Tiva ^,<,v

Blue85 posted on Dec 12, 2009 at 04:04AM
I've done this over at the NCIS spot and it got a pretty good response, so I figured I would do it here as well.
All you need to know is that:

^- Answers the question.
<- Tells what you're doing.
v- Question.

Example: Do you like the idea of Tiva?

^ Of course.
< Watching TV.
v Favorite Tiva moment?

Even though we're on the Tiva spot, the questions asked don't have to be about Tony and Ziva. Feel free to ask whatever you want.

Tiva 5950 balas

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Showing Replies 3801-3850 of 5950

hampir setahun yang lalu friendsfan101 said…
^ Not at all! The Tiva was pretty strong this season!

< Going to bed soon, maybe.

v Do you ever get frustrated at fanfiction because you can't seem to find one that isn't your style? (For example, I was trying to find Life With Derek fanfiction but basically ALL of the stories were about Casey & Derek as a couple, or one of the other siblings as a couple)
hampir setahun yang lalu NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ No because all I read is Tiva fanfics and an occasional NCIS one. I don't usually go looking for a certain pairing or anything.
< Cake Boss & bed soon-ish
v Don't you just hate heart burn & acid reflux?
hampir setahun yang lalu friendsfan101 said…
^ Um, yeah, but I have no clue what acid reflux is, LOL.

< Nothing.

v What is acid reflux?
hampir setahun yang lalu NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I don't really know how to explain it... it's like this really painful nasty tasting stuff that comes back up your throat usually after you've eaten. It burns a bit & causes a sore throat and it's not pleasant.
< Work.
v Besides NCIS are there any others shows you can't miss when the new episodes come on? I mean refuse to watch online after the fact because you have to be in front of the tv?
hampir setahun yang lalu Ms_Montana said…
^ Grey's Anatomy.
< Hiatus Part II
v Are there any shows you watch online?
hampir setahun yang lalu Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ All my favourites. They all air in America so when they air, I watch them the next day. So that would be NCIS, Rizzoli and Isles, Chuck, Castle, Fringe and TBBT. :)
< TXF Vids.
v Have you ever stopped shipping a couple and you didn't know why?
hampir setahun yang lalu Ms_Montana said…
^ Chase and Cameron from House. I just couldn't stand them together after some time... And I have no idea why.
< Same
v What would you rather know? What happened in the summer between "Hiatus Part II" and "Shalom" or what happened in Paris?
hampir setahun yang lalu Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ I'm gonna say neither *gasp*. The reason for that is because everyone has their own theories about what happened on both those occassions and if it were something that I didn't like, then I'd regret finding out. XD
< TXF Vids.
v Now that we're getting nearer to the premiere, have you got any theories as to what may happen between them during?
hampir setahun yang lalu Ms_Montana said…
^ I don't know. I've had a few theories flying around in my mind, but none of them were plausible. Maybe they talk about Tony, and why he missed her ceremony... I'll have to wait and see.
< Shalom
v Is there anything you're obsessed with at the moment?
hampir setahun yang lalu NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Besides my usual NCIS stuff, Rizzoli & Isles and Grey's Anatomy. Oh and eating healthy.
< Work... the day went fast until noon then stalled.
v Do you like Fruit cocktail?
hampir setahun yang lalu smileandnod said…
^ depends on the mix. I'm not into grapefruit or melon or mango, so if those are in it I'm good with it.

< crying over Bones promos on YouTube.

V do you ever watch a video or promo and feel like a goober for getting so emotional over it?
hampir setahun yang lalu Blue85 said…
^ Yeah, it happens sometimes.
< Making a banner and listening to music.
v Who do you think has a better personality: Ziva or Kate?
hampir setahun yang lalu friendsfan101 said…
^ Kate. She was less hidden about her life.

< Nothing.

v Do you wish we had more spoilers?
hampir setahun yang lalu Blue85 said…
^ Not really, I'd rather just wait and be surprised.
< Waiting for my shepherd's pie to finish cooking.
v Other than the two of them getting together, or talking about Somalia, what else would you love see happen with the two of them this season?
hampir setahun yang lalu NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Perhaps a talk about what happened in Paris and a hug would be really nice!
< Relaxing.
v Are rainy days the best days to sleep? (In your opinion)
hampir setahun yang lalu Blue85 said…
^ Yes, because I always feel tired and lazy and never really feel like going out and doing anything on rainy days, so why not sleep?
< Multitasking.
v Have you seen the preview for the movie Vampires Suck, which is a spoof for Twilight? I just saw it and I could not stop laughing.
hampir setahun yang lalu goodgirlmikey said…
^ I'm planning to see it. :D
< Major Freak Out about nothing.
V Of all your ships, is Tiva your pairing with the most baggage?
hampir setahun yang lalu NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Mmm... Idk Derek & Meredith on Grey's have alot of baggage too.
< Work
v Are you all rainbows & sunshine or dark & twisty?
hampir setahun yang lalu goodgirlmikey said…
^ I'm dark rainbows and twisty sunshine.
< Gahhh.
v How much do Tony and Ziva confuse you?
hampir setahun yang lalu Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ On a scale of one to ten, about 7/8?
< Syzygy.
v Scariest thing you've seen on tv?
hampir setahun yang lalu NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Any of those horrific accidents that they show scare the crap out of me and terrify me of what could happen to me.
< Work... come on 3:30! Only 2.5 hours to go
v If you enjoy scary movies, which is the scariest you've seen?
hampir setahun yang lalu friendsfan101 said…
^ Paranormal Activities! : O

< Nothing.

v Do you think summer has gone by too fast?
hampir setahun yang lalu NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ In a sense it's gone too fast.. I mean I can't believe it's mid August already but at the same time I feel like I've been about 6 months without NCIS.
< NCIS Marathon
v Do you think you could go undercover?
hampir setahun yang lalu friendsfan101 said…
^ Yeah, maybe, but I think that I would start laughing in between-no idea why.

