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In the tahun of 3242 on the Prime Zone of Mobius, a paradox was created. A hand of evil used the power of seven different-colored chaos emeralds to attempt to reshape the Prime Zone in his image. A conflict arose between the evil, and good, resulting in the planet mutating into a different history and people completely.

Briefly before these events took place, a scientist called “Dr. Finitevus” had fastened a protective bunker that would shield him from the affects for a time. When the paradox-era began, he was caught in dead space, and discovered entirely new alien-like worlds similar to that of Mobius. He gathered information about these worlds secretly while using various resources from them to power his bunker until Mobius-Prime had sustained itself.

Months passed before his return, but when the doctor arrived at Mobius-Prime, the planet was in its new form and as he was of the past world, it began to erase him. Before enough damage was done, Finitevus escaped back to his bunker and attempted to highjack the energy that was holding the Prime-Zone as is to find a means to support his survival. Unfortunately when he attempted to channel it, he activated something completely different… a universal program.

He could not understand what it was at the time. It was far too advanced. However he could tell that there were categories. He found one that seemed to branch out into dozens of smaller categories, each containing a different color. He opened one, and an entire dimension of pure api, kebakaran opened up to him. He quickly closed it to avoid being scorched and moved on to the next, and the next, unable to do anything with the power until reaching a water dimension.

As the water itself did not harm him, the doctor found that this water was reactant… it reacted to his movement, and his thoughts. This gave him an idea. He kept going until arriving at a silver category. Upon opening it, he found a dimension filled with what he thought intangible; time itself.

At first he used the energy to age and reverse the age of his body as a test, but upon his attempt to actually abah-abah and command the energy; absorbing the energy, the dimension was closed and he was locked out. It was a failsafe.

He realized that he would need permission to have the energy and went to the main category. There he found a dark dark dimension with strange glowing blue pillars with the same language. Random, bizarre items, seemed to be everywhere. He found trees, the same color as the pillars, hills, a meja, jadual with chairs, and even a pretzel. However upon looking upward he noticed streams of the Warna he had seen in the sub-categories. He followed these until arriving at a set of nine statues of the original dozens which had faded out at different points.

Each figure was different in height, and even gender, glowing with each elemental color and element. He saw a fiery woman of red, a water man of blue, a golden woman of light, a green man of leaves, a purple man of crystal, a merah jambu woman of what could only be realized through thoughts; the mind.

There was a taller woman composed of multiple Warna and a dress-like attire with strands at her arms. At the front was a very tall male with red and blue. However the element Finitevus found most helpful was the silver one; the male of silver. This male was composed of every memory any person could have had… every history in existence.

Finitevus knew this would be the most helpful, and reached out to the statue. Perhaps he could wake it. Perhaps he could control it. However upon touching the figure, Finitevus himself began to be consumed sejak it. The power became him as well as the personality, figure, form, likes , dislikes. This being was not just energy… this was the incarnate of time itself… a person.

Despite being in awe of this revelation, the doctor retracted himself. He retained his own person thankfully, but retained some knowledge of the workings of this being. His brain could not process all of the information… but he knew what could help him.

The doctor connected one hand in the mind female and one in the time male. He only had saat before his entire soul would be ripped into something else, but he had gotten it. He now understood how the workings of this being went.

Finitevus attempted to use this power to make himself protected from the changes the new Mobius-Prime would force upon him, using a programmed device which harnessed the time being’s energy. Unfortunately while this worked for a day’s time, it would not last. His bunker would not survive forever. He would need a proper Mobius-Prime to work on.

Through further programming, Finitevus was able to envelop the new Mobius-Prime in a time-field, cloning it in every way, right down to the people inside of it. He then reversed it to a suitable state, one week before the paradox-changes, so that he would have sufficient time if needed. To his surprise, there were setbacks.

The entire population began to fade as the days went on. Soon there would be none of them, and after that, the rest of the planet most-likely would also vanish. Finitevus had to act quickly. With the knowledge he had of both negative and positive Chaos Energy (Spectrum Energy which is actually just one type of energy, merah jambu Chaos Energy, which is based on the moral of one’s soul), and the time being, Finitevus began to construct a new entity.

Finitevus realized that the only way to keep a permanent hold on this copy-prime was to wake the Time Being, but he highly doubted the Time Being, the “Chronos Server” as he found out, would agree to aid a complete stranger. So the doctor began to copy the structure and programming of the original Time Being into a clone of his design.

As he went on and on making the new being, Finitevus became lebih and lebih interested in turning this simple time-flux-manipulator into a powerful servant. He discovered that the Being itself was simply a spirit and would require a physical body. When these creatures, these “Servers” possessed a body, the body would mutate and strengthen, becoming able to sustain incredibly trauma. But Finitevus remembered a creature that had a specific life-blood that would increase this power even lebih so.

