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A Man Tries To Write A Story For The First Time In 15 Years (Writing Session | Write With Me) via
creative Penulisan
fiction Penulisan
How To Know anda Have A Good Story Idea - Andrew Zinnes via
united kingdom
Luar Biasa Story Behind One Of The Most popular Screenwriting buku Of All Time - Viki King via
Difference Between A Hollywood Movie Idea And One That Isn't Good Enough - Mike Thompson via
independent filmmaking
posted by axemnas
 Joker Meme
Joker Meme
Character sheets? I know your probably wondering why I'm bringing up character sheets in a creative Penulisan area. The fact is character sheets can be an important tool to your writing.

If anda Outline atau came up with a character that anda don't think quite fits in your current story, a sheet is a good tool to you.
Character sheets are a good way to keep track of your characters. Their growth as anda go; It helps anda work out little quirks in their personality like for example 'Twitch bites his nails when he doesn't have his twin nearby'. Every little bit helps with keeping things in mind and expanding...
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posted by alicia386
Chapter Four

Olivia was extra busy today. Today was the first hari of the movie shoot for Hourglass. Before they could even start recording the movie, the would have to check up on everything. The wardrobe had to perfect. The scenes had to be accurately planned out. Then they had to make sure that all of the camera crew was positioned. Olivia wouldn't be able to receive the permits until tomorrow. So they couldn't start filming until then. She followed closely behind Mason as he did the daily check up.

Mason went straight towards wardrobe and the outfit choices. The outfit for Charlotte's arrival...
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posted by shenelopefan
Carta de un corazón roto

"El nombre de la persona a la que dedico este escrito,

Es un nombre que no me permito decir cuando estoy sola"

¿Tienes idea de lo que es, verte cada día, y en tus ojos no encontrar lo que yo sí te daría? ¿Tienes acaso alguna idea de lo que es no haberte superado? Por más que lo he intentado, aún no haberte olvidado. ¿Sabes lo que es hacer rimas con tu nombre y no encontrar palabras, no encontrar acordes? Quisiera yo contarte, todo esto que escribo, pero ya es demasiado tarde, ya te has ido, amor mío. Los años se me pasan, sin que tú estés conmigo. Aunque quería...
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He leads me
in the paths that are right
anda are my friend
I have courage,
for your help is there
anda are close beside me with comfort,
anda are guiding my way
anda make me welcome,
Pouring down honor
This joy fills me with gladness
Your goodness always is with me
Your loving kindness strengthens me always
as I go through life.

They are pouring down honor
For your achievements
It fills me with pride
At your success
anda are lebih than deserving
Of such attention
I am so happy for anda
And am proud to know anda and call anda friend.
posted by Bella_Swan3
Taylor had never shadow-walked with no destination in mind. Shadow walking was something she was slightly afraid to do. It made her feel unbalanced, as if she had been telah diberi too much control. Like standing on the edge of a cliff, the wind pushing anda to jump, and some part of anda secretly wanting to succumb to it's persuasive power.

She opened her eyes to the flat, glassy expanse of water in front of her. The tiny sliver of the moon was distorted sejak the waves.

Granted, shadow walking allowed her to appear wherever she wanted, but to her, it also served as a constant reminder that she was not...
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Chapter Three

All throughout their patrol, it was all James could do to keep his attention (and eyes) on the task at hand. He was still going over the jam before patrol in his head, trying to make sense of it. Lily Evans, always the stoic one, afraid? It was hard to get his head around. Lily had always been the one to keep her head in the most panic-worthy of situations – like the time she found out that Remus is a werewolf.

It had been a particularly difficult full moon, the last one of their sixth tahun at Hogwarts. Wolf-Remus had been lebih vicious than usual and both James and Sirius were...
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In the years following the war the Ministry of Magic struggled to regain the public's trust whilst people struggled to find peace of mind in the uncertainty of Voldemort's disappearance. In 1985 letters start appearing with a very concerning atau very hopeful kind of message, depending on your point of view and personal beliefs. They are so anti-establishment, in parts so truthful, and thus potentially dangerous that the Ministry controlled Daily Prophet won't siarkan them atau any talk about them on the Readers' Column.

