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These are the most popular soalan that I got while on tour. This page is thick with explicit spoilers, so I would recommend not Membaca this if anda have not yet read the book but are still planning to.

What does the cover mean?

Breaking Dawn's cover is a metaphor for Bella's progression throughout the entire saga. She began as the weakest (at least physically, when compared to Vampires and werewolves) player on the board: the pawn. She ended as the strongest: the queen. In the end, it's Bella that brings about the win for the Cullens.

What does the tajuk mean?

The tajuk Breaking Dawn is a reference to the beginning of Bella's vampire life.

What does the Book I prologue refer to?

These are Bella's thoughts about Renesmee, during the time when her life was in serious danger from the pregnancy.

Why the big build-up for a fight that didn't happen?

I'm not the kind of person who writes a Hamlet ending. If the fight had happened, it would have ended with 90% of the combatants, Cullen and Volturi alike, destroyed. There was simply no other outcome once the fight got started, telah diberi the abilities and numbers of the opposing sides. Because I would never finish Bella's story on such a downer—Everybody dies!—I knew that the real battle would be mental. It was a game of maneuvering, with the champion winning not sejak destroying the other side, but sejak being able to walk away. This was another reason I liked the chess metaphor on the cover—it really fit the feel of that final game. I put a clue into the manuscript as well. Alice tore a page from The Merchant of Venice because the end of Breaking Dawn was going to be somewhat similar: bloodshed appears inevitable, doom approaches, and then the power is reversed and the game is won sejak some clever verbal strategies; no blood is shed, and the romantic pairings all have a happily ever after.

What was the other book besides Midsummer Night's Dream that anda berkata influenced Breaking Dawn?

As noted above, it was The Merchant of Venice.

What happened to Marcus's wife?

Once upon a time, a fairly young vampire (he had only been a vampire for a decade and a half) named Aro changed his young sister Didyme, who had just reached adulthood, into a vampire in order to add her to his growing coven. Aro always wanted power, and because he himself had a potent mind-reading gift, he hoped his biological sister would also be gifted in a way that would help him rise in the vampire world. It turned out that Didyme did have a gift; she carried with her an aura of happiness that affected everyone who came near her. Though it wasn't exactly what he had hoped for, Aro pondered the best ways he could use this gift. Meanwhile, Aro's most trusted partner, Marcus, fell in Cinta with Didyme. This was not unusual; telah diberi the way she made people feel, lots of people fell in Cinta with Didyme. The difference was that this time, Didyme fell in Cinta herself. The two of them were tremendously happy. So happy, in fact that, after a while, they no longer cared that much about Aro's plans for domination. After a few centuries, Didyme and Marcus discussed going their own way. Of course, Aro was well aware of their intentions. He was not happy about it, but he pretended to give his blessing. Then he waited for an opportunity to act, and when he knew he would never be found out, he murdered his sister. After all, Marcus's gift was much lebih useful to him than hers had been. This is not to say that Aro did not truly Cinta his sister; it's just that a key part of his personality is the ability to destroy even what he loves in order to further his ambitions. Marcus never found out that Aro was responsible for Didyme's death. He became an empty man. Aro used Chelsea's gift to keep Marcus loyal to the Volturi, though not even Chelsea's gift could make Marcus tunjuk any enthusiasm for it.

How different is Breaking Dawn from Forever Dawn? What changed, what stayed the same, and why? Will anda ever post extras from Forever Dawn?

The basic story is the same. Bella and Edward get married and go to Isle Esme for their honeymoon. Bella gets pregnant with Renesmee. The birth just about kills Bella, but Edward makes her a vampire in time. Jacob imprints on Renesmee. Alice has a vision of the Volturi coming to destroy the Cullens with the "immortal child" as their excuse. Alice bails. Bella's shielding abilities turn the tide in the Cullen's favor, along with Alice bringing utama another half-vampire to prove that Nessie isn't a danger.

