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posted by TakTheFox
(Note: While I will be Penulisan this story in the first person, this story has nothing to do with myself personally, atau my own experiences. It is for interest purposes only.)

(Also if anyone is wondering this will NOT be messing up the IAW progress. This is just something I thought up and I wanted to get written down. I am still working on IAW I’m just having some writer’s block.)

“My head hurts…” I groan as I blink my eyes open. It takes a while to get into focus of my surroundings. “Where?” I spin my head around. I’m inside a… house; yes I can see it now. There’s a couch, there’s a table, some stairs, some rooms.

“Is… anyone home?” I wonder. I push myself to my feet, then instantly collapse to the ground again, as if this was the first time I was walking. “Ow! W-w-why I can’t I walk!?” I become dizzy. I breathe quickly, and I feel overwhelmed sejak panic. But the word… for this… what is it? “Hyper… Hypervental?” Was that it? Thinking about it only makes me lebih nervous so I stop.

“Slow… breathes…” I tell myself. Since I cannot walk yet I pull myself onto a sofa, kerusi panjang and sit. “At least my arms work.” Then I examine my hands. My long palms and long fingers, and long curved claws. “Is that… normal?” I try to remember how long a normal hand is, but… I can’t remember. With a sigh I let this go as well. Trying to figure it out now would be pointless… I-I think.

I look down at my equally long feet, toes, and toe-claws, and decide maybe I just need to get the blood rushing through my legs again. I start to hayun, swing my legs back and forth. At first it hurts, as if I was tied to something, but after a while the only pain is the soreness of moving them up and down for so long.

I also notice how I am clothed. I am wearing pale grey shorts… and a pale grey T-shirt. “Why these clothes?” I don’t even try to figure this out.

After a few minit I try to walk again. One foot presses against the ground. It feels like I’ll break my bone from doing this, but it will get easier, right? I put the other foot down; it’s… easier, and takes some of the pressure from the other leg. Then I realize that my feet actually are keeping me well-balanced.

I test this theory out sejak closing my eyes and leaning back a bit. My talon’s cling hard to the floor, and my long feet and ankle-joints allow me to hold myself up. I don’t sway atau tumble. “Okay… walk time.” I take a step forward… it hurts, but I do it again… and again… and again. It still hurts! But… I have to keep going.

I make it to a door. “Ewow…” A strange little groan of pain that comes from my mouth. I meant to scream, but I soon find out I don’t have enough energy for that.

I’m still standing, I dare not sit. If I do, it might start all over again. So I open the door. Inside is a bedroom; it has a bed, well obviously, it has a closet, it has a dresser, and a lamp. Instinct tells me to check the closet, I’d like to wear something else besides these grey clothes.

When I open the closet all that is inside are lebih grey clothes. “Ugh…” I look through the dresser. There only thing inside is a Bible. “Is this a hotel?” I question. I don’t know how I remember what a hotel is, but they always have Bibles in them… I think.

The room has nothing else for me. I walk out and go upstairs. I notice as I go up that my feet are not hurting as much as before. At least I was used to walking now. There is a large open room, with a conniver-belt on some kind of machine. “…Tread… Treadmill…” I say. Shouldn’t these be easy words to remember? To my left is a giant wheel-shaped object. “Wait a second… Why would that be here?” I step inside and a whirring sound starts up.

I don’t know how I knew what came next, but my large ears twitched a bit to the sound, and told me to get off and so I jumped five feet to the side as quickly as I could. The wheel began to spin. Then after a few saat it stopped. I feel a wave of terror for a moment then it passes. “It’s not going to kill you, idiot.” I tell myself.

I look around and see that there’s a trash-can in the far right corner. “Hmm…” I pick it up and place it on the wheel. Nothing happens. I step back on it myself. It starts up again, and I quickly jump off. “Maybe it needs lebih weight. What can I use?” I soon find a use for the clothes, and it makes me smirk slightly I admit.

I quickly walk downstairs, gather up the clothes, then pile them in the middle of the floor. Still nothing happens. “Not enough? Still??” I alih the items off the wheel and walk off to find another room.

After a minit I find a bathroom, with another trashcan, a toilet obviously, a sink, and a shower. “I don’t need this now…” I turn to leave, but a small white square in the room catches my eyes.