And so a new body was formed. It came in the appearance of a somewhat thin, yet well-built, pale orange fox. A series of programmed veins, one white, one black, and one a radiant blue, began to power up, but a powersource the doctor could control was required.

The inhabitance of the planet were almost completely gone, making it easy to connect this pet-project… into the Master Emerald. The planet was about to evaporate when it finally awoke… the Takris Paradox.

Instantly the planet began to reform to its original state, but unfortunately its population did not. It seemed as though the population was not aware of the changes happening until the timestream had been repaired, for when it did, the realization of loved-ones being gone forever was made very apparent.

At the time there were only a mere million rounded of every living person left. A small thousand overlanders survived the event. Some committed suicide, while others attempted to cope. Finitevus was pleased with the results he had, and ordered the Takris Paradox to erase the planet in order to purify it, but when the being heard him, he instead blasted mindlessly about in a wild attempt to kill the doctor.

Finitevus instantly realized that his being did not possess the memories and intelligence required and used a failsafe voice-command, forcing the being into a deep sleep. The doctor was upset sejak this turn of events, but he now had a proper location to perform his tasks with lebih assurance. He took the being into his bunker once lebih and began working on downloading all known information he had into the being’s brain; every bit of history concerning the planet.

Weeks would pass before this was complete. During this time the planet’s inhabitants slowly began to stabilize with various leaders of areas.

>Of the Overlander survivors, Commander Tower had survived and was Berlakon as leader of the United Federation for the time-being.
>Of Mercia, the monarchy had fallen from its entire bloodline. At the moment a war was waging between original citizens, and defectors who supported the rule of one Mamoth Mogul.
>Of the Dragon Kingdom, Ken Khan had survived with its main citizens, as well as those from the Shinobi Clan. They formed the current Dragon Kingdom. The Raiju Clan remained distant and separate. No trace of the Iron Queen was discovered.
>Of the Arctic remained mostly unharmed though without specific leaders, lacking a government specified.

Finally… New Mobotropolis… There were only a few hundred remaining of the original near-thousand. Of the most notable individuals not found…
>The Prower family
>The Royal Acorn Family
>The D’coolette Family
>Amy Rose, as a member of the Mercian royal bloodline, gone.
> Rotor Walrus
>… and Sonic the Hedgehog.

Half of the Acorn Council had vanished, and of those remaining, only two remained functioning. Dylan was an emotional wreck. Only Isabelle pulut, garangan and Sir Charles—who was barely functioning himself—remained to do damage control.

The only other member that had not been erased, though barely functioning also, and barely holding the city together, was the AI, NICOLE.

New Mobotropolis had shrunk an amount to conserve the damage done to Robotropolis during the paradox wave. No one had been over to assess the damages, though many were pleading for NICOLE to look into it.

In total, with five thousand suicides world-wide, thirty-thousand causalities during the chaos, and the still dying in the war with Mamoth Mogul that had yet to be counted, the original 987,000 became 952,000.

A bulan has passed and Mogul has all but taken Mercia. The kingdom contacts New Mobotropolis, asking for aid, and also asks for the support of the United Federation. Both have only just stabilized themselves and are barely equipped to fight in a losing war. Regardless, NICOLE sends a holographic version of herself to meet with Mogul to discuss this problem.

Upon their meeting, Nicole asks why Mogul is making his move, stating that he was peacefully running a casino without any aggression from otherwise parties, despite his illegal breakout and attempt on Sonic’ own life. Mogul informs Nicole that while Sonic has been an ever-present bother to his person, his dismissal from existence acted as the window he needed to once again make a mark on the planet. He continues on, informing Nicole that Mercia is in need of a leader, and that there are none currently with the wisdom, atau power, to do so, except for himself. He treats it as though he is doing a service, and notes the amount of supporters greatly out-number the resistance that “caused” the conflict. He finishes asking if New Mobotropolis could stop him even if they wanted to.

Nicole returns to New Mobotropolis and a discussion is held between her, Sir Charles, Council-woman Mongoose, Ken Khan, and Commander Tower of the United Federation. Nicole explains the problem after briefing Sir Charles and Mrs. Mongoose, and Sir Charles asks what they all plan to do about it.

Ken informs them that while the Dragon Kingdom suffered great losses, they still have a good thousand atau so citizens, of which many are very prepared to aid Mercia if required. Commander Tower brings up that Mogul now has the Silver Chaos Emerald, and that his God-like powers could bring the entire planet to its knees if he so chose.

Sir Charles informs that that wouldn’t necessarily happen. He informs them all that each different type of Chaos zamrud, emerald seems to have different affects. He retells an event told to him sejak his nephew, though pausing briefly to keep himself from falling apart, when Sonic found a group of Red Chaos Emeralds, which instead of transforming him, creating a doppelganger. He goes on from there, informing them that it was the same Silver Chaos zamrud, emerald inside of Mamoth Mogul that they had used to power a machine meant to heal King Maximillian. From that analysis, it would seem that the Silver Chaos Energy would most-likely heal, atau purify, not destroy.

