Greek Demigod roleplay Campers of Camp Half-Blood!

Bluefire7777 posted on Jun 07, 2011 at 12:59AM
Welcome to camp! You must be the new demigod! Glad to see you made it to camp sometimes campers dont make it do to monsters, makes me shudder. Anyways Im Chiron directer of camp! Join your cabinmates based on your godly parent. Heres your fellow campers!

1. Zues Cabin
Consueler:Jace- dreamy boy with blonde wavy hair and a muscular body with tiger green eyes. (16 years old)
Other cabinmates: Hayley Smith- short 12 year old girl with wavy platinum blonde hair and pale skin

2. Posiden Cabin
Consueler: Alvin- 16 year old boy Sea green eyes, jet black medium length hair, and ripped
Other cabinmates:

3. Hades Cabin
Consueler:Nick- a short boy with mysterious eyes 14 years old
Other cabinmates:

4. Demeter Cabin
Consueler: Sage Everfeild- strawbeey blonde gil with bright green eyes medium height 14 years old
Other cabinmates: Marigold- a girl with blond logs curls and orange eyes17 years old
Cam- 12-year-old boy with bright blonde hair and green eyes.
Colt- cute brown haired boy with green eyes

5. Ares Cabin
Consueler: Corvus- a tall girl with pale skin, long black hair, and dark purple eyes
Other cabinmates: Lili Zwingli- 8 year old girl with pale blonde hair and cute green eyes
Hunter- dark brown haired boy about 17 years old with red brown eyes and a dark demeanor about him

6. Athena Cabin
Conseleur: Stella Celestro- dark brunette girl with bright grey eyes. 17 very serious but usually friendly shes been here the longest
Other cabinmates: Tam sariganda: 16 Tanned skin wavy Carmel hair Wears cargo boots and army cargo most of time Grey eyes
Natalia Arlovskaya- tall blond haired girl with pretty grey eyes about 17 years old
Ivan braginski- tall larger 17 year old boy with light colored hair and big blue eyes

7. Apollo Cabin
Consueler: Brett Campton- tall wavy blond haired guy about 17 brown eyes very lighthearted and friendly
Other cabinmates: Lora- Tall, lanky, fragile-looking 17-year-old girl with pale skin, very light, long, wavy hair and almost-clear blue eyes

9. Hepheastas Cabin
Consueler:Jacob- Medium height, muscular 15-year-old boy with long, black hair and blue-gray eyes
Other cabinmates: Hector- large red headed boy tanner in the skin bright green eyes very kind

10. Aphrodite Cabin
Consueler:Jason- tall buff and handsome dark haired 17 year old guy with dark eyes
Other cabinmates: Marcelle Brairrose- beautiful 16 year old girl with long curly gold hair and unique violet eyes

11. Hermes Cabin
Other Cabinmates:

12. Dionysus Cabin
Consueler: Finn- handsome brown haired guy with great brown eyes
Other cabinmates: Oliver- shy brown haired guy with bright green eyes

13. Iris Cabin
Other cabinmates:

14. Hypnos Cabin:
Other cabinmates:

15. Nememsis Cabin
Other cabinmates:

16. Nike Cabin
Consueler:Anastasia Flight- smaller brown red haired girl with hazel eyes and tanned skin 15 years old
Avaline marks- Strawberry blonde with green eyes 16
Other cabinmates:

17. Hebe Cabin
Consueler: Nora- quiet red haired girl with pale skin and green eyes
Other cabinmates:

18. Hecate cabin:
Consueler: Freya- a short girl with tan skin, long dark brown hair, and hazel eyes
Other Cabinmates: Bree- smaller very pretty girl with long black hair and pretty tanned skin with golden like eyes
last edited on Sep 25, 2012 at 01:53AM

Greek Demigod roleplay 21040 balas

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hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
hey its demeter13 and invincible321 all in a fanpop roleplay replay yaaaaaay!!!!!!!

