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Dumbfounded, the vixen struggled with words, swallowing the panic. She took in the scene with wide eyes, especially on the hole. A closer observation was in mind, but the acid overruled the option. She knew what happened. "Craiger," Grace was able to muster, "Rynk's gone." Despite wanting to yell it out in distress, her voice was kept quiet in shock.

Craiger noticed this immediately, and quickly rushed over to the hole, looking over the area. “We’ve been gone for… three minit maybe.” He noted. “She couldn’t have gotten that fa-!” Slowly a hand leaning on the dinding curled into a fist as the Ausey fox closed his eyes in realization of a very distinct possibility of where Rynk had gone. “I think I found where she went.” He motioned Grace over.

She drew in a breath and strolled over alongside Craiger.

The male fox pointed out in the distance of the school, near the boundaries. There were rooftops blocking the bottom, but in the distance was a portal generator. “Rynk knows how to use the porting generators.” He informed before starring down towards the roofs below them. “Do anda want to go the long way atau the short way?”

Grace had a notion of what he was thinking. "Short way."

The Ausey could not hide a small grin as he leapt off through the hole and landed in a kneeling position below, looking up for Grace once he rose back up again.

Glancing down, Grace tilted her head as a sign of faint interest. She took a deep breath, choosing not to comment. Grace pushed off the ledge with a step ke hadapan and landed in a similar manner, not as a comparison, of course. There was, however, a brief instance of brushing off dirt once she balanced herself.

The two made their way to the bottom, panting slightly from the exercise. In less dire circumstances congratulations might have been in order but neither wanted to focus on anything but their objective at the moment. Craiger knelt down in front of the generator and began to type away at the holo-screen.

Grace looked over his shoulder, brows lowered. "....Of course anda know how to work it, too. What's your plan here?"

“I’ve had experiences with Zone Cop Technology. I’m looking through the logs to see where the las-… Semretches…” He sighed deeply. “Of course.”

"Semretches?" Grace repeated with squinted eyes, unable to identify what it was as a place - a city, a small town? "Why would she go to a place called Semretches?"

“Well,” Craiger began “it’s a city in Supreta, her utama country.”

Supreta. As if sejak trigger, a surge of memory burst through, especially the troubled issues connected with the word. She remembered the conversation with Mr. Calto, her failed attempt to get information out of Craiger, and Rynk's refusal to mention it. Respectfully, the secret was never mentioned again, but now the situation came to her. Back then, it bothered her as it did now, because most of all, Grace remembered the fear. "Doesn't it, Me-...Melcro Labs, wasn't it?" She spoke with distance, straining out bits of discussions. "Why would she go back?"

“Melcro labs is a sort of Genetic Science Company… among other things.” The screen flashed red briefly, causing Craiger to groan with a glare at it. “The Zone Cops are prohibited from going to Mobocan, it won’t let us create a portal there, so I’ll have to do this manually.”

"How long would that take?"

“Well one of the main reasons that Mobocan was off-limits was because it’s a threat to the Zone Cops, having superior technology, technicians, etcetera. They don’t like the Zone Cops, so any form of communication to Mobocan from a Zone Cop signal will result in an instant connection, if for anything a warning to back off. As soon as that happens, Mobocan will take control of the portal, and we’ll have a minit atau so to set the coordinates and get to Semretches before they find where the signal is coming from.” He paused to take a breath. “Now the only confusion for me is how Rynk was able to hack this herself… but then again we’re probably going to find out jawapan to a lot of soalan during this.”

Grace pursed her lips and sighed. "I hope so." She frowned slightly, somewhat unsettled sejak the plan outside her experience. "We're actually going to go along with this..."

“Well actually I’d be inclined to say something like ‘It’s too dangerous, I’ll go alone’ but she’s your friend so it’s your choice. Big warning though, this city really isn’t going to be pleasa-aaaaaaand we’ve got it.” Instantly Craiger tensed up, rapidly tapping away at the holo-screen.

Breaking his concentration appeared unfavorable at the moment, so Grace only leaned to some extent to focus on his work. Even if she was tempted, she watched without questioning. In general, the whole scene was hard to bungkus, balut her head around.

A six-foot tall energy door appeared seterusnya to the generator. Craiger quickly rose up and turned to Grace. “Ready?”

She briefly glanced at the door, pushing aside doubts. Grace took a step and looked back at him with firm nod. "Definitely. Let's get to it."

The two walked through, though Craiger was noticeably cautious about the situation. The portal had yet to bring them to their destination, keeping the two in a cosmic energy tunnel. It was somewhat loud and electric-sounding, but they remained unharmed. The tunnel had a light at the end which enclosed around the mobians, and faded as quickly as it arrived.

Their new location would be best-described as a mixture of a highly technological and large-scale city both post, and in the middle of an, apocalypse. The buildings were notably metal, cement, and various other materials normally found on downtown cities, but somehow all looked darker.

The streets were cracked in areas but remaining standing, with no dents atau drops. The sidewalks and alleys were filled with garbage, most of it consisting of high-tech items, televisions, computers etc. Many people walked about, but most in very close-together groups. Those who were not in berkata groups were completely alone, and practically flailing their weapons about to ward off any that they deemed hostile, whether atau not anyone actually was.

Many lights could be seen about, though they were very overshadowed sejak the makeshift repairs to the buildings, with rusting construction beams still noticeable. While the bottom of the city seemed fairly average ignoring it’s filth, that of anything three stories above looked almost like a steampunk saat city above, with twists and turns, tunnels above and below, and perhaps three buildings still shiny and bright.

The only constant beauty was the sky, which remained untouched sejak the pollution below somehow. This was Semretches.

It took a moment to comprehend the wretched scene Grace stood in. Her eyes followed the crevices and crannies of the city, soalan accumulating within. She focused on the fact that this was the utama of her high-spirited friend, and suddenly the doubts settled in. Someone of such personality couldn't possibly live in these surroundings without being impacted, right? "Rynk actually...lived here."

“Well…” Craiger’s tone sounded doubtful but he tried anyway, “all we know is that she’s from Supreta… she might not be from here specifically. This country isn’t… all terrible. I have to admit though this is probably the worst of em.”

"What could she be doing here?"

“Well this IS a Banshee hotspot… and a few Nictrela are around sometimes… did she tell anda what those are?”

Grace shook her head. "I don't think so."

“Well I’m fairly certain that somehow Rynk has abilities from both. Before I thought she just had Banshee Mobian in her. Large hands and feet, big ears, her stripes, metal bones, but Nictrela, atau Acid Monsters as some call them, well… anda saw.” A few sets of eyes began to stare at the two. “We should get moving.” Craiger informed before walking towards a cross-walk.

Rather anxious sejak the attention, Grace picked up her pace until she was side sejak side with him.

The cross-walk lit up with a strange green symbol. Craiger continued walking. “I don’t suppose anda know Supretan.”

Her eyes lowered to the symbol, confused. "No...I don't."

It was a sort of web-looking thing, as if shattered in mid-spin, and connected in various strands. “Don’t worry, even if anda did it’d be hard. Thankfully for us I can translate most of this to English.” He walked about as they got to the other side of the building. Did he even have a plan? How would they find Rynk?

The thoughts were sticking to Grace now that her head was clearing. "Craiger, where are we going exactly?"
“Well,” He replied while tilting and ducking his head about as they turned a corner, squinting occasionally at the many strange texts on buildings, “Banshee Mobians, atau Hellborns as people like to call them, are outlawed. There was a genocide about thirty atau so years lalu that tried to wipe them out, but since they aren’t completely gone, the law-enforcement here has means to hunt them down. I’m looking for a police-station to get a tracker for both Banshees and Nictrela.”

