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posted by Rae-Ash
Once upon a time there were two kingdoms that were on the verge of war. However neither king wanted to go to war because both of their brides were due to give birth within the month. Yet both kingdoms prepared for battle. Little did they know that it was not each other they should worry about however instead those in their own courts.

King James was known for his affairs, however when he saw Belle for the first time it was instant Cinta and they married. Immediately after meeting Belle he broke of his affair with Madame Isley, who had her sights set on James and the crown, even though she would have made a terrible queen. Madame Isley was furious and felt that James had taken everything that had ever mattered to her. When she heard that Queen Belle was expecting her first child she devised a plan. What would happen would devastate the kingdom.

Queen Belle went into labor, on the very night of the war meeting. Many in the kingdom considered it an omen that war was not meant to be. After receiving the news at the meeting King James of Trion and King Jullian of Innala decided that they would hold off and try to find a way to unite their kingdoms after their wives gave birth. What neither of them had ever imagined was that their kingdoms would be united sejak their children.

The following morning Queen Belle and King James announced the birth of a healthy baby boy. It was just three nights later that Queen Catherine went into labor. To everyone’s surprise and delight Queen Catherine and King Jullian announced the birth of a beautiful, healthy daughter.

There were still those, however, who sought war and wanted the kingdoms to be united. It was then that the Kings and Queens came up with the idea of uniting the two kingdoms sejak marriage. Not just any marriage. The marriage of the first born of both kingdoms. So it was that Prince Lorenzo and Princess Annalise became betrothed.

King Jullian never suspected that his main sorcerer would be a threat not only to him and his kingdom however to his daughter and her betrothed. The Sorcerer, Sema, was the most powerful in all the land however he was obsessed with becoming lebih powerful. However Queen Catherine was a good witch and knew that Sema was doing the most vile of dark magic anda can do. When he refused to stop, Catherine had the most powerful white witches come and strip him of all however the most basic powers. This in turn just made Sema into a bigger threat. In fact it fueled him to do something that no one had thought was possible.

One night when Lorenzo and Annalise were about a bulan old they simply disappeared. Both kingdoms were devastated. At first they wanted to blame each other however it soon became clear that someone else had taken their precious babies. Both Isley and Sema felt wronged so they had decided that they would get back at the Kings and Queens the only way they knew how-- through their precious children.

Coincidentally they both mencuri into their kingdoms palaces and found their way to the nursery. They managed to get around the guards and servants. In the nursery they even managed to snatch the children without anyone knowing. They silently got away and made their way out of the city. Both of them knew of the city Nemania, a city of great refute. It was also the last place that anyone would look to find the missing prince and princess.

Growing up is never easy, especially in a city where crime is as common as being illiterate. Isley and Sema both moved to the slums. They, in fact, ended up as neighbors. From that first hari till the end of childhood Lorenzo and Annalise grew up side-by-side as peasants.

“Can I go play with Anna, please mama?” Lorenzo asked.

“Fine, however anda stay out of trouble,” Isley answered.

Lorenzo frequently went over to play with Annalise. They would often play out in the streets without a worry in the world. They never even suspected that they were anything however peasants. This went on till the tahun they turned fourteen.

Shortly after their fourteenth birthdays there was a sickness that was spreading like wildfire. It was an epidemic of epic proportions. At the time no one knew what it was. Later it was found that the deadly Red Fever had come and would devastate not only both kingdoms however the whole world.

It started innocent enough as a cough, and Madame Isley had always had a cough. Therefore at first no one ever really noticed however then the insomnia set in. Not long after the insomnia set in her skin started to turn a blotchy red. Within the same hari of getting the blotchy skin she was bedridden with a high fever. Within a week Isley was gone and Lorenzo was left as an orphan.

“What am I suppose to do, Anna?” Lorenzo asked.

“The only thing anda can do, alih on. Everything will be alright Loren,” she reassured.

“I have to find work; I will not be another criminal. I have to find a way to live without doing wrong atau without living off of others kindness.”

“You will, I just know it.” In deed she did, though she would not find out why she knew it until she had finally found her real parents.

Just two weeks later Scrava, the landlord, told Lorenzo that he either had to pay him atau alih out. Loren did not yet have a job so he could not pay. He knew his only chance was to pack up what little he had and go find work.