*laughs* Yeah.

Well, I guess we better get ready for NYC.

*wakes up*

Yeah! i gotta go find something 'magical'
-Bree smiles and claps hands and poofs into a thing of smoke

*looks surprised* Oh, okay. *walks to her cabin and puts on a white, lacy shirt, a high-waisted blue skirt with a black belt and pink flats then pulls the front of her hair back in twists*

bree finds a sunshine yellow sun dress tht complements her complection with black sandals and lets her hair loose in ringlets

jason pounds on girls doors
Hey ladies lets gooooooo!!!!!!!
- jason holds the pagasi back

tam wakes up feeling better and goes for a swim in a black bikini

serena glares madly at jason
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hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
*steps out in her short purple cocktail dress her brown red hair in curls wearing black heels and a matching black purse and black pearl* keep you shirt on... -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*steps outside and sees Anna then flips his hair, somewhat like Justin Bieber*

*walks out and goes over to Anna, Bree and Jason* Hey.

Hey hey anna... u wish id take my shirt off! get on the horse.. hey new kid! i need another guy to hang out with! and anna needs someone to keep her on the pegasi get ova here!
- jason flexes muscles then gestures to chestnut pegasi

*rolls her eyes and climbs on one of the pegasi*

Hey jason did u bring ur wallet?
-bree asks innocently

yes why?

no reason
- Bree smiles mischivously

*walks over slowly in a black t-shirt, worn-out jeans and red Converse then nods* Sure.
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hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
i can ride a horse by myself thank you im the best equestrian here since-! wait he can help me *blushes a bit and fix her hair* -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*smiles at Anna and helps her onto the horse then climbs up after her, puts his arms around her and grabs mane*

All right!!!!!! NYC wont know wht hit em!
-jason leaps on his horse bree climbs on behind him and clutches his waist

Ok its gonna b okaaaay...
- bree closes eyes tight and whispers to herself because shes afraid of heights

*smiles at Anna*

the group gallops there pegasi and take off into the sunlit sky!

Sky rockets in flight afternoon delight!
-jason sings 'afternoon delight" smiling really big

Bree lets go for a moment and then smacks him her eyes still closed
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
*looks back at him* you ever flown around the statue of liberty? or skimmed the atlantic ocean on horseback? *smiles and takes the reins* -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*whispers in her ear, his lips brushing her hair* Show me.

Jason whips past them his pegasis wing hits jacob in the head and bree screams at the top of her lungs

-jason fist pumps

-bree screams some more and wraps her arms tighter around his waist

*rubs the back of his head and glares at Jason*

hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
hes an ass ignore him *smiles and drops down fast to the statue then levels and circles around it slowing down so they could see* i always forget how big it is *she looks at it impressed the wind in her face she smelled like fresh rain* -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*smiles* The rain has a way of smelling like you...

Jason dives his pegasi down fast bree screams and his pegasis wings skim the water

bree lifts her face from where her face is buried into jasons t shirt she smiles and puts her hand down to skim it she laughs and makes coloured bubbles fly up from the ocean

*dives down toward the water, closing her eyes and smiling as the wind blows her hair back*
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
*blushes a bit* uh thanks we decide on what days i smell like it and the days it smells like me *brings the pegasus down after Lora and Bree and Jason and she tilts and runs her fingers across the water* -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
It's a quote. I don't know who by, though.

jason calls back to others
we should b landing soon!
-he flys for a while more then lands on shore line

Bree jumps off horse and sits on shore smiling with releif and fixes her tangled curls

*gets off*

*jumps off then helps Anna down*
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
why thank you *fix her hair and smiles at him and blushes a bit as she looks away shyly* -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*smiles at her and flips his hair, again somewhat like JB*

Jason helps bree up and they walk to others
Ok guys lets get some shoppin done! i need some new muscle shirts to show off my rippling pectorals... and maybe a suit for special occasions.. i do look pretty sexy in armani!
-jason winks at bree and lora

*rolls her eyes and laughs*

Bree pushes him good naturedly and then makes her way towards the hustle and bustle of times square!

