The Winx Club Club
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So I haven't written an artikel in a while, for Winx anyways. I find that I keep on ranting about the treatment of the villains but never actually typed an artikel on it. Some content will be taken from sebelumnya comments. So I'll start with Diaspro and Valtor end with the Trix because I have all too much to say there. That berkata I'm going to try not to make this a complainy/bashing article.


First and foremost, Diaspro. I think a lot of people here have seen me mention that I think she had a rough time. I feel like Diaspro did not need to be villainized. To be honest, she was the victim not Bloom. She was the one who got cheated on. And this is why I can't get behind Bloom/Sky for the sole fact that Bloom mencuri him from another woman. And the fact that they condoned it and made the victim seem like she was in the wrong, I don't like that at all. They made it seem completely okay that Bloom took another woman's man and on bahagian, atas of that they made Diaspro out to be a jalang, perempuan jalang for getting mad about it. And this is the first area where in which I see Iginio mistreating his villains. The fact that Diaspro (in my opinion) shouldn't be a villain is an example of how he mistreats them. Iginio totally could have turned it around and had Bloom tell Sky that playing them both was not right to do--because, really he was toying with both of them to some degree. But instead of both ladies coming together to teach him not to cheat, Iginio romanticized his actions and pit the two ladies against each other and then turned the one who was probably hurt the most into the evil one in the situation. Moreover, Iginio aside from Diaspro yelling "he was my fiance" atau something of that nature, never even addressed it again. There wasn't even one moment where Bloom looked back on it and berkata maybe this is wrong. If I have my facts straight (and it's been a while since I've seen season 2) the only time we see her reflect on it was when she was mad at Sky. But she didn't see Diaspro's side; nope, she told him in a fit of frustration "why don't anda just go back to Diaspro." In this case Diaspro simply becomes a means to insult Sky.

Granted this was an arranged marriage but I am pretty sure that Diaspro really did Cinta him. After all, she did come back to save him (despite the cheating) in the season 1 finale.

Moreover as the seasons go on Iginio chooses to sink her further into evil. To me it came off as him trying to erase any sympathy and justify Bloom stealing her man. For me this only made me sympathize lebih and grow lebih pahit in light of Bloom. Iginio very well could have written up a new man to ease the heartache. He could have had her get over it after a while. Instead he made her into an evil plot device; a way to add drama into Bloom/Sky. "But we couldn't have had the evil Sky episode without her!" I don't think this statement is true. Now this happens in season 3 episode 8. Iginio very well could have written up a plot-line where Valtor atau one of the Trix get him on the dark side. Instead Diaspro becomes a play thing atau the four and gets snubbed again. But enough about Diaspro.


Surprise everyone, I actually am sympathizing with this guy!

Let's get right down to it; I hate Tritannus. Why do I hate him? Because he's poorly written and he was telah diberi a weak motivation to be evil.

The fact that he is written so poorly is yet another indicator that Iginio seems to hate/not care about his villains. Instead of a filler episode lie 'The Lilo' we could have been telah diberi some lebih background on Tritannus. Something to make his motives for trying to kill everyone stronger.

Iginio could have expanded on how Tritannus' father seemed to vastly favor Nereus. Despite the hate I've thrown in Tritannus' direction in the past, I think this is a point where we can sympathize with him and it is something that makes his actions less whiney looking. Honestly it took me until just now to actually realize that him trying to 'take over the ocean' atau whatever was probably less about not getting the crown and lebih about a father who preferred one son to another. Which is another indicator that there is this strong anti-villain vibe coming from Iginio. And I'll admit, maybe I didn't pick up on this due to my own bias atau maybe I have my facts all wrong because I wasn't invested in season 5. But if I am right; why didn't we get to see things from Tritannus' side?

This is yet another example of villianizing. Granted Tritannus did do far worse than Diaspro. But Iginio seems to have this thing for making the Heroes out to be purer than they truly are. Tritannus' father's (and maybe entire family's) neglection of him was completely brushed aside. Iginio puts so much focus on 'bad guy is bad' that he doesn't tunjuk where bad guy is...was actually alright in the beginning. And that 'good guy is not always angelic.'


I actually had a harder time fining something to...complain In general I think he treated Darkar the best really.

Where I can draw my most vivid point with him is yet another case of 'where's the backstory?' When know little to nothing of his history. Again, it's been a while since I've seen season 2 so details may be slipping me, but I don't remember much of a back story. Why is he evil? Is it just in his nature because he's an inhumane creature? If this is the case, it's the one time when I won't knock Straffi for just making 'bad guy bad.' Not every villain has to be sympathetic...but the problem is, none of Straffi's villains are (minus Diaspro, but he doesn't even want us to feel sympathy for her).