The things that are different:

Jacob and Bella are not nearly so close. None of the events of New Moon atau Eclipse exist; Edward never leaves, so Bella and Jacob never bond. Jacob's feelings for Bella remain at crush level.
Due in part to Jacob being a smaller character, the werewolf pack is only sketchily developed. It exists as a whole, but there isn't much information about the individuals. Most of the Serigala do not have names.
The entire story is written in Bella's perspective. Because of this, there is a lot lebih emphasis on the pregnancy phase.
Jacob isn't there at the delivery, naturally, so he imprints on Renesmee a few weeks later when Bella is visiting Charlie.
With no New Moon atau Eclipse, Victoria and Laurent are both still alive. Laurent stays happily with Irina and sides with the Cullens in the confrontation with the Volturi. It is Victoria rather than Irina who informs on the Cullens to the Volturi. She creates a new friend, Riley, to make the actual accusation. She doesn't want Aro to know about her agenda—or the fact that the baby is only half-vampire, of which she is aware.
The Serigala kill Victoria. She is the only casualty at the final confrontation.
The last chapter ends the same way, but there is an epilogue. It involves Max (J. Jenk's assistant). Bella's initial interaction with him is a little bit longer and, feeling she owes him a favor, she gives him her number and tells him she will help him out in return if he ever needs a favor of his own. Max gets himself into some trouble, and Bella gets to play Superman.
I may post some extras someday if I ever have time to go back through the Forever Dawn manuscript—it's just as long as Breaking Dawn. There are a couple of things that family members told me they particularly missed, so I would start there.

Why the name Renesmee?

Well, I couldn't call her Jennifer atau Ashley. What do anda name the most unique baby in the world? I looked through a lot of baby name websites. Eventually I realized that there was no human name that was going to work for me, so I surrendered to necessity and made up my own. I don't approve of such shenanigans in real life, I don't even believe in getting creative with spellings for real kids! But this was fantasy, and no human name fit, so I did the best I could. I named Renesmee so long ago—Fall 2003—that the name now sounds really natural to me. It wasn't until people started mentioning it that I remembered, "Oh, yeah, it is a weird name, isn't it?"

What's the deal with "shapeshifters"?

What is the definition of a werewolf? Is it a man who changes into a wolf? atau is it a man who, once infected sejak a werewolf bite, changes into a serigala, wolf during a full moon? If anda go with the basic description, then the Quileutes are werewolves. It's not a distinction that really matters on a normal day. During the standoff with the Volturi (not a normal day), Edward sees that Caius is going to use the treaty with the Serigala Jadian as an excuse to attack. He's aware of the distinction between these Serigala and the lebih traditional kind, and though it's only a technicality, he is able to us it to deflect the attack. Technically, the Volturi aren't at war with these Serigala and Edward stresses the word "shapeshifter" in order to make the distinction clearer to the witnesses. The Quileutes weren't aware of the existence of a different species of werewolves, but Carlisle and Edward were. There was a hint about this at the end of Eclipse when Edward says to Victoria (referring to Seth), "Is he really so much like the monster James tracked across Siberia?"

What happened to Leah?

Leah is currently pretty satisfied with life. She's free from Sam's pack, which is a very happy thing for her. She's the "beta" in Jacob's pack, which she can't help but be a little smug about around her pack brothers (its kind of a big deal in serigala, wolf terms). Jacob has become the reliable friend that she's been needing for quite some time, and he's a real comfort to her, though they conceal their fondness for each other with constant bickering. She has absolutely no romantic interest in Jacob, and the whole Nessie thing only bothers her in that it ties her to the vampires.

What happened to Sam's father?

Sam's father disappeared when Sam was very young. He wasn't a great person, and the stress of providing for a family was too much for him, so he skipped out. This is one of the reasons that Sam is mature beyond his years. He picked up a lot of the slack.

Is Billy actually Ephraim?

No, Billy is not Ephraim. Billy is Ephraim's grandson.

Who is Embry's father?

I don't know who Embry's father is. I'm aware that this lack of knowledge is annoying to some people. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to explain myself in lebih detail—that's one of the drawbacks of interviews. anda don't know what anda will be asked, anda don't have much time to come up with an answer, and if anda give an answer that is too long, they cut it down into a form that doesn't make sense. So anda have to think on your feet and speak in sound bites. I'm not great at either.

I'm going to try to explain what it means when I say that I don't know something, atau that a character hasn't revealed some part of himself to me. Those statements are both shorthand jawapan for a long and complicated explanation that doesn't work for a sound bite atau a stage presentation. No two people write the same way, so I don't know if this will make sense to anyone else.