*follows Bree*

*follows behind by Anna*
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
*looks at all the stores then looks at times square* this is amazing... *spins a bit around getting everything in* broadway! oh dress shops! dinner! movies! oh god if i had money id never leave *wander off down braod street her black heels clicking against the sidewalk guys looking at her as she walked by* -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*stops infront of a shop window and admires a strapless, sparkly golden evening gown*

*continues to follow Anna*

Ooooo (bree gasps) its so...
-bree says mezmirised by the city

-jason says stepping up next to her

-bree says wistfully

-jason says softly as he turns to her suddenly affected by her beauty

hold my purse.
-bree slams her purse into his gut and runs over beside lora also admiring a sparkly red poofy gown
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
*looks behind her and notices hes still following her* you dont have to come with me you know... *looks at the broadways showings and smiles she always loved broadway* -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
C'mon. *grabs her hand and takes her into the lobby*

Well lora, bree i guess its just us come ladies buy anything u want!
-jason hooks both girls arms with his elbows and they enter the store

girls trying on dress's stare at jason and look enviously at lora and bree

*looks at Jason* Really, you don't have to... *looks at the dress again* Never mind. *runs off to find one in her size*

- bree dashes over to red one
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hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
what? were not allowed in we dont have tickets jacob- *looks at him with her hazel eyes questionably* -anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
Well... *walks to the counter and buy tickets* Now we do. *gives one ticket to her*

Bree tries on dress and spins in a circle in front of jason
Does it make my butt look fat?
-bree turns and looks over shoulder

jason stares at butt
Uuuuhhhh... nope.
-jason gapes then sees lady over counter who is wearing shades and a turban and a long pink dress jason sees her staring then looks at her suspiciously

*tries on dress then comes out, holding it in her arms and walks over to Jason*
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
since when did you carry around hundreds of dollars? *takes the ticket from him and looks at it and smiles* i havent been to one of these since the first week i got off the boat from Moscow... -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*smiles and walks to the entrance of the theatre*

alright we have loras purchase and bree will u b buying tht fabulous creation?
-jason stands still eying the counter lady

counter lady seems to hiss softly then turn away quickley

nooo... u will!
-bree smiles and goes to take off dress
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
*follows after him holding his hand and smiles as she sits in the box section looking down on the stage* these are great thank you so much *turns around and hugs him* -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*accepts the embrace and smiles at her as the lights dim*

jason hands dress's to counter lady and as counter lady touches his hand he pulls back quickly an uneasiness stirs in his stomach he turns to see a maniquin who looks oddly like a girl who was just in the store

Jason are u alright...whts up?
-bree asks gently touching his arm

*looks worried and moves closer behind Jason, peering around his arm*
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
shows starting *says excited and sits and looks over the ledge behind her some glowing eyes seem to glint at her* -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*watches the stage intently and every so often, looks at Anna*

girls get back...
-jason turns and whispers to bree

*backs up and runs into another manniquin and screams*

-Bree screams as the counter ladys turban unferls and her shades fly across room to reveal a mess of coral snakes on top of conter ladies head

Pitiful half-bloods! You shall die on this day!
- medusa( who was counter lady) points scaly finger at them and hisses

Bree sheilds her eyes and tells lora to do the same

jason stumbles backwards and pulls a magic looking glass from his back pocket being the child of aphrodite he has one, and rips a medallion of his neck which turns into a sparkling silver sheild

where'd u get tht!?
-bree and lora scream simontaniously

-jason yells back as stuff explodes

*looks around, scared then starts to hypreventilate and blacks out*
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
*watches the play intently she notice him look at her an smile then as the curtains close and the lights switch out she screams* -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*grabs Anna's arm*

Bree screams for jason but cant find him through the rubble when medusa grabs her arm

Foolish half-bloods!
-medusa hisses and scratches brees face

jason hits medusa's head with sheild and has the unconcious lora over his shoulder
c'mon bree lets go get up!
-jason helps her up and they stumble into the street
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
*she is wretched from his grip with a muffled yelp of pain as the lights switch back on all that was in her seat was drops of blood it had a trail backstage* -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*frantically looks around* Anna.. Anna? *stands up* ANNA!

