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posted by justjill
Sadly I did not type this but I found this very cute! :3 (Waltermis fan)Sorry a bit late for christmas... XD

“It’s the most beautiful time of the year
Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer
I should be playing in the winter snow
But Imma be under the mistletoe.”

Everyone’s heads were bent over, staring at the last decoration in the bottom of the box. Wally’s and Artemis’s expressions were akin to expecting the object to explode at any minute. Robin and Zatanna looked highly amused. Kaldur appeared confused, Conner bored, and Megan ecstatically delighted with the prospect of all the happy situations the object would bring.


The present situation the team found themselves in was brought about sejak Red Tornado and Kaldur spending the afternoon sifting through storage room boxes. Kaldur had come across several large containers marked “Christmas Decorations,” and Red Tornado explained that the Justice League would decorate Mount Justice every tahun with the festive ornaments right after Thanksgiving.

Kaldur, thinking that it would be a fun team activity, moved the boxes downstairs to the common room for them to open later. As it turned out, his suggestion was greeted with unanimous success. Even Superboy, who usually met such ideas with taciturn stiffness and an eye roll, seemed to enjoy himself as he and serigala, wolf dragged in a large fir pokok from the nearby woods.

Zatanna and, to everyone’s surprise, Red Arrow both stopped sejak the cave to assist the team. Initially, Artemis and Roy had to be separated on opposite ends of the room to decorate, but with a little egging on from Roy, Artemis pulled out her crossbow and expertly pinned up boughs of garland and holly he casually tossed up. His face may have been scowling, but Aqualad could see he was impressed, especially when she made several of the shots without looking. After anchoring the twenty foot pokok with Wally, Roy’s com went off, and the archer took the seterusnya zeta tube out to bintang City.

Megan went crazy with the twinkle lights, stringing them in elegant loops from one side of the living room to the other and even framing the entrances to the dapur and the zeta tubes with the strands. Artemis and Roy had put up all the garland, so the team eagerly dug into to the box filled with ornaments for the tree.

Robin and Zatanna sat on Kaldur’s and Conner’s shoulders to hang the multi-colored orbs on the taller branches, gradually making it into a game to see who could suspend the most ornaments in the least amount of time. When Zatanna used magic to give her and Kaldur an edge, all bets were off, and Batarangs went flying.

They were so involved in the pokok decorating war that they failed to halt the argument between Wally and Artemis over putting up the tinsel. Artemis wanted to wait until after all the ornaments were in place; Wally wanted to drape the mirror-like strands across the branches right away. The disagreement continued to escalate until Wally, utilizing his super speed, took all the tinsel and wrapped it around Artemis.

The archer saw a blur of movement before finding a shiny streamer blocking her eye. Blowing it back, her jaw dropped at the mess of silver that encased her from head to toe. Wally stood a good ten feet away, looking infuriatingly smug for someone who had just signed his own death warrant.

“You’re a dead man, Kid,” was all the warning Wally received before Artemis was chasing him down, crossbow in hand.

Black Canary dropped by, expecting to increase training time now that her students were on break from school. She arrived at the cave and stood seterusnya to Red Tornado, who seemed to be watching the scene unfold with an odd parental serenity.

M’gann was laughing and hovering over the Krismas tree, ensuring that it and its decorations didn’t fall down and crash into the floor in light of the all-out battle now taking place between Team Zatanna/Aqualad and Team Robin/Superboy. Aqualad focused on blocking Superboy’s attacks and tossed objects while Zatanna used her magic to transform Robin’s batarangs into all manner of interesting items. So far, they had been changed into eight pir trees (complete with their own partridges), four calling birds, a handful of French hens, and two penyu doves that were currently caught between a cornered Kid Flash and an irate Artemis.

Black Canary didn’t really have the hati, tengah-tengah to interrupt, so she silently strode toward the arena, intent on updating everyone’s training regimes.

Eventually, the seven teens collapsed on the sofas, tired but still laughing from the day’s events. All the birds had been released outside, almost all the tinsel was removed from Artemis’s hair, and Zatanna, in the spirit of the season, transformed the pir trees into eight stockings with everyone’s name in a loopy scrawl, including Red Tornado’s.

M’gann mentally moved the last box toward her, peering down into its depths. “Hey, it looks like we missed a decoration!”

Everyone peered over the cardboard edges. “Is that—“

“Mistletoe!” M’gann exclaimed delightedly. “Who wants to help me put it up?” she asked, ignoring the mixed looks of horror and indifference from the older teens, turning to her younger teammates instead.