Commander Tower asks if they know for sure that the zamrud, emerald will do that, and only that. Nicole balas that she never spent much time analyzing the emerald, partially due to the ever-present interruptions of adventures, and cannot say for sure.

Mrs. pulut, garangan catches on to what is being suggested and quickly asks what they can do beside going to war with Mogul. Ken mutters out that because of the large vacancy, it would not be difficult to take in the citizens of Mercia into their own countries, atau at the very least, the Dragon Kingdom.

Sir Charles concurs, but adds that he highly doubts Mogul will stop at Mercia, and that they already had to deal with Ixis Naugus being a tyrannical king, and that it was only sejak luck that he was taken sejak the paradox-energy.

Nicole asks if the United Federation could spare Shadow, as he would have the best chance against a Chaos Energy-based attack. Commander Tower looks distraught and informs them that Shadow was taken sejak the Paradox Phase. They ask if Rouge could go then. The same reply. Omega… the same reply.

Mrs. pulut, garangan suggests a bargain of some sort. Commander Tower asks what they can bargain, adding that he highly doubts she means to give Mogul another emerald. Nicole suggests a full pardon of his wrong-doings, but Sir Charles says that it would probably seem to him as though he requires no pardon, and that he wouldn’t be completely wrong. Sir Charles however does praise Nicole for the idea.

Eventually Mrs. pulut, garangan suggests they ask what Mogul would be willing to trade for the kingdom, at the very least to stall his progress. Reluctantly the others agree, and Nicole meets with Mogul a saat time.

Upon their saat meeting, Mogul has nearly overtaken the main castle. He informs her that he has no object on his mind and ends the conversation while moving to make the final push on the city. Nicole quickly informs the others, and Ken Khan is unable to stand it anymore. He assembles a good hundred of soldiers, and begins making his way to fight for Mercia.

The others attempt to stop Ken, Sir Charles informing him that there’s little to nothing they can do, and that it will only draw Mogul towards them. Ken is reluctant and indecisive barely delaying for them to figure out a different plan.

Sir Charles is roaming New Mobotropolis, entering the takhta room half-expecting Elias to appear. At first he is incredibly saddened sejak the loss they’ve all been through but slowly his eyes fall on a golden handle in a decorated scabbard.

Moments pass and soon people hear that Mogul has taken the Mercian throne, dictating the kingdom instantly.

Mercia is now fully under Mamoth Mogul’s control, with those who defy him destroyed atau imprisoned. He announces an era of peace, and that he will do his best to strengthen and support his “new kingdom”.

Some of the citizens come to soalan what he will specifically be doing, but as each comes and leaves, one cloaked figure draws a shining blade from his shadows. The cloaked figure charges at Mogul, aiming to impale him, but Mogul shoots him upward with an earth-based spell.

As the two battle, the Dragon Kingdom troops begin to invade. The supporters of Mogul intervene as Mogul informs Ken and his troops that they are fighting and killing the same people they have come to save. For the moment, the troops stand down, and back off.

Ken however, challenges Mogul for the takhta on a one-on-one. Mogul tells Ken that he has no need to fight for what he has rightfully taken. Despite this, Ken attacks Mogul. Mogul is briefly stunned and sent back a bit but does not order his followers to attack. Instead he decides to humor Ken, though he has no intention of giving away Mercia regardless of the outcome.

Sir Charles, Lady Mongoose, Nicole, and Commander Tower, observe in terror from their own bases via holographic screen. Commander Tower mentions regretting having Ken go after Mogul as the plan was to have Ken steal the zamrud, emerald and take down Mogul without using troops. Regardless, for the moment, both sides of the conflict remain on-guard, but not fighting.

The two rulers continue to fight in Mercia’s throne-room just as Finitevus has finished the learning cycle, filling the new being’s memory with his personal ideals. He activates the power of the Master zamrud, emerald remotely, as it is being guarded sejak Downunda freedom fighters currently.

The world stops as a silver light rips out from Angel Island, powering and reawakening the new entity. Time slowly speeds back to normal, but the energy continues before slamming down to the surface. The Paradox Being begins to form from the energy, standing alert to everything everywhere.

At first the figure is simply an aura of silver energy, but slowly the light fades revealing the entire form. A pale orange fox, tall but thin, with long dark-grey finger-tip-less gloves, wearing red harness-cuffs on his wrists, and long red-and-dark-grey boots. His hair was mostly bangs, fading to grey halfway through, and his eyes were a faded glowing pale white.

Finitevus appeared seterusnya to the being and begins to monologue a bit about the state of the world. He begins to order the being to erase the new Mobius Prime and the Paradox-Mobius-Prime they currently stand in, but the being is gone before he can blink.