*people stare at him strangely*

jason bursts through theater doors holding brees hand and with lora still thrown over his shoulder
JACOB!!!!!! ANNA!!!
-jason sees jacob and runs to join him

Wheres anna?
-brees eyes are wide with terror and she is looking around madly

*covers his face with his hands* It's all my fault. It's all my fault! *tears through people, following the trail*

bree lets go!
-jason tugs on her hand and lays lora gently in a theater chair while bree puts a protection spell on her and they stumble after jacob to save anna!
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
*the trail lead to a backstage closet the door was open where Anna had a fury under her silver knife panting she was bleeding bad from a claw mark that was deep cut into her side slicing her dress* I hav vays ov vaking you talk harpy! *she presed the knife to the harpy in her scary russian accent then harpy simply sliced its own throat with the knife and smacks her to the wall and disappeared to dusts and she hits hard and falls over the knife in her hand* -Anna
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hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*runs to Anna, falls to the ground and wraps his arms around her*

jake...a..aanna? tht was..
-bree stutters her eyes wide and is hugging jason's arm

i better go get lora..
-jason gently removes bree and goes back to lora where he picks her up

*wakes up then slaps his back* Put me down!

Settle down! and dont slap me im already sore!
-jason says madly and puts her down

*looks around* Where are we? What happened?!

Bree was scratched and its starting to look bad, u passed out and anna is really freakin us out. tht chick is weird.
-jason leads lora towards the closet to collect the others

*whispers* Broadway?
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hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
*groans* i think i have a concussion damn harpies always ruin the fun... *touches her side and has blood on her hands* well thats gonna ruin my day... *pulls up her purse slowly she was still sore and pulls out some ambrosia vials brett gave her* -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*touches her side gently*

Oh, my gosh.. Anna! *runs towards her*

Bree checks out jasons bruised forhead where some rubble hit him
- bree says blankly

Hows ur face?
- jason asks

It hurts alot but if we get back to camp im sure brett...
- her eyes leave jason for a minute then she stares at her feet

We should get going...
jason says awkwardly
and starts heading out theater with bree behind him a ways

*starts walking slowly*
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hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
I'm alright... *stands up slowly and looks at her dress sees it sliced and stained with blood* damn my dads gonna kill me...well if this doesn't that is *takes a shot of the ambrosia and pulls out some cloth and covers up the claw marks* -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*helps her walk*

*picks up the pace*

Jason and bree dash across street to shore and jump onto their pegasi and take off

*gets on her pegasus*

*arrives later with Anna and helps her get up*
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
down.. *says sternly an the pegasus kneels down for her making it easier to get on her head was buzzing and the ambrosia was making her a little fuzzy* maybe you should steer... -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*nods and climbs on, grabbing the reigns*

bree and jason and lora, anna and jacob make it to camp they land, bree is really tired and her scratch is really painful so she faints and falls off but jason catches her and they walk into camp bree's head lolls to the side

*nods toward Anna* We should take them to Brett.