The mention of genocide prompt a quiver in Grace's walk. A formulated plan, however, was relieving enough if she hadn't begged against reality that there would be downsides. "Would they actually just hand over a tracker like that?"

“If they think we’re bounty-hunters then yes.” He paused a saat time as a group in the distance made a turn towards them, and quickly turned around and went to a different direction with Grace following suit. “Our biggest worry is a triggered signal that activates as soon as the tracker gets a strong enough signal. When it senses lebih than five pounds of Banshee Metal it alerts the police, and they come zooming after it. There IS a way to short-circuit that part of the tracker, but it’s hard to do without breaking the whole thing, so we just have to be quick.”

All the schemes, the time limits, the risks - they were piling up while nearing the goal. Suspicious citizens didn't make the situation anymore easier. In addition, the fact that he knew this sort of stuff...maybe Grace was underestimating her schoolmates. The vixen sighed. "Since it looks like anda have a plan for everything, I'm guessing anda know what to do if something backfires." Her eyes shifted, assuming another set of walking threats were nearby. "Or if there's obstacles. I don't recall having any defense."

“If the Zone Cops, atau the school, was allowed jurisdiction here, yes, but as for now, I’m taking what I’ve got. I do have one back-up plan though. For now we just do the obvious.”

"We'll see where that takes us then."

Two minit of walking passed. Neither of them were calm, both of them were tense. Stares, approaches from distances, and even a car nearly running the two over kept both Grace and Craiger well aware of their surroundings. They had just passed the crosswalk where the car rushed passed them when Craiger pointed to a building in the distance and berkata “There.”

Grace followed his finger and leaned ke hadapan to get a clearer view. sejak now she wasn't expecting too much of a sight, really.

From a distance it looked like a simple white building, almost chapel-seeming. Closer up it consisted of white and silver, with the silver being the metal plates in different walls. The station seemed to faintly glow, and occasionally small sparks could be seen around it. It was long and wide, half a story underground, with stairs leading into the front, in a sort of short hallway. It was like a safe-haven, which was emphasized sejak the fact that there were five badly dressed, and very masculine, individuals standing around it, daring anyone to try getting in.

Almost in disbelief sejak the sight, Grace's eyebrows furrowed, and her lips pressed together. Muscled men weren't all that provoking considering she was standing seterusnya to one, but the fact that protection was centered on this particular location instead of branching out, it made her wonder what sort of state the government was stuck in. Perhaps the guards were viewed a challenge, only because they seemed to hold the reputation of being unmoved sejak persuasive and charming words. After all, it was evident that the group appeared prone to act violently if they even sensed a shred of threat. Surely her eyes conveyed a stern veil when Grace glanced up at Craiger, seemingly questioning his seterusnya move.

Craiger was studying the group, and had his theories, but he wanted to be certain. “It’s probably best that…” He turned to an alley way at the left of the station and walked inside, searching. He came back with a piece of string, a long one at that. “From an old layang-layang I’m assuming.” He guessed. “Tie this around your hand. If someone tries to jump anda I’ll feel a jolt.“

Grace stared at the string, clearly at the edge of blowing a breath of reluctance. She would give it one thing, at least - although it was low-budget and half-minute, it was reasonable enough to be considered effective. Trust merely supported this, but it was enough for Grace to take the string and tighten it around her hand.

“Keep it tight.” He unraveled the rest of the string and tied it to himself. “Stay behind the wall,” He nudges his head to the alleyway he got the string from, “if something bad happens I call out. If anda see me run over here we need to move. I’ll do this as quickly as I can, okay?”

"Okay," Grace muttered, backing up to a position behind the wall. "Good luck."

Craiger nodded and slowly made his way to the front of the station. Muffled speech was heard. Four different voices were part of the conversation, one of them being Craiger’s indicated that two of the men were either not part of the same group, atau simply remaining silent. This was going on for lebih than thirty seconds. Chuckling could be heard, but it was not specific enough to be categorized as friendly atau hostile.

Grace eavesdropped silently, not realizing she was holding her breath unil she felt the side effects of dizziness. Sliding against the wall, the vixen paced her breathing and neared the edge, tempted to glimpse. Naturally, Grace didn't go along with the plan, considering the risks of being seen, and instead focused on her surroundings. Now that she was alone, any sight of a person would be viewed as a warning. She kept her sharp hearing on the voices, however, pressed against the dinding with hands on string.

She moved closer to the station, but not sticking out atau anything to avoid being seen and all. And she's just looking around her instead.

A bit lebih talking went on. Now she realized why it was hard to understand them all, they were all speaking a different language, this Supretan-like one Craiger talked about most-likely. No one was laughing anymore, and the voices began to rise. Craiger’s tone seemed lower and slower now, perhaps warning them off?  The tones became sporadic in how they varied, though mostly loud. It was inevitable… like clockwork, just as the string tugged at Grace’s wrist, a large *whack* sounded from the voices. They were finished talking.

Under her breath, a plea was uttered: Let it not be what I think it is, please. Almost instantly Grace turned her attention to the station, blood pumping as a wave of dread washed over her. This was not an aftermath she expected.

Three of the men were going at Craiger. One had his fist tightly held in Craiger’s palm, which was quickly made of use, being lunged into the right-side attacker’s face as the Ausey fox circled around and quickly wrapped the string around the right-side-attacker’s neck, and the middle-man’s fist, yanking it and sending a rope burn into both of them. The left-side attacker charged at Craiger, aiming for a headshot. The fox almost failed to notice, barely shifting backwards as his forehead was grazed sejak the man’s fist. He had to crouch downward to avoid getting shoved on his back, which caused the string to snap halfway between him and Grace. The man took advantage of this and gave a front-kick at Craiger’s jaw, but from his crouching position the fox was able to spring himself into the air. The kick passed his stomach and the fox prepared to perform a crane-kick into the man’s eye-sockets. Unfortunately the other two of the five had recovered, and one kicked Craiger forward, causing him to slam into his frontal-attacker.

The pressure was on the man’s head, which is what he fell on. Craiger’s mid-stomach lay on the man as the other men leapt to pile on bahagian, atas of the fox. As Craiger yanked himself to the side into a roll a brief scream was let out. He briefly clutched his chest with a pant, and rose back to a standing position. One of the attackers was standing while the others began recovering, though the first to had fallen was doing little lebih than groaning on the cement floor.

The fox clenched his fists and waited for the other two to approach him. As soon as they did, the fox jabbed his palms around both of their arms, yanking them towards him, then swinging both of his arms up, and crashing down at their crowns. With his opponents in a haze the fox let out whatever aggression he was holding back, clawing aside the one at his left, and front kicking the one at his right, sending his opponent a good five feet backward. He turned to the clawed one, who was now bleeding at the side of his head, and grabbed hold of his arm… before swinging the man into the air, and dropping him back-first onto the ground.

Three of the opponents were down, with the other two simply observing. Craiger kept his eyes locked on anything making a sound, now tense, and prepared for any attack.

Grace stood in numb stupefaction, still stationed at the mouth of the alley. Her hands had gathered the abandoned string, adjusting the tangles with lingering fingers. Now they were trembling a little while she steadied herself. For the life of her, Grace did not understand how the Ausey fox could still be all in one piece after a series of such events. She swore, if everyone she knew started pulling stunts, she would conclude that every student of Mobius Academy held classified abilities and secrets of the past.