“Anna, what am I to do? I just Lost mother, I am getting thrown out of my utama and I have no money!”

“It will all be alright. I will help anda pack up everything and anda will get a job. I heard that the Duchess Rewana has an opening.”

“You always know exactly what to say.”

They went into his utama and started with packing up his mothers stuff. It did not take very long because she had had very little. Then they found heap of paper. They started to go through it to find out if any of it was important. After about a half jam of going through the papers Annalise found something.

“Look at what I have found!” she exclaimed.

“What is it?”

“It is a letter addressed to King James!”

“Open it so we can read it,” he replied full of curiosity.

“Are anda sure we should?”

“I am the man of the house so I get to decide what is right and what is wrong.”
Dear James,
    You will probably never get this letter however I will write it anyway. What we had together was magical and meant to be. I would have been everything that anda needed however anda never gave me a chance. Since anda took everything I held dearly I now have that which anda hold dear that should have been mine all along. May anda suffer like anda have forced me to.
With all my love,
Madame Isley
“What is she talking about?” Lorenzo asked.

“I do not know. Whatever she was talking about went to the grave with her. I hope she found peace before she died. anda should keep the letter just in case anda ever meet King James.”

“I will. I just wish I knew what Mother was talking about. What do we possible have that could have been the King’s once upon a time?”

“I do not know and I doubt we will ever know.”

“You should get utama to your Papa.”

“I will. Good bye. anda will see me before anda go?”

“Of course,” he replied as he bent to Ciuman her on the cheek.

Annalise could not get the letter out of her mind, it was still on her mind three days later when Lorenzo came to say good bye.

“Do not forget to write, I know anda do not like to however I want to know all about your new and adventurous life. I am going to miss you. Promise me anda will come and visit if anda get the chance,” Annalise begged.

“Of course I will come and visit anda if I have the chance. I would have to be a complete oaf not to call upon the most beautiful girl,” he berkata taking pleasure in making his Anna blush. He then leaned down and kissed her on the cheek as she ferociously hugged him.

“Good bye!” she yelled after the carriage the Duchess Rewana had sent as she waved, fearful that this would be the last time they ever saw each other.

About every three days she got a letter from Lorenzo. She loved getting the letters because they were her lifeline to him. He told her about the city, how all the girls seemed dull and dimwitted compared to her, and he told her how much he missed her. This time away from each other really showed them how much they meant to each other.

What little happiness Lorenzo’s letters brought it lasted less than two years. Not long before her sixteenth birthday Sema died. There was a new and quick spreading illness that no one stood a chance to once they caught it. Within two days of getting sick Sema was dead. No matter how much magic he did he could not cure himself atau slow down the illness.

Sema’s death triggered the magic in Annalise that had lain dormant. It was then that her magic started coming through. She tried to hide it however the lebih grief she had the lebih her powers became unpredictable and since she had no one to teach her what to do atau how to stop them she became scared of her self. She became so terrified she locked herself away. It was then that she sent Lorenzo a letter.
Dear Loren,
Father just died and I do not know what to do. There is so much that is happening that I am lost. I know anda are busy with your job however I need you, I have no one else. I have no job and cannot find one. I have no money and I fear Scrava will make me leave. Madame Ishtar has offered me a job at one of the local brothels however I cannot do that. It is not right; I know Father would not want that for me. I do not wish for anda to get into any trouble, however if it is possible could anda come home?
With all my love,
When Lorenzo got her letter he knew that there was lebih going on than she was letting on to. He knew that if she was asking for him to come utama that it was extremely important. It was because of this that he decided that he needed to go home. Not to mention he did not like the idea that she would have to work in Madame Ishtar’s brothel if she did not find work soon.

“Duchess Rewana?” Lorenzo asked.

“Yes?” she replied not unkindly.

“May I ask for a leave of absence?”

“Whatever for, my dear boy?”

“My friend’s father just died and she needs my help. She would not even have mentioned it if it were not such a dire situation.”

“Does she not have a family?”

“No, if I do not go and help her Mister Scrava will force her out on the streets and then she will be forced to take Madame Ishtar’s job offer of working in her brothel.”

“Oh, the poor darling! Of course anda can take a leave of absence for two weeks to settle everything. If anda cannot find the poor child a job anda must bring her here and I will find her a respectable job.”

