does not suck and she’s always willing to talk me through things when someone else isn’t. I appreciate it and I do the same for you. To my first ever reviewer who turned out to be…Alicia. That doesn’t...
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Gossip Girl Spoilers: Vanessa and Scott?
telah diposkan on July 10th, 2009 7:47 AM sejak LovelyLively
Filed under: Chris Riggi, Gossip Girl Pictures, Gossip Girl Spoilers, Jessica Szohr
As yesterday's Gossip Girl spoilers certainly hinted, Vanessa will be getting involved with someone we met at the end of last season. Scott certainly came to mind.

Well, here's Jessica Szohr with who we believe to be Chris Riggi (Scott) on the set of the tunjuk in NYC. Think they make a cute couple? We may soon find out ...

Jessica Szohr (Vanessa) and Chris Riggi (Scott) on the Gossip Girl set.

Click to enlarge lebih pictures of the possible new pair - including one indicating that they may be progressing from Friends to lebih than Friends pretty quickly ...
Temptation of the Best Kind- Chapter Ten

A/N: If anda are a Nate fan, I would warn anda not to read this. 

The crack of a fist hitting someone’s flesh reverberated through the school hallways. The two men that used to be best Friends stared at each other, and shakily Nate brought a hand up to his aching jaw. Chuck forced himself to calm down and looked at his bloody knuckles. He had really telah diberi Nathaniel a good pantas, swift punch in the face. Nate continued to look dazed, but Chuck wished that he could punch him again. Hitting Nate once was never going to be enough after all of the pain and heartbreak...
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Author’s Note: Well, I hope all anda readers enjoyed the first chapter! And hopefully, you’ll enjoy this chapter and the rest of the story!

Anyways, I’d really appreciate it if anda could leave a review for me! They are adored/loved!

~Blair’s POV~

“Who’s the father?”

I gulped. “You,” I answered faintly.

“You sure?” He seemed happy about my answer. But wait, Chuck Bass, happy? As if. He was only happy when he was in katil with some Rawak whore, “making love.” But I must admit, he has changed in the past couple of months. Well, a little.

I nodded. “I took a paternity test while...
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posted by luvrgirl101
Standing on the balcony staring up at the night sky, he took comfort in the stars. They were so beautiful, yet so simple. The exact opposite of his life right now. For the first time in a very long time, Chuck bass was scared, terrified even.

As his gaze moved to look at the lights of the city below him, he thought back to the hari of Bart's funeral.

Blair had finally berkata those three words, she finally admitted she loved him, and she tried giving him comfort, the comfort and Cinta he so desperately needed, and she wanted to be there for him. But he pushed her away, he wouldn't -- couldn't so those...
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The Mess that is Chuck Bass~Chapter 8

He was seething. “So that’s your big ploy to get me to come back to New York with you? To withhold sex from me?
Blair looked straight ahead. This wasn’t going how she planned, she had thought as soon as she berkata there would be no sex until he came back with her, that he would agree immediately. But Chuck could be just as stubborn as she was.
“I’m serious, Chuck. There will be no sex until anda decide to come back with me. I don’t want to see anda waste your life here anymore.”
“Get out.” He berkata in a low and venomous voice.
She looked at him...
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posted by Bla-bla
 How have anda been?
How have you been?
Blair is one bulan Pregnant

V: Good mourning(kisses)
C: Good mourning (kisses back)
V: So another business trip to France ( looks at ticket)
C: Yes why?..
V: Because Chuck anda go there a lot
C: Just business
V: Sure I believe you...

Blair has been dating a hot guy named Anthony. He knows about the baby and knows that it is Chuck's. Him and Chuck are like best-friends.

B: hei An
A: hei Blair (hugs)
B: So Chuck coming today exicited
A: Definitely, Only two lebih hours
B: Well I am glad your happy
A: Well I'm glad I have anda (kisses)

Chuck is at the airport with Blair and Anthony waiting for him. He gives them...
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 Rehearsing For Play
Rehearsing For Play
Chair Tales S02E06- The Way She Moves

It's been a couple of days since Chuck and Blair's fall out and Blair has been staying with Serena and Dan.
At Yale, Blair is in rehearsal's with her drama Friends messing around and having fun. At the end of rehearsals Zane invites Blair out for something to eat, she agrees. They are at a cafe having a coffee and some food.

Z: So, how are anda finding the play...you still loving it?
B: Yeah of course! It gets lebih and lebih exciting the lebih we practice!
Z: We're nearing the end now too....soon we're going to have to rehearse our...ummm...intimate encounter......
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posted by nataliaryanfan
A/N: Takes place during the ‘Chuck/Blair at the bar’ scene in 1.13, “A Thin Line between Chuck and Nate.” Please review! They are my love!

Blair’s POV

I don’t want anda anymore, he had berkata to me.

His words hurt me lebih than Nate’s. lebih than anybody else’s. I sat there trying to gather all the information in my head.

Then, I realized no one wanted me atau wanted to help me anymore. Not even Serena, who was supposed to be my best friend. atau Nate, whom I’ve loved for years. And now, Chuck, the person I had Lost my virtue to, had rejected me as well.

I slowly got off the bar najis and...
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"No, no. Stop here! Right here is fine." Blair demanded, shifting uncomfortably in the leather seat.

She peered out of the tinted window at the school ahead. If Eleanor hadn't of started paying lebih attention to her than usual, she wouldn't even be there. It didn't take a psychiatrist to know that she wasn't ready, not even close. But there she was, waiting in the town car, refusing to be driven to the front as usual.

Spotted: B finally resurfacing into society after a two week rest. Why wasn't she seen leaving her apartment until just this morning, anda ask? Only time will tell. anda know you...
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Something was wrong. Chuck had gone to Blair's after school yesterday and Dorota stopped him at the elevator, explaining that she was sick, and shouldn't have visitors. After listening to her scold him for not calling first, he took off. Today, she still wasn't at school and wasn't answering any of his calls atau texts. Leaving her alone was a stupid decision. Of course something like this would happen. He was the only one, aside from Vanessa, who knew what was really wrong with her.

"Chuck?" A voice called from behind him. Serena. "Have anda heard from Blair? She's still not answering any of my...
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added by laurik2007
Source: yellow-cat @ tumblr
added by Kirsty
Source: spoilertv
added by melikhan
added by chucksterr
added by blood_mary
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/echoedcircles/3393.html#cutid1
added by gossip-girl999