Hence, the current awkward predicament.

Zatanna, bless her heart, stepped up to the plate. “Tell anda what, I’ll hang it up somewhere, and everyone else can have fun figuring out where I put it.”

Before anyone could protest, the young magician chanted some unintelligible Latin phrase, and the Cave was full of Zatanna copies darting here and there. The team was only aware of her completed mission when the transporter announced her departure.

“Don’t have too much fun while I’m gone,” she taunted, laughing before a burst of light enveloped her.

Two days later, Kaldur and M’gann found the sprig dangling above the ring in which they were currently sparring. Kaldur was the first to notice the Krismas decoration, and he paused the match to point it out to the martian.

“Oooh…You know what this means, right?” she asked the Atlantian.

Kaldur did not have the chance to respond before M’gann pecked him lightly on the cheek. “Gotta Cinta earth traditions.”

“We should probably alih it somewhere less…distracting,” Kaldur mumbled, hiding a smile.

“I guess it could negatively affect our training,” the Martian agreed, flying up to remove the plant. She turned to her sparring partner, a mischievous grin making its way across her face. “So, where should we hang it next?”


It became something of a game to the team. The minit the seterusnya two victims had succumbed to the inevitable magnetism of the parasitic plant, they hid it in a new location so their successors couldn’t avoid it. Most of the time it was a public discovery, and the rest of the team watched unabashedly as the poor souls gave in to the unavoidable ritual.

Robin and Artemis had been caught under the mistletoe in the gym, and Robin had telah diberi the archer a rather gentlemanly Ciuman on the bahagian, atas of her hand.

Black Canary, Aqualad, and Superboy had all stood under it unknowingly in the doorway leading to the sparring arena. Both boys gave their mentor small synchronized kisses on her cheeks, but not quickly enough to avoid Robin snapping a foto of it from his camera phone.

Zatanna and Robin discovered it looming overhead their sofa, kerusi panjang during a movie night. Robin went for her cheek, but Zatanna went in for the kill, causing Robin to blush at the memory for the seterusnya week anytime it was brought up.

Wally found himself under the mistletoe sitting in between both Artemis and Zatanna on the dapur barstools. Robin laughed at his best friend’s priceless expression when both girls gave him resounding simultaneous smooches on his cheekbones.

Red Arrow, to the surprise of everyone including Artemis, simply rolled his eyes and deemed it a necessary evil to participate in the stupid tradition sejak planting one on Artemis’s forehead when they had been caught underneath. He didn’t stop sejak the Cave much after that incident, stating he’d be back after New Year’s.

Superboy and Miss Martian seemed to have a penchant for finding the love-inducing decoration throughout the cave, including the hanger entrance, the hallway to the bedrooms, outside the kitchen, etc. The team finally had to make a ground rule that they weren’t allowed to hang up the mistletoe together anymore.

sejak far, the team’s kegemaran mistletoe occurrence was between Black Canary and Red Tornado in the debriefing room.

Kid Flash flitted through the room in passing, running away from Artemis for some reason atau the other, but not before pausing to say, “Huh, so that’s where it went.”

Artemis, Robin, and Aqualad happened to enter the room at that moment, bearing witness to Black Canary grabbing Red Tornado’s shoulders and Ciuman him right on the mouth. For the rest of the afternoon, no one had the hati, tengah-tengah to tell the robot that he still had red lipstick smudges on his face.


Robin was only slightly disappointed in the romantic powers of the mistletoe, whose whereabouts were currently unknown, and he confessed as much to Zatanna a few days before Christmas.

“You’d think that they would have at least kissed sejak now, what with how long it’s been up and how many opportunities they’ve had,” he told the magician, who was currently hiding out with the Boy Wonder in an air vent overlooking the debriefing room.

“You know, they check the room before entering if they see each other coming,” Zatanna informed him, pulling a peppermint stick out of her mouth.

“What?!” Robin winced as his exclamation echoed off the metal walls. Definitely not covert.

“Yep,” Zatanna popped the “p”. “Artemis only kissed him with me that one hari because I didn’t give her time to scout out the room.”

“She’s almost as paranoid as Batman,” Robin mused, looking down at the empty room through slits in the vent. He let out a sigh. “I don’t understand; we’ve hung it up in every possible location where they would stand together.”

“True,” the magician agreed, swinging her legs around to a lebih comfortable position. “Unfortunately, there’s always someone else under it first.”