“Scale.” I name. I pick it up, it’s fairly heavy, but it’s not its weight I’m interested in. I bring it up to the wheel-room, and weigh myself. There’s six and a two. I weigh sixty-two pounds apparently. I don’t know why but it makes me happy to know I weigh so little.

I then take the clothes and the trashcan, and weigh myself a saat time. It says one-hundred-and-four point two now. “I need… nineteen-point-eight pounds more.” I get the other trashcan. Five lebih pounds, not enough.

My feet are hurting lebih now; I’ve been walking for about an hour. I go back downstairs and sit on the sofa, kerusi panjang for a while. I realize after a while that I am extremely hungry. “More searching.” I sigh.

In front of the sofa, kerusi panjang is another room. I go inside, it’s a kitchen. “Whoa… uh…” I try to think of something else I’d like. People normally would think money, but I don’t see the point, all I want right now is to not be so confused.

Inside there is not much food. There are two loaves of bread, some salad and carrots in the large rectangle “… the… Fridge? Fridgerator?” There’s a gallon of milk, and an ice and water dispenser. I don’t see anything else aside from that, well when Makanan is involved that is.

I find some silverware in a drawer, and use a pisau to cut off a piece of bread. I nibble at it for a while, but I can’t get past how bland it tastes. “At least I won’t starve.”

I look again the… Fridgerator, and see that in one of the drawers are bottles of liquid-like goo. I pull out a white one and squirt it into a plate I find in a cupboard. The jus is white mostly, with little bits of green around. It smells a bit sour, but not in a bad way. I decide to taste a dab of it. It’s alright but I won’t eat it sejak itself. “What’s this called anyway?” The label has… letters.

“Uh… R?” I have no way of proving if I’m right so I might as well go with it. I read the other letters, which are “A-N-C and H”. “Rae-‘nch?” I pronounce. “I guess that will have to do for now.” I pull out the carrots and salad and make a… salad with carrots in it, then I squirt some of the… raench on to it, then I put it on a plate. I probably should have put it on a plate first. “WHY IS THIS SO HARD TO REMEMBER!?” I yell.

I eat up the veggie-meal and am about to walk out but then something grabs my arms. My instincts spring to lie, and I try to cut at whatever has grabbed me as I squirm vainly.

It turns out to be robotic arms that grabbed me; my claws do nothing to these. One of them grabs my head and holds it ke hadapan then another shoves some kind of pill into my mouth and makes me menelan it. Finally they disappear. I lay on the ground coughing and gagging. “What if they come back?”

I dash back to the living room and hide under the table. I stay there for a good ten minutes. No sounds, no arms, nothing. “What was that pill it gave me?” I think.

My fear subsides after a while and I go back to exploring, though I would not return to the dapur for a while… if I did at all. I find no other rooms, just hallways. I walk back again to the living room. I notice the cushions on the couch. “Maybe those would work…” I tug at one. It’s stuck. “Come on!” I yank and tug at it. It still doesn’t bug. So I use my claws to poke a few holes then *RIIIIIIIIIIIIIP* I get a cushion.

I bring it back to the wheel-room and pile everything on the wheel. It starts to turn. “YES!” I cheer. The wheel gets faster and faster. I notice as it does that the lights in the room get brighter. “This powers the house?” The wheel gets faster, and the lights get brighter, but then some of the clothes fall off and one of the trashcans as well. The wheel stops spinning.

“Ugh…” I decide it might be time to test it myself again, despite how terrifying it is. I alih the other items off then I get on myself. The wheel starts up again and I close my eyes tight as I try to stay calm. The wheel slides below my feet at first, but as it speeds up it begins to pull me with it. Before I can get off though, I’m on the roof of the wheel, upside down. As soon as I reach this spot, the wheel stops, and I fall hard on my face.

I tear up slightly. It hurts, there’s a ringing in my ears, and my whole face stings. But it starts up again. “NO!” I jump off and land on the hard ground in front of me. lebih pain. The wheel of course stops as soon as I get off, and I’m stuck at the beginning. But I remember that it also stopped when I was on the roof of it.

“It has to stay at the bottom.” But what can I use to keep the items together, let alone down? “If I had some string… I could tie it down at the sides…. I need them together first though.” I cari the whole house… the whole house except for the kitchen, and the entire time I knew somehow the items I’d need would be in there.