Mogul and Ken are still in conflict. Mogul compliments Ken on his skill but informs him that it is time to end their scuffle, and effortlessly lifts Ken from the ground with his mind. He then forces the Sword of Light from Ken’s hand and tosses him aside.

Ken refuses to back down however, and attacks Mogul with his baton, sticking at him with electricity. Mogul creates a small shield in front of himself, which takes and sends back the energy, knocking Ken down a saat time.

Mogul orders Ken to take his troops and leave, as he has no need to spill lebih blood for the time. Ken looks to the citizens who stare at him with distain, then to his troops who look distraught. He decides to make the wise decision, and begins to fall back to avoid anyone else getting hurt.

Faces turn to sadness, but in the distance a flicker is seen. The flicker becomes a distortion, getting closer and closer. It turns out to be a figure, going in and out of reality like static flying in the wind to get to a cable. The figure eventually stops, bracing himself on his knees in pain; the Paradox Being. Mogul looks over the being with a curious stare and asks what his business is in Mercia.

The being mutters out the word barely “challenge”. Mogul is amused sejak this, but denies the challenge before motioning the being away. The being lets out a long-spanning hiss as he passes out of reality again, only to appear, still vibrating and still in pain, directly above Mogul. The being slams down at him, driving Mogul to the ground, but the conqueror blasts the being off, causing the Paradox Being to static lebih as the energy swims around him, shocking him and forcing screams from him.

Mogul is perplexed sejak this reaction but steps ke hadapan and informs the being that he is merciful enough to put him out of his misery. Mogul takes the Sword of Light, and plunges it through the being’s chest. Upon doing this, energy explodes from the being’s wound, shaking the area with his screams.

The world becomes distorted as the people look around at flashes of the darkened dimension which Finitevus discovered the being and his power. Everyone continues to pass in and out of the dimension with Rawak flashes of different worlds and futures until the statue of the time being implode with silver energy touching the Paradox being. Immediately the sword shoots out from the being’s chest as his body lights up a saat time.

A cylinder of darkening energy forms around the being as materials grow out from his body and fuse to him. As this happens a strip of the energy zips around the planet, spinning rapidly as the entire history of Mobius replays over and over again from every location and every angle. In only thirty saat the process finishes and a white light replaces the cylinder and the figure. When it fades, the once distorted incomplete being is replaced sejak the first of many to come.

Silver designs stretching from arm and leg appear underneath the gloves and boots. Silver and dark-silver armor-pieces have formed at the feet, chest, and shoulder. A tali pinggang with a segitiga, segi tiga in the center forms just as the same symbol does on the being’s forehead. In the being’s hand a long black and silver sword begins to form, materializing in an electric aura as it rises. The eyes of this new being are now a radiant pale silver, with darker walls at the outer edges of them.

The Paradox Being takes a breath and observes his surroundings for a moment before informing the mammoth that is he once again, challenges him.

Before the two fight, Mogul asks the Paradox Being what his business is and why he wishes to challenge him. The being simply tells him to only speak if it will save his life. Mogul insists on asking one last soalan however, questioning if the being cares for the well-being of the people all in the area. As he says this, he uses his power to levitate every mobian from the ground, holding them as hostages for the moment.

The being darkens his stare and within a saat the area flashes with a silver light, and every person is now gone from the area. As Mamoth Mogul observes this, the Being tells him that he has no hope of winning in a melee fight, not because of who is stronger, but simply because Mogul is not experienced enough in who the being is, and what he can do. He ends sejak telling Mogul one last time, to fight.

The Being charges ke hadapan with his sword in hand vanishing in front of Mogul’s counter-strike, and reappearing in front of him again as the mammoth turns around expecting a strike from below. The time-fox uppercuts Mogul without using his sword and demands a full exposure to Mogul’s abilities.

Mogul rises up as cyclones of energy form around him, rapidly blasting at the being as other elements encapsulate him. The being mentions he can feel the chaos energy controlling the spells and begins cracking open the Ixis Magic while his own chaos energy spreads towards Mogul.

The two fight on for a good while, sometimes with blasts, other times with strikes of swords. Eventually this takes them to the sky where the being reveals lebih of his abilities. Rapid strikes slam into Mogul from all directions, seeming to come from nowhere. All he is able to see is what looks like black fists. This goes on for a while, not doing incredible damage to Mogul, but slowly making him feel drained.

Mogul surrounds himself in a protective shield, ending the attacks, and begins floating downward to the ground. He decides that he has had enough of this being’s game, and releases the shield for a moment only to begin spreading a gigantic sphere of energy. Before he can get far however, something slams into his chest, and the being reappears, yanking out the silver zamrud, emerald from Mogul’s chest.