When I write a story, I start out with infinite possibilities. As I describe any character atau plot point, I make those characteristics finite. For example, once I decide Bella is a brunette, all of her blonde and redhead possibilities disappear. Once I decide Bella lives in Washington, all the other places she might have lived are gone. There's this huge universe of options that I slowly whittle down into a lebih focused reality. Until I need to know a certain fact about the character, all the possibilities stay open out there in that universe of possibilities. If I set something in concrete prematurely, it could be a stumbling block later, so I try to keep an open mind about details until they become necessary to the story. If I explore a character too early, that can lock me into a situation that might be difficult to work with later.

So, I haven't explored the three main options for Embry's father this deeply yet. Someday, if it becomes necessary to a story, I'll comb through each character, look at his history and his present, and see which option makes the most sense. I'll lebih fully sketch out the internal workings of Billy, Quil Sr., and Samuel Sr. and see whose character supports this backstory best. That's what I mean when I say that the characters haven't told me yet. I haven't dug into them deeply enough to see if this information rings true with who the character is.

Someday, if I continue with the Twilight universe, maybe it will become necessary for me to know who Embry's dad is. I'm not to that point, and I don't want to just give a glib, "Oh it's ___________" kind of answer, because I might regret it later.

Vampires and pregnancy: when did that idea occur to you? How does that work?

The first seed (no pun intended) was planted when I did Bella's computer research in chapter seven of Twilight. Bella reads about several real vampire legends—the Danag, Estrie, Upier, etc. In the novel, I only mentioned a few of the many legends I read through. One that I didn't mention at this point was the entry on the Incubus. The unique feature about that legend was that the incubus could father children. Hmmm, I said, and I filed that kernel of an idea away for later. When I decided to write the first sequel to Twilight (Forever Dawn), I knew it was going to revolve around a hybrid baby from the outset.

When my editor and I decided to go back and really develop Bella's last tahun of high school, I did so with the knowledge that it was all going to end up with the events in Breaking Dawn. Everything I wrote was pointed in that direction.

I was always very careful when I answered the "Can Vampires have babies?" question, because I didn't want to say anything incorrect, but I also didn't want to make the future super-obvious. I focused my jawapan on the female half of the equation—female Vampires cannot have children because their bodies no longer change in any aspect. There is no changing cycle to begin with, and their bodies couldn't expand to fit a growing child, either. I purposely evaded answering the question, "Can a male vampire get a human female pregnant?" to preserve a tiny bit of surprise in the last book. There were many statements on this subject purported to have come from me, but I never made those komen-komen because, obviously, I knew where this was going.

Now, on to the "how is this possible?" question. First of all, of course it's not possible. None of this story is possible. It's a Fantasi story about creatures that don't actually exist. Within the context of the fantasy, however, this is how it works:

Vampires are physically similar enough to their human origins to pass as humans under some circumstances (like cloudy days). There are many basic differences. They appear to have skin like ours, albeit very fair skin. The skin serves the same general purpose of protecting the body. However, the cells that make up their skin are not pliant like our cells, they are hard and reflective like crystal. A fluid similar to the venom in their mouths works as a lubricant between the cells, which makes movement possible (note: this fluid is very flammable). A fluid similar to the same venom lubricates their eyes so that their eyes can alih easily in their sockets. (However, they don't produce tears because tears exist to protect the eye from damage, and nothing is going to be able to scratch a vampire's eye.) The lubricant-venom in the eyes and skin is not able to infect a human the way saliva-venom can. Similarly, throughout the vampire's body are many versions of venom-based fluids that retain a marked resemblance to the fluid that was replaced, and function in much the same way and toward the same purpose. Though there is no venom replacement that works precisely like blood, many of the functions of blood are carried on in some form. Also, the nervous system runs in a slightly different but heightened way. Some involuntary reactions, like breathing, continue (in that specific example because Vampires use the scents in the air much lebih than we do, rather than out of a need for oxygen). Other involuntary reactions, like blinking, don't exist because there is no purpose for them. The normal reactions of arousal are still present in vampires, made possible sejak venom-related fluids that cause tissues to react similarly as they do to an influx of blood. Like with vampire skin—which looks similar to human skin and has the same basic function—fluids closely related to seminal fluids still exist in male vampires, which carry genetic information and are capable of bonding with a human ovum. This was not a known fact in the vampire world (outside of Joham's personal experimenting) before Nessie, because it's nearly impossible for a vampire to be that near a human and not kill her.