And this still doesn't excuse the lack of a back story. Despite my complaints about Darkar he is a cool villain...or at least he had the potential to be. As much as I Cinta the Trix, making them do the work for him took away from that potential. He should have come with them as Valtor had done. But Straffi didn't do that, instead he had Darkar just sitting around until the last few episodes. This isn't uncommon in children's shows, but it's still a peeve of mine no less.


So what about Valtor? In general he was treated well enough too. We actually did get a bit lebih background on him, knowing that he was something of a vessel to the ancestral witches. But beyond that, nothing.

My main problem here is how Iginio made him out to be super powerful and then let the Winx take him down with a deus ex machina. These deus ex machinas will be discussed lebih in depth with the Trix. However in the case of Valtor it was particularly vexing; even with their enchantix, the Winx should have lost. But of course there were those lovely water stars. In the end it was the water stars that defeated Valtor. And to me that's just pathetic. So what does this have to do with Iginio? This is the saat case (the Trix being the first) of Iginio constantly making fools of his villains. The saat case of him giving the Winx ridiculously unfair advantages.

The Trix

All of that in mind; I give anda the Trix girls! These three lovely ladies seem to get the worst of his anti-villain writing.

First and foremost is that (like all the other villains they are painfully neglected. My point is that there are all of these prom foto-foto for the Winx but then there are barely any for the Trix. For instance we have this; link and the cowboy outfits and the winter ones. And (correct me if I'm wrong) these are all offical arts. Meanwhile the Trix only have one civilian outfit; link and we don't even get to see these anymore.
- Back when Winx first started anda couldn't really even find any Trix merchandise. They've gotten better but it's still a pain to find any Darcy and Stormy stuff. And the other villains like don't even exist in the merchandise world. (But we'll get to that later).
- They're not really even on the movie posters (there was like one atau two that they were on and one of which only had Icy). Whereas the Winx got on a whole bunch of posters.
- Iginio constantly gave the Winx new outfits and transformations and outfits for events in the tunjuk like the balls and concerts but they couldn't be bothered to do so for the Trix--like they'd get a new transformation for like an episode atau two but then it'd be gone. And, again their causal /non-witch attire never changed and has been completely omitted in seasons 5 and 6. All the while the Winx are getting new school uniforms and sailor outfits. Alongside this they only recently got new hairstyles (whilst the Winx have been getting them since season 3--and some of them in 2). And even now the 'new hairstyle' they have in season 7 is the is pretty much the same as in season 6. And the Winx get new hair Warna in some transformations!
- Speaking of transformations; The Winx get all these transformation sequences. The Trix still don't really have one, unless anda count that whole one-time-only bird thing in season 5.

Not only isn't there much merch/art and all that good stuff, but in general they are pushed to the background. The Winx all have complete profiles listing birthdays, kegemaran foods, kegemaran colors, etc. The Trix even though they were the main villains 6 seasons and counting, have none of that. To add we have a rather complete view of each of the Winx's family atau have at least seen their parents and siblings and know where their utama planet is. Again 6 seasons going on 7 now, and we don't even know where the Trix were born. Unless anda count 4kids stating that they're from Whisperia. But I have trouble seeing that as legit canon, telah diberi the other changes made. I'm surprised that they even showed how they looked as kids.

What I'm saying is; 6 seasons now. Why don't we have even the faintest clue as to why the three are so evil? And I don't buy 'they were born that way'. I can buy that with Darkar because he isn't human. I can buy it with Valtor because he was created specifically for evil. But not the Trix. These ladies were born...or were they? Probably, but we know so little about them literally any headcanon can freaking work!? For all we know (since we haven't seen/nor heard any indication of their parents) they could be just another creation! Of course that's a far-fetched notion but it goes to tunjuk how little we know of them--just that they are ancestors of the ancestral witches. So no, for them I don't buy the 'they just are evil thing.' There's gotta be something more. And with all this time, and for the amount of filler episodes Winx has had, I cannot fathom why Iginio hasn't yet addressed this. To me it's an indication of either unskilled atau lazy writing. Neither of which is good for a professional.

All of this serves to tunjuk that Iginio is negligent of his villains. He doesn't seem to put effort into them, art, promo, merch, nor story-wise. There has been a hugely clear bias established here and I don't think an penulis displaying clear bias makes for a good story. With good Penulisan (in my own opinion) the reader should be able to tell (at the very least, with ease) who the penulis favors. Like with the Darkar paragraph, this is something many Kartun are guilty of, but it's annoying no less.
And honestly, even other Kartun like Winx actually give their villains solid back stories...especially since berkata villains have been there for so long.