Robin ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated. “I just thought that maybe it would help them get through this denial that they’re both adamantly sticking to.”

“Hey,” she placed a hand on his shoulder, “Don’t beat yourself up. It was all in good fun, right? There’s still a few lebih days until Christmas, so anda never know. And we could probably get away with leaving it up until New Year’s.”

Robin sighed again. Zatanna, seeking to get her friend out of his funk, thought of something she was sure would cheer him up. “Wanna change Red Arrow’s zeta tube announcement back to Speedy?”

Her grin was infectious, and Robin found himself smiling back. “Yeah, we can access the panel down this side shaft…”


Krismas Eve dawned with a fresh blanket of snow outside. The team spent the majority of the hari outdoors, making snow angels, building ice forts and having snowball wars until chattering teeth and frostbitten noses could no longer be ignored. It was dusk when they finally trudged inside, hanging up sopping gloves, hats, and scarves in exchange for mugs of hot chocolate. Quilts and pillows were distributed as everyone squished around the Televisyen for a Krismas movie marathon, getting up for occasional popcorn refills atau to distribute lebih steaming cocoa.

Stories of Krismas traditions interspersed with laughing created an atmosphere of true merriment. Between the lull of the Televisyen and the gradual dimming of the cinnamon candles, the sleepy teenagers slowly made their way to bed.

Everyone had come for Superboy’s and M’gann’s first Christmas, and Artemis generously allowed Zatanna to bunk with her for the night. It was decided that they would all head back to share Krismas morning with their families after exchanging gifts at Mount Justice.

The twinkling lights overhead and draped around the pokok were left on to greet the silence, casting ever-changing shadows across the walls of the mountain. They glowed in the peaceful quiet, the tranquility of the situation broken only sejak Artemis trekking downstairs to the dapur at one in the morning.

Her head was inside the fridge, searching for a container Kid Flash hadn’t put his mouth directly on, when a voice startled her out of her search.

“Couldn’t sleep?”

Artemis whipped her head out of the fridge so quickly it made her dizzy. There, clad in flannel pajama pants and an old white t-shirt stood Wally, arms crossed, hair disheveled, faint beginnings of a smile ghosting across his lips. He was leaning on the counter seterusnya to the stove. Artemis wondered how he snuck up on her so easily.

“No,” she replied, turning back to the task at hand and ignoring the way he stood behind her, opening the appliance door wider to peer inside too.

“I didn’t drink from the minuman telur kopyok carton, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

“Yeah, actually. Thanks,” she told him, grabbing the beverage before ducking underneath his arm. “Do anda want some?” Her civility toward the speedster surprised them both.

“Umm… sure,” came Wally’s disbelieving reply as he closed the fridge, opting instead to eat one of M’gann’s homemade Krismas cookies, biskut overflowing from several platters on the counter.

Artemis poured them each a mug before putting the carton away.

“Cheers,” Wally toasted, clacking his mug into hers.

“Merry Christmas.” She smiled, taking a sip of the sweet concoction.

“It’s Krismas already?” Wally asked, glancing down at his watch. “Huh, I guess so.” He returned the archer’s smile over his cup. “Merry Christmas, Artemis.”

They leaned against the counter in contented silence, watching the lights flash across the pokok and drinking their eggnog.

Wally downed the rest in one long gulp, setting his mug seterusnya to hers and turning to the archer with an eggnog-moustache across his upper lip. “Want another cup?”

She turned toward him, a matching moustache of her own. “Sure.”

He stood seterusnya to her under the refrigerator and was about to retrieve the carton when he heard her gasp.

“Wha—” he followed her line of sight above his head. There, in all its festive, kiss-stealing glory, hung the mistletoe.

“Who put that there?” Wally whispered.

“I put it on the Krismas pokok after Ciuman Kaldur,” Artemis whispered back, not daring to believe what was about to happen. “We were the last two people…” Her voice trailed off.

“Who moved it, I wonder…” Green eyes met gray.

“Does it matter?” Artemis murmured, unconsciously taking a step toward the red head.

“No,” he breathed, matching her step for step until they met directly under the green sprig.

She sighed. “It’s just a stupid tradition, right?” Her eyes never left his, betraying her uncertainty that she thought it was anything but stupid.

“Right.” His eyes traveled from hers down to her mouth, faint traces of the beverage moustache still present, “It’s tradition.” They weren’t convincing anyone, least of all themselves.

But the moment his lips met hers, it didn’t matter.