I take the scale with me to use as a weapon. The dapur is quiet and unresponsive to my movements. Hopefully the pill was only a once-a-day thing. I cari lebih drawers and find a drawer with tape, yarn, and scissors. “Good.” *crash!* Startled sejak the sound, I yank the drawer out of its holder and make it out of the dapur in under a second. I was not going back… for a while at least.

After much tape and yarn later I have the items tapped together thoroughly, with no tape left over, and tied down to the ground and held sejak the foot of the wheel and the bottom of the treadmill. It spins… and the items stay put. “Yay!” I cheer again, though I don’t really know how this will help me. Come to think of it, I never saw any doors atau windows… how would I get out of here? What happened to my mind?
posted by daian-raid
yo, everyone ,… I,ve got many "why"s to ask
- why dreams are just a legend for a cinema hero to act?, why it's just a far away thing that we live and feel it can't be reached? Why life goes one way for most of people? Why ur only matter in life is to find a job and ur life stops there? Why don't u try to reach ur dream? Is that the real meaning of our lives? What's the difference between u and the person ur peminat of? Aren't u both people? Wasn't he like u when he was little?

Yo ,wake up, the only thing I'm seeing here is dead people , everyone is living alone, one of my biggest dreams is find...
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posted by Skitty_Love
It ain't fun bein' the daughter of two infamous wizards and being raised with six brothers. I am Koko the Maine Coon, and my dream is to become a worldwide wizard, just like my parents. Well, actually it wasn't my choice to become one, it was my parents. But I guess I got used to them choosing my future for me... Anyway, lets start the story..

I grabbed my spell book and entered the wooden oak door. It creaked as I opened it. "Good morning, Koko," The secretary greeted. I shrugged and waved. I wasn't very social.. Despite I was adopted. Thats right, my parents are foxes. I sat down in my seat....
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posted by crystalstream
 That is Crystal all grown up :3
That is Crystal all grown up :3
A thousand years ago, the Ancient Walkers, while examining the night sky, found several prophecies that told of Heroes rising up above all oppression and bringing it down with all force, after its tyranny made its rule upon Mobius. Before departing to proclaim these foretelling, the Ancient Walkers found at least, one lebih prophecy written in the stars above. The stars showed a reflective shade of bright crimson, and the tidings were not well. This prophecy foretold of the coming of the Black Arms and their leader, Black Doom. After they had made their mark and place in the universe, the Son...
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posted by MephilesTheDark
No-one usually went into an old, abandon paddock. Unless, of course, anda were a trigger-happy Marine who liked to race cars and churn dirt up under the wheels.
And yes, there was three people here who were just that.
Shane’s old Ford ute had the doors open, as he was too lazy to be bothered with closing them, while him himself sat on a nearby fence, drinking an ice slushy.
Mother and Book II had just finished their race around the paddock- Mother emerging victorious. She fist-pumped while still driving, and then backed up near Shane’s ute.
Shane didn’t really care- He just thought she was...
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Name: slicer
Race: wolf
Sex: male
Age: 20
Aligment: hero
Powers: aura, and speed
speed: with sword 400-700mhp, with out sword 700-1000mhp.
fighting style: he fights with a 900lb sword with a combo of speed and aura.

Attack and special:

Signature: aura force, aura blast, aura exploshin
aura cool down time 1 to 3 hours

Specials: aura sences, aura boost, aura sheal, healing aura, and his hiden power call chaos summons it use three chaos emeralds to let slicer go super and only works when he is in danger

Commend attacks: spin blade, speed blade, dash blade, homeing blade, aura spin dash, aura dash punch, aura slash, speed punch, speed kick, speed slash, claw Slash and combo attacks

Chaos power:

3 emerald-super form

7 emerald-chaos form (note this is his hyper form)

7 emeralds+master emerald-nova form (note this is a new form that goes beyone the hyper form)
Four lebih chapters left!
--------------------------------------------------THAT NIGHT... It was alot worse for Zim since he didn't only have Gir sleeping on his head, but he also had Tak sleeping on his feet. He only got three hours of sleep. THE seterusnya MORNING.... "ZIM! GET UP, FATHEAD!" Tak shouted. she got an early start. "Wha?..." he said. "I MADE WAFFLES!" Gir said. "No. We must destroy this planet NOW!" Zim said. So, as much as Gir wanted to stay, they followed Zim to find Scourge. They heard someone shout, "HELP!" It was Scourge. "I'm tied to this big pokok a-" They heard someone interupt...
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This story is about a team who became the best of friends,learning to work together to help SONIC defeat the evil genuis,DR.EGGMAN,TEAM FURRY!

