1."STUPID NATURE FREAKS!!!Just give me a couple of porkchops atau a live cow,and stay out of my life!"cried Grover.
2."I AM AN IDIOT!I am so dim-witted and inferior to you!I bow down to your great intelligiance!I DEMAND A WEDGIE FROM YOUR SERVANTS!!!"cried Annabeth bowing down to Percy,and the entire Hermes cabin.
3."I wish I was lebih like Nico,he's so Emo and cool! "said Percy.
4."Oh Poseidon,I am unworthy to be in your presence!"cried Athena.
5.Tyson sat sejak the Poseidon kabin Membaca a book with Einstein on the cover,"Hmm,what does p equal?"He wondered.
6."Stupid stuck up "heroes",I mean,you always...
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