*helps her*
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
*looks up at everyone* what in the name of hades happened! you left camp without permission on you come back like this! *is infuriated* help the girls into the infirmiry, brett get sage and cam to help fix them up you boy are coming with me when this is done... *her dark eyes looked hard* -Stella

whatever you say Stel *walks off to grab some vials and then goes to get sage and cam* -Brett

good luck with her *whispers in jacobs ear* whenever shes really mad things dont end well -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*swallows a lump in his throat then walks her to the infirmary*

*goes with Brett*

it was me! i took them to new york stella! dont take it out on jake!
-jason says his eyes are wide and glossy he then walks to infirmary and lays bree down gently on a cot

wakes up her eyes glazed
jason... r we home?
-bree says softly he scratches burning

Yeah we r. Bretts gonna take care of u k?
-jason says sincerley his eyes full of pain not for himself but for bree

*follows them into infirmary*
-Cam and Lora
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
*looks over at bree* well you certainally have a knack for messing yourself up what exazctly did you run into bree? -Brett

*looks up at jacob* don't worry she'll calm down...sorry i had to ruin the show for you *rubs her temples her head was killing her* -Anna

*brings some healing herbs and plants and starts brewing some mixes for brett and hands anna a pinkish drink* for your head anatasia... -Sage
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hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
medusa....i think shes still alive though jason just knocked her out with a sheild
-bree is still woozy but is happy brett is there

jason watches with uncertanty and jelousy..(ooooo!)as brett helps bree

*shakes his head* It was good.

*helps Sage*

*stands in the background, observing*
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
okay good so no poisen that one less thing to worry about harpies arent known for poisen either so sage can you give anatasia some herbal essance bandages with a hint of those disinfectant leaves and bree do you have a ny scratches or claw marks we should get as well? -Brett

*fix up some bandages and mixes for anna and helps wrap it around her side* -Sage

until the harpy came thanks for trying to find me though even if i had it covered it means a lot *clenches her jaw a bit it stung a little as she smoothed her hair* -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*nods and thouches her arm*

*helps Sage wrap the bandage*

my face... it hurts alot... and i should probably fix my hair...(bree giggles to herself)
-bree smiles

jason holds an ice pack to his head

*looks at her legs and sees that they're covered with bruises*
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
*looks at her arm then at him* you dont say much do you? -Anna

*smiles at them then goes over with ice for lora* this will help -Sage

*looks at it then grabs a small vial and dips a cue tip into it and dabs it against the scratch and spread it evenly* there if you let that sit a minute the pain should die down *smiles* anything else? -Brett
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*laughs* No.

*smiles and sits on a chair* Thanks. *ices her leg*

wht u were reading before we left...shakespeare... tell me .
-bree says softly her eyes searching his

Hey, Jason. *looks at him* What about the dresses?

O yeah well i might of dropped them when i had nothing better to do then carry u around!
-jason says grouchily

*smiles and goes back to icing her leg*
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
yea im always reading shakesphere romeo and juliet that time i believe does it matter now? -Brett

its alright ill talk enough for both of us *smiles* my father always said i had a way with words usually too many -Anna
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
romeo and juliet sounds depressing... they both die right? so it makes me feel better since theyre worse off then me.
-bree smiles softly

jason storms out of infirmary then into his cabin and sits down on his bed

*smiles and takes a seat beside her*
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
well they both commit suicide really bad timing in that book *smiles a bit then stands up and makes some more vials up* -Brett

i think your really cute you know *smiles shyly and looks down at her tattered purple dress* -Anna

*looks up at jason from her herbs* what his deal? -Sage
hampir setahun yang lalu Invincible321 said…
*looks at Sage* He's jealous because he likes Bree.

*takes her hand*

Bree sits up slowly with a kurfuffled look on her face
where'd jason go? is he ok? did i do something? wht eva he was like tht when we were kids too
-bree wiggles about on the cot getting comfortable

jason lays on bed staring at roof
does she dig shakesspeare.. i could read shakespeare
-jason scowls to himself (he dont like no shakespeare)
hampir setahun yang lalu Bluefire7777 said…
typical guy thing i just finished my first year in high school and boy is there a lot of that there *rolls her eyes and plucks more leaves* -Sage

*looks at there hands then looks at him* -Anna

so bree anything else i should be worried about? no bites or bruises or cuts? *looks through his brewing vials* -Brett