Wally kissed away the remaining eggnog, relishing the spicy essence on his tongue. Her mouth was hot on his, and it came with its own exotic blend of flavors. Combining that with the delectable beverage that they both consumed that sent his thoughts careening toward oblivion, like an unbound function reaching toward infinity. She tasted like Christmas, and Ciuman her, listening to the velvety moans she made as he deepened the lip lock, was quite possibly the best present. Ever.

Artemis Lost the ability to string two coherent thoughts together when Wally pulled her close, one arm secured around her waist, the other cupping her face, passing it occasionally through the loose tendrils of her hair. He smelled like the cinnamon candles mingled with popcorn and a last, trace pine needle musk that was distinctive of the speedster all tahun round. It was just like coming utama on Christmas, only to a utama Artemis had never known.


No one saw the scene unfold—save for an old, bearded man in a red suit and two young teens. The young boy, rubbing sleep out of his eyes, silently joined the robust fellow.

“I knew anda were awake, Dick,” the old man told his younger counterpart, smiling fondly.

“The minit anda turned off the motion sensors, I set a silent alarm to wake me,” Robin informed him.

“Ah, sharp as ever, I see. Well, are anda both happy now?”

“Both?” came Robin’s confused reply.

The man took a step back, revealing Zatanna standing on his other side. Robin was grateful he thought to wear his sunglasses.

“Sorry, I followed Artemis downstairs for a glass of water,” the magician told Robin sheepishly, hugging her jubah lebih tightly to her chest. “But Wally got there before I did, and I didn’t want to interrupt, especially not after St. Nick here moved the mistletoe.”

“Wait—you were the one to put it above the refrigerator?” Robin questioned. The old man’s smile never faltered. Robin hit his head in an excellent “Hello, Megan!” impression. “Genius,” he told the elderly man.

“Well, anda youngsters better get back to katil so I can leave goodies for anda under the tree,” Santa winked at both teenagers, hitching his red velvet bag over his shoulder.

“Wait—wasn’t this our Krismas gift?” Zatanna gestured to the two teens in the kitchen, oblivious to anything but each other at the moment.

“Oh ho ho ho!” he laughed, clutching his stomach. “No, this wasn’t your Krismas wish I answered.” His eyes sparkled with mischief. “It was theirs.”
posted by Robin_Love
Jade was crying her hati, tengah-tengah out. Never had she felt so lost. She had hurt her sisters, she had tormented herself, and she was aching for something she knew she could never have. Jade got off her bed, pulling the gun from underneath. She held it to her head and was about to pull the trigger. But a voice stopped her. “Stop! Don't....please don't....”
“Why not?!” Jade yelled.
“Tell him....he needs to know....”
“Know what?!”
“That anda Cinta him....”
“How-how do anda know that?”
“I know because I feel the same way. I Cinta him too.”
“Y-you do?”
“Yes. Very much so.”
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Tears ran down Willows cheek as her mother rubbed a warm towel over her head, " are anda sure that i am having another baby..?" Willow asked as tears escaped her eyes, the female doctor nodded, " the hospital is to faraway to get there in time, so anda will have to deliver here" the doctor said, Willow let her head fall back and tears began pouring down her cheeks, " before i give anda the spinal pills, i need to ask anda some questions, perhaps only some ladies would feel comfortable answering with no men present" she berkata and turned to Wally, Wally looked at her and rolled her eyes and was on...
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" Im sorry Willow but the wedding must continue atau a war will begin..... your father would want anda to do what is best for your life and Gregory's life" Annabeth ( Willows mother said) holding and rocking the baby so that he was sleeping, " but mother i have mated with another, and anda and father told m-", " we told anda whats allowed but they want your marraige to be final, we have tried other things sejak asking what they want and all they want is you.... im sorry", her mother gave the baby back to Wally, " so your just going to give me up to the enemy! i am your daughter for goodness sake and...
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posted by Robin_Love
For those who don't know much/anything about MARVEL comics:

Speed:A speedster who can go at mach 5, vibrate through any object, which causes that object to explode.

Hawkeye:A natural born archer, Hawkeye has all kinds of trick arrows and never misses her target. She is also an excellent swordsman, and hand-to-hand fighter.

Wiccan:A warlock who's powers have reached off the chart levels.

Hulkling: A strong shapeshifter from two different planets (hybrid of both).

Crystal:Immortal human who controls the elements.

Jean Grey:A mutant who posses Miss M's powers (minus shapeshifting) but at a higher degree.

