Joker Meme
He leads me
in the paths that are right
anda are my friend
I have courage,
for your help is there
anda are close beside me with comfort,
anda are guiding my way
anda make me welcome,
Pouring down honor
This joy fills me with gladness
Your goodness always is with me
Your loving kindness strengthens me always
as I go through life.
They are pouring down honor
For your achievements
It fills me with pride
At your success
anda are lebih than deserving
Of such attention
I am so happy for anda
And am proud to know anda and call anda friend.
in the paths that are right
anda are my friend
I have courage,
for your help is there
anda are close beside me with comfort,
anda are guiding my way
anda make me welcome,
Pouring down honor
This joy fills me with gladness
Your goodness always is with me
Your loving kindness strengthens me always
as I go through life.
They are pouring down honor
For your achievements
It fills me with pride
At your success
anda are lebih than deserving
Of such attention
I am so happy for anda
And am proud to know anda and call anda friend.
The Man With No Eyes Collection (1): The Actor
Sundown, sunrise.
Big smile!
(Tired eyes.)
I vanish into thin air.
An actor never fails.
To give the world a rousing show
(While begging to be recognized.)
To shine as brightly as the sun
Upon the takhta that we’ve devised.
A patchwork-quilt protagonist
A villain from the shadow realm
The work of the illusionist
When I, the actor, take the helm.
“Hey, wouldn’t it be cool to see…”
The whisper marks my story’s birth.
The audience will gather ‘round.
(The jury to decide my worth.)
"The Man With No Eyes" is a series of poems, all of which are unfolding from one character's point of view. They are meant to represent an ongoing journey. So if anda liked this one, stay tuned for more. :)
Sundown, sunrise.
Big smile!
(Tired eyes.)
I vanish into thin air.
An actor never fails.
To give the world a rousing show
(While begging to be recognized.)
To shine as brightly as the sun
Upon the takhta that we’ve devised.
A patchwork-quilt protagonist
A villain from the shadow realm
The work of the illusionist
When I, the actor, take the helm.
“Hey, wouldn’t it be cool to see…”
The whisper marks my story’s birth.
The audience will gather ‘round.
(The jury to decide my worth.)
"The Man With No Eyes" is a series of poems, all of which are unfolding from one character's point of view. They are meant to represent an ongoing journey. So if anda liked this one, stay tuned for more. :)
I felt them start to build up
As soon as I saw him
I put on a happy face for my mom
Because she doesn’t know
That he broke my heart
She didn’t know that I balled my eyes out
She hasn’t realized that I’ve withdrawn
He says he wants us to be friends
I could barely hold them back
He asked if I understood
And I do
But that doesn’t stop the pain and anger
I blink back the tears
And realize that I was starting to put a shield up
My shield of anger
I feel the tears
As I pray
That God will help me this time
So I don’t isolate myself again
And don’t lose myself
They come and I can’t stop them
I hate them
They are a weakness
and I can’t stop them
As soon as I saw him
I put on a happy face for my mom
Because she doesn’t know
That he broke my heart
She didn’t know that I balled my eyes out
She hasn’t realized that I’ve withdrawn
He says he wants us to be friends
I could barely hold them back
He asked if I understood
And I do
But that doesn’t stop the pain and anger
I blink back the tears
And realize that I was starting to put a shield up
My shield of anger
I feel the tears
As I pray
That God will help me this time
So I don’t isolate myself again
And don’t lose myself
They come and I can’t stop them
I hate them
They are a weakness
and I can’t stop them