“I thank anda with all my heart.”

The following hari Lorenzo packed a little bag and headed off for Nemania and back to his Anna. When he arrived he surprised Annalise. She was so happy to see him that for a moment she had forgotten all manners and ran up to him and hugged him. When she pulled back she blushed so deeply that her whole face and ears had turned a delightful shade of red. As Lorenzo and Annalise looked at each other to see how the other had changed in the last two years they realized just how much they had missed each other.

“May I come in?” he asked effectively breaking her trance.

“Of course! Come in, come in!” she exclaimed as she led him into the small quarters she had called utama for as long as she could remember. She quickly got teh started and took out her two teh cups with their matching saucers. “Do anda still take your teh plain?”

“Yes, anda have a good memory. After teh do anda want any help going through your fathers things?”

“Oh, I could not ask anda to do that.”

“You are not asking, I am offering.”

“Then in that case, I would Cinta your help,” she berkata as she smoothed out her skirt and tucked her wayward hair behind her ears.

They sat and had a lovely teh time. As they drank their teh they each told the other of the odd little adventures they had been on and they even reminisced about their childhood. After talking for almost two hours they got to work going through Sema’s belongings.

“Look what I found here!” Lorenzo exclaimed.

“What is it?” she asked.

“It is a letter your father wrote.”

“Who is it to?”

“Queen Catherine and King Jullian!”


“It is a letter to the King and Queen of Innala! Can we open it?”

“I do not know. Do anda think we should?”

“I do not see what harm it will do.”

“Alright, let us open it and find out what Father wrote to the king and Queen however never sent.”
Dear Queen Catherine and King Jullian,
    You forbade me to be powerful and it is sad that it has come to this. I wish it had not come to this and that we could have found some compromise however it was not to be. Since anda prevented me from being as powerful as I could be I took from anda the most powerful thing anda had. anda did not even know how much power anda held. anda took all that I held dear and now I have that which anda held dearest of all. For all your treachery I will see that anda suffer. anda will never see her.
May anda suffer for all time,
The Sorcerer Sema
“What was he talking about?” Annalise demanded.

“I do not know however I have a feeling it was nothing good. I doubt we will ever know.”

“I hate that they did not tell us everything! Is it so hard to tell your children the truth? Both our parents died and left behind cryptic and mystifying letters to the royal families.”

“What I want to know is who the ‘her’ is that he mentioned. And why did he want the royal family to suffer?” Lorenzo frustratingly asked.

“I wish I could talk to him. There is so much I want to talk to him about and ask him! It is not fair that he died. What am I suppose to do now, Loren?” Annalise asked as she started to cry.

“I do not know, Anna. I just do not know,” he replied as he gathered her up into his arms and held her till she cried out all of her anger, hurt, frustrations, and grief.

They continued to go through Sema’s belongings. After that first night they never mentioned it again. Before they knew it Lorenzo only had one hari left of his leave. sejak then Lorenzo had realized he could not leave his Anna to fend for herself and he knew the only way they could survive is if he convinced her to come back with him to the Duchess Rewana.

“Anna, as much as I wish I could I cannot stay here forever,” Lorenzo pointed out after their afternoon tea.

“I know I loved having anda here however anda need to go back to your life. I completely understand. anda have your duty that anda have to fulfill,” Annalise replied as she tried to keep the tears out of her eyes and voice.

“You could always come back with me.”

She remained silent for several moments. “What would I do?”

He let out the breath he did not even know he was holding. “The Duchess is looking for a new personal maid because her current one is going to get married. We could always ask if anda could have that position.”

“That could be someone else's job and I do not want to take someone else's job.”

“I am sure that if the position is already filled that she could help us find anda a different job. Please. Say anda will come, please?” he begged.

She looked long and hard into his eyes, searching for who knew what. Finally with stars in her eyes and sorrow in her hati, tengah-tengah she said, “Yes, I will go with anda to the Duchess Rewana.”

That evening they packed up what little she had and what little she wanted to take of her fathers. The following morning they climbed into the carriage the duchess had sent and started their journey to their future. Little did they know that sejak starting on this path they would end up where they truly belonged.