If there are any I have forgotten, please let me know and I shall add them! TY!!
The pregnancy had been going alright but it had been about a bulan since " the night" and her stomach was now big, and it was getting hard to hide it so it looks like today was the hari to tell her father about her expectations, most nights if Wally could sneak out of his room and climb the vines, he sometimes could not becuase Willows father was keeping a close eye on Wally now because one time he found Wally in the morning sneaking out of Willows tower and most of the times guards were out and about now. So the nights when he did not come Willow would sometimes wait on her balcony for him...
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Willow woke up in the morning feeling sick to her stomach and immeadiatley ran to the bathroom in her room to throw up. Wally lied there asleep as she spent her time in the bathroom, Willow knew what they did last night and she was afraid of what the outcome was so she took out a testing stick and did what was necessary. she sat on the ground after scanning it and waiting for the answer but she heard a knock at the door it was Wally, " Willow are anda alright?.." he asked worried and tired voice, Willows stomach cramped and she berkata " yes.." in a voice filled with pain, " Willow somethings wrong...
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posted by KatRox1
Waking up sejak being thrown in a cage with my hands tied up wasn’t exactly the ideal way for me to wake up. I was laying on my side on the cold cage floor, and eventually squirmed my way up to leaning on the side of the age, sitting down. The room was dimly lit, but it was pretty easy to make out certain objects. In front of me there was a surgical table, a control board, and 7 different containment units. To my right were 2 other empty cages, and to my left was another cage. I screamed at the sight of what was in it, but then calmed down and sighed when I realized it was just Roy, still unconscious....
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posted by 66Dragons
I (being the impatient teen I am) have decided to go ahead and begin Penulisan short fanfictions based in my version of the Earth-16 world (with Revenge and Holly) but including your characters!

If anda want me to write a short (between 3 and 8 chapters long) fanfic with your characters, please message me your character and (if anda want) an idea about the story.


Stupid 'you need a longer article' hjhuiihbubuhguyuguhguhigihgiuggigihgiuhgiuggivgiughighuighuigiugighhigiuggiuhgiuggiuhgiugggiviuggigugihggiuigggigugiuggiugugigggguihgihgguighuigiughighuighgcyfftyrdyrxtdxtrxststerstrdrtyctfctfuvyugvhbihubuihoinojiokmoknoijnouihvuyctcyrdresersredxdrydtfctfvyvuihi
Willow and Becca felt something weird between them it was like... everytime they spent time away from eachother, with their boyfriends Wally and Robin they grew apart lebih and more. Willow sat up a bahagian, atas the mountain at night staring at the stars and constellations, they always intrested.. her, She didnt care how cold it was...or how dark it was, she just store up into the sky, wondering..wondering what it would be like to actually go up there and see whats its like instead of wonder..., she got startled when Wally sped up behind her and sat behind her holding her with a blanket around both of...
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" No! no!" Robin shouted as his charatcer in superhero brawl fell to the ground and died. Wally yelled and screamed in his victory, " I win i just pwned your noobs!!!", everyone started to grow tired of this, so everyone tried to beat him but lost, everyone except Red Arrow, he didnt really enjoy video games he just thought they were for little kids. Everyone asked Roy to try and beat Wally but he said, " I dont want to play stupid child games", but that all changed when Wally started making chicken noises at him. He grew angry at it, " fine but im warning anda once i kick your sorry butt to...
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posted by 66Dragons
Note: Reapers a little...loopy.

Chapter Three-

"Sarah, do anda have any idea who Reaper's seterusnya target is?" Revenge asked.

"No, searching for similarities in the deaths." Sarah replied.

Revenge stood on bahagian, atas of the Empire State Building, his cape flowing in the wind, rain streaming down his now water-proof mask.

Revenge thought over his past history with the villain. Reaper's first kill had been Sam's father. His saat alih had been to try to kill Superman, but he had harmed Vendicta instead. 