As if that isn't a big enough kick in the face; the serious villain decay is unreal. Many of my thoughts on this can be found here; link But to state things within the article, Straffi really just let them fall through the cracks and turned them into jokes. The Trix were perfectly kickass in season 1. They went hard, mencuri the dragon fire, and summoned an army of 100 years of rot and decay. Icy single handedly took out Red Fountain. Season 2 they were still pretty badass, merging into that one 'mega-trix' (think that's what it was called) among other things. And in season 3 they were still pretty cool; though they did fight over and follow Valtor around at the end of they hari they still had their touch; Icy specifically stated that they'd free him "just don't try to give us orders". Yes the orders were telah diberi but at the end of the hari the three of them parted ways with him. The serious decay happened in season 5 when they had Icy going head over heels for Tritannus and Darcy & Stormy just tagging along. That was embarassing really to a point where I actually did not like Icy anymore. The lord knows how hard it is to get me to hate a character I loved so much. To give ya'll an idea; Icy's the only one it happened with. After season 5 I started liking her again. But season 6 was still just full of the Trix being the comic relief. It really is a pity telah diberi how awesome they were in seasons 1-3, 1 especially. They worked better on their own.

The fact that these three fell so far down and were turned into comic relief is just another indicator that Iginio simply doesn't like them. At this point it seems like he hates them so much he may as well just kill 'em off.

So as promised here's where the deus ex machinas become extremely apparent. The Trix are always faced with such ridiculously unfair odds it's hard to watch. Like the cards are stacked so high against them and the odds are so impossible the tunjuk itself becomes predictable. I've been in various creative Penulisan courses through my educational career. In one of my textbooks (I don't have it on me at the moment, otherwise I'd pull direct quotes) they gave out this lovely tip for conflict-action. I read something along the lines of; conflict is important to the story, it helps alih the plot along and keeps the reader interested. In order to write good conflict one must create tension. In order to create tension there must be a balance of power between the antagonists and the protagonists. This balance--not knowing who is going to come out on bahagian, atas this round--is what creates tension.
Winx Club has completely Lost this tension. There is no lebih "I'm on the edge of my seat, whose going to win", it always "wonder how the Winx will beat the bad guys this time." Especially with the Trix, the villains are barely even granted the small victories anymore. And that just loses me as an antagonist-rooting viewer.

What am I talking about?
Well it started off pretty even, 5 vs 3. That's pretty manageable, in fact (it kind of seemed like) the Trix actually won lebih than the Winx in that season. However as the seasons progressed the odds became lebih and lebih preposterous.

In season 2, however, the Trix had to face both the Winx and the Specialists all at once (6 Winx and, at the time I believe, 5 dudebros). It was 3 vs 11! How the actual hell were they supposed to beat that!? We somehow they actually started to come out on bahagian, atas and they almost had the Winx/Specialists beaten when professor Avalon comes out of nowhere and revives Bloom and beats the Trix for them with his blinding deus ex machina light.

It gets lebih absurd in season 3. In one episode the Trix again are faced with all six winx and all of the specialists. And this freaking time all of the Winx had their Enchantix. Like holy cow; not only are they fighting like 11 people (so they are at a number disadvantage) but the 6 of berkata people have convinant power boosts. On bahagian, atas of that the Trix still don't have Disenchantix they only have their regular powers and maybe a left-over gloomix. Ya know what this reminds me of? It reminds me of when I used to play the game Age Of Empires; 6 tahun old me would go into 'create mode' and acquire myself a huge army and then give the other side an army of villagers and maybe a knight atau two.
Straffi's power set up reminds me of 6 tahun old me cheating a computer game.
And it doesn't even end there. sejak the end of the fight the Winx take down Darcy and Stormy and Icy is legit left alone to fight 11 people. 11 vs 1! Come on! Granted the boys back down, but 6 Enchantix-powered Winx against one Icy. Yes I'm referring to this;

What could possibly be lebih of a disadvantage than that? How about 'The Lilo' in season 5? Again, the Trix were winning. They had the Lilo. And as they are leaving the Winx literally had the entire town of Gardenia gathered to help them. All the people had to do was believe and then the Winx got another power boost just big enough to defeat the Trix. Like, give me a break...

And those are only a few of the many examples of being outnumbered/having poor odds. We didn't even touch on how Bloom some how got the dragon api, kebakaran back in the finale of season 1.

With so many disadvantages for the Trix and easy wins for the Winx it's really hard to not think Iginio treats his villains like crap.

In General

So finally, in general as a whole, like mentioned before there is literally no merchandise of villains like Valtor atau Selina. And naturally no promotional art of them either. Perhaps this is because they are 'side characters' but that doesn't excuse why there is so few anak patung of Darcy and Stormy. keseluruhan the villains are left out where merch and official art is concerned.

In general pretty much everything is black and white. No of the villains get histories atau motivations. They're just evil. At least that's how it appears to people who don't care for headcanons and making predictions. With Straffi the character in soalan is a good guy atau he/she is a bad guy, no in betweens and no grey areas.
And since the bad guy is just pure bad he/she doesn't deserve a back story because a back story creates sympathy and we can't have that now can we?

Long story short, as I see it, Iginio is probably the most hateful penulis towards his villains that I have ever seen. I like Winx, I respect Iginio for making such a nostalgic show, I just wish he'd put a bit lebih into his villains.
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