I didn't get into all of these details at my signings because it's a long, complicated mouthful. Also, it's hard to be clearly heard with all the screaming. Mostly, though, I waited to do this in Penulisan because I have an immature, Homer Simpson-like tendency to giggle when I say the words "seminal fluids" in public.

Why did anda decide to end the saga?

The Twilight Saga is really Bella's story, and this was the natural place for her story to wind up. She overcame the major obstacles in her path and fought her way to the place she wanted to be. I suppose I could try to prolong her story unnaturally, but it wouldn't be interesting enough to keep me writing. Stories need conflict, and the conflicts that are Bella-centric are resolved.

How do anda feel about the Breaking Dawn controversy?

It makes me sad, of course, but I was expecting it. The negative was lebih than I was braced for, but that was because the book sold a lot lebih copies than I expected. It was bigger than I thought it would be on both the positive and the negative sides.

It's inevitable that the bigger your audience gets, the bigger the group who doesn't like what they're Membaca will be. Because no book is a good book for everyone. Every individual has their own personal taste and experience, and that's why there are such a great variety of buku on the shelves. There are lots of very popular buku that I don't enjoy at all. Conversely, there are buku that I adore that no one else seems to care about. The surprise to me is that so many people do like my books. I wrote them for a very specific audience of one, and so there was no guarantee that any other person on the planet besides me would enjoy them.

When I siarkan a book, I know that it's not going to be right for every person who picks it up. With Breaking Dawn, the expectation was so huge and so intense that I knew the negative reaction was going to be especially bad this time. In the end, it's just a book. No book—or album, atau movie, atau tv show, atau any other kind of entertainment—can answer to that level of expectation. Oh, it might do it for some people, it might be exactly what they were looking for. But there's always going to be another group who was looking for something else.

It's a hard thing to have people unhappy with you, but there's nothing I can do. Either Breaking Dawn entertains anda atau it doesn't. If I could go back in time, knowing everything I know right now, and write the whole series again, I would write exactly the same story. (The Penulisan would be better, though—practice makes perfect.) This is the story I wanted to write, and I Cinta Breaking Dawn. It's everything I wanted in the last novel of my saga. People's reactions don't change that.

I've heard anda say that anda think Breaking Dawn should be two movies. Why? Also, that it might be impossible to film. What does that mean?

If Breaking Dawn were ever made into a movie, it's hard to imagine it fitting into ninety minutes. The book is just so long! I can't imagine how to distill it—if I could, the book would be shorter. But maybe a screenwriter can see a way to do it and still cover the crucial plot points.

When I berkata that Breaking Dawn might be impossible to film, it's because of Renesmee. anda can do almost anything with CGI these days—realistic Naga and Dinosaur and endless amounts of nonexistent creatures that blend right in with the real elements. Some of them look so real anda forget they're not. However, the one thing that I've never seen is a CGI human being who truly looks real. An actress can't play Renesmee, at least not when she's a few days old; she's the size of a baby, but her expressions are totally controlled and aware. She would have to be a construct, and CGI isn't quite there yet. Of course, they develop amazing new technologies everyday, and we've got a little time left.

Is Bella an anti-feminist heroine?

When I hear atau read theories about Bella being an anti-feminist character, those theories are usually predicated on her choices. In the beginning, she chooses romantic Cinta over everything else. Eventually, she chooses to marry at an early age and then chooses to keep an unexpected and dangerous baby. I never meant for her fictional choices to be a model for anyone else's real life choices. She is a character in a story, nothing lebih atau less. On bahagian, atas of that, this is not even realistic fiction, it's a Fantasi with Vampires and werewolves, so no one could ever make her exact choices. Bella chooses things differently than how I would do it if I were in her shoes, because she is a very different type of person than I am. Also, she's in a situation that none of us has ever been in, because she lives in a Fantasi world. But do her choices make her a negative example of empowerment? For myself personally, I don't think so.

In my own opinion (key word), the foundation of feminism is this: being able to choose. The core of anti-feminism is, conversely, telling a woman she can't do something solely because she's a woman—taking any choice away from her specifically because of her gender. "You can't be an astronaut, because you're a woman. anda can't be president because you're a woman. anda can't run a company because you're a woman." All of those oppressive "can't"s.

One of the weird things about modern feminism is that some feminists seem to be putting their own limits on women's choices. That feels backward to me. It's as if anda can't choose a family on your own terms and still be considered a strong woman. How is that empowering? Are there rules about if, when, and how we Cinta atau marry and if, when, and how we have kids? Are there jobs we can and can't have in order to be a "real" feminist? To me, those limitations seem anti-feminist in basic principle.