Instantly the power drains, but Mogul still retains a great amount of power, and slams the Sword of Acorns on to the being’s forehead. The blade ricochets off of the being and is sent sky-rocketing into the atmosphere. Before Mogul is able to react, the being wraps a hand around his throat, his arm turning black as Mogul’s lifeforce drains until he is fallen into a deep unconsciousness.

The being stops draining Mogul, holding him up in one hand, and the zamrud, emerald in the other. The other mobians reappear around them and watch as the being floats back down and places Mogul on the floor before the Sword of Light lands directly seterusnya to them on the floor.

The being then announces his tajuk to the world, “Takris Chronos; the first of seven… the server of Time.”

The recently announced “Takris Chronos” informs the current public that he will be making an announcement to the planet in a day’s time. He adds that he has no intention of causing harm, but that he simply possesses jawapan to their questions. With that, he vanishes.

The planet is sent into a confused state. Some of Mogul’s followers protest the actions but are silenced sejak the others as Mogul is moved to a binding-holding cell once again while he remains unconscious. The sebelumnya members of the sebelumnya meeting come together once again to discuss the baru-baru ini events.

Commander Tower is weary of this new superpower, and suggests they prepare for whatever might happen if Takris Chronos’s intentions are not for their well-being. Mrs. pulut, garangan reminds him that the time server told them he meant no harm, and adds that he probably could have done something already.

Commander Tower remains skeptic, repeating the word “time”, and reminding everyone that if this person can control time, he could very well erase all of them from existence if he so chose. Sir Charles speaks up to this, saying that he does not think the time-fox will intend to harm anyone, but that cautious action is not out of the question. He finishes saying that all they can really do is wait till the seterusnya day.

Nicole remains silent during the discussion, prompting Ken to ask her what her thoughts are. Nicole is confused as to why she is being asked, and Ken simply tells her that the most neutral of the parties, and with the Nanites under her control, she may have knowledge of something they can do in the meantime.

This confuses Nicole still for a bit, but she gradually brings up the idea of searching for Takris Chronos, and analyzing his abilities, atau simply finding out where he came from. After much discussion they decide to scout out the first location suspected, Angel Island.

A team reaches the island and finds increasingly large traces of Chaos Energy residue beginning to dissolve around the area on their scanners. As they get closer to the Master zamrud, emerald it becomes clear where the energy came from, and they attempt to analyze it for any unnatural wavelengths. They find a large amount of distortion and are zapped a few feet back. They lapor this back to the others.

Meanwhile, the time-fox seems to have vanished from the planet, and is currently at the new Mobius Prime. He begins to charge up energy to expand over the planet. This connects to the Master zamrud, emerald of that Mobius, and the planet becomes Frozen in a silver aura. He then attempts to channel the same energy from the Copy-Mobius-Prime, but is rejected.

Confused sejak this, he returns to Copy-Mobius-Prime to the Master zamrud, emerald Shrine. He reaches out to it and attempts to channel its energy, but is once again rejected. Before he can investigate any further, he finds himself unable to move.

Finitevus walks up to him from behind the Master Emerald, making a taunting remark about his immobile state. He states that the time-fox ignored a direct order and states that he will have to be reprogrammed again. Finitevus begins channeling the Master Emerald’s energy, and uses it to control the time server’s body, forcing him into unconsciousness. The doctor then proceeds to port the server elsewhere, noting before leaving himself that they have a big hari tomorrow.

The hari comes for the announcement to take place, but as expected, Takris is not there. The hari continues on until finishing, and people begin to worry. No harm has come yet however, so while cautious, the planet continues its daily routine.

During this time, Finitevus attempts to reprogram Takris once again, but despite his knowledge of the circuitry used in the servers and their dimension, he is unable to take full control. He realizes eventually that the connection to the time-energy is too powerful for him to overload, and decides that while he cannot make the time server consciously do his bidding, perhaps he can control his body and abilities still sejak overloading it with a different energy. He gets to work.

Days pass and no new events concerning Finitevus atau the server have occurred. Nicole goes to visit Mogul’s cell only to find that he is no longer there. Immediately after, it is discovered that people are once again beginning to vanish.

This continues on for hours until a black aura begins to alih towards the refurbished New Mobotropolis. The sky and earth turns to a dark red as the figure closes in, with burning energy clouding whatever form lies underneath.

Some soldiers and freedom fighters go to stop the figure, but when knocked back they not only become vaporize, but an entire dinding is knocked from the city as the burning figure continues to come closer. The corrupted server body forces onward, without the control of the host.

Unknown to the world, one protector remains alive, protected sejak the energy connected to his bloodline, but asleep within a capsule of his energy.


The corrupted server continues towards the city but the energy begins to react against the hibernating guardian. Awoken sejak this, the guardian feels the energy building inside of him, and the he has on energy and time. He notices the situation, and makes his decision.

