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posted by NoctusLynx
It was a dangerous business indeed. Whitman knew this. He knew this well. This kind of tourism would be dangerous, but if all the protocols were followed correctly, then there shouldn’t be a problem. At least this much he could say, but when dealing with something this large scale, safety precautions had to be taken to prevent the worst case scenario. The machine built sejak a worker called Sonia Rainsford, and she would be the one to test her own machine, be it to see it grow prosperous, atau to see their own world wiped out.

“Ms. Rainsford,” berkata Whitman as he stood in front of her. In Sonia’s eyes, Whitman looked old, but young in a kind of sense. His hair was grayed, and refused to bald. He bore sideburns which carried down to his chin where he had a chiseled beard. His stance was imposing, and the smile on his face didn’t help, especially considering his sadistic reputation.

“Yes, sir?” Sonia answered. Sonia had long black hair which was braided into two strands which she placed over her shoulders and wore glasses. Her eyes were brown, and had freckles on her face. She seemed much younger than Whitman. The age gap could easily be berkata to be a generation’s width.

“Make me proud. anda have done well sejak creating this time machine, but we can’t exactly be sure if this machine is for the better atau for the worse if we change it. Don’t let me down, Rainsford,” he advised, if not warned.

“I won’t, sir,” she promised with a bow. “I’ll make sure that the machine is useable. When do anda want me to make the jump, sir?”

“Whenever anda feel that anda are good and ready to do so. Be mindful of how long anda make me wait, though.”

“Y-yes, sir. I will begin preparations immediately,” she said. What else could she say? She was going back in time. Was it possible to cause the cursed time paradox? If the past were to be changed, then what would become of the future? Was it even possible to jump back into time? Too many variables were in this jump. Was she even willing to make the jump? Had she the heart?

“Good. I await good word of your success,” Whitman replied with a smirk, and rustled Sonia’s hair. Sonia let him rustle her hair. Once he left, she did her best to put her hair back the way it was before he tinkered with it.

She made her way to where the prototype suit was. The suit almost looked like an astronaut’s suit. This suit was equipped with en extremely clean exterior, as it was meant to be, and carried a tank of oxygen, just in case if the place where she was sent to wasn’t exactly survivable without oxygen. Te suit was insulated, and extremely tough. Almost nothing could penetrate its thick covering, but still bore plates of armor just in case, because Whitman demanded it, and because whoever created the suit had a kind of a fashion sense. After all, everything the Malumtis wore was not without armor.

As Sonia was putting on the armor, one of the major scientists who were behind the jump read to Sonia what she should do everything in her power to avoid:

“Ms. Rainsford, remember that anda cannot interfere with anything of the past. The reason why is because if anda do so, anda will disrupt the Makanan chain, and all evolutionary changes. We can’t be sure where anda are going to go back to, but what we can speculate is that if anda do, the amount of change is proportional to how far back anda were sent. There would be lebih change if anda were sent back a tahun instead of an hour.

“And remember that anda cannot take anything contaminant into the past, atau bring anything back from the past. That will disrupt the space-time continuum, and cause the Earth to quickly relive its life until it has come to our time, but in a new future. Please, don’t do anything stupid. Dying while in the past will have the same effect. This is tricky business, so don’t screw anything up.” Soni’as had stepped inside the suit, and was beginning to zip up all its parts together.

“You’re saying it as if it’s easy to jump back in time, and not mess with anything,” Sonia scolded.

“I never berkata it was easy. I’m simply trying to emphasize that anda need to be careful,” the scientist corrected.

“I’ll look both ways before I menyeberang, cross the street,” she berkata with a smile.

“This is no laughing matter!” snapped the scientist.

“I-I just tried to make things less tense. It seems as though everyone is telling me what to not do, but they aren’t telling me what TO do,” Sonia argued.

“Go in, and wait until we pull anda out,” the scientist ordered.

“And how long will that take?”

Silence took over the conversation, which sent a chill down Sonia’s spine. She had finished zipping up her suit, and grabbed her helmet, which looked similar to a ikan bowl.

“Come on, you’re killing me. anda mean anda don’t know?!” she demanded.

“You’re saying that as if it’s easy,” the scientist defended, shooting Sonia’s words right back at her.

Frustrated, she donned her helmet, locked it in place, and walked towards her own creation. The door opened slowly with a blaring alarm. Once the door opened completely, Sonia was cleared to enter. She almost felt as if her own creation, the time machine, was calling to her. Was she really going mad with all this stress and responsibility?