Do I think eighteen is a good age at which to get married? Personally—as in, for the person I was at eighteen—no. However, Bella is constrained sejak fantastic circumstances that I never had to deal with. The person she loves is physically seventeen, and he's not going to change. If she and he are going to be on a healthy relationship footing, she can't age too far beyond him. Also, marriage is really an insignificant commitment compared to giving up your mortality, so it's funny to me that some people are hung up on one and not the other. Is eighteen too young to give up your mortality? For me, any age is too young for that. For Bella, it was what she really wanted for her life, and it wasn't a phase she was going to grow out of. So I don't have issues with her choice. She's a strong person who goes after what she wants with persistence and determination.

What are anda going to do next? Will anda continue with the Twilight universe?

I think I need a break from vampires. At this exact point in time, I don't feel like I will go back to Forks. However, I also don't feel comfortable with telling people what I had planned for further novels. Maybe part of me is protecting those secrets because I'm not ready to leave my Vampires behind. atau maybe it's just habit from five years of compulsory secrecy. I'm sure it will be a while before I figure out which one is the real reason. Things will probably be clearer after I've been away from the stories for a while.

I really enjoyed working on The Host, doing something totally different, and I'd like to have that experience again of starting a new world from scratch. I have several other stories that I've been waiting to work on. At this moment, I'm torn between two, but I'm planning to commit to one of them very soon.

Please rate :)
I know that Will will come here. He is going to want all the truth, but I can't give it to him.

Jacob and Micah fell asleep in the hammock last night, but they still haven't come in.

At this instant I hear the doorbell ring. I hesitate and finally walk to the door.

Will's shadow is on the other side.

I open the door and see his solemn face.

"Will," I pause. "what are anda doing here." I look at his face and notice the lines creasing his forehead.

"What was that call all about?" He stares into my eyes with anger.

"I told you. I can't." I start to close the door, but he pushes it back open...
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Chapter 9

So Its the last hari of school for the Seniors and anda get your last lapor card. anda and Emmett get all A's. but there is still one matter to be one before Graduation. anda had to get your wedding dress.

You and Emmett go back utama and anda Alice Rosalie and Esme go to 1 last store to try to find the PERFECT dresses.

You guys walk into the Bridal kedai and anda Intantly see the dress anda want.

Alice-___ that would look so pretty on you! (she messes with your hair) if anda did your hair up in curls with a little tiara, ooohh anda need to get it ___.

You-Alice, I havent even tried it on yet.

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anda went through the rest of the school week like a ghost. anda couldn't get that dream out of your mind. Mike, Angela, Jessica, Erik, Ben, Lauren, and Tyler kept on making sure that anda couldn't go and anda told them. That it was a family deal. anda was in your last class on Friday and the loceng rang. anda got out of the class and went to your locker seeing that your sibbling were waiting for anda sejak your locker. anda almost made it when Mike stopped and started talking to you.
Mike: Are anda okay?
You: What do anda mean?
Mike: I mean anda have been quiet for the rest of the week.
You: Yeah I am fine. Just...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    When we woke up a few hours later, we were ready for our gig. But, we had a slight problem. Tabra was the one who woke us up.
    "You guys are...a thing now?" He asked as our eyes opened.
    "What?" He said, and I sat up.
    "We'll talk later," I said, jumped out of katil and threw Jerek his clothes. He went to his closet to retrieve his coat.
    "Let's go." Tabra sighed and left us to it.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    Jerek, Tabra and I entered the house-like headquarters, and I was amazed how nice it looked on the inside compared to the size of it on the outside.
    "This way," Jerek directed us.
    "Alright." Tabra followed Jerek down some steps and I followed him.
    "Shropee!" Jerek called in front of him, and a girl a few inches shorter than me came up to Tabra and took him to the medical sofa, kerusi panjang she talked to him about.
continue reading...
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    It was time. I could visit Tabra now. I went into room 10, and saw he was awake, but looked like he was hurting a bit.
    "Hey," I said, sitting in a chair sejak his bed.
    "Hello, Cyd."
    "Yea, about that..." I berkata and he looked confused, it was a good think they didn't put him on meds to make him all loopy right now. That would be bad.
    "What is it?" He asked.
    "Hau...Haus is alive..."...
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[2 days have past since Alice and Emmet have kissed]OH MY GOD Bella need to talk to anda know something 2 days lalu that I should have told anda about.
"what what is the imerjecny."
alice says "erm...maybe anda should sit down."
bella says "why.."
Alice says "Ok I...Kissed Emmet"
Bella Says "what what when where how why and is he a good kisser"
Alice says "Yea hes a good kisser and I like him too what should i do my mind is going everywhere help me loceng please."
Bella says well if anda ask me anda are talking to the wrong person go and talk to Emmet."
Alice says "ok then I will I`ll Go and see him right...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Sorry I may have left anda on a bit of a cliff hanger last time. So here's part 3.