The corrupted server erases the ground beneath him as he closes in. With the planet vanishing from the instability caused sejak Finitevus’s tinkering, there is little hope. However a figure glides to the mid-point of the city and the server, landing in a challenging pose. With all the energy he retained from the Master Emerald, the last guardian stands to protect his planet.

The server begins to ignore Knuckles but upon meeting energies, realizes the connection, and reaches out to extinguish him. Knuckles drives ke hadapan at him, pushing the corrupted server back with the pure chaos energy running through him. He yells at the server, coming to the conclusion that he’s the reason for everything bad happening.

The corrupted server is slow, but far from defeated, and slams a fist against Knuckles. The echidna is injured, but refuses to fall, causing the ground to perpecahan, berpecah beneath them, as a fist-locked pressure rips through the planet.

They continue to fight for a good while, but Knuckles begins to drain. He only has a limited amount of energy to hold on to due to his connection being severed sejak the Paradox Phase. The Corrupted Server continues to push him back against the city, as Finitevus appears to witness the finale.

Knuckles makes the connection between Finitevus’s rants about saving the planet and using the server, to realize that Finitevus is controlling the server. With a strained push, the guardian forces the server back long enough to slam his attack at Finitevus.

Caught off-guard, Finitevus decides to humor Knuckles one last time, and the two lock energies. Knuckles’ energy continues to deplete and the server slowly moves in for the final attack. The server charges a fist straight at Knuckles, but a silver hand pushes his arm sidewise, causing his fist to land at Finitevus, obliterating the white echidna from existence.

A torn and weak-seeming Takris nearly collapses seterusnya to the corrupted server, who turns to destroy the Time fox completely. The Guardian notices this, and with the last of his strength, Knuckles rams the corrupted server, obliterating him.

Takris slowly rises from recovering, but Knuckles begins to collapse as he too begins to vanish to the paradox world. Takris notices this but is unable to change the process in his weakened state. Knuckles notes before vanishing that it feels like the chaos energy is pulling him away, suggesting that the chaos energy is what interferes with the connection.

Takris tells the guardian that he can’t leave because he has someone he loves, but this does nothing unfortunately as the last of the guardians vanishes… the last of the world’s most powerful Heroes is gone.

Nicole, Ken Khan, Commander Tower, and the council members, approach the remains as the time server remains at the same spot of the fallen guardian. He hides no tears and simply remains there. Slowly people continue to vanish, and screaming starts up.

Startled sejak this, the server looks up, and realizes what is happening. It needed to stop.
There, Bluebell was waiting, for her current boyfriend, Yang the rabbit. They were both in high school, in the same class. And when Yang first saw Bluebell as a new girl, he knew it was Cinta at first sight. A few days after Bluebell was getting use to the school . . . That was when he asked her to go the the school dance with her. She was happy, but nervous at the same time. Now here she is, in her lovely bright blue dress, with a few bells down the side, waiting for Yang. She was always the earliest at anything . . . Now she was 15 minit early for the prom to begin.

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Quesiton ONE!!!!!!!
Hello, what is your name?

Tak:... Tak. atau do anda want the longer version...?
Mist: I'm going to try to ignore the strange voice that came from either my head atau the air...
Tear:...who berkata that?
Luner: Luner... wait... WHERE ARE YOU!?!?
Trix: Why do anda want to know?
Starcher: Starcher Nova. What's yours?
Dark: *Walks away*
Virus: *answers through creepy poem*

Would anda like a cookie?

Tak: Uh... no
Midnight: SURE! *eats cookie quickly*
Mist: where has it been?
Tear:... no
Luner: Uh... sure. *pretends to eat cookie...
continue reading...
The seterusnya day, I felt myself passing out again.
"Fight it!" I told myself. I splashed water on my face. "Ahh... Much better," I said.
Suddenly, I heard a completely different, yet familiar voice shout "ACK!! IT BUUURRRRNNNSS!!!"... Through my mouth.
My eyes bulged. I slapped my hand over my mouth. "It's... you." I said. It was Madjin, that Honey luak, badger guy.
"No really, dumb fu**. Thanks, Captain Obvious," Madjin berkata through my mouth. "Shut UP!" I shouted.
"I'm trapped in you, and there's nothing anda can do about it," I said.
"...Well, it's Sunday. CHURCH day," I said.