They pulled in front of the colossal palace the Duchess called home. Annalise was beyond amazed at what stood before her. Lorenzo handed her down from the carriage then led her through the front doors. Once inside Lorenzo inquired where the Duchess was. They were told she was in the sitting room having her afternoon tea.

“Duchess Rewana? This is the friend I told anda about, the one I had leave to go and help,” Lorenzo said.

“Ah, the poor young lady that needed your help. I see that everything went well. What is your name?” the Duchess Rewana asked. She was startled when she first actually looked at Annalise because she had the overwhelming feeling that she knew this young girl.

“Annalise, milady,” she replied and gave a perfectly executed curtsy.

“What a lovely name, and great manners too. Would anda sejak any chance need a job? Gretta, my old personal maid just got married two days lalu and is no longer in my service. Would anda like the job?”

“Oh, yes! I would Cinta the job. Thank anda so much for this chance. I do not know how I can ever repay you,” Annalise gushed.

“I need no thanks. It just seems to be your good fortune that anda arrived in the nick of time. Since it was such a long journey, I am sure Lorenzo would Cinta to tunjuk anda to your quarters. I am sure anda would Cinta the chance to get settled in. Then I am sure he can tunjuk anda around my home.”

Lorenzo gave Annalise a little tour as he took her to her quarters. Annalise was beyond amazed at all the extravagance and did not quite know what to do with herself.

“Here is your room, Anna,” Lorenzo berkata with a flourish and a smile.

“This is all mine? It is as large as the quarters I shared with Father back home!” Annalise stood Frozen in amazement.

“I will leave anda now to get settled in.”

“Oh, thank you,” she berkata as she jumped up to give him a hug.

“It was my pleasure,” he berkata as he departed with a grin on his face.

Both Lorenzo and Annalise loved their jobs with the Duchess and worked to make her proud. For them she was like a substitute mother and they relished her affection. They did not think life could get any better. This is how it went for several weeks.

Over time the Duchess Rewana saw how each hari Lorenzo and Annalise fell lebih and lebih in love. The romantic in her could not help however want to make sure that they both got to live happily ever after. So six months after Annalise had started working for her, the Duchess decided to give them the hari off so that they could have a hari to themselves.

“Lorenzo, take Annalise to town and tunjuk her a good time. Take the hari to spend time together and decide what anda want with the future. The hari is yours to do with as anda please.”

“Thank anda for this opportunity,” Lorenzo replied.
Lorenzo immediately went to Annalise. “Come, Anna. Let us go see the town and have fun.”

“What about work? We cannot just leave!”

“The Duchess gave us the hari off. So come and let us go and have adventures.”

“I do not know…”

“It will be just like old times. Come, please? Please spend the hari out with me?”

“Alright, however only if anda take me to go see the beach.”

“It is a deal.”

They decided that it would be a beautiful hari to walk and have a picnic on the beach. The Bunga were blooming, the sun was shinning, the waves were gentle, the breeze was kind and the future was bright. They had nothing to lose. It was a four mile walk to town however they calmly walked it, holding hands the whole way. Once in town they went to the local bakery and got a fresh loaf of Cheat roti that Annalise wrapped up in a handkerchief and placed in the small basket she had brought along. Their seterusnya stop was at the jalan vendor who sold wedges of cheese where they bought one medium sized wedge of Brie cheese that was then wrapped in another handkerchief and placed in the basket. Thanks to the Duchess they already had spiced wine and figs. There was nothing left to do however enjoy their day.

After leaving the vendor Lorenzo took Annalise to the pantai as he had promised. sejak then it was high noon and the pantai was empty. They had it all to themselves. They sat the basket and Annalise’s jubah, berjubah on a rock large enough to sit on in a small alcove. They walked along the water line. Watching the birds fly and the ikan swim, they felt like they had all those years lalu as young children.

They continued to hold hands for the whole day, feeling completely at utama in the others arms. To them the hari seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Before they knew it, it was close to sunset. They sat down on the sand sejak their rock and ate their bread, figs, and cheese and drank the wine. As the sun set they walked in each others embrace with the glow of true Cinta all the way home.