I woke up lying on my stomach. Jasper was sat with Rosalie in front of me holding me hand, which I found incredibly odd. I couldn’t see anybody else in the room. There could have been somebody behind me but because I had my head to one side I couldn’t see if there was. I couldn’t feel my back, legs atau arms and I felt dizzy. “Where am I?” My voice sounded croaky, like someone had just shoved ad pisau down my throat. “You’re in hospital Bella everything’s going to be ok” Ok that was strange...
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posted by Jessie-Louise
It was time to set off to go to school,i berkata bye to mom and dad and then i walked out the door ,I was so excited i couldnt wait to see Jacob tonight,i was round the corner from School and my cell phone rang it was him Ring* Ring*
"Hello" i berkata down the phone.
"Hey its me,are anda still up for tonight?"He asked me.
"yeah i sure am,icant wait it will be great."
"Good,me either anyways i gotta go Cinta you"
"Haha Okay Cinta anda to bye"
I put the phone down i still had a huge cheesy grin on my face.
I walked into the school gates and Lucy came running up to me as usual.
"Hey,did anda understand the science...
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posted by Tatti
Alice's past, Alice POV

1913, October 14

- Mary Alice, where are are you? Come here, young lady!- my mother's voice interrupted my thoughts. I was angan-angan about tomorrow, about one of the most happiest days of my life. That gorgeous dress and the jewelery will look simply perfect...
- Mary Alice, I am not going to shout anymore, if anda would not come here...
- I'm coming, mom! - I was already at the the door. My intuitinion told me that if I wouldn't come downstairs, I would have problems. And one thing I truly learned during 12 years of my life was to trust my intuition. My intuition was the...
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posted by lollipopszx3
There sitting on the katil was a girl. She was stripped down in her panties and bra. There was a guy on bahagian, atas of her, stripped down to his boxers. I didn't take a good look at either of their faces.

The girl screeched at me. "Get out of my room!" she said. I heard some movement. Maybe they were getting dressed atau they were looking for something to throw at me.

"It's kind of my room too! I'm your new roommate! Now get dressed!" I screeched back. I don't like looking at people almost naked. Especially if I didn't even know that person!

"What are anda fricken kidding me?" I looked out of the corner of...
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Orginal tajuk was meant to be :Chris Weitz Talks About The New Moon DVD-The Missing Deleted Scenes & Why There Is No Cast Commentary but it was too long

Chris Weitz recently spoke to Collider where he discussed the New Moon DVD and his seterusnya project…

Collider: Yes. How are anda doing today, sir?

Chris Weitz: I’m very well thank you. How are you?

I’m doing very well actually. Thank anda for giving me some time today.

Chris: It’s my pleasure.

So have anda been doing a lot of press today?

Chris: Well anda are the 5th on my list, so not so much that my brain has turned to Jell-o yet.

So I will...
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Perhaps the world’s most famous wax museum is adding Robert Pattinson to their Hollywood stars collection in their flagship, London museum. The price for this in American dollars is roughly $225,000. According to the museum’s site:

“We expect to spark peminat frenzy today as we’ve just confirmed the seterusnya actor to be admitted into our attraction is the hottest celebrity of the moment, Brit born A-lister and bintang of the phenomenally successful Twilight saga, Robert Pattinson. The wax figure of the British heartthrob will be revealed in March, ahead of the release of his latest film, Remember...
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posted by Kellykoo1
I walk along a moonlit road,
alone without a friend;
and then the darkness grabs my hand,
and seeks to pull me in.

I begin to see what disappears,
and feel with no arms there.
I attempt to walk but do not move,
for black water grasps my hair.

The black turns to red,
that is all I see.
I try to pull away,
but it flows into me.

