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so, this started out as an e-mel to my friend, but it just kept going on and on and on so i decided to write a book. what is this book about anda might ask? well, since anda asked, i shall tell anda . this is a book about absolutely nothing. so i hope anda enjoy.

oh and if you're in the middle of something, anda should probably not read this, cos its really really really long. and this is just a preview!

This Is The Almighty, Great, Incredible Book Of Nothing‼‼

so i stayed utama today and i made this big giant slide tunjuk like summarizing all the twilight buku and its rlly cool and has pics and everything...i was bored...heheh i tend to get a little obsessive when im bored....u know that too i guess......anywayzzz....zzzzzzz...jk ur not that boring.....maybe.....well i guess u are cos ur not even there so im basically just talking to myself right now only not out loud cos that would sound weird...im talking to myself in writing. i do that a lot, i guess that’s what the notebook's for kinda...cos even tho we read other ppls Penulisan when i write in their im just basically talking to myself on paper...only it makes it sound like im talking to u cos im giving it to u later, so it’s like ur Membaca what’s in my mind when ur Membaca the notebook...u don’t actually have to read any of this btw, im just taking my boredom out on u....well that’s what Friends r for i guess. Did jaide rlly get a hamster? Grt. frusturating. Neither jaide nor u is emailing me right now. And so that’s like everybody that i talk to except for Brenna, and she hasn’t emailed me in a long time. Huh. When im done w/this i.. e-mel her. Ladidahdidah. Singing to myself...tsktsk what next? Maybe I’ll be talking to magnets before long...sorry I’ve been Membaca too many vampire books, im starting to memorize them. i just bought new moon yesterday cos my mo m and my sister are in California and my dad will buy me anything pretty much as long as it’s not too expensive...i really want the twilight movie to come out! It comes out on my sister's bday. And the fourth book breaking dawn comes out eight days before my bday!!! Yayayayayyayay! Whatever. U need to read that again so u can obsess w/me cos nobody is there to do that right now. i was just talking to Katie and i was trying to obsess to her but she hasn’t read them so it was kinda just obsessing to myself like im doing right now, cos i think ur computer's broken and u won’t get this for a long time, but when ur computers fixed u will have a very good long book to read...by me! Lol:) i rlly wanna write a book. I was Membaca this thing that Stephanie Meyer wrote about how she wrote twilight and she berkata that she got the idea from a dream. She berkata that she had a dream that was pretty much the scene in the meadow in twilight. So good news all i have to do is go to sleep and i can write a book! Only i kinda have trouble remembering my dreams lots of the time...u might have to help me with that....only i don’t see how u could. I wish i could read ppls minds. that would be cool...not for them but u get what i mean....or maybe u don’t i can’t really count on the fact that anyone would get what i mean...im pretty much just rambling on to nobody right now...only nobody happens to be you...whatever. I wish it was summer. I need the snow to go away. Snow sucks. Only sometimes it doesn’t but most of the time it does. Actually pretty much all of the time it does. U no forks is a real town in Washington. I think I’ll alih there. u should sertai me...actually uve already met a fork...mr bodle's fork! lOl. What’s it like in his stomach? I don’t think that he's a vampire. Cos he not pretty...at alllllll but i think he’s just extremely hungry all the time. Maybe Ur blood smells really good like Bella’s apparently does...i don’t like her. Shes annoying. Shes not very special at all. The only thing that’s special about her is the smell of her blood, and sometimes the smell of a person’s blood isn’t what anda look for in a friend...maybe not to some ppl...but that’s just me. I like Jacob. Jacob is warm and fuzzy. And he reminds me of Daryl when he’s a wolf. Cos he smiles and laughs and stuff and Daryl smiles sometimes. .lol today max was eating a piece of pumpkin...emo dog! eating himself...what next?...prbly talking to magnets....if ur still Membaca this ur probably lost...and if not oh well, im preoccupied...jeez it took me like a minit to type that word....i hate big words. LOL ur probably pretty mad at this point cos i haven’t used capitalization and spelling atau whatever at all in this email....oh no i have two math tests to make up now. The one from last Friday and the one from this Friday . And i haven’t finished the homework from Thursday atau even started on that practice test for the final yet. Crap i have a lot to do. And yet im still Penulisan this....i don’t have any priorities right now...except for doing nothing, that’s always very high on my senarai of priorities. Nothing is a good friend of mine. It always lets me do what i want to do...which is nothing. Grt. i wish that Vampires were real. Which is not a normal wish...but it is if u knows what kind of vampire im talking about...which anda do. Im talking about the incredibly hot sparkly type of vampire. But u knew that already...sigh. I wish i was a vampire....if Ur a vampire u shud bites me. Except i don’t think u r a vampire cos Ur not pale...or sparkly. atau hard. oh well....if i ever meet a vampire ill make sure to annoy them so much that they'll have to bite me just to shut