As the tarikh of Lorenzo and Annalise’s seventeenth birthdays loomed closer the kings and queens grew lebih and lebih anxious. They were growing lebih apprehensive that the prince and princess would not be found. Since the kings and queens had agreed that Prince Lorenzo and Princess Annalise would be married once they turned seventeen they decided that it was also a good time to finally declare the prince and princess dead. Because the grief was so strong they decided to go to the only other person who felt what they felt, the Duchess Rewana who was Lorenzo and Annalise’s godmother.

The Duchess Rewana had the entire staff gathered. “King Jullian and Queen Catherine from Innala along with King James and Queen Belle from Trion will be joining us soon. So the whole palace needs to be in tiptop shape. Everyone needs to be in their best and cater to their Royal Highnesses every wish. Am I understood?”

All of the staff nodded that they understood. Lorenzo and Annalise looked at each other and knew that if they had the chance they needed to give the kings and queens the letters their parents had wrote before death however had never sent.

Everyone was working overtime to make the palace shine like it had not since it had been built. Lorenzo and Annalise spent so much time helping the rest of the staff get ready that they barely had time to see each other to say hello.

Then the hari finally arrived.

“Welcome, welcome. Come in my dears,” Duchess Rewana greeted.

The whole staff stood on the steps waiting for their orders. Once the kings and queens got to the steps they all curtsied and bowed in the most regal and respectful way possible.

“Hello, my dear Rewana,” King James greeted.

“Thank anda for allowing us to come on such short notice. It must have been hard on your staff,” Queen Catherine said.

“It is my pleasure to have you, as it is my staffs,” Duchess Rewana replied.

“I am happy to see all of you, I just wish it were under better circumstances,” King Jullian

“We have been unsuccessful in finding them. If they are not found soon we will be obliged to announce them dead. I just want our Bayi back,” Queen Belle berkata with tears in her eyes.

“None of my parties have come back with any sign of them either. Have yours had any luck, King James?” Duchess Rewana asked.

“I am afraid not. We are quickly losing what precious little time we have left. It is my fear that without the prince and princess to unite our kingdoms that we will be headed for war,” King James fretted.

“Let us go and sit down for some tea.” Duchess Rewana then addressed her staff, “Go about your normal duties. Lorenzo and Annalise anda are to help any who need it since I will not be in need of your services.”

At hearing Lorenzo and Annalise’s names the kings and queens felt a stab of pain at the remembrances of their children they had not seen since they were babies.

Lorenzo and Annalise spent the whole hari together doing all the odd jobs no one else had the time for. This went on for days since it was so busy none of the royals really noticed them. However as everything slowed down to a lebih normal routine the royals started noticing Lorenzo and Annalise. Whenever they caught a glimpse of Lorenzo atau Annalise they were struck with an uncanny familiarness. Each time they heard the names of their missing children the royals felt a stab of pain.

After a week Lorenzo and Annalise got back to their actual jobs. It is because of this that the Lost prince and princess were found.

Just a week before their seventeenth birthdays Lorenzo and Annalise were telah diberi the jobs of serving the Duchess, the kings, and the queens for a tea. At first no one really took notice of them, however when they did the truth would come out.

“I Cinta seeing two people who Cinta each other get to be with each other,” Queen Catherine berkata thinking about her own Cinta match.

“As do I, in fact I have helped two young ones be together. They are truly in love,” Duchess Rewana confided.

“Really? Who ever had anda to help them achieve love?” King James asked.

“Lorenzo and Annalise. They were childhood friends. Lorenzo came here to find work when he was fourteen, almost three years ago, when his mother died and his land lord put him out on the street. Then almost a tahun lalu he asked to go on leave because his friend’s father had just died and if he did not go then she would be forced to work. She would have been forced to work in a brothel. So I offered her a job.”

“That is a lot to overcome! Wherever did they live that that was common atau allowed?” Queen Belle asked.

“Nemania, the wretched place that causes us grief everyday. They are, in fact, the servers for this tea,” Duchess Rewana boasted.

“Is that so?” King Jullian asked. “With names like those they should be worth meeting. Do anda not think my dear?”

“Why of course I should Cinta to meet them! What says you, dear Rewana?” Queen Belle asked.

“What a splendid idea! Lorenzo. Annalise,” she called.

“Yes, milady?” Annalise and Lorenzo asked in unison as they curtsied and bowed.