Revenge and Vendicta had battled Reaper for some time, and each time, Rose would be lebih harmed than Revenge....
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posted by Mclovin_69
Bullet gasped as he immeadiatley woke up and sat up clutching his stomach immeadiatley, he looked down at the pain to see goz wrapped around his waist, he rubbed his head then threw his hand back in pain and infront of him and realized his bahagian, atas part of his costume was off and his gloves, it had goz on it to and to him hurt lebih then ever. Bullet got up in pain off the suprisingly sandy ground, he got up and clutched his stomach again, he never knew being stabbed multiple times could hurt so much, but he was wondering lebih about where he was, was he dead?, did that explosion kil him?. He was...
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posted by Skittles98
“I don’t know, Artemis. It’s just not my style…” I started away
“I didn’t want to half to do this, but anda leave me no choice” she took a deep breath “If anda don’t stay, I will tell Wally the real reason anda left is because anda are hopelessly in Cinta with him and anda couldn’t bare the thought of seeing him get hurt on a mission” I stopped dead in my tracks.
“You wouldn’t” I said, turning back to her.
“I would” she nodded
“You’re bluffing” I smirked
“Oh really?” she asked with a smirk “Wally!” she yelled loudly. He came running.
“What?!” he demanded...
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posted by Skittles98
“I am Vixen, Ex-“
“Yeah, yeah, we know, you’re Vixen, ex-member of the League of Shadows since anda blew up their HQ, she’s Eagle, ex-member of the League of Shadows since she helped vixen escape and she’s Lioness, ex-member of the League of Shadows since she went against her master and helped vixen escape with Eagle” the Wally rolled his eyes
“Was that really necessary?” I asked. I was starting to dislike this boy.
“Can we just get on with the questions?” he sighed. I rolled my eyes.
“We are from Manhattan, Maine and San Francisco. Some places we are known for visiting...
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posted by Mclovin_69
It was the middle of the night, Sound Barrier still and Dream Catcher still having a huge headache decided to stay for antoher night, though she had trouble sleeping. She tossed and turned the nightmares kept coming back, the dreams of another sick minded person that kept having doubts, and sadness that for some reason happened to go to her, and she could see all the misery in that mind, in that dream. The dreams got even lebih scarier and she opened her eyes and sat up and screamed, tears began to form.


Andrew sat up and awoke at the scream he...
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posted by YJTTFAN

He was in the training room when he heard it for the first time.

Robin was already at the punching bag, looking for all the world like he was about to punch a hole right through the nylon shell. The stereo was blasting some song—it was foreign to Conner, but that was to be expected. No, what surprised him was the fact Robin was Singing along.

Now, Conner didn't know a whole lot about music, but he knew that Rebecca Black and Justin Bieber should never be mentioned if he wanted to preserve his sanity, and that Wally's singing, as Artemis said, "sounds like something crawled up his ass,...
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posted by YJTTFAN
The team was out for blood.

Every ounce of Robin's stealth training would be needed for this moment.

All he needed to do was get to his motorcycle and he'd be utama free.

He stood shielded sejak a corner in the dinding and eyed his target: the main doors where his motorcycle would be. Keep yourself together Grayson, anda got this.

He sprinted for the doors but froze when he heard Wally yell from the other end of the building-"He's over here guys!"

SHIT. Keep Running! anda might make it!

He was just about to reach the doors when a speedster in his civvies blocked the way.

"Rob! We've been looking everywhere...
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posted by 66Dragons
Sarah was surprised to see Sam inside the elevator. He walked out, cape, suit, tali pinggang still attached, but his mask off. He walked over and looked at Sarah.

"Is there some boring assignment I can do?" he asked.

Sarah looked at him for a moment. "Talk." she said.

Revenge sighed and sat on the desk. "It's Holly. I'm worried about her."

"Why? Because she might get kicked out of this Team anda guys are on?"

"No, because she's my partner."

Sarah's looks turned compassionate. She placed her hand on Sam's knee. "None of what happened was your fault." she said.

"It is." Sam said. "If I had been better, Rose wouldn't...
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posted by DaPeople316
We all raced into the mission room were Batman was standing.
A few minit later we were on the bio ship heading to the injustice league head courters.
"Michael, max fly around and scout the area." kalder ordered.
Megan opened a hatch and we jumped out. I opened my wings and flew over seterusnya to max. We flew over forest and lakes with the bio ship a couple miles back.
The building was pretty hard to miss and it being the only building in the area it was obvious it was the injustice league head quarters.
With our part done we headed back to the bio ship.
"Did anda see any thing?" kalder asked.
"No." I...
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"It is a wonderful night to make a living weapon, Mr. Striker sir" berkata Predictor. "yes it is, hang on what is it commander?" barked william down the walkie-talkie. "The alpha team is placed around the mansion all security has been cut off everything is ready to go!" explained the commander. "It better atau Saber tooth can have your head, out!"

At the village square snow began to fall in the moon light and made evrything it touched sparkle. The village was buzzing as there was going to be a new arrival, there first triplets in the village! The Krismas lights flashed around the town as a the...
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