me up. I’d probably be good at that. I can be very annoying and obsessive at times. Like right now. Although Ur probably not even Membaca this. I should save this and tunjuk it to my English teacher, maybe it'll get me out of that stupid energy paper, although i already wrote the whole paper so it’s kinda too late to get out of it. I think we should siarkan the notebook. It would be like that book that’s all instant messaging. Only not cos it’s a notebook, not a computer. Only our notebook prbly wouldn’t make much sense to anyone that had anything that was close to a brain (not including me u and jaide of course)...although i don’t have much of a brain right now either. My dad thinks im just pretending to type cos im typing so fast. This has only taken like ten minutes. fast fast fast fast fast fast! that’s out motto! ha-ha i should tunjuk him how much I’ve actually written, it would make him extremely jealous. i wonder how fast Vampires can type. probably Edward could have typed this whole thing in like two seconds. oh well, im not very special sejak vampire standards, but i feel special for a human right now. except for the fact that i can’t think of a good idea for a book. i should just write a book about nothing! i could call it "the book about nothing" and it would sell big cos ppl would be like "ooh a book about nothing, i bet that’s interesting, i think I’ll buy it just cos it sounds interesting and i wanna read about nothing cos Membaca about something takes too much brain power and im running low on brain power right now so i think I’ll buy this book about nothing for that reason alone!" oh yes im a genius. this will be the start of my book about nothing. i will save it right now. u will be the first person ever to witness the sheer nothingness of Shawna zusicobb! u should feel very privileged that anda get to pratonton my book, because it won’t be released for another tahun atau so...or minit atau so at the rate im going...oh yeah saving...ok saved. So…now that I think about it nothing is not so hard to come by. Actually nothing comes fairly easily to me. “you have a way of coming easily to me” sorry, I was switching into song mode there for a second, but im over it now. “im so over it” I mean it really though. Eh well, for a while anyways, I always seem to switch back to song mode over time “it’ll all get better in time”. See? There it is. It can’t stay away for too long. It always comes creeping back into my brain like a very annoying immortal slug that won’t stop sticking to my brain even when I try to make it go away. I guess that’s what happens when anda listen to Muzik twenty four seven. Like I do. Oh well, something’s anda just have to live with, like song slugs in your brain. It’s inevitable. “it’s inevitable, sooner atau later it has to come true.” See? It just won’t go away. “its all coming back to me now” ugh. I’ll just have to stick it in a cage atau chain it up atau something, cos I swear it won’t go away‼ huh. I guess anda don’t have to have an idea to write a book. The ideas kinda just come to you. Easily. (don’t worry I won’t say “you have a way of coming easily to me”…oops, too late) whoah did u see how that just switched from a colon and a parentheses to an  ooh! So cool! That just made my day it doesn’t take much to make my day. I found that out a very long time ago. I am very easily amused, I guess. I don’t know if that’s a good thing atau not. I guess it could be a good thing, if im easily amused I don’t have to be bored all the time, cos I can easily find a way to amuse myself. Huh . u sees how that worked out there? For example im staying amused right now sejak Penulisan this book about nothing, although my hands are starting to cramp up and that’s not fun…but anyways it’s worth it. Ugh. atau maybe its not. Maybe I should stop now. Only I can’t. It’s addicting to talk about nothing, in a way. I think it’s just that anda say you’re talking about nothing, but anda really are talking about something cos the ideas just start coming into your brain and anda can’t stop the flow. I think that that is a good thing tho, cos If u constantly has ideas coming into your head then you’ll never run out of ideas. It’s never fun when anda run out of ideas. I was trying to write a book about something in particular before and that’s why it wasn’t working. Now Im Penulisan a book about nothing and the ideas just keep coming. I think that if anda think to hard that your brain goes blank. Im not thinking hard at all and my brain are full to the brim…if your brain even has a brim. Does your brain have a brim? I guess not, cos your brain is pretty much closed off and circular, with a few little bumps. So I guess my brains are just full cos there is not brim, so it just keeps filling up until eventually it will explode. Eew that’s not a nice thought. Brain explosions. I can see the headlines now: Girl Found at Computer meja with Book about Nothing, Brain Exploded All The Way up To the Ceiling. They would have to mop the ceiling and everything! That would not be a pretty sight to clean up. Oh well, my ceiling is pretty low so I think that if my brain did happen to explode all the way up to the ceiling that they would be able to reach it with a mop pretty easily. Hmmm…I wonder if whoever built this house took into consideration brain explosions when they built the ceiling. What, it’s possible!

oh yes, there will be much lebih of this left to come...i'll be back! myahahaha!
added by TDI_Izzy
Source: Google
added by Fangirl99
added by Helen-Lover
posted by R33n33sm3
Script for the talent-show.