Later that day, I was at church....
continue reading...
posted by aly001
1.)Star likes the color pink!
2.)She likes wolfs and dogs!
3.)She has a brother that is 19 years old!
4.)Likes music.
5.)Has a crush on tails.
6.)Has a pet wolfdog mix.
7.)Is always there for her friends!
8.)She wets her katil because she has bad dreams.
9.)She is sometimes a crybaby.
10.)Loves to sing, alot!
11.)Is Shock's best friend.
12.)Loves to wach the news.
13.)Loves to read the news paper.
14.)Loves to read books.
15.)Loves the color blue.
16.)Hugs alot of ppl that she knows.
17.)Hates ppl that she dose it knows.
18.)She is always happy.
19.)Feels selamat, peti deposit keselamatan with Shock & Emily
20.)For a little girl she can kick ass.
21.)She loves her pet wolfdog mix
22.)Star looks up to shock as a brother.
So many darkened days have passed
So many lonely nights I've had to last

I feel the cold snowflakes dance in my face. They whip my body, than to punish all the wrong choices that I made. Each of the new touch-slit cold-forged my face. Brown hair is even longer memories, the white ice and vapor lock each surrounded sejak a frigid embrace. Weep, if I could. The cold has Frozen my tears ripsiini, however, and so closed my eyes to the world. I am no longer able to open them, the Frozen tears of punishment. I do not deserve to see anything other than emptiness. Vajoan jalan lamps shine down on my knees....
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Emerald:Makes Breakfast
Milla:Omfg BREAKFAST *grabs a pancake out of the ketuhar OUCH!! breakfast *eats pancake* Can We Drive To The Prom Yet zamrud, emerald :No Its Not Time it starts at 7:33 Sharp and mollie,sandance,and Rebbecca are still working on there dress Shappire:Time To Go To School And I Will Kill Steve If He Pulls My Hair Again Emerald:You Dont Have To Kill Him anda can just tell the teacher atau hit him Milla:*Calls Asto* Come To The House Now Asto:Okay Im Coming i need to pick up something real quick thought
Milla:Well Hurry UP *Studys* Time To Go To School The BUS!! everyone runs Milla and zamrud, emerald : few and its alos the talent tunjuk aduitions lets go!!!!!!!! Shappire:im going on my cell *sees the internet* Listens to Giflfriend In Portuguese

Stay Tuned For Part 4
Shappire: OMFG i hate it here carlos keeps pulling my hair around like a monkey Starberry: Now Its Horrible Its The 2nd hari Besides There Cute Boys Around Prom Is Tomarrow Got Your Dress.Emerald: i have my dress and im taking silver and diamond is going to take shadow atau livi i forget.Mollie:Now A Problem I Have To Take My Bro Flame (im not the owner of flame my cuz is)Teacher:Hello Class Take Your Seats James:(throws a paper airplane at mollie) Mollie: hei (throws a hard ball at head) Carlos:Dogdeball!!!!!!!!!!!!! (everyone thorws dogdeballs) teacher (face turns red) SIT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
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Emily:Hey! anda crushed my cupcake!!!!
Slash:Not now Emily!
Cece:Shut up and kick @$$!!!
Justin:Yeah what Cece said!!!!
Modely:Stop! And listen, what do anda want?
The Destroyer V.3:Can I came to?
Modely:Emily what are anda doing?!?
Emily:Hey Sonic berkata to go and get at 4:30pm!
Slash:Ok then lets go!
So they all of them got on time. Now Amy is talking.
Amy:Ok so tell me why hes here?
Destroyer V.3:I got dorb!
Amy:Ok. So any way we need lebih stuff Emily I need Star!
Emily:Ok. bintang get anda butt over here!
Star:Yes mam!
Ok so thats it for now, Emily,Slash,Justin,modely,Cece,star and Destroyer V.3 all go on a misshin to find out what happen to Crystal and Jason's perents! Well that's all folks!
posted by sorandom15
dr. f alexa hurry and watch since

alexa dr f im busy

dr f fine time for since (grabs doll that looks like brenden and puts in the amaseing dr f super machine)

dr f go on since

big expolstions

alexa what the

brenden doll heh muhaahahaha

dr f this is bad since

brenden doll runs out

dr f tober catch it

tober nope im makeing grilled chese

dr f stupid robot

alexa what just happend

dr f bad since assitence call team adventure imeadtle

alexa ok

dr f no

at the adventure club

summer mm cupcakes

lily well my aims so much better

derreck polishing squrtle

brenden relaxing

phone ring ring

lily hello o hi alexa

brenden whats up

lily we got a job at the lab ok
Note; To know what the chapter names and what the names in the story like 'Ferson' are, look at this image; link

