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I need help with a tajuk :(

okay, so yesterday I had an AWESOME story idea, but I can't think of a title. this is my story:

Amena McVay is a fourteen tahun old girl who lives in Manhatten with her father and stepmom (who are only at the house maybe a few hours a bulan because of their jobs as business travelers) and her two over-protective brothers Aralenn and Akeem. She has extremely low blood pressure, which makes her faint often, and she's really good at drawing. Her ex-best Friends Deanne and Mayra continuously tell her that she is worthless because her brothers insist on helping her with everything. So Amena decides to run away from her boring life and try and go to Germany, where her third brother Damien is living with his wife Cassandra. But she doesn't get too far before fainting from the heat. In her delirium, she sees herself being carried sejak an Angel up the stairway to heaven before waking up in a hospital with the Angel from her dream standing beside her. He says his name is Raphael and he brings her to his grandmother's house and invites her to stay. little does she know that Raphael is not exactly the Angel he acts like. When Amena sees Raphael sneaking out one night, she follows him only to see him making out with a girl in a bar. That's when he reveals his true colours: he's basically a jackass womanizer who sleeps with any woman he can find that's willing. In shorter terms, Amena's Angel is really a sinner. So Amena really hates him now, because he sleeps with prostitutes. And for some reason, that's totally KILLING Raphael. So one night when Raphael goes to the bar and gets one hundred percent HAMMERED, he drags himself utama and staggers into Amena's room. She is annoyed because he reeks of alcohol, so she tells him to screw off and leave her alone but all he says is: "Dammit, believe me I wish I could" and he KISSES her!!!!!! he he

at the end of the story we find out Raphael had actually been stalking her because her father had 'killed' Raphael's little sis. he had origi
The only thing I think of for titles are: Demonic Angel, Womanizer From Above, Heaven's Demon
gravity12 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
THAT FUCKING AMAZING (excuse the language, im just excited)!!!!! omg omg omg omg omg omg omg u no if i siarkan this book, i'm dedicating it to YOU.
Vampiyaa posted hampir setahun yang lalu
Thanks I never knew i was that good at titles....
gravity12 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
well u own!!!! :D im sooooooooo happy!!! i like the heaven one it sounds romantic!! GO ROMANCE
Vampiyaa posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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gravity12 said:
Womanizer From Above
Demonic Angel
Heaven's Demon
These are the only titles that spring to mind after Membaca the plot.
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Tayloraddict-1 said:
A Gir with Faith :P
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