Sari-math teacher
Ecem-The one who knows everything
Andreea-the one who talks fast and never knows anything.
Nermin-She correct's Andrea every-time.
Sibel-gossip girl,she doesn't really know anything.
Anthony-late kid.

The scene starts with Ecem sitted nicely
taking out,a pencil,a ruler,a potractor,a scissor,a pen,a red pen,coloured pencils and etc...

then it comes of that Nermin comes and the two student's condradict with eachother what the circumference really means.
Nermin:The radius is the distance from the centre to the circumference.
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posted by latinlover
a plane crashes-your cry/hit someone/shoota bird!
the lights go out-you turn them on agian
your bf says i Cinta you-what bf?/say wtf?since when?

GIVE ME MORE!-brittany!!/ewwwwww!leave brit!alone!
Do anda want a lolipop?-when?/haha
are anda okay?-NOOOOOO,im not ok i promise!/
the photos-i took/of nick ;)
what happen when...-idk was i awake?/nick tok his sunglasses off?
the best time to.....-stalk the night~/creeper
My fav.color is..-orange/red the color of the inside of a bird
did the sun fall?-yea!duh wtf?/for the mooon!
are anda hungry...?-I am!/cookies!!
Its bad when i..-think alot/hit small animals
the last thing i did was..-download music/drink
What im thinking now is..-god i hate that dude/laurens jawapan are horrible!
Yes, these are real people singing.
nico nico chorus
servant of evil
len kagamine
added by Cyrusrocks
ROFL, found this on youtube, someone was playing aroun with sound clips from Sonic the Hedgehog 06.
added by randomgirl3000
Source: tumblr
added by LocalArtistist
added by mehparty3
added by XxMJLoverxX
added by 050801090907
added by jessy_an
added by johnnydlover
added by carsfan
Source: Internet
hei everybody. I am so excited! Wanna know why? It's because God's not dead! He's surely alive!

Ok, for those of anda who don't believe this stuff, it won't be that exciting. But for those of anda who do believe, will find this REALLY good news. SO throw away all those doubts!

Still don't believe me, eh? Well, let's take a look at some of the Bible, and it will PROVE God is alive. (BTW, if the evidence of the Bible is not enough, don't complain to me)

Let's start with Genesis chapter 1. Many of anda are familiar with the story of Creation. But it is not just a story. It really happened. It was a...
continue reading...
posted by Channy101
U guys i need all of your help please?
kay i have 3 soalan n i need 10 jawapan 4 each please i will need your help?
1st soalan is... if anda found a wallet if ten thousands dollars in it what would anda do n why?
2nd soalan is... if anda could go any where in the world where would u go n why
n my last soalan is... if ur I-Pod atau cell-phone fell in the toilet what would u do n why
please everyone i need ur advise and atau help with this atau else i will get a big fat 0 n my mom doesn`t want me 2 get a big fat 0!
posted by princess829
This may seem hard to believe, but it's true: Justin Bieber's manager has been arrested for NOT tweeting.

Scott "Scooter" Braun, manager for the tween heartthrob, was arrested on Long Island today on charges of reckless endangerment and criminal nuisance, reports AP.

In November, Braun, 28, took Bieber to a mall appearance in Garden City, N.Y. The crowd of teenage girls became unruly, and police told Braun to announce on Twitter that the event was canceled. Prosecutors say Braun waited 1 1/2 hours before Tweeting -- and the riot got worse. Braun's lawyers say he Tweeted seven minit after cops' request.

Meanwhile, Justin tweeted earlier today:

You've got my total support @scooterbraun Wish anda were here in Chicago with us #FreeScooter
Chapter 2—A New Day…A New Chapter
    Right seterusnya to the right one…what if anda are, and anda just don’t know it? atau anda know it, and they don’t? That’s quite a pickle…why do they say that? Why is it a pickle? Why not say “oh, that’s quite a scone!” atau “what a kranberi, cranberry muffin!” ah…so confusing. So I think that if anda are going on a bike ride anda don’t need to wear a helmet, anda just need to wear one of those big hard headbands. That’s because I was riding in this really short car down a bumpy road and I hit my head on the ceiling. But it didn’t...
continue reading...
added by RavenVillanueva