I walk along a nightime road,
alone without a friend;
but thats because I grabbed his arm,
and killed him once again.
-Kelly R. Koontz (read the rest of the artikel for explaination)

To explain this poem, i will say basically,a person is walking alone down a jalan when a vampire attacks...
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posted by twillightgeek24
life without you
Topaz eyes so soft and sweet

Life without anda is incomplete.

You left me there in the wood

You berkata it was for my own damn good.

You swore that anda loved me with all of your hati, tengah-tengah

But then anda just went and tore it apart.

You might as well have sucked me dry

For thanks to anda I slowly die.

Who do I turn to, anda atau the dog?

The one who caused atau pulled me from fog?

And if sejak chance anda one hari come back

Do I just leave atau cut anda some slack?

You sent my life spiraling down

My reaction was lebih than I simple frown.

My hati, tengah-tengah was broken beyond repair

It’s as if anda didn’t even...
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Auditions for 'Twilight' film are scams, says Portland casting agent Lana Veenker
By Margie Boule, The Oregonian
January 05, 2010, 12:57AM

The possibility of sharing a set with "Twilight" stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart might lead many a teen into a scammer's arms. All your teenager wanted for Krismas was a part in the seterusnya "Twilight" movie.

Since the first two films in the "Twilight Saga" series, "Twilight" and "New Moon," have been released and the third, "Eclipse," has been shot, teens all over the world are getting desperate. Their last chance to be the kid sitting in the back...
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sejak Twilight_News | 6 January 2010

It is being reported that Taylor Lautner snagged an amazing 7.5 million to bintang in Northern Lights opposite Tom Cruise. Nikki Finki has deduced that with this sum of money Lautner has sky rocketed to being the highest paid teenaged actor in Hollywood over Zac Efron and Miley Cyrus. peminat-peminat of Twilight might think he’s worth the price tag, but as Cinema Blend points out, Lautner hasn’t carried a film on his own yet which makes the paycheck that much lebih impressive.

“Given that Lautner hasn’t carried a single movie without the word Twilight in the title, that’s a pretty significant gamble. Robert Pattinson’s projects beyond Twilight haven’t really gone anywhere, though granted, he hasn’t been groomed as a new bintang sejak a studio in the same way. But can the Twilight effect carry on without Bella lurking somewhere in the frame?”
‘Twilight’ Crash Scene Makes Moviefone’s senarai of bahagian, atas Movie Moments of the Decade

January 2, 2010 ·

Coming in at number 4 the infamous crash scene from Twilight, on Moviefones bahagian, atas 25 Movie Moments of the Decade.

How could anyone ever forget that scene? When I first read Twilight, and read that part, the hair was standing up on my arms and I held my breath. To actually see that on the big screen was amazing. That one scene set all future events for the Twilight Saga in place, and marked the beginning of Bella and Edward’s journey. Even though it was not exactly like the book — it was dead on in all the important aspects. I was quite pleased with how that scene turned out.
posted by Hellohoudini
Breaking Dawn Casting Scam
sejak Twilight_News

There is a casting scam going on regarding Breaking Dawn that has caught a couple of people. Lana Veenker, who cast several of the roles in Twilight, explains how the scam works and how not to get caught up in something like that!

“If you’ve been around my blog for a while, anda know how much we hate, HATE, HATE scam artists who prey on aspiring actors and movie peminat-peminat (especially kids) with fake casting calls.

A new one involving Breaking Dawn, the final installment in the Twilight series, has come to my attention. BE WARNED! As I’ve done in the past, I’m going to dissect it, tunjuk anda all the red flags and demonstrate how I did the research to uncover the scam artist behind it all.

So seterusnya time anda get an e-mel like the one below atau see something online that sounds too good to be true, you’ll know how to dissect it yourself to find out if it’s bogus atau for real. Take note!
 edward forever
edward forever
ok so i'm all cool with jake right but edward loves bella and jake could ruin everything. I'v read all the buku so i know he does't but still. all around edward is better for bella so why does jake try so hard. if i were edward jake would be dead already. but if jake ever did get bella i'd give edward a sholder to cry on :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))<3 anyway why don't they just bella down at a meja, jadual and be like jake:ok bella..
edward:bella Cinta what the dog was gonna say is that he want to know who anda Cinta more.
and bella would be like :well...
jake:DOg!DOG! don't get me upset!!!
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