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Chapter 20: Mutiny (Nessie’s POV)

Hours later we were still deeply immersed in my “big thank you” when Jake’s phone began to ring at the most inopportune moment. He sighed and looked towards it but then shook his head and leaned in towards me bringing his lips back to my neck as he continued to push me even further towards ecstasy but then he stopped. I groaned in frustration as he placed his forehead against my cheek apologetically while offering me a sheepish smile.

“What if something is wrong with the babies, Ness?”

It melted my hati, tengah-tengah to see how good of a dad he was. I of course cared just as much about our children’s well-being but something was strange in my nature now. I wasn’t the typical newborn in terms of my appetite for blood but I seemed to make up for my lack in that department with a voracious desire for my husband. Whenever he was near me a veil seemed to cover every other facet of my brain and all I could think of was him…wanting him desperately.

I placed my hand on his cheek menunjukkan him this and telling him how much of a turn on it was to see him as a concerned daddy. He chuckled as he reached over to grab his phone muttering that I wasn’t making it any easier for him to stop. As he snapped his phone open my hands continued to send shivers along his body as they trailed along his skin. My lips fluttered over his neck, as well as his available ear and flitted around his lips as they moved.

His voice was gruff from the distractions that I was causing him as he all but barked into the phone, “What do anda want? Are they ok?” The scowl melted off his face at once as he rolled off of me- I could tell that our saat honeymoon had officially come to an end. His face remained serious for a moment and that was all it took to pull me out of my state of enrapture.
Was something wrong with our babies? I placed my hand on Jake’s cheek letting him know that if I were still part human I would be hyperventilating and if he knew what was good for him he had better clue me in. He waved me off as his somber expression melted into one of amusement.

“Alice, tell Nessie before she freaks out.”

“Already there!” I snarled as I grabbed the phone from my husband the strongest vampire hybrid in the world so roughly that he cowered back.


“Sorry,” I hissed as I wasted no time in putting the phone to my ear.

“Aunt Alice what’s wrong?” I heard what sounded like a dozen angry growls in the background and felt my hati, tengah-tengah sink. Why had I agreed to come here so selfishly leaving my poor innocent, helpless babies? God help whoever was growling like that in the backdrop I would kill them if they harmed one hair on my babies’ heads…

“Sorry to ahem… interrupt. Relax there’s nothing wrong per say…” I could hear my aunt Rosalie in the background.

“Nothing WRONG? anda are joking right? Tell the mongrel to get back here NOW!”

Aunt Alice sighed in exasperation, “Rose stop being such a drama Queen I know anda can’t help it but… hei STOP THEM THOSE ARE MY kegemaran MANOLOS!!!!” The phone dropped to the floor and I panicked. Overhearing my aunts, Jake started cracking up and I shot him a murderous glare.

“How can anda be LAUGHING right now?” I turned my back to him in anger and concentrated on getting my aunt back on the phone. “AUNT ALICE!” I screeched. Moments later she came back. “SPEAK. NOW. What happened are the Bayi alright?” I could hear the unease in her voice as she held back on telling me all at once.

“Ok Nessie, sit down. Don’t freak out…it’s not anything horrible… it’s just well… kind of strange. We need lebih hands…”
Her voice started to drop in volume and rise in speed making it so that had I not had highly sensitive vampiric hearing I would have missed the whole thing.“Ok, so first of all they kind of grew more… they look like 3 bulan olds…”

“WHAT?!” They were only a couple of days old. I don’t think that even I grew that quickly. My hati, tengah-tengah sank and I looked over to see Jake’s worried face reflecting my own concern in that matter. He rubbed my hand gently trying to reassure me. Aunt Alice continued much to my dismay.

“There’s more… anda know how your Bayi are part serigala, wolf like their father? Well apparently they are A LOT of wolf… they have all phased and are running around the house and they can all communicate through Sarah and none of us know what they are up to since they are talking behind our backs. Your father and Carlisle are at the hospital working. We called your father and told him to come utama so that he can at least try to clue us in as to what they are thinking. I don’t think that they know how to phase back and they aren’t listening to Seth and Leah. I was going to call Sam but I don’t want to put him in danger. We are kind of outnumbered. Nahuel, Amore, your mother and Jazz are out hunting. I called him though he is on his way back so that we can try to calm them because Seth explained that it’s easier to phase back when anda are calm. Seth and Leah have phased and are running around the house trying to herd them atau something but I think that it is scaring them lebih than anything.”

I heard something shatter and Aunt Alice groaned as Uncle Emmett wailed, “NOOOOO not the TV!”

