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I can't tell if I'm going goth atau become depressed.

 silverlocket posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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goths Jawapan

sesshyswind said:
anda don't have to be depressed to be goth... anda just have to ask yourself this do anda like atau are drawn to the darker side of things, aspects of life atau Gothic music? Are your Friends goth... do anda get along with other people atau find yourself attracted to other people atau things generally referred to as 'gothic', atau no? It can make a world of difference if anda think you're becoming 'goth' atau are just feeling gloomy but will get over it with time.

If anda can't tell then just give it some time and your prefereces will tell anda eventually, it could just be a faze atau maybe you're just really depressed, wear black if anda want (if anda do), but that alone wont make anda Goth.

Some Gothic people are actually very happy people, happy with being Goth.

Also a little lebih information would help.
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posted hampir setahun yang lalu 
anda don't need to have goth Friends to be "goth".
Snerkie posted hampir setahun yang lalu
That to.
sesshyswind posted hampir setahun yang lalu
Actually I'm lebih familiar with goths not having many friends, but I guess it depends on where anda live:|
sesshyswind posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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