At that moment, she could have broken the bonds of "stay behind the wall" and the phase of mutual respect she recently entered. Grace was accustomed to witnessing brawls in the jalan back then. Similar to now, people she greeted daily were involved in conflicts that concluded with broken Bones and bruises. Refusing to be a mere bystander was something she'd do as a matter of course had the situation not been different.

Craiger gave her vague options on how to act if two results were to happen. Grace didn't recall a solid plan if an exchange of words shifted to an exchange of fists. She was awaiting a call atau a brisk walk, not a showdown of tension. He technically didn't do either, right? The fight was a blur to her.

Naturally, she would have offered help in a way, even if he made no gesture of asking for it. Looking over the scene, however, Craiger was seemingly handling the situation well so far - a charming surprise - and the two remaining men poised no threat at the moment. Her help appeared unnecessary for now, yet the observation could be deemed regrettable. In conclusion, Grace gradually stepped out inch sejak inch, though the decision felt burdening.

The Ausey fox spoke briefly to the two who did not attack him. He was the only one to chuckle during the conversation, then he shook hands with one of them. He then turned to Grace’s hiding spot, and gave a waving motion for her to walk over.

Confirming the wave, Grace released a sigh of relief and quickened her pace. She forced herself to focus on the three standing up, not the bodies on the ground. Stepping over them, Grace tried to appear calm and trustful when she joined and looked their way.

“This is Aresil, and this is Pern.” The two waved silently. Unlike the fallen fighters, these men appeared to be much younger, late teenagers almost. They wore dark hoodies, and had visible long-range guns, though nothing like a regular pistol. One had grey hair, the other had brown. Their faces were dirty but they kept a straight gentle smile between themselves.

“They like coming to watch people fight to get in.” Craiger continued. “They also keep ground control if something goes out of hand.”

"That explains things," she muttered, holding back her curiosity. soalan would be brushed aside for later. Although the pair seemed amiable, Grace couldn't help but focus on how the owners of the smile had a new level of entertainment. Perhaps it was similar to wrestlers in a rink, but she was told that professional wrestling was fake - in this situation, they took control if some cases turned to alarming violence. She found the use of authority strange, to say the least, and was certain her expression indicated her opinion.

"Does that mean we're allowed in?" Grace couldn't tell if they understood her atau not.

“Yep.” Craiger gave a salute to the two individuals and opened the door, waiting for Grace. The two watchers seemed confused sejak the gesture but shrugged only.

The sudden atmosphere puzzled Grace, but she returned a faint smile before walking inside. Immediately, she scanned the interior.

The station was brightly-lit, with a long hallway to their front, and two shorter ones to their left and right. A front desk, closed off sejak thick glass-seeming material, was in front of them, with an intercom monitor and speakerphone in front of it. The color-pallet was either white atau black, but mostly white. There were few words about but  all of them were in Supretan Persian... if the language was indeed based on some Persian language.

After a moment of decision, Grace averted her gaze to Craiger with a lopsided frown. There was really only one option laid before them. With a tilt of her head, she silently offered to go first. The vixen didn't await a reply before trotting over, however.

When reaching the edge, Grace leaned close to the intercom with eyes on the monitor. They could at least understand one word, right? "Hello?"

A voice not seen through the glass berkata “Hello. anda are foreign.”

"Nice observation. Would anda treat me differently if I am?"

“That completely depends on where you’re from. Are anda a Geisern?”

“No.” Craiger quickly spoke up before Grace could answer, stepping ke hadapan in front of the glass. “Someone berkata that there’s a pest problem and that a few bounty-hunters could make some profit on it.”

The voice was silent at first, since they could not see who it was what it was doing was up to debate. It then asked Grace “Is he telling the truth?”

"I support anything he says."

The voice paused again before replying. “So anda two are Hellborn Hunters?”

“Well not normally.” Craiger quickly fibbed. “But we found one off-world. The Hellborn had escaped from a shipment apparently and thought she could trust us.”

“You came all the way back here just to get some trackers then?”

“No, we came here because the Hellborn came back here. We might be able to get her back though if she trusts us still.”

“In other words anda want the profit.”

“Hey it started out as our hunt anyway. We don’t need your currency, we won’t even be able to use it off-world. We just want to finish our hunt and be on our marry way.”

The voice was silent again. Craiger seemed to take this as doubt, so he quickly added “Turns out she’s a hybrid… got any lynxes with moon-stripes around here?”

A scratch sounded, a sort of scratch made when someone rubs against their facial hair. The scratch was followed sejak a thud on what they guessed was a table. This mean knew who Craiger was talking about.

“Do anda think anda have a chance at capturing that one?” The voice asked in a much lower and sterner tone.

“I guess we’ll have to see. Does it matter if she hasn’t been caught yet sejak anyone else? If we don’t get the hybrid someone else will eventually.”

“Wait here.” A screech, a rotating-screech from a chair, was the single sound heard during their wait. No footsteps followed. What was the man doing?

Grace hung her head low, her voice nearly audible. "Is this part of the process...." She would have berkata a few more, but risks were considered. The act could not be discarded just yet. For all they know, their conversations could be heard beyond the glass.

Craiger berkata no words but shrugged. A few moments passed before a door to their left opened with a brief blaring from above it. A human, armored in black and blue, his face menunjukkan through a screen, walked over to them carrying a locked metal box.

Craiger kept himself silent, waiting for the human to make his seterusnya move.

“You want it to focus on Banshee atau Acid too? Don’t bother with identity we don’t do those.” The man casually, yet strictly at the same time, questioned.

“Banshee and Acid.” Craiger answered. The man nodded and set the box on a table, opening it in a position where they could not see its contents. It was taking a while, most-likely to set up the tracker, so the officer asked “Saw the tattoo. anda Glatorian?”

Craiger had to stop himself in mid-cringe, but his fists still tightened. “No…” He answered lowly. “Not now not ever.”

The human shrugged to the notion. “Wouldn’t matter anyway. Inter-dimensional terrorists, always thinking they can just take over anything.” He sighed a sort of humored sigh while turning back to them, and holding a rectangular gun-like object, with a black screen on the top, and a claw-like fasten at the bottom. “Can’t just stick to their own dimensions, am I right?”

“As a thunderstorm…” The Ausey fox muttered.

Still beside Craiger in silence, Grace was simply observing the change of atmosphere. Until now, she hadn't focused on his tattoo atau even bothered to soalan the meaning of it. Mentioning it in the first place wasn't fitting comfortably in casual conversations. She noted this from his mannerisms and tone of voice. Knowing the topic seemed to have struck a sensitive area, the vixen made it a goal to shift the focus.

Grace respectively cleared her throat in attempt to remind the human of her presence. She then nodded her titled head to the contraption in his hands. "I'm guessing that's the complete tracker. Any rules atau instructions with it?"

“Yes, glad anda asked.” The man held the inside of the fasten for them to see. Two pressure pads were inside. “As long as those are pushed on sejak your arm and wrist it’ll be activated.” He turned it around to the screen. “This will display a 3D video feed in front of you, which can be limited to the physical screen. It will tunjuk the area as anda see it, but any sound-pitches that are in the correct frequencies matching Banshee patterns. It also scans for Banshee metal, which is almost always covered in the frequencies unless the thing is dead atau sick atau somethin’. For acids it’ll easily scan for the liquid about, but don’t expect to see heat signatures.” He then held out the front, which made the scanner seem very much like a toy gun with its blunt black-screen front. “This distorts the psyche for any mobian, but anda can command the scanner to only focus on Hellborns.”