She stepped inside, and placed herself in a harness, which locked her in tight. This had to be done so that the accelerated particle hit, it hit at the right spot so that all of Sonia’s atoms came together correctly whenever the jump was made, assuming the jump would be made.

“Do me proud,” called Whitman from outside the contraption. At least that’s what she could tell he berkata though the movement of his lips; her topi keledar was soundproof.

The door closed behind he, and she was alone, locked in the room of her own creation. She couldn’t be sure if this was going to work, if she would life, if she would still be herself, atau anything else of the like. What would be the worst case scenario? The possibilities and probability was endless. What was the best case scenario? A quick death. Not likely.

Several pipe lines shot out a decontaminant towards Sonia. The pipe was a complete oval, and circled and spun around Sonia as to get every nook and cranny in her suit to make sure nothing was taken from the future into the past. Then, the chamber was lit with a bright light. The light wouldn’t let up. It was almost blinding, even with her eyes closed, and the psychological harm of not being able to alih atau run away made this experience even worse. What could she do? What was happening? Was she dead? Could anybody hear her screaming through the soundproof helm?

Then came the explosion. It was painful for the briefness of a nanosecond atau possibly even shorter. As she traveled through time, she was technically dead, traveling in a single file line as one long string of atoms that could have very well equaled the distance from Earth to the Sun. They all came together at one spot where she was sent. First her feet, then her legs, all the way until her whole body was slowly reconstructed. The pain was unbearable. Enlistment Qualification Examination was heaven compared to this excruciating amount of pain.

She laid there for possibly an hour, complaining to herself, though no one but herself could hear her. Then, she took in her surroundings. She still felt the pain of being atomically reconstructed, but the worst of it had already past.

Large plants, the size of Sonia herself, decorated where ever it was she was sent. The air seemed thick, disgusting, and humid. Thank God she had this kind of helmet, since she didn’t have to deal with whatever the air probably smelled like.

“Where am I?” she asked herself, and then scolded herself for thinking someone was going to answer her question.

Then, the floor gave a small shake. Sonia was startled, but didn’t think it was much. But it shook again, demanding attention. Each time the ground vibrated, it did so lebih violently than the last, until she could see what it was. Inaudible to her ears, a stegosaurus, atau at least that was what it looked like, was knocked onto its side, easily come upon sejak a stampede of velociraptors, which swarmed the stegosaurus. When the beast came down, Sonia tried her best to get out of the way, but was to slow. As she jumped out of the way, both her legs were caught under the stegosaurus’ elongated neck. Thankfully for Sonia, her suit refused to let her legs get crushed. She was thankful for that.

The velociraptors, on the other hand, began surveying their catch for the day: the same stegosaurus which had pinned Sonia to the ground with its long neck. It was only a matter of time before she was found.

Desperately, she tried to pull her legs out from under the dinosaur which denied her movement. She tugged and pulled, but felt that the lebih she tried, the harder it was to get out, considering the energy she was wasting. She still had to find a way out.

That was when a velociraptor came around the side of the neck to make sure the stegosaurus was dead. While doing this, the velociraptor saw Sonia, and called to the others in the rest of his pack. The one in front of her drew closer, and one appeared on bahagian, atas of the neck where she was trapped. Two other came in beside the one that found her. Curious, they tried to smell her, but couldn’t identify the smell with anything.

Out of the blur, the stegosaurus gave one final burst of strength, whipping it neck around to whack away the raptors. Its neck passed over Sonia, pushing her into the ground, but allowing her to get off of the ground and away, since the neck was no longer on her. She got to her feet, but was kicked sejak one of the stegosauruas’ legs as it was making a dying attempt to get away, which it had to get onto its feet in order to do.

Sonia landed, and saw a black lines appear at the peripherals of her helmet. She tried her best to get up, but it required a tremendous amount of effort. She eventually managed to get to her feet.

“What was that black stuff coming up my helmet?” she asked herself, catching her breath after pulling herself out of its grasp.

Her time to ponder was cut short sejak a charging velociraptor charging straight at her. Out running it was out of the question. And what we the odds of her dodging to the side being successful? The other three were taking down the stegosaurus again, and would soon after turn their attention to her, ruling out dodging. She just had to braceherself. Her instinct, however, told her to jump to the side, and she did so.