The letters lay out a vision of future where the Ministry no longer exists...
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posted by Epismatic
The Man With No Eyes Collection (1): The Actor

Sundown, sunrise.

Big smile!

(Tired eyes.)

I vanish into thin air.

An actor never fails.


To give the world a rousing show

(While begging to be recognized.)

To shine as brightly as the sun

Upon the takhta that we’ve devised.

A patchwork-quilt protagonist

A villain from the shadow realm

The work of the illusionist

When I, the actor, take the helm.

“Hey, wouldn’t it be cool to see…”

The whisper marks my story’s birth.

The audience will gather ‘round.

(The jury to decide my worth.)

"The Man With No Eyes" is a series of poems, all of which are unfolding from one character's point of view. They are meant to represent an ongoing journey. So if anda liked this one, stay tuned for more. :)
posted by Firewriter
This is a new book I've been working on to help channel my PTSD. Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Chapter One

"Get back up to South Sector now!" A man's gruff voice boomed from the walkie-talkies clipped to the belts of the grey and zaitun green camouflage uniforms of the handful of guards. The harsh command reverberated in the deathly silent area as an individual stealthily crept through the heap of lifeless corpses which gazed emptily at him as he reached for one guard's static walkie-talkie. Sighing heavily in exhaustion from the fight he had to put up, he kicked at...
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posted by legobuilder35
This story is about Naga fighting Dinosaur in New York. anda may be wondering how Dinosaur and Naga come in New York if they're expected to be dead. Well these Naga and Dinosaur are from an island known as Reptile Island where an evil scientist created them. the portal that brings the Naga and Dinosaur to New York was made accidentaly when the Dinosaur and Naga both breathed fire. The evil scientist made the Dinosaur evil. That's why they breathe fire. The evil scientist accidentally made the Naga good. The Dinosaur don't even want to attack humans. The reason they're...
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This guide was inspired sejak a soalan recently telah diposkan sejak link on this spot. The user was looking for ways to put a twist on fairytales. I began to write an answer, but my answer soon developed into an article. So here it is.

Note that these aren't specifically for fairytales; they can be used on any old, well-known stories. After listing some ideas on how anda can put a twist on such stories, I'll give a few examples of Filem that have done used one atau lebih of these ideas.

1. Swap the genders of the traditional characters.
Do any of the characters behave especially "typical" for their gender?...
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Two Tools To Help A Screenwriter Develop Characters sejak Pilar Alessandra at Story Expo 2015 via
added by SymmaGirl2
"Welcome to Paris!", her father, Irobin, said.
The old brown horse pulled the wood caravan into the city. Adeena looked around anxiously and wished she could just see everything at once. Although her family traveled, they had never exactly been to a city- not to settle down in. It occurred to Adeena that this was going to be her new home. She looked around skeptically- there was hardly an inch of nature to be seen. Not one. Just what seemed to be miles upon miles of little wood shops and homes, all side sejak side with the only angkasa being the roads and sidewalks. This was strange, the wagon was...
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posted by Rae-Ash
I felt them start to build up
As soon as I saw him
I put on a happy face for my mom
Because she doesn’t know
That he broke my heart
She didn’t know that I balled my eyes out
She hasn’t realized that I’ve withdrawn

He says he wants us to be friends
I could barely hold them back
He asked if I understood
And I do
But that doesn’t stop the pain and anger
I blink back the tears
And realize that I was starting to put a shield up
My shield of anger

I feel the tears
As I pray
That God will help me this time
So I don’t isolate myself again
And don’t lose myself

They come and I can’t stop them
I hate them
They are a weakness
and I can’t stop them
"Shaun, wake up. anda need to go now." The words I heard a faint voice say. It sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. Who was it? I just couldn't figure it out no matter how hard I tried. seterusnya was a sound. Blood spraying from a body. The drops hit the ground one sejak one. The sound echoing through my head like bells going off simultaneously. My eyes open in an instance. The only color I see is red. I rub my eye and feel the blood i had heard. It was mine.

I fall back to the ground as my eyes start to close slowly. I can hear that voice again. "Get up! Please get up! I need you,...
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