Aunt Alice sighed, “SETH, LEAH JUST PHASE BACK IT’S NOT WORKING!” She came back to the conversation. “So anywhoo as I was saying…we are totally overthrown sejak your pups… Em has two of them biting at his ankles Rose is chasing another one, Esme is trying to keep three of them out of the dining room and so we were kind of hoping that Jake could come back and tell-”

“We will be there as soon as possible.” As I snapped the phone shut I heard a crash and then my grandmother moan, “No! I have had that Vase for almost a century Carlisle bought it for me…”

Jake continued to look at me with his goofy grin and his eyes lit up mischievously. “I would hate for anda to have to suffer through your newfound urges… I think that they can hold down the fort for a few moments longer, this is the sweetest revenge I could have ever had against Blondie she has two packs running around her precious house.” He moved in and started Ciuman my neck. I tensed my body up and tried to alih away from him before my feeble will gave way to my overpowering desires.

“No Jacob, we need to get back there…”

“Aw, a houseful of Vampires and vamp-wolf hybrids can’t handle six babies?”

I snorted in laughter at the image as I brought my lips to his. I spoke between kisses as I mused, “Well they already broke the TV; I wonder how long it will take them to find the garage.”

That did it.

As if I had dumped a bucket of cold water on him, he broke away from me and started packing up at the thought of his out of control children harming his most defenseless baby…his Ducati.

I grinned, “I thought that anda weren’t concerned…you know? The family can handle it?”

He looked visibly shaken, “Why take any chances.” He pulled me to his side and kissed me sweetly. “We will take another trip like this soon princess, I promise.”

My phone rang again I picked it up to find my aunt on the line again.

“Oh no anda won’t! Free babysitting is over until they aren’t toddlers anymore so I hope anda enjoyed it.” She vowed before hanging up quickly as I could hear the shouting in the background. Jake and I burst into laughter as he grabbed my hand and we ran back to our children not knowing what to expect when we got there- but I did know that no matter what we would be facing it together.
posted by renesmeblack
Okay, for all of anda who got confused, Edward was having a strange daydream nightmare. Then he returned to Forks to spy on Bella. Bella's still human, Jacob's not a werewolf YET, and Victoria is closer than we all think. Well, except for me. Hee hee! Now we're looking at Edward as he hides a selamat, peti deposit keselamatan distance from Bella as she sleeps.


Bella ran straight to her room, eyes full of tears. She cried into her pillow, whispering Jacob's name every few seconds. What did he do?!!!
Charlie never entered the room, so he must've seen the tears.

Bella was asleep. I hid under her bed. It was...
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posted by renesmeblack

Renesmee stormed out of the car and headed towards the house I drove us to. That's after she tried to take a bite out of my hand. She's really pissed. I'm scared she might divorce. Aw, not even one whole hari of my dreams coming true!
Renesmee screamed. I got out of the car and ran towards the house. There she was, kicking at a large Doberman. There was blood flowing down her arm. I phased- we were in La Push, for Pete's sake!- and growled at the now-puny dog. It's head was a third as big as my paw. The Doberman whimpered and scurried off. I phased again and ran to Renesmee. She was crying,...
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posted by twilight-7
Guys, I know these are coming out like nearly weeks apart but you'll happy to know that my last exam is tomorrow and I can dedicate like the seterusnya 10 atau so weeks dedicated to Penulisan only for anda guys. Woop! I would also like to thank anda for being so patient anda are all wonderful!
So here it is, Chapter 27.

Kayla’s POV

I woke up to darkness. At first I was scared. The darkness meant the cell and the cell meant Loren had kidnapped me and the kidnapping meant I was going to die. So I screamed. I screamed because of all the fear and anger in me. I had thought I had escaped. That I was free from...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

I couldn't resist Jacob. I never could, so when he used his head to give me a serigala, wolf hug, I suddenly forgot all about what I was ranting about.

I wasn't aware of time passing, so it sort of shocked me when I started feeling tired. Jacob nudged me inside and all I remebered was hitting the sofa, kerusi panjang before I practically passed out.

* * *

When I woke up, I was resting against Jacob's bare chest. The sun had barely risen, but I'd woken up anyway. Maybe because I'd fallen asleep so early yesterday.

Anyway, Jacob refused to budge, so I contented myself with tracing patterns of his forearm.