Too late. She was rammed sejak the raptor, and she was sent through the air, impacting something hard. The velociraptor seemed to not be chasing her any longer, considering she wasn’t screaming in pain, and pleading for mercy. Her head was spinning due to the impact, but when she regained her vision, she saw that what the raptor was stuck in was a tar pit. Awkwardly, Sonia noticed she was seeing this from a considerably high vantage point. She then remembered when she had to muster tremendous power to lift her head out of something that was beginning to cover her helmet. When she put two and two together, she deduced that her topi keledar was sinking into a tar pit. Lucky for her, she got out. Unluckily, some of the tar was still on the back of her helmet, explaining why she was so high: she was probably stuck to pokok due to the tar.

She tried to cry for help, but then remembered: no sound came in, and no sound came out. She was helpless and would soon be a piñata to those raptors once they were finished with the stegosaurus. What could she do? A nineteen-year-old inventor stuck in the past about sixty-five million years ago, plastered to a pokok because of tar, while she witnessed the brutalization of a stegosaurus in front of her very eyes, and the final moments of a velociraptor as it downed in a tar pit. Worst of all, she saw no way she could get out of this. If she managed a way down, there was no way to escape the raptors. If she didn’t, she would eventually starve. Either way, her imminent death was soon to alter the past, and destroy her future…
posted by snootygirl50701
Under My World -chapter 1
Gracie stirred an inch. Her eyes flew open and she turned to a grey building. The view was blurry as her eyes recovered. She crawled up and grabbed at the building. She frowned when she remembered were she was and all. Her vision cleared like pure water. She balanced herself and searched for a door. She felt around the walls. She glanced around to see no one. She slipped threw the dinding like a ghost. She turned invisable and found a whole room of computers. She grabbed a rolling chair and hacked into...
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In heaven~
God:It is time,for our new Bidadari to rise and to save our world and make peace between us Gods and Devils,We have found 6 new angels.*Bright ligt Flash to the ground*
Moonlight House~
Moonlight:Argh,Im so going to get Silver for this.*heres a something towards her* Whos there*Turns around* Theres no one?!*Gets zap sejak the bright light out of nowhere*AAhhhhhh....
Eilly's House~
Eilly:*picking up flowers* Hhmm so beauiful,huh*sees a bright light*Whats that?Oh no*Gets zap sejak the bright light*Aaahhhh....
Kenyes House~
Kenyes:*drinking soda and listening to his own music*nnyaaa yyyeaaaaa!!!Hm??*Bright...
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posted by Ex-Smeralda
A man with red jubah, berjubah jumped in the midday sky, smirking at the one below him,
"Missed" he said, coming down and did a roundhouse kick at the other, crashing his heal in his face, the other figure fell onto the ground as it yelled in pain. The man with the elegant red jubah, berjubah landed softly against the rock patterned ground, a sly grin forming on his lips,
"Tired yet?" he asked at the other, which the other returned sejak a growl,
"They were right to name anda the arrogant pirate..." the creature snarled, the pirate before him sighed,
"Pirate I understand but arrogant? How rude! Just call me Micheal would...
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"When are we going to start Gant?" Slick asked eager to start.
"When Madam Yogi gives the go, when she does is when the guards go away to make way for the general Joseph Heat and his precious cargo; Yuki the angelbat," Gant answered without pause.
"The one we're gonna rescue, the one that is tortured and used for her electrical powers," Dash continued for Gant.
"Why can't we just go before they get inside?" Slick questioned Gant and Dash.
"If we go when that happens all the guards will be on us! We're suppose to stay selamat, peti deposit keselamatan and keep our identities hidden," Rioul answered agressively although calm.
"Shh...we need to listen for the signal..." Dash berkata concerned.
"What was the signal again?" Slick asked.
"I berkata shh!" Dash quickly said. A saat later they all hear a beep...Beep beep beep, beep...
"Now!" exclaimed Gant.
They all started running towards their positions, ready to start...
posted by ShadowChaos
"W-where am I?" asked Twilight as he got out of bed. "How did I get here? And, who am I?" When he got down stairs he realized he was alone. He heard voices outside and decided to go and see who they were. When he got outside, a young, green fox came up to him. "Twilight c'mon man. anda have to see this." he said. "I-I can't. I don't know who anda are. Heck, I don't even know who I am." "Oh, I get it," berkata a rather mean looking echidna. "He's playing a prank on us guys!" Then everyone that claimed they were Twilights' friends, started laughing, except the green fox. "I don't think he's playing...
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Chapter seven: The chase
Location: OutdoorMall3 Lexistropolis west downtown sector 4
Date: Saturday, December 10th 4337
Time: 3:24 P.M.