Oh, and of course, this is in Corah The cupcake, kek cawan Lover's perspective.
You know, I've always wondered what it would be like to live the life in Ferson. The extreme weather, the serene beach, the unique villages...I lived in Derevia, a country full of lush rumput and a warm atmosphere. But today was fall, and it was rarely ever warm in the morning. When I get up and put on my clothes for autumn, I walk outside, feeling the moist, cold atmosphere...
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posted by NickleBackFan
Murderer woke up at the crack of dawn. He jumped down from tree, tring not to step on Carter nor Kat. He pulled out his pisau and walked into the forest and collected soem Makanan for the afternoon meal. He came back late and his two combations were still asleep. "Well they sure like their sleep." He joked to himself while giving a short, homurless laugh. Then he herad voices in the distance. One sounded like a girl the other was a little boy. He turned at the sound of the little boy's voice thinking it sounded familar. Then it hit him. "Zac..." He berkata softly. He ran over and shook awake Carter...
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posted by NickleBackFan
Bullet woke up with a start. He pushed himself up slowly. He looked around. 'Where am I?' He thought. Had Dark api, kebakaran died and he had gone to Hevan? 'Or was this Hell?' He thought as he discovered no one was in sight. He stood up and started to walk around with no idea where to go. Soon he discovered that he was not in Hell nor Hevan when he came across a city full of people. He didn't think he should go in the city without knowing their laws. He out his hand on his head. He became puzzled when he came in contect with his head. 'Hair?!' He pulled his hand back and looked at it. 'SKIN! WHAT THE...
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posted by NickleBackFan
Bullet and Bloosom stood stunned as Maiyumi went back into the shack. Dark api, kebakaran was smileing. "oh what is the big deal anda beat her once anda can beat her again." she said. Bloosom looked down. "i am sorry ii lied." she mutted. "sorry didn't catch that?" berkata Carter. "I LIED! that wasn't the first time Maiyumi was beaten in a fight!" Bullet arched and eyebrow. "ok so?" he asked. She began the stroy of when she was first beaten. When Maiyumi was younger her father pushed her too hard to be a great fighter. She never won agasint him. one hari he pushed her a little too hard and in the saat round...
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posted by NickleBackFan
On the airplane Bullet and Dark api, kebakaran were forced to sit together. "Wow we are really far up." berkata Dark fire. "hmm yeah i guess so. hei are scared of hegihts atau something? tsk anda call yourself a vampire." "I AM NOT SCARED OF HEGIHTS! i just didn't expect to go this high in something built sejak an unmagcain that's all." she said. "these things don't crash right?"
In the sit seterusnya to them is where Rocket and his dad are sitting. "Um exuse me." berkata a girl to Carter. "huh can i help you?" Carter asked. "Um i believe that is my sit it has my number." she said. Carter smiled "Yeah it propbally is i...
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posted by NickleBackFan
Ghost breathed heavily. "would anda kerang, kima down." berkata Carter as he tied a badge on his arm. Olley stood there. "Why didn't anda let me come i could have helped you." he berkata annoied from being left out on the action. Ghost looked at him. "i'm sorry but i herad anda and rocket talking about how bullet was a danger to anda and i was hurt. what if i took my eyes off anda and Dark api, kebakaran got? i couldn't live myself." Olley arched an eyebrow. "i can take care of myself." olley berkata "Ivar thought me better than anda might think." "i know what Ivar has done anda don't need to tell me" he berkata raising his voice....
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Because of a plot point I have planned for a future roleplay this topic has begun to get on my mind. When does using energy become cheap in relation to healing people?

What energy am I talking about? Electricity? No because electricity isn’t able to regrow limbs on someone’s body, produce blood, atau add nutrients. What energy could be used? In my experience there are four categories (In the Sonic Universe)

~Chaos Energy
~The sumber of All
~Fan-made energy

Before we go over the main issue let’s go over what each has been known to do when it comes to healing.

Chaos Energy
This power is extremely...
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added by stacycam
Source: me
posted by TakTheFox
Three weeks passed. It was a repetitious cycle First Rynk would wake up. This began the reminder that she was once again in captivity, and that she had a hari to find new kinks in the Domain. Most of her attention was focused on the kolar around her neck, and the wires inside her body. The feline was able to saw the kolar partially with her claws, but unfortunately this activated a failsafe, and she passed out again. She later tried it at a range of the collar-controller. The same result followed, though it did take longer on this saat attempt to affect her. The Domain probably had satellite-dishes...
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Name: Dalton
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Species: Wolf-Lynx Hybrid
Fur: A dark blue with neon green stripes around his ears, down his back, and across his chest
Outfit: A black leather jaket with an orange Japanese symbol, that changes depending on the situation, on the back. Underneath, he wears a grey t-shirt with a sword on it. He wears black leather pants and black combat boots.
Eyes: Due to his secret, his eyes don't have a specific color, but change with the situation.
Powers: If I were to give these away, his secret wouldn't really be a secret anymore...but let's say they're never the same when you...
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posted by TakTheFox
Part five

Rynk arrived in what she would most likely consider her home. It was basically just a specific spot seterusnya to an abandoned dumpster, that she put a false-bottom on years ago. Whenever she got a trinket, she’d hide it in there, and use it up later. She slept there on occasion as well, but was more-so on the move.

She never used a tent atau anything to sleep in if she was tired. She thought this would be rather stupid seeing how she had not possessions, and would most-likely get her “house” destroyed atau attacked, whether it be from the weather, atau some hobo.

Most of her “homes”...
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