My aunt has a boxer, berdan named bella and had 28 Anak Anjing not all in the same litter and they were sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo chubby and adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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my dog had 8 Anak Anjing yesterday she kill one af them sejak laying on him sejak accident and today another one deid now she has 6 like last time
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i have a club i think u miht like. it is a anjing, anak anjing thing well kinda. heres my club name the anjing, anak anjing place pugsley
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hei guys thers a new member and she's my cosin.S000 can anda guys go to CUTE ikon-ikon and wene you see the name SAMIISTYLES and can anda be a fan?
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i Cinta Anak Anjing i have 3 Anjing myself my ikon is my anjing, anak anjing Coco the 1st hari i got her. cuteness!
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what anjing, anak anjing bredd is cuter? Dalmation puppies, Golden Retreiver puppies, German Shepherd puppies, Beagal puppies, Black Lab Anak Anjing atau Huskie puppies? I dont know, I cant choose!!
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i Cinta Anjing i have 2 one named pebbles and the other piglet we call him a lot of things i like to call him pigglee atau pee-wee
telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu families had allot of names for my old dog. peny-eny, kacang, kacang tanah briddle, and nut butter. all funny atau cute.hampir setahun yang lalu
i really luv Anak Anjing .my uncle had a lil anjing, anak anjing his name was buck he He died 2010 rite after my gg-ma died sad
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I was standing waiting for my mom and dad last night to stop talking so we could go utama and I was holding my new anjing, anak anjing mikey in his katil waiting and my hands cramped and my legs and arms got hot and I have (sorta fake) musle spazzums when my hands atau something gets too hot so my hands totally freaked out
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I Cinta Anak Anjing their so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those foto-foto are too cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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puppies, like humans, girls turn into women someday and boys turn into men someday, but Anak Anjing will turn into dogs, but their personality will NEVER change
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I have a pickanese and she has huge eyes...She has been very sick lately....throwing up her food.....PLEZE komen (good things) :(
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