Running after Lizzy’s direction, Tess and Zen raced and raced, until they had caught up with Siera, who was a short distance from Lizzy, before she ran off.

“Did anda see where they went?!” Tess yelled over to Siera, as the two chameleons approached the tupai, chipmunk girl.
“Not too far off.” Siera replied, catching her breath. “Your new friend followed the runaway out to the left side of the *Cocsate.” *A general store, similar to Wal-Mart*
“And anda didn’t...
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That night, I came up with the perfect plan for getting Madjin. I got up and flew to the church.
A few hours later I took 5 buckets of holy water back to the tree. I got in a hole and poured the holy water in the hole.
After a half jam of screaming "AHHH!! IT BURNS!! IT'S HORRIBLE!" And uncontrollable laughter, I finally got out.
"Alright, I'll leave!!" I shouted.
I felt dizzy for a second, and got up. A saw a black mist in the form of a skull slowly float away.

I flew out of the tree, looking for food. I was very hungry. I saw an epal, apple tree, so I flew down to it. When I landed I saw a big ripe...
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Memorandum: Re: St. Christoph's Square
To: Achio Noch
From: Gallancy Torren Oceanius

>But why not?
>Diabo? He'd kill me for not being Nimean.
>Arty? She'd probably just throw paint at me.
>Nate would send bees at me.
>Tydus would hold me for ransom.
>Estill is the personality of a *SPOILERS FOR ANYONE Membaca DOES NOT COMPUTE*
>Do anda REALLY expect me to SURVIVE? Even in Taetoro?
>..... Maybe not for LOOONG....
>So, you're NOT coming?
> *facepalm*
posted by ripperoo1
Drexel was born November 21, 1995. His mother was named Rosalina and his father was named Delfino. On the ride home, Drexel had a big, toothless, smile on his face.

A few days later, Drexel opened his eyes for the first time. For the first 12 hours, he was stuck cross-eyed. Suddenly, Drexel's eyes were uncrossed, due to the fact that he tasted a horrible food. He closed his eyes and spit it out.

When he was about 1 tahun old, he flicked the neighborhood bully off, not even knowing what it meant. That got him some spanking. XD

