Shameless (US) My hopes for season 7

Jackiev1993 posted on Jul 26, 2016 at 04:44AM
I'm really hoping and praying for ian and mickey to get
Back together in season 7. I understand that they
Temporarily wrote off Mickey since noel fisher started
Shooting another show, but certain clues from season 6
And rumors about season 7 lead me to believe there's a
Big chance we've yet to see the last of Ian and mickey.
First off, in season 6, Mickey and Svetlana get divorced,
Making mickey a free man. Secondly, I've heard rumors
That Ian's new boyfriend, Caleb, is being unfaithful with a
Woman. I can see ian running to mickey for comfort and
Support. One last clue before I continue... it's been hinted
Multiple times throughout the series that gay marriage is
Legal in Illinois. Now, Ian is the love of mickey's life, and
There's nothing that Mickey wouldn't do to keep ian in his
Life. What a better way to prove himself to ian than for
Mickey to ask Ian to marry him. Yes. I know mickey has a
Long prison sentence, but there's always something that
Can come up for him to be released, like maybe a
Technicality to where they just considered Sammi
Physotic and dropped charges. Who knows. All I know is,
I understand the whole point of shameless is there's not
Always a happy ending, but mickey and Ian are probably
the most loved characters throughout the whole storyline.
And although their love story isn't the only reason I watch
Shameless, it's the main reason.

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