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posted by renesmeblack
Hey, I'm typing away at utama while my dad takes Mom on an extensive trip to France! Jacob could hardly contain his excitement! Seriously, He's burst into a dog three times- oh, not again Jake! Four times. Anyways, whenever my parents are out, my dad posts up a senarai of rules. Here's what he wrote.

your mom and I are going to France. Do not take advantage of this with Jacob. Tell Alice where you're going, and DON'T go to La Push. Watch for bears, and don't go anywhere near the hunting zone. No Friends over later than 10:00PM unless it's Jacob(even then don't try anything funny.). Jacob is not allowed on your bed(and I don't care if he's in dog form.). Alice will come over to check in on anda regularly, but call her if anda need help.


Ugh. As if Jake and I would do anything stupid. I think Jake was planning on that, though. Well, I hear Jake break something upstairs. I'm gonna see what he's up to. Later!
After Bella married the vampire Edward, she became pregnant with their daughter. Sam, after finding out about this, decided to lead an unprovoked attack to kill Bella and the baby. Jacob and Seth, however, refused to follow Sam on this, and broke away from the pack to aid the Cullens. Leah, despite her dislike of vampires, decides to sertai them so that she can protect her brother and get away from Sam. Her choice actually hurts Sam, who sends a messenger to try to persuade her to come back to his pack. She wants to remain in Jacob's pack until she can stop being a werewolf, and despite the initial...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

As I placed Renesmee's hand in Jacob's, whispered to me, "Thank you."

That took me sejak surprise. As I took my kerusi, tempat duduk seterusnya Bella, she whispered, too low for the surrounding humans to hear, that she was proud of me.

When it was over, I was convinced myself and Bella had had a less melodramatic ceremony than this. Then again, perhaps it had been even lebih so.

Alice had gone over-the-top with decorations, not that Renesmee minded. She was unlike Bella in that way. When it was my turn to dance with her, she whispered, "You'll still be my dad."

Again with the dramatics.

When it was Bella's turn, she let me see her thoughts. A special gift. I enjoyed hearing her thoughts.

"This bothers anda lebih than you're letting on, Edward. Relax, let it go. She'll be fine," Bella said.
"You know me so well," I grinned at her before Emmett claimed her and I was forced to dance with Rosalie.
Chapter 37: Sacrifices of the hati, tengah-tengah (Jacob’s POV)

“Renesmee!” I growled as I tried to break free of the power that the little Volturi vampire had over me but it was no use. I watched in horror as Seth lay crumpled on the ground, and Renesmee and Amore were out of my reach. I closed my eyes and in my mind I shouted, “Edward where the hell are you!” I wished that I was in serigala, wolf form so that I could call for Leah, and Sam’s pack. Yet part of me was secretly glad that I couldn’t involve them, it would have been a senseless massacre. We couldn’t beat them alone not with Jane and Alec’s...
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posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 33: the Babysitter

I woke up slowly and when I noticed I wasn’t in my katil I was slightly alarmed. I looked
around as my eyes opened lebih and remembered that I was in Jake’s room. I smiled as I noticed the picture of us from my birthday party that he had on his nightstand. “How cute,” I thought to myself. There was a knock at the door and I looked up to see Jake fully dressed and showered, “morning princess.” He berkata he held two cups of coffee in his hand I smiled at him and then I remembered what happened last night. I had made a total fool out of myself in front of him....
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When a hari is berkata and done,
In the middle of the night and youre fast asleep, my love.
Stay awake looking at your beauty,
Telling myself im the luckiest man alive.
Cause so many times i was certain anda was gonna walk out of my life.
Why anda take such a hold of me girl,
When im still trying to get my act right.

What is the reason, when anda really could have any man anda want,
I dont see, what i have to offer.
I shouldve been a [season], guess anda could see i had potential.
Do anda know youre my miracle?

Im like a statue, stuck staring right at you,
Got me...
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posted by twilight-7
Guys, three at once! My exams are starting to come too close together for me! Maths and English one after the other! EEK! So, just before I begin the long weekend of revising I've decided to post these three chapters to keep anda busy. I promise to write lebih for seterusnya weeked because I have a week off! Yay! Lol, enjoy!