His first toy was...
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"Emily don't get scared."Shane said."Shut up Shane like that will work!"The grey cat said."Penny trust me!" Shane said."Penny? Penny is her name? Yes!""How can I Shane!"Penny said."Because it works alot!"Shane said."Emily please help your friends! Tell us the truth, were is Jisseca!"Shane berkata in the most sweet voice."What are anda talking about!?"Emily berkata who is now scared."Don't play stupid Emily! Now tell us atau else!" Penny said."Wtf are anda talking about!?"Emily said."Penny, Shane stop your work is done for now."a blue hedehog berkata in the sweetis voice."AJ? Sonic? No AJ's voice is soft...
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I ran at full speed, not stopping to take a breath. A man with a mask on and a hooded jaket shot at me with his gun, chasing me. What did he want? And I forgot, my name is Drexel the Bat. I am a species of vampire bats, but anda probably don't care. I jumped up in the air and spread out my wings. I flew up into the air in hopes that He would stop shooting. Instead, he started shooting faster. I flew down towards him and pushed him over. He dropped his gun and I picked it up. He got back to his feet and I shot at him. He ran away. I shrugged and put the gun in my jaket pocket. I walked away....
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posted by TenanahBluefern
Shane walked through the front door of his apartment, mail in his hands, and shut the door with his foot. Tenanah was just lounging on the sofa, kerusi panjang and noticed something in Shane's mail. As he walked into the kitchen, Tenanah followed. Shane sat at the meja, jadual and looked through the mail. He found a purple slip of folded paper and frowned.
 "What the--"
 "Shane? May I see that?" Tenanah interrupted. As Shane was handing it to her, it spontaneously combusted and they both flinched. It landed on the meja, jadual and branded an insignia onto it. Tenanah stared at it with fascination. Shane however, was not...
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2 HOURS LATER... Chris eventually had fallen asleep. Chris had sort of cried himself to sleep, but he wasn't aware. He didn't know what sleeping atau crying was, so he was kinda even lebih panicked cause wet stuff was coming out of his eyes. He woke up, remembering that he was stuck underground. He was still frowning. It was now nighttime. There was a crack in the ground, and he could see moonlight shining in. He sighed, then layed down and put his hands behind his back he was still frowning. MEANWHILE, ABOVE GROUND... The creature that Robotnik made had gotten out of the lab. He was no longer...
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posted by thetacoman
Once upon a time, Tydus, Torren, Mef and Zanehorn were in the magical land of kacang, kacang tanah mentega when Zanehorn had an idea.
'LETS ALL WEAR kacang, kacang tanah mentega =D' he yelled.
Torren jumped into the kacang, kacang tanah mentega and hugged Tydus tightly, eventually asphixiatining him and causing his demise.
Then Zanehhorn ran around with only kacang, kacang tanah mentega on while Torren and Mef threw Chocolate at each other.
Tydus' dead body was re-animated sejak a kacang, kacang tanah demon and he attacked everyone yelling 'TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLORAEG!!!!!!!!!!'
Mef ate Tydus and resumed throwing things at Torren and Zanehorn remained covered while making out with Seuris in a corner.
And Tydus was watching down from Heaven, talking to St. Micheal.
Tydus pointed to Torren. 'He's my brother (3' he said.
'And you're proud of that?' Micheal asked.
'Not really,' berkata Tydus going back to eat some andy clouds'
"See this is what anda get for being a fighter" berkata Rhianna trying to fix up Angelique "Not my fault I'm one" Angelique replied half asleep. Rhianna was puting the last stich when a fast blur went through the trees. Angelique tried to go to the trees but Rhianna pulled her back "The seterusnya thing I need is to put stiches in you" Rhianna berkata trying to keep Angelique stil "why dont anda just teach me how so I can do it himself" angelique berkata with a innocent look on her face "believe me I would but your not the healer are you?". Extream sighed as he walked out "what's all this comoation about?"...
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Zim, Tak, and Gir enter the place where Sonic characters originated.... pixels.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~They had to get that guys name. atau something. "This is SO fun......" Zim said. They were once again hiding underground. Zim was playing "Sonic Advance 3". Tak was painting her fake nails, with the fact that Irkens don't have nails. "Aren't they pretty?...." She said. Even Gir was gloomy. He took a stick and wrote on the underground walls, "Tes es booring." With a frowny face. "Tag." He said, and poked Zim. "Hey... Do anda guys have GBAs and GBA links?..." Zim said....
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--------------------------------------------------"I see anda have found the Master Emerald....I'm impressed! But if anda really want to destroy Mobius you'll need the other emeralds. anda will need the Super Emeralds and the Chaos Emeralds." Scourge said. "Luckily, I mencuri one from Shadow, so anda can just use Chaos Co trol to transport to get them all."Scourge said. "Hand me one!" Zim shouted. Scourge handed Zim the emerald, and Zim was off. Zim and Gir found themselves in a spinning world with colored blocks, green fish, and the chaos emerald. He and Gir were unable to...
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posted by thetacoman
Neptun frowned at the bottom of the sea, hating the Old One.
He was cursed to be confined to the sea, all because the Old One was afraid.
Neptun was at the bottom of the sea because he was in Cinta with his sister Siria. The Old One knew it was mutual, and knew of a prophecy saying a newborn from the Few would overthrow him, and seperated the two.
He received no news at the bottom of the sea, and had no knowledge that his Mother was with child.
So he was determined that the child that overthrew the Old One would be his and Siria's.

Neptun was near ready for bed, when he saw a sword appear before him. Followed sejak a vision.
(pretend this is italics) Neptun drove the sword victoriously through the Pyramis of the Old One.
He saw his life as he desired it.
With Siria.
(nu longer italics)
"Yes," berkata Neptun. "This is what I desire."
Neptun grabbed the sword and swam to his istana, castle to prepare.
The Military fought harder and Harder against the Demons attacking the city,But it was all in vain,The Military was soon almost completely destroyed,Helicopters were on the ground and on fire,Bodies lay everywhere.

The last of the Military ran off to the only weapons they had left,High powered Turrets,Anti Aircraft Guns,And Stingers,Those where they only things they had left,Their where 100 Soldiers left,And they all helped build sort of a Barrier and dug trenches.

The Military Fought against the Demons in a final battle,Thousands of Demons died,But... After that battle,Only 10 Military Men...
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This is after Krov shot himself, Liozy fitted this verse almost perfectly, Also this will kinda be written story/poem style
She stays there, in the corner of the dark room. Her hair once used a almost white blonde but now it is stained with scarlet blood. She picks up a small packet, pills. She crys silently as she buries her face in her shaking hands, her beloved was gone. Dead and silenced for ever. He took his own life away with a pull of a trigger.

He was gone forever, she was dead inside.

It had been a bulan now, she counted, today was the hari that...
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