It all stared at the pantai two munths ago.

Cece,clarece and molly were walking not sejak each other in different directions,because they didn't know each other.Molly,was texting,Clarece was lisoning to music,and Cece was playing on her ipad.*BAM!*They all knocked heads!

clarece~HEY WATCH IT!

molly~don't anda mean exuse me?

cece-well i mean alih it atau lose it!

clarece~ur not gonna tell me what to do!

cece~im so scared!!!*giggle*

clarece was ready to hit cece in the...
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posted by virusw
number comin up in 3...2...1 enjoy
*bang* elise:OUCH!!! oh no going down AHHHHH!!! *bang* rath:OWWWWWWWW!!!! elise: ughh sorry rath somrthin hit me while i was flying. rath: that might actually be my bad i was practicing my flip kick when i tripped and sent a rock flying. elise: ugh RATH!!! OWW MY LEG!!!! rath: woah are anda ok. elise: i can't alih AHH!! oh gosh i'm gonna be late for my tarikh ugh. *rath has a guilty look on his face* rath: hmmm hold on to me i'll take you. elise: thanks rath *rath pick's up elise and run's towards restraunt* elise: wrong...
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Read the first three chapters before anything!
--------------------------------------------------"So... your Irken too?" Mef asked. "Yes, this is my Mobian disguise." Zim replied. "Did I mention that we're gonna be good friends?" Mef lied. "No." Zim said. She took the hand that was holding the axe, clenched the axe, and put her fist on his shoulder. She got closer and closer until SWING! and miss... but barely. "What was that for?" Zim asked. "Are anda trying to eat me, too?!" He said. Mef said, "Errr... I WILL MAKE A RETURN!" And ran away. "Then they heard a familiar voice. "Hey! It's anda two...
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posted by thetacoman
Festus held the ore's holding pot like a child as he watched the bright orange liquid flow into the mould.
For weeks he had worked on the SWord, gently carving the mould and slowly heating the Orachulum until it became liquid enough to flow.
The orange ore gave off a soft blue glow, producing a strange colour that soothed Festus.
The ore came to the bahagian, atas of the mould, and Festus set the holder on his workbench, and set the bahagian, atas on the mould.

Festus held the blade with his gloves. "Such beauty," he exclaimed admiringly "In such a small blade."
The SWord glinted as he attached the pure ruby hilt.
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Tell me if anda see MS qualities in this new character.
Name-Festus Pyre
Birth date-796 6CE*(1996)
*aging increased due to interdimensional travel*
Birthplace- San Fransisco, California
Eyes- brown
Hair- red
is considered an outcast. Has ADHD and can rarely focus, and has shattered personalities due to a car crash when he was young.
none of relevance to society. Can smith metal, but is mediocre at best.
his only friend died in the car crash aforementioned.
most of the school. Most notable are the snooty twins "Maryland and Danithan Suella" the two have supposedly nothing wrong with their life.
Family- adoptive parent Robyn Nera. Did I mention the car crash? It was bad.
Other Notes- has created a Fantasi world called "Nimea", often wishes it was true. Has suspicions, but cannot prove it. Robyn is very lazy and forces him to do everything for her. His old family was abusive too.

hei guys browty here!this my first time having to make a poetry,so please enjoy.p.s. Don't correct me on my grammar.
It's about my main character elisa talking about her view on life:3
As I wrote in my sketch book as I walk,
I notice smiles on everyones faces as they passed,
The sun is out
It always seems like the sun is smiling because of how bright it is,
The butterfly's are out fluttering
The Haiwan are running around in the meadows like it reached freedom