He held it out to either of them. “You’ve got a hari with this before anda have to pay sejak every two hours. Doesn’t matter if you’re sleepin atau dying, the longer it’s gone is the lebih Purmi you’re paying.”

Grace was the one to reach out and handle the tracker, holding it in her careful hands as if it was made of glass. "We'll keep...all that in mind. Thank you." For most part, most of the information was either still struggling to soak in atau had gone over Grace's head completely. She hoped Craiger had better memory.

The man nodded. “Happy hunting- oh and don’t try stealing it, we’ll know. Not saying how, but we’ll know.”

The officer twisted his index and thumb of his right hand to the right, and swung it backward before relaxing it and returning through the door he came. It seemed similar to the bow Rynk gave at the end of her performance though minus the actual bowing.

In a way, the very observation bothered Grace. These were people who could hold casual conversations and even have rounded personalities. However, if true motives were leaked out such as their own, the authorities' characteristics would shift instantaneously. It didn't matter how friendly they appeared, those same faces could look dangerous.

She studied the tracker and glanced up at Craiger. "Do anda want to handle this?"

Craiger did not waste time observing the station, he walked out quickly, briefly rubbing a part of his stomach where a small hole could be seen.

Grace noticed this and stepped in front of him calmly, becoming an obstacle, and her expression stern with concerned eyes. Remaining low-key with her behavior, she leaned ke hadapan slightly, then tilted her head accompanied sejak a squinted stare. She got a good look before it was covered.

"What-" Her voice conveyed tension as she lowered it to a whisper, suddenly remembering that people were around. "Was that from the fight?"

“Nothing huge.” Craiger replied in a halt. “The bloke bit me is all… atau I just landed on his teeth when I fell on ‘im.”

"That's..." Grace cleared her throat and shook her head, imagining the scenario. "Alright. If it's not bothering you, then we can continue, I guess." The tracker was held up.

Craiger paused for a moment, then gently took the tracker and strapped it on to his arm and wrist. A blue kacang wrapped around his lower arm. “Well I guess it won’t fall off…” He joked in a dry tone. The screen lit up with a holo-screen appearing at their eye-level. It seemed almost transparent, save for a few holographic buttons and labels here and there. “We should start where we first ported to.”

Grace shrugged. "Alright, sounds good." She turned on her heels to the direction she remembered and walked at a leisure pace.

The streets were significantly less hostile to the two strollers now. Many people that saw them also saw the scanner, and chose not to interact for one of three reasons, atau all reasons. The first reason was fear of being attacked sejak a Hellborn. The saat was that they did not want to attack someone who would be getting rid of Hellborns. The third was fear of the police who would no doubt find out who mencuri the scanner.

As soon as the two made it to the spot, the scanner lit up with a trail on the ground. It glowed a neon green on the holo-screen. When Craiger looked down for himself he promptly slapped his own forehead. “Can’t believe I didn’t notice that from the start.” At the floor were many small, but fresh, holes in the ground, with some holding small spots of acid still.

"She's not far then." The details were enough of a clue for them. All they needed to do was remain observant to avoid the same mistake. Grace's eyes trailed the holes, assuming it would lead to a certain direction atau to another clutter of holes. "We better hurry."

Craiger wasted no time nodding and made a quick strut forward, always aware of his surroundings.

At his heels, the vixen made use of her keen eyes. After all, the lebih threats one encounters, the closer they are to their goal.

As they made their journey the trail began to lead to a cleaner area of the city. It did not become completely sanitary but it was passable. A garden was seen once, three men in business suits, lebih regular people walking about their business, and shiny buildings. No children played in yards but the hostility had greatly decreased.

It was almost completely the opposite of their sebelumnya location. It seemed almost like a regular city now. But was this the nice side of town, atau was it just as bad as the area before, only spiffed up? The expression that the Australian fox gave showed the latter as often when he did look about he had no sign of a smile.

Then he froze. He was not looking at the tracker anymore, he was looking directly across the jalan from he and Grace. It was a tall building, black with silver lights about it. It was bulky-seeming, and had two armored guards at the front doors. A large circle, atau was it an eye, was planted on the front wall. It was silver, with red spiraling triangles around it.

Grace simply studied the building at first, only attempting to see what he saw. For her, there was nothing extravagant that could compel attention. Sensing how stiff Craiger appeared, she turned towards him with a frown. "What's the matter?"

“… It had to be a Melcro building…” he replied in almost a whisper

Her ears perked up, catching the troubled words. "Melcro building?" The thoughts of labs and fear circled within her head, and Grace remembered she was still an outcast when it came to the details. She had to take a saat glance at the building. "What makes this place so...important?"

“Freaky experiments, including enslaving people for berkata experiments, funding for any and all parties whether productive atau destructive, and a general thorn in the side. This explains why Rynk turned into a Nictrela…”

Gradually, a hand was placed over Grace's mouth as she swallowed down the truth. With eyes wide open, she could now see a connection falling together. She released a breath as her arm fell to her side. "Do people here know?"

“About Melcro atau Rynk?”


“Probably. Doubt they would do anything about it though.”

Disbelief practically emitted off her. Through clenched fists and teeth, the anger lurked. "What? That's - that's insane! No one should be getting away with that!"

For a moment, Grace tried to find a distinguishable answer sejak staring into her hands, then she reached up and gathered hair between fingers. Clearly, she was on edge. Rynk, and others before her, experienced cruelty while no one bothered to step up. How could she calmly soak the ruthless fact? "It's not right, Craiger. That man- no, this whole town...they're messed up. People can't be this hopeless."

“Grace,” He groaned while rubbing his temples and turning to her, “as much as those words are Muzik to my ears, I spent most of my life trying to prove that statement of yours correct, and it blew up. You’re right, but no one’s come up with a way to stop it. Melcro’s connected to practically anything in hundreds of dimensions. anda remember Calto, right? He got started in Melcro Industries. Even people with good intentions are connected to this… dictatorship. But unfortunately Melcro’s not even the main reason all of this happened. That’s just how this cursed dimension is. It doesn’t trust anyone, it won’t allow help, and it’s barely keeping peace with any of the other countries. Not even the strongest being on this planet could stop what’s happened.”

Ostensibly, the vixen was not accepting the explanation without delay and little fuss. Somewhere between his clarification, she had been compressing her lips in attempt to suppress interruption - maybe even throw in impulsive questions.

Grace was on the verge of an outburst just saat before. However, the words settled and watered-down her reasons to do so. With evidence laid out before her, she realized how ineffective attempts were. When a mighty hero is unable thwart the force, there was no probability she would be able to cause a ripple.

It didn't take long for her body language to admit defeat. She had to let it slide for now. "...So it's lebih reasonable to stick with the original plan then, huh?"

“For now.” Craiger replied. “Believe me, I’ve far from telah diberi up on this world, but for the time being I have just about no means to do anything about it.” He walked across the crosswalk.

Of course, Grace did not doubt his statement and considered commenting on the parallel perseverance, but she decided against it and followed Craiger closely behind.

Instead of going to the front entrance of the building, Craiger walked to the side of it and made his way to the back. It seemed no less protected than the front, but there were no guards, none is sight that is.

Grace somewhat knew this could be seen as an alternative route. It wasn't an unusual method for people on a secret operation. She was starting to soalan his hobbies, though. "Front doors are overrated anyway. Is there a back door atau something we're sneaking through?"

“Probably not but I have no idea how we’d get in through the front door, and even if we did it wouldn’t be for long.” Craiger walked about looking above himself.

She blinked, her head almost sinking to one side in question. "I was thinking anda knew the blueprints of this place. anda seem to know a lot of things already." Grace craned her neck and glanced up herself.