< Same.

v What is your #1 choice place to visit for vacation?
hampir setahun yang lalu NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Hmm... well I'd love to visit Paris, but since I don't fly... can I just say a cruise that takes me to different islands? B/c I really enjoyed that & that will probably be my vacation once a year or once every 2 years from now on.
< Same
v A country/state you wouldn't go?
hampir setahun yang lalu friendsfan101 said…
^ North Korea (at least, not at the moment).....then again, I guess I wouldn't be allowed in from what I've heard...

< Same.

v Biggest fear?
hampir setahun yang lalu NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Death. I'm terrified of dieing!
< NCIS Marathon
v Your biggest accomplishment thus far?
hampir setahun yang lalu goodgirlmikey said…
^ No idea yet.
< Contemplating CdP's Switzerland interview.
V Your thoughts about CdP's opinion about Tiva in her Switzerland interview? [She's confusing me. :(]
hampir setahun yang lalu Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ My brain is too fried to even contemplate.
< Just got my AS Level results. Quite pleased. :)
v What do YOU think about the Switzerland Interview?
hampir setahun yang lalu goodgirlmikey said…
^ Switzerland Interview? Cute. Until I read the last question. Then I was like, "WTF, Woman?".
< Bored.
V What do YOU think about the Switzerland Interview?
hampir setahun yang lalu tivalover333 said…
< Bed soon.
v What do YOU think about the Switzerland Interview?
hampir setahun yang lalu NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I think the consensus is that most everyone is confused with what Cote said about Tiva... but the good thing is it's only an opinion. The writers may or may not listen to her &/or Michael. I'm not reading too much into it because if I did it would probably drive me crazy.
< Work. RIP to my cousin. Today is the 5 year anniversary of his death.
v Besides endgame what do you think should happen with Tiva to satisfy you this season?
hampir setahun yang lalu tivalover333 said…
* Sorry about your cousin, Jenna :(
^ I'd really like to found out what happened in Paris, or after Hiatus. And a conversation about Somalia/ TorC.
v Would you rather Tiva started with a kiss, and then they admitted their feelings, or the other way around?
hampir setahun yang lalu NCIS_Addict_87 said…
*Thanks. I appreciate it!*

^ Mmm... I think it could go either way but I think I'd like them to admit their feelings first becuase without that a kiss could just be a kiss despite as knowing & them knowing... it wouldn't be out in the open.
< Work.
v You only get to pick one talk which would it be? What happened after Hiatus when he was going to her apartment, what happened in Paris or a Somalia talk.
hampir setahun yang lalu friendsfan101 said…
^ Somalia.

< Nothing. WTF is the Switzerland talk? LOL hopefully it's on here so I can check it out.

v Do you make your own icons?
hampir setahun yang lalu Ms_Montana said…
big smile
^ Sometimes.
< Spoiler
v Do you make fanarts?
hampir setahun yang lalu friendsfan101 said…
^ Nope.

< Read the Switzerland interview. Not as bad as I though, LOL.

V Re-peat: Do you make fanart?
hampir setahun yang lalu Ms_Montana said…
^ Yes.
< Same...
v Do you make videos?
hampir setahun yang lalu friendsfan101 said…
^ Not a clue how.

< Packing.

v Do you make videos? If so, what site do you use?
hampir setahun yang lalu Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ I do. It's not a site, it's a program called Sony Vegas. :) But you can use Windows Movie Maker too. :)
< Going to the beach soon. :)
v Favourite girl power song?
hampir setahun yang lalu Ms_Montana said…
^ This Is Who I am by Vanessa Amorosi.
< Grey's Anatomy
v Favourite love song?
hampir setahun yang lalu friendsfan101 said…
^ Hard, there are so many! I guess maybe "Desi Girl".

< Nothing. Going to watch Bones soon.

v Favorite duet?
hampir setahun yang lalu NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Um? Honestly I have no idea. I am really bad at band names or singers of songs. I pay attention to the lyrics, but usually can't name the artist or title of the song.
v Are you good at gardening?
hampir setahun yang lalu tivalover333 said…
^ I'm okay at it.
< Getting ready for school.
v NCIS episode that you've watched the most times?
hampir setahun yang lalu NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I've watched them all a million times. lol. But I suppose ToC or Kill Ari, etc
< Shower & bed soon
v Do you like shopping for baby stuff?
hampir setahun yang lalu Blue85 said…
^ Yes, because it's the easiest thing to shop for. No matter what you buy the kid is going to like it because they don't know any better. lol
< Fanart and music.
v Mental anxiety, mental breakdown, menstral cramps, menopause. Did you ever notice that all our problems begin with MEN? :P
hampir setahun yang lalu goodgirlmikey said…
^ I only noticed now that you mentioned it. LOL.
< iTunes.
v Would you regret investing so much into Tiva if they didn't become endgame at all?
hampir setahun yang lalu ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ It would be a bit upsetting but i think even their journey is worth it! The time they have spent together has been fantastic or we wouldn't love them so much. I think endgame would just be icing on the cake for me!!
< Getting ready to pick my little kitten up! She's ready to leave her mum already!!
v If you found out now that they would not be endgame would you stop shipping them?
hampir setahun yang lalu goodgirlmikey said…
^ No. For some indescribable reason.
< Bored.
V What's the ICouldntLiveWithoutYou and a bunch of other almosts if they're not even going to be endgame?
hampir setahun yang lalu smileandnod said…
^ What's the point? to make us watch. Those darn TV people have us figured out!

< It's FRIDAY!!! YEAH!!!

V do you have having good news but not being able to share it with anyone?