I breathe in that wonderful fresh air.this big beautiful blue planet what we call earth,such an amazing planet,it has such beauty...
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posted by beepboop
(Rex had just woken up)
Rex:(yawns)Im so tired...
Rex:What is it Kix?
Kix:This morning I heard a loud noise coming from the forest!
Rex:Lets go but we need help.Let's go get Shade,Stephanie,and Rihanna
(Rex and Kix run to the houses)
Shade:What's up Rex?
Rex:Kix berkata she heard a loud noise come from the forest this morning.
Shade:Okay let's go!
(Rex and Shade go to the forest)
Stephanie:What is it Kix?You know I dont like to be up in the morning.
Kix:I heard a loud noise come from the forest.
Stephanie:Let's go get Rihanna and then go to the forest!
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posted by rath01
Well i guess its time to tell anda a story but not any old story but a story about the founding of a team called well anda will find out now lets begin on the the planet called shil-2 there was a great war and all the people that showed any promise of becoming a great warrior was killed and the man who started this war was called DR.neg X but there was a small hand full of warriors that stood a chance but they were defeated but before they died they put together there powers and perpecahan, berpecah them into 7 powerfull orbs 3 of them turned into children its been 15 years since then and now our story takes...
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Before I get started This is about Krov and Rima, this actually happened yesterday night while me and Seuris were role playing, it was hilarious and epic~ Forgive me if I forget some part of the fight we role played Seuris
Credit: The mafian Krov belongs to me and the awesome Rima belongs to Seuris! Oh yeah Kazuki will be mentioned in here aswell, Enjoy!
"Geez I really want to write about something!" Rima's owner, Seuris, complained as she jumped up and down thinking of an idea, Krov smiled brightly and stood sejak her, a creepy aura stated emerging...
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posted by thetacoman
This one's kinda, laugh at the chaos and death, y'know? NOT FOR THE EASILY SCARED *coughmomcough*
The happy Friends roamed the streets painting the town red. atau crimsion, if anda wanna be specific.
Estelle gave a child a plaything Seth had hidden a bomb in, and they ran off to avoid the loss of their kidneys.
Five minit later, BAM! Little girl blood covered them.
They continued on their rampage, slowly losing their grip on reality.
"Hey," berkata Seth as they strolled across a flaming alley munching on squeedley-spooches. "Lets have a contest! Whoever can make the most funny kill, wins!"
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posted by thetacoman
Im following Soda's lead in Penulisan awful stories that make anda all die a little inside =)
I was a surge of white fur, leaping across the roofs, searching for people in need of mercy.
All the wails of the homeless and poor rang out to me, as though hearing a young cub cry for help.
But they were not my priority tonight.
I heard a awful song from one house, and was reminded of the song I sung every time my father beat me.
I slipped through the chimmeny, unfased sejak the open flame I passed through.
The child lay wailing on the bed. The song just got louder as I approached.
"Just wait, dear," I whispered,...
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posted by Danniwolf09
Rawak soalan sheet :3

What's your name?:umm to tell the truth my reel name isnt sunny ^^; thats my nickname :3
How old are you?:12! :3
How messy is your room?:umm messy? XD
How many brothers and sisters do anda have?:2 bros and 5 sisters
Are your parents married atau divorced?:they never even married XD
What's your kegemaran color?:dark blue and green
How many chores do anda have?:I runn the teh for my mum thats it XD
What's your kegemaran couple (from ANYTHING)?:ummm Sonadow XD
What's your opinion of me (please no severe haters T^T)?:ur awesome thats all i can say :3 Did anda like this quiz-thing?:well it was short so yeah XD

these Rawak soalan sheet was randomly made sejak seirradawn9 :3
    “Aah, the sweet smell of blood…” Estelle berkata serenely as she dipped a paintbrush into a bowl of thick, red liquid, painting it on a belukar, bush of white roses.
    “…Uhh, Is that blood that you’re painting with?!” Myka asked, eyes widened.
    “No duh, what else?” Estelle replied back in a serious tone, finishing up the last rose. She smelled them all. “Delicious blood. Smells so divine, tastes so rich and succulent…” She berkata calmly. Myka gagged, then choked, then coughed. Estelle turned to face her.
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posted by MephilesTheDark
WARNING; This story is horribly written and horribly graphic in terms of people dying. Idea was sejak SierraDawn9, thanks hun! I loved Penulisan this, but my brain is kinda dead so this is really badly written. Anyway, enjoy the goodies!

And yeah. If anda don't like people chucking up organs, don't read any further.

Hehe... Organs.


They’d been in here for the past three hours.

Unable to see, even with their ocular implants, in this pitch black room.

There were five of them in total. Naked and humiliated. Scared and with no comfort from the others, terrified that if they so much as moved they’d...
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