“I’m flattered but I don’t think anyone but Melcro himself knows how his buildings work.” He walked over to a nearby building and began scaling it.

At that moment Grace grew quiet and became aware she had nothing to do herself. Chatting seemed to stray away, and she even persuasively concluded it couldn't possibly answer her questions. Grace attempted to examine the surroundings in the meantime, but she knew at hati, tengah-tengah her expertise was below Craiger's, undoubtedly. What sort of clue were they trying to find?

Once he reached the bahagian, atas of the building Craiger began to lower a ladder from the bahagian, atas that seemed attached to the roof.

Grace stopped pacing and waited for the ladder to descend to her level. The moment it stopped, she grabbed hold and wasted no time with crawling upward. Along the way she was muttering something about climbers under her breath. The vixen reached the bahagian, atas and hoisted herself up. "Thanks."

The Ausey fox gave a kind smile with a nod. The roof of the building they were on had a tall, almost wall-like, border. Grace had climbed through a hole with the ladder that was in the border. The rest of the building’s roof had a conditioning system, an elevator, and various boxes and trash. Craiger walked about the building gathering rocks.

"What do anda plan to do with those?" Grace asked.

“Gonna check how much weight has to hit the building before a defense mechanism is used.”

She glanced at the rocks, then back at him. "Want some help?"

“Very much so, but get ready to itik just in case.”

It goes without saying that she was wondering what they would be dodging exactly, but she decided to see for herself instead of asking. Grace performed a pair of finger Pistol and click of her tongue as an acknowledgement, then went off to collect any rocks nearby. "How much is enough, sejak the way?"

“We can start with three for now I suppose.” Craiger set down his pile of around fifteen seterusnya to the border and prepared to throw.

A grin practically lined Grace's muzzle as she followed suit. Throwing, after all, was a skill she devoted herself to. With a few rocks gripped in hand, Grace glanced over as a cue for offering the first throw to him. She couldn't get excited just yet.

The Ausey lunged the three rocks in a snapping hurdle, ramming them almost into the wall.

Grace's focus faltered slightly. It took a saat for her concentration to tighten as well as her hold, and once confident enough, she withdrew her own tense arm. This was her kegemaran part. Through a quick whipping motion, the rock were released and they shot forward. She watched the dinding take the pounding of weight.

A large clang, and a short fizzle, followed the toss of the stones. Craiger hit the floor, though carefully tilted his head enough to see what was occurring afterwards.

On the other hand, Grace didn't bother with risking for a peek once she dropped down, too. With her head still lowered, she glanced at him. "What's happening?"

“Sentry robots are going out.” He replied. “No doubt they’re made sejak End-Ga incorporated.”

“Right, uh,” Craiger quickly searched his mind for a way to quickly describe what End-Ga was, “It’s… an invention company? They make weapons, defenses, portable dishwashers…”

Her ears flickered, cautious of any sound of the robots being nearby. "Are they good at building?" It was a soalan that implied whether they were in extreme danger at the moment atau not.

“Well they’re going back in now…” He got up. “I was checking to see the defense. If it’s electric well, we can’t climb it, but now we’ve got a hole we can sneak in through, atau at least one of us can.”

Grace wobbled to her feet. "If only one of us, I can volunteer unless it's wiser if anda do."

“I think we can both make it. The robots will leave the hole, scan about for a while, giving us enough time to jump in. Hard part is making sure we throw the rocks down far enough so that we can jump into the holes easily enough and before the bots come back.”

Briefly, the vixen replayed the plan in her head. "Not to brag atau anything, but I should be able to cover that with some success...I can't give a percentage on how good I am, though. anda probably already know, but I do have some sort of gift with anything that involves throwing at a certain target. I'm sure you're just dandy with it, too." She shrugged. "I can be cocky sometimes but I think we got a good chance."

“Right on then.” Craiger grinned, reloading and preparing to fire.

Grace took the first shot, progressing through the same movements as before. Her eyes had centered on appropriate targets, a mere step for her hobby, and the rocks favorably plunged down and reached the goal.

Craiger quickly recognized her destination and launched directly after her release. The same action occurred. They both saw the hole open up this time. Craiger once again hit the ground, but kept crouched, ready to alih when the robot passed by.

Grace mirrored his actions, rather tense sejak her accumulated energy regenerating for a jump.

A circular drone flew out of the wall, with a red light emitting from it like an eye. It passed, blind to them for the moment. Craiger wasted no time and launched himself forward, slamming into the five-foot-radius hole on his stomach.

Naturally, Grace shifted to a state of hysteria. In saat she was at the edge in attempt to get closer, and her attention snapped to the direction of the bot and back at him. She wasn't sure if he had any sort of grip atau not. "Craiger! anda alright?" she hissed, trying to control the sound of her voice, and trying to lean farther ke hadapan with the intention of helping.

Slowly the Ausey fox turned around to face her. “I’ll be staying in this position for a bit but yeah. Jump over.”

She winced, studying the situation before her. However, time was continuing without them and it would be a risk to let one's mind wander. Grace knew of this and retreated back for the proper running distance, calculations and estimations thought over. Without hesitation, she sprinted straight for the hole and managed to land from outside of the dinding to the inside, albeit roughly. The cramps were coming on as Grace balanced on her feet and straightened, waving a hand. "Alright, we good?" She was looking around.

“Yep, but we need to alih ten minit ago.” Seeing how Craiger and Grace were now both in the hole-tunnel, and neither could turn around anymore, Craiger was now crawling backwards, scooting rapidly backward.

Grace followed, although keeping appropriate distance for enough room to breathe. Knowing he was struggling already with not seeing behind him, she was a different pace while taking a couple of glances at the other end of the tunnel. Eye contact was out of the question.

A drop was seen in front of them. Craiger had yet to notice it and was about to go over it.

"Woah, woah, stop!" Grace's voice was low but stern. On instinct, she reached out with the intention of stopping him rather than grabbing anything specific. "You're at the end!"

Craiger jolted to a stop. “A drop? How deep?”

"Not sure if I can tell from this angle. It's better to just take it slowly in any case, but..." With a tilt of her head, she tried to get a good look and make an estimate.

The hole was partially lit, but went very far down. It was small however, and would be able to be climbed down. A glass hatch about three-fourths the size of the mobians was below at one of the walls.

“Grace we need to go down now!” A whirring was coming from behind them.

She didn't bother asking soalan and spoke rapidly. "Scratch the 'slowly' comment, it's deep but you're able to just climb down. There's another entrance down there."

The Ausey fox was already rushing down the side, though he did manage to reach out a hand in case Grace wanted to charge head-first.

Promptly, the offer was taken and Grace moved straight out in a quickened pace. She wasn't sure how this would work, and the potential danger behind her was becoming a distraction. Facing the bottom, and seeming to climb upside down, she decided this wouldn't work. Her movements were pantas, swift as her free hand and feet latched against the edge and her body manage to weakly flip over. Her back struck the dinding below Craiger, and his hand held her up. For the most part, the jolt was painful. Grace quickly corrected herself until she faced the wall, then released her hand to climb down.

The drone was seven feet above them now, but they had reached the glass hatch. “Kick it, kick it now!” Whether atau not the hatch would be able to shatter, Craiger rammed both a free hand and a free foot at the hatch.

In Grace's part, she had turned to a different method. She was positioned slightly above the glass, so with both hands on the wall, she swung her feet to strike it. A number of cracks atau a cave in had to be noticeable sejak now.