Kayla’s POV

I felt dazed and disorientated. It was dark but not just normal dark. It was total darkness. Not a hint of light anywhere. I was lying down on cold hard stone and when I sat up I heard the clink of chains. I shook my left arm and chains rattled in the darkness. I was...
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Chapter 26: The api, kebakaran Within

As the flames engulfed my entire body I was surrounded sejak darkness. “Am I dead” I wondered to myself. Then the realization came to me that if I was dead this must be hell. There are no other words to explain the level of pain that I was experiencing. Every single cell in my body felt as though it had been dipped in acid. As the pulsating pain in one part of my body would lessen it would spread and then intensify to another area. My body writhed with the invisible api, kebakaran that consumed me whole. I didn’t know where I was atau what had lead to this, I couldn’t remember...
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enjoy ^_^

Bella's pov

We were at the house in a quick time and I noticed that Mason fell asleep in Edward’s arms. I opened the door and Edward walked gently to Mason’s room and laid him down on his bed. I waited till Edward came out of Mason’s room and I gave him a smile before I entered our bedroom, not a saat later he was behind me and closed the door. I was on my way to the bedroom when he fearfully grabbed my hand and pulled myself towards him, I had no time to react atau his lips were already on mine.
He kissed me so strong and so sensational that my body started to go in overdrive,...
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posted by mikaela_isabela
HEYYY!!! sorry it took so long guys, i Lost my hard-drive, and i have been freaking out!!! so i found it, but i had so many requests to write one that it's a little short...sorry, but enjoy!!!

We were all Frozen for about two thirds of second. Thai, Nate and Ben moved to the cliff’s edge to stand Thackery’s flanks. I moved to the front of the Cullen’s and the Quileute’s.
“Can anda find your own way back to the car?” I asked panicked, fear coursing through every cell in my body.
“But wh-?” Carlisle started, but another tremor ran through the cliff again.
“You guys have to get out...
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posted by just_bella
I berkata I wasn't going to write anymore today...well I think I berkata I wasn't going to write at all today. Well here I am Penulisan the seterusnya Emmett story. Thanks to everyone who loves this as much as I do. FYI there won't be anything new probably until Friday, have to work. Thanks guys/gals, oh and special thanks to TwilightGGlost, anda helped me decide to write this...hope people like...please comment!!

Last time:
I managed to open my mouth and when I did a scream escaped. It was the sound that had been building through the fire, to the pins and now to the numbness that was taking over my whole being....
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posted by just_bella
Ok I wasn't sure I was gonna get this up this fast but people asked and hei I'll do it if people ask...well usually!! Hehe..ok here we go.


"Rosalie, anda have done everything anda could. This young man is very strong and we need to be patient." Carlisle's voice berkata as footsteps announced that he was getting closer.

"See, his wounds are starting to heal." He berkata softly.

I heard Rosalie take a deep breath in and exhale loudly. I would imagine that she was smiling right now, I was still too afraid to open my eyes to look and find out for sure.

"Let him rest, we've done all we can. It will...
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Sorry about it taking so long i was busy and i was having a huge writers block.

I woke up to the smell of breakfast down stairs, but I wasn’t sure if it was really made atau if Jacob had tried to kill my dapur down stairs. I grabbed my jubah mandi, jubah and ran down the stairs faster then a normal human could. “Jacob Black what have anda done to my…” He turned around wearing my new apron and had bunga all over his face. But my dapur was spotless and my Jacob was covered in food. “I tried to keep it clean so anda wouldn’t die when anda came down stairs.” Jacob told me while whipping the...
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Chapter 5: First hari Blues (Back to Renesmee’s P.O.V)

I walked through the door of my first class at Forks High, Biology. My stomach was in a knot the excited conversations turned into quiet whispers that my classmates thought I couldn’t hear. “She’s so pale! Did anda see her car?! Who was that guy that came to school with her and where is he?” Those were the female whispers the male contribution was even lebih disturbing, “She’s hot! I’m going to ask her to the homecoming dance.” Mr. Banner, my teacher called me over to his meja I cringed I was afraid of this. Why can’t teachers...
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posted by lovethecullens
“Just try to keep an open mind, I swear anda are as bad as your mother zero fashion sense, and all the time that I have spent teaching anda how to dress… are anda even listening to me??” my aunt Alice grumbled as she rolled her eyes at me. Apparently my selection for my first hari of high school wasn’t nearly good enough. I pulled myself in from my daydreams and let out a sigh of surrender to my most annoying yet kegemaran aunt. “Ok, ok I am waving the white flag, do with me what anda will, if it means we will be done here!”
“Nessie is your Aunt playing dress up again?” My mother...
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posted by ktbminnie12
Sorry it's so short!!!!

Edward’s POV

    It’s been four months and still no trace of Bella. I was starting to get scared. If she’s dead, I’ll die of hati, tengah-tengah break.
    I can’t take it anymore. It’s too hard.
    We were somewhere in Alaska. We would be going back to Forks in a few days to start over. It’s all my fault Bella’s gone. I should have never left her at that party.
    If I ever get her back, I will never leave her side. I’m not even leaving her when she has to go to the bathroom. I will never...
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