Instead of cracking the glass lit up and opened. Deciding not to komen about the pressure at the moment the two merpati inside. The glass closed just as they passed through it, and they landed on a black floor.

Silence lingered for a moment, just heavy breathing. "That was intense." Grace's voice was borderline on fatigue. Although dizzy, she managed to focus on the ground, then attempted to look at Craiger in confusion.

“Nothing broken at least.” He noted with his face on the ground. Craiger got up.

"So far." She wobbled slightly while getting up herself. The interior of the place was studied.

It was dark, but the path was easily seen due to the streaks of red lights going through it. A fork in the hall was clearly seen.

"Which way?" Grace asked.

Craiger approached the dinding splitting the paths, observing what appeared to be a sign written in a foreign language. “Not sure. I’m not familiar with this text. Doesn’t look Mobocanian.”

"Seriously? Of course they'll pull off something like this. They Cinta to make it harder for outsiders." Certainly, the text was unfamiliar to her, but she was examining it as well. "I guess we have to choose and hope for the best."

“Hm…” Craiger glanced to the tracker, still attached to his arm. He looked back to Grace. “If I turn this on, no doubt they’ll detect it, but it might be our only way to find wherever she went.”

"We'll take the risk, then."

On went the tracker. Instantly the room lit up on the screen. Dozens of trails, each dimmer than another. Most of them were a blue color, the fifty that were of Banshees, at few were green, Nictrela. One could be seen, like a DNA-strand, of blue and green.

Grace glanced at the bichrome trail. "That has to be Rynk."

The trail went to their right, and so to the right they ran. Twenty minit of running, which turned into jogging, and finally walking, lead them through five left turns, three rights, one elevator, and finally a large door, which was burnt through.

There was an exchange of glances, then a stare through the hole. "Looks safe," Grace murmured sarcastically, stepping ke hadapan for a detailed observation.

The room was quite large, going upward into nearly seven stories and downward one through a staircase. What appeared to be digital storage containers filled the walls, with ten stations set at the floor with screens, keyboards, and chairs for browsing.

"Wow," the vixen breathed out. "Some sort of...networking room. What kind of information is held here?"

“Probably everything.” Craiger replied. “… This can’t be this easy.” He walked over to one of the seats and dropped a shoe on it. Nothing happened so he added pressure on to the seat. Still nothing happened, so then he started randomly typing. “Guess we won’t see when the trap hits.”

"As if they're not paranoid enough." Her tone of voice suggested indifference. On the contrary, focus was on edge if a mastermind were to unleash a trick from their sleeve. Grace settled with standing nearby, seeming to respect a superficial boundary. Her eyes, however, were intent on the moving fingers and the glowing monitor. Squinting eased only after a soalan ostensibly dangled before her. "What are anda looking for?"

“Well right now I’m trying to check the logs, but I-“ The keys sunk into their holders, causing Craiger to jerk about and away from the chair. However instead of a trap they replaced themselves. Now instead of a foreign language, the keys are in regular English, as well as the information on the screen. The ausey sighed in relief, relaxing briefly against the rail he was leaning against. “I was trying to check the logs but it was in a foreign language.” He went back to typing. “If you’d like anda can check on one of the others for anything Rynk-related anda can think up.”

"Yes-Siree." She wavered over to a convenient chair and computer and slumped down. After a sequence of punching in a few keys, she was met with English. Then her mind went blank as fingers dangled over the keys. Grace nipped at her bottom lip and rustled with common sense. Needless to say, a simple typing of R-Y-N-K would bring no results on such a complex system. That would be too effortless. After all, when have madmen cared for proper names?

"Rynk-related," she muttered under her breath, making connections in her mind. As she forced herself to relax on the chair, her fingers tapped the meja in thought. She needed to the search. "Hey, Craiger? Would anyone else in the system have a trio of species like Rynk? atau at least the traits..."

“Well if it could happen with her it could probably happen with others, but it’s worth a look.” The male fox replied with his face glued to his own screen.

Grace turned back to her own monitor, and she exhaled slowly, her focus piqued sejak the glow of the screen. A flurry of memories and what she did know about Rynk were her seterusnya thoughts. There was the DNA to consider, an aspect the labs were most likely associated with. The final conclusion was narrowing down the logs. Hovering hands met the keyboard: banshee, nictrela, lynx.

The screen flashed with billions of files scrolling at an almost unnoticeable speed. It took a short ten saat for all files to be eliminated, except for one titled “Eternity Adaption Specimin”.

Grace blinked, then leaned back briefly to call to Craiger. "I think I got something. Does 'Eternity Adaptation Specimin' sound familar?" She glanced at the screen with a lopsided frown, and with a alih of her cursor the file was opened.

The screen flashed open with pictures, video files, and text files, all which eventually grouped in eight catagories. The first file category was called “Mbn_Lx_DNA”, the saat “Nict_DNA”, the third “Ali_Xo_DNA”, followed sejak the fourth being “Ba-Mbn_DNA”, the fifth being “ID_nanite_fail-fu_DNA”, sixth being “Core_Developed_DNA”, and the seventh being “Resulting finish”, and the final being a tinted-blue color called “D-S-M-2”

Craiger called back to her “Not exactly but what does it have?”

"A lot of data merged together, all kinds of media. It's like a project of DNA...I recognize a few." To the best of her ability, Grace repeated the category names out loud for him. Her Arrow poised over the blue category, then her eyes squinted in uneasiness. "Should I check one of these?"

There was a pause, then footsteps. “Hold on a second.” Craiger quickly arrived seterusnya to Grace, observing the screen. “These were all in one file? These aren’t just different species listings?”

"I don't think they're separate. It's all together in one big file." She shrugged. "With that one category titled 'Resulting finish', it sounds like they're connected somehow."

“Let’s open that one.”

Grace nodded and clicked the category.

Pictures, video-links, and multiple text-documents appeared before them. The pictures were the first in the listing, being named stages 1 through 8. Upon clicking on the first foto the two mobians were greeted sejak some form of mutation. It was two-legged, glowing, and had six different appendages, most deformed and/or corroded, with those that were not being metal spikes, atau what looks very similar to octopi tentacles. No eyes could be seen in the layers of the creature, though they had a guess where the mouth was sejak the large tube jammed into the facial area of the being.

For the most part, the grotesque details they studied provoked a brief, squeamish reaction. Grace's hand twitched in anticipation as an urge to alih to the seterusnya picture. However, an observation on what the subject was in the first place had to be certified. "What is this?" Grace murmured after a gulp.

Craiger remained silent, leaving a silent suggestion that he was wondering the same question. They moved to the seterusnya slide. The corroded appendages and tissue had dissolved, atau fallen off, leaving what was a skeleton of a sort, with appendages still appearing from Rawak areas, and continued layers of the metal. The eyes were noticeable, that is to say the sockets. Inside were no eyes yet.

"It's like a time lapse," the vixen commented, expression still stiff. It didn't take much to realize that the figure would lead to something - atau someone - new, but the soalan of "how" was vague. The additional features gave no visible indication of what it was just yet, at least not a solid one, so they continued to the seterusnya photo.

The third had shrunken the size of the metal spouting out, though green stains could be seen around the figure, with holes in the center of where the most green was. The eyes had yet to materialize yet, but now shoulders were becoming noticeable.

As with the others, the changes were considered and met with a form of negative atau curious reactions, albeit silent. The outline was of someone condemned to experiment, no doubt. Something about cruel treatment was muttered in a low tone of anger and sympathy before the slide passed.

The fourth had all normal appendages except for one tentacle sticking out from a shoulder. The metal had finally vanished and other tubes had been attached to the creature. It seemed stretched, at least the feet did, as if a saat pair was slapped on to the first.

Guesses were being thought over sejak this point, though still topped with a jumble of tidak dijawab questions. Considering these were only pictures, the pace was informative yet rather slow for their liking. They moved ke hadapan to the next.

The fifth had created a much shorter figure, most notably due to the decreased length of the legs. The arms had yet to finish developing. The skeleton was beginning to create layers of itself, metallic bone-structures.

The sixth had added three lebih tubes, two in the shoulders and one in the forehead. The figure now seemed to be glowing a bright blue, almost as if it was a silhouette.

The seventh removed most of the tubes, replacing them with a sort of breather-mask attached to where the mouth would be. Eyes had fully developed, glowing a light turquoise. The arms had finally finished growing, long and wide as did the feet. Skin, and bulu had partially covered the stomach are and one of the feet, a pale tan sort of color.

It was unsure how the following managed to exude a sense of menace and foreboding. In the beginning, the subject could have been anyone, but the newly formed eyes, the fur, the body structure - connections sank gradually. They were both seeing a sort of resemblance, perhaps. It seemed to fall and nestle together, explaining and stringing loose ends, yet for it to be true was unsettling. The situation was strange enough. Could it merely be a coincidence?
There was an exchange of glances, a gesture suggesting akin thoughts. saat ticked, time squandered. Grace moved to the last side with an exhale.

Now suited in a light purple and blue covering... younger than either of them remember, but definitely the same. The ears, the color, the stripes. The captive hybrid looked only eight, atau nine, in the final slide.

Silence pervaded the room. The vixen leaned back in the chair, somewhat refusing to dig any further. Thoughts needed to be collected momentarily. There was no attempt of a remark, the screen displayed enough. Neither of them mentioned it. Neither of them had to.

Grace had her head lowered, holding back, preventing herself from doing anything irrational. Was it anger that seeped through veins? Chagrin? It could be that she felt this on her own, that was always how she worked. At first, Grace didn't bother with affirming this, then she glanced at Craiger's reaction.

Craiger was quiet, his eyes closed, and his hands curled. He was breathing hard and seemed to be stiffening lebih and lebih as the silence continued. He opened his eyes for a short moment, only so that he could reach over, and close the picture-window.

Grace's eyes lowered, assembling words. "Should..." - her breath hitched, knowing the truth was still in its hard to menelan form - "Should we look further?"

“… I’ll go through it. anda shouldn’t have to see anymore.” He shifted out of the way, inviting Grace to leave the chair.

The offer was acknowledge with a expression of protest. The words don't tumble out immediately despite the impulse of defending herself, to claim that she could carry the same weight. She knew of his reasoning, yet the situation didn't have to be entirely avoided. Grace made it crucial to convey it hastily, "I can handle seeing more. I know it's going to be hard for you, too."

“I’ve had my fair share before. Besides, she’s your friend.”

She rose from the chair, but maintained eye contact. "She's yours, too."

The ausey fox turned away slightly. He berkata nothing to her reply but took the seat. At first he didn’t actually do anything but after a brief shake of the face the tetikus began to alih in his hand, going towards the “D-S-M-2” file.

Grace berkata nothing as she sat on a chair from a fair location, somewhat tired, but the screen still fairly viewed at an angle. She limited the intensity of her gaze in a vague way as to not invade the personal space. If something important was to be shown, the vixen would wait for it.

The screen now lit up with what appeared to be a suit of a kind. It was full-body, with no noticeable eye-holes, mouth-holes, atau exits in general. Dark blue stripes could be seen around it. The interior image showed very short, but a vast amount of, points, wires, which seemed like they were meant to poke into the user. The tajuk of this suit “DarkShade # 2”.

A head tilt and squinted eyes was naturally executed sejak Grace. "'DarkShade #2'? Is that some sort of disguise?"

Craiger seemed Frozen in the seat. He didn’t acknowledge the soalan at first. When he did he replied with a quick “Hold on,” before clicking back to the “ID_nanite_fail-fu_DNA” file. A file menunjukkan what appeared to be a glowing red eight-year old Rynk flashed on the screen, but Craiger seemed lebih interested in the text he was mumbling back as he read through it.

Unable to understand anything legible about the situation at hand, Grace made her way over and waited for him to finish.

“I…” Craiger began, “I don’t know… how to tell anda this… Never mind.” He got up from the chair. “I think I know how we can find her.”

Confusion was Grace's obvious reaction. As a ceri, cherry on top, it irked her when a sentence began only to be cut short. "What's your suggestion?"

“Can’t say it here. Melcro might already know we’re here.”

"Of course...Where do we go then?"

“Out the way we came.” Craiger quickly finished typing away at the keypad and rose from the chair.

Grace was already walking toward the burnt through door. "Hopefully anda found enough there." As the two neared the elevator that brought them there, Craiger halted in his tracks when the elevator opened, empty, before they were five feet close to it. It was waiting for them.

A sense of dread briefly rose. "If we're expected, should we go ahead?" Grace asked in uneasiness.

“Maybe I can get,” Craiger lifted the scanner and began configuring with it, “We might be able to use this to sense if there’s someone near us… atau at least recently here.”

"Can it sense anything outside the specified DNA's?"

After a short bit of button-pushing Craiger lowered the scanner. “No…” He groaned in defeat. “We could go another way, but I doubt it’ll change anything.”

Grace's brows lowered. "If it's unlikely to change, we can continue this way."

“Alright… “ Craiger stepped into the elevator, making sure that it was selamat, peti deposit keselamatan before allowing Grace in. Granted it would probably not attack them until the doors closed but at least it was something. He casually stepped to the side to invite her in.

As calm as she could possibly be telah diberi the circumstances, Grace expressed a stiff composure in her stride through the elevator door. Once inside and shoulder to shoulder, and perhaps on the edge of vulnerability, the possibility of another "trick" peaked. Standing inside an enclosed angkasa prompt an anxiety of the inevitable, to put it mildly.

The elevator closed, and began to rise. At first there was silence… and then a casual tune began to play inside the box. There was a slight jolt in response. Disbelief rolled along as Grace leaned against the wall. "How relaxing," she sarcastically mumbled under her breath, eye roll included, to no one in particular. “They’re welcoming enough to include elevator music."

“I wonder if they can hear us too…”

It was an instant decision to not respond in words. Instead, Grace's eyes wandered, assuming they were being watched, as well. None of the black walls surrounding them showed any sign of censors, atau screens. Perhaps it was a one-way mirror with a camera behind it, atau that the entire room was a camera. Only soalan and theories could be made, with no evidence atau proof to support them. When the elevator opened up they found themselves at the roof of the building.

The location seemed odd from a viewpoint. Whoever awaited their arrival had an unsettling taste: it was a spacious area, perhaps indicating something. To some degree, the vixen was the first to step ke hadapan and look about.

As soon as her foot hit the floor it sank what seemed to be a half-foot. The ground in what appeared to be Rawak areas began to sink to the same level. Craiger practically threw Grace backward into the air with the speed he pulled her back. “S-sorry,” he quickly apologized.

Grace stumbled over an exhale, having skipped a heartbeat. Her attention was on the patterned sinking on the ground. Then, she waved a hand sheepishly and attempted to control her redness. "It...It's fine. Thank you, actually."

The male nodded quickly as their attention returned to the sinking ground. What could they do? Even if they were able to get around the roof safely how would they get down? Craiger looked to his feet, groaning as he took off his saat shoe. “Forgot the other one back inside.”

"Oh, yeah." Grace cocked her head as she remembered, then looked down at the lone shoe in his hand. "What were anda planning to do?"

“Check the pressure. The rubber should protect me from any electric shocks for now but not the fall.” He placed the shoe to the ground in front of them and pressed down. Five saat passed and nothing happened. He rose
posted by TakTheFox
I am not a young man but today I feel as though life has be exceptionally kind to me. I don’t really understand how this all happened. I’m not particularly learned when it comes to the history all these people share. All I ever really understood was the biology behind it all. However I could still understand some of it, and no one has to explain sorrow to me.

I was working on my prize machine, the D-N-AMAZER. ( If anda find that name to be unoriginal than I don’t really care.) Some racist madman had stolen the designs and destroyed my original. I spent a bulan alone recovering my information...
continue reading...
posted by CrescentHedgie
Name: Crescent

Nickname(s): N/A

Age: 17

Eye color: Brown

Height: 5'0

Hair color: Blonde

Alignment: Good

Powers: N/A

Martial Status: Single

Likes: Reading, video games, music, traveling

Dislikes: Evil, being alone

Personality: Often very shy, once she gets to know someone, she's very open.

Love interest: Secret

Parents: Father: Jordan T.H. (deceased)

Mother: Isabelle T.H.

Occupation: Works a part-time (now full-time) job as a nurse

Backstory: Because of the murder of her dad, her mother could no longer afford to take care of her. She was promptly moved to an orphanage two weeks later. After a bulan of staying...
continue reading...
posted by shadowsis98
Sonya : Full Name : Olivia 'sonya' De' Maurina
Age : 16
Personality : Happy-go-lucky,strong headed,determine,and a bit spoil
Appearance : Short light silver blue hair,emerald eyes,pink lips,sakura white skin,pierced ears.(dress? anda just imagine it)

Ummul : Ummul Aimin Saifullizan
Age : 16 (two months older than sonya)
Personality : mature,serious,mysterious,a bit hot tempered,determine and have a soft spot for her friend,sonya.
Appearance : Dark raven hair with orange mix red streak on a single bang,emotionless...
continue reading...
posted by TakTheFox
I have so many soalan while being led down these strange halls. The dapur opening up into a hallway; how long was it there? Was there one in my house? The halls are black with silver lines in the middle of them, glowing where we are, we being me, and the arms.

They told me to follow and I did not want them to hurt me. I might die if they were to again, and I needed to be healed… they alwa- almost always healed me before, so maybe they were taking me to be healed. I don’t know why they were taking me with them while I was awake, but it had to be for a good reason…

It is hard to walk...
continue reading...
Name: Rynk Hellborn

Age: (Currently) 17

Gender: Female

Species: Hybrid

Alignment: A sort of mix between Chaotic-Good and Lawful-Neutral

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Power(s)?: Rynk has a variety of abilities.

She has seven different forms to take advantage of. I know what you’re thinking, too overpowered. Don’t worry, this is something I’ve worked on for years.

~Banshee Mobian DNA (link)
When turning into this form Rynk is able to
>Use Sound abilities
>Ghost (become intangible)

~Acid Monster DNA (Nictrela) (This picture is old and not sejak me link)
>Shoot acid from various pores in...
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posted by LorMel
Ash Storm [Ash Hedewolf] is the son on Helix Storm [Helix the Wolf] & Frost Storm [Frost Hedgehog]
Picture link of Frost & Helix: link
Credit goes to the original designer. ^^
Ash is 17, well, not yet, but in RPS [if anda are one of them] hes 17.
In the current RP, Ash (or Ashie, nickname by: Helix Storm!) Ash is only a few days old.
Picture link to baby Ashie/Ash: WARNING! CUTENESS ZONE! MAY CAUSE anda TO GO "Awwww!"
Ash is, in the current RP, going to be big brother to Frost & Helixs child, [not born yet], Lily.
Name idea belongs to original thinker. ^^
posted by TakTheFox
They still aren’t here. I wonder if I even met them for real now. Maybe they were a dream also. It would make sense. Does that mean that the sky isn’t real? atau the outside of houses? I don’t know what I should think anymore.

My thumb was not healed… I hate those arms. I never thought I would hate something, I feel guilty for hating anything, but I’m hurting too much to care. The arms hurt me. What did I do that made them so angry?

There is a strange metal box… thing, in front of me. I open it up and a screen is on the first half, with buttons on the bottom half. There are a lot of...
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Same as last time, copy and paste the link into your Chrome address bar to install the theme.

Ivory Lightning theme

Indigo Asteroid theme

Crimson Eagle theme

Grey Quake theme

Magenta Rhythm theme

Black Bomb theme

I hope they're not too disappointing...
added by cookiemaster
What the video says. X3
added by popthefox
Source: me and sumo paint,
added by derpy_chick
added by larisaluna10
Source: me and fansommer
added by GuardianKeys
Source: Myself and CyberEchidna
added by sydni2001
Source: me and blossom1111
added by StarAngle16
I loved someone once, and I still Cinta that same person. So why am I alone? Did she die? Is she with someone else? Quite frankly I don’t know.

I can see through the future and the past with ease, but if I were to do that with her future, to see what became, I might break. Will I find out that she was killed? Will I find out that she loved another? Will it be something worse? I cannot menanggung, bear it.

When I first met her I had already been in Cinta with her, though quite frankly I was so arrogant and rash that I probably had no idea what the word meant at that point. But I soon learned that because...
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posted by NoctusLynx
Some people hate 'em, some people Cinta 'em. Others simply don't give a damn. But what makes the cliche have such a mixed review? Why are there people who like it and Cinta it? Let's find out.

First, we might want to find out what a cliche IS. A cliche is comparable to a stereotype to an extent. A cliche is something that is commonly repeated over and over and over and over and over and over and over and... anda get the idea. Here, I will address two cliches.

Character stereotypes are something we can't get around. Most stories are alegories, which are stories which the characters represent a part...
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So yeah this topic’s been a long one coming. I’ll say right now, for quite a while now I’ve been very happy to see that there are few Dark Characters, and those that are there are done WELL. So this rant is not based on baru-baru ini events, it is just advice.

So let’s try to define a dark character. They are basically any and/or all of the following.
~A Daredevil
~Have a lot of secrets
~Hate everyone
~Act uncaring
~Or simply play the bad boy.

What’s wrong with this? Well since this is for Sonic Characters I’ll go with only Sonic-based parameters...
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posted by NoctusLynx
It was a dangerous business indeed. Whitman knew this. He knew this well. This kind of tourism would be dangerous, but if all the protocols were followed correctly, then there shouldn’t be a problem. At least this much he could say, but when dealing with something this large scale, safety precautions had to be taken to prevent the worst case scenario. The machine built sejak a worker called Sonia Rainsford, and she would be the one to test her own machine, be it to see it grow prosperous, atau to see their own world wiped out.

“Ms. Rainsford,” berkata Whitman as he stood in front of her. In Sonia’s...
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posted by NoctusLynx
"Hey, Gatage!" Menae shouted gleefully at a ferret not too far from us. The ferret, which was male, turned in response towards us.

"You seem ha- what's that?" Gatage asked Menae, refering to the canteen in her hands.

"A canteen," Menae answered. "You of all people should know."

"I knew it was a canteen. What I-"

"Why'd anda ask then?"

Was she like this all the time? I think I'm beginning to prefer the armory...

"If we knew of a way to send anda back, we would," Menae told me. I forgot once again that my thoughts were no longer personal. This was going to be a long, long day.

"Who are anda talking to...
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