“Get up; anda need not bow to us. We just want to get a look at the couple in Cinta on Rewana’s staff,” Queen Catherine said.

“Yes, your majesty.”

When they looked up everyone froze in place. In that instant Duchess Rewana realized why both Lorenzo and Annalise had looked so familiar. They both looked almost identical to their parents. It was when the clock struck five that the trance was broke.

“What are your names?”

“When are your birthdays?”

“How old are you?”

“Who are your parents?”

“What is going on, Loren?” Annalise whispered.

“I do not know, my sweet Anna. We should answer them; maybe this is the right time to give them the letters,” Lorenzo replied.

“Please answer them,” Duchess Rewana berkata in a choked whisper.

“My name is Lorenzo. I will be seventeen in one week from today. My mother was Madame Isley.”

“No, it cannot be!” King James exclaimed.

“My name is Annalise. I will be seventeen in one week and three days. My father was the sorcerer Sema. Why do anda ask?”

“No, I should have known!” Queen Belle cried out.

“Have anda heard of the story of the missing prince and princess?” Duchess Rewana asked.

“Yes, everyone has,” Annalise answered. “We grew up hearing it.”

“The prince and princess have just been found.”

“Really? When did anda find them? Who are they?” Lorenzo asked.

“Prince Lorenzo of Trion and Princess Annalise of Innala.”

“Those are our names! Are we named after the prince and princess?” Annalise asked.

“No, sweetheart, anda are not named after the prince and princess,” Queen Belle answered.
“However… it makes no sense!”

“Lorenzo. Annalise. anda are the missing prince and princess.”

“This cannot be! Is that what the letters were talking about?” Annalise asked Lorenzo.

“It has to be, there is no other explanation,” he replied.

“What letters are anda talking about?” asked King James.

“When our parents died we found mysterious letters that they had never sent. We held on to them in case, sejak miracle, we were to ever meet you.”

“Who were they addressed to?” asked King Jullian.

“Mother addressed hers to King James,” Lorenzo replied.

“My father’s was written to Queen Catherine and King Jullian,” Annalise said.

“May we see them?” Queen Belle asked.

“Yes, anda may. We had already planned on giving them to you, we just did not know when atau how to give them to you.”

Lorenzo and Annalise left and got the letters. When they got back everyone was red eyed and had handkerchiefs out dabbing at their eyes. They instantly gave the letters to the recipients. After Membaca the letters they discussed them, however Lorenzo and Annalise still did not understand what they had meant. It had taken almost seventeen years, however the missing prince and princess had finally been found.

“May we hug you?” Queen Belle asked.

“Yes, however first could anda explain what is happening?” asked Annalise.

“You are the Princess Annalise. anda were taken from me when anda were a bulan old sejak our main sorcerer Sema. Sema wanted to hurt me because I am a good witch and when I found out he was performing some of the evilest forms of magic I gave him an ultimatum. He either had to stop casting black magic atau have some of his powers drained. He refused to stop and tried to kill your father, you, and myself. It was then that I had my bulatan sertai together and drain his powers. He disappeared and we never heard from him again. Now I know why we never heard from him, he already had what he wanted,” Queen Catherine explained. “He had the most powerful witch and he could influence her as she grew older.”

“Father was evil? However he was always so kind and gentle!”

“I am truly sorry.”

“How did I come to be missing then?” Lorenzo asked.

“Before I met your mother I was very… unruly. I had had a mistress. Her name was Madame Isley and she wanted to be Queen and rule, even though she was quite callous. When I met your mother I instantly fell in Cinta and I broke of the affair. She did not like that. In fact she tried everything to break us apart however she only made us stronger. Then we got married and announced that we were expecting. She was beyond enraged and tried to kill your mother. Instead of getting her way she got banished. When we did not hear anything from her we just assumed that she had set her sights on someone else,” King James replied. “Now, however, we see that that was not the case.”

“That does not even sound like Mother! She was so independent; she never let a man interfere and never depended on one.”

“I am sorry. I doubt either of anda wanted to find out anda have been living a lie. However now that anda do anda will have to take on the responsibility that anda were born to,” Duchess Rewana said.

“What about us? We Cinta each other! I do not want to spend my life without Loren!” Annalise anxiously said.

“And I cannot menanggung, bear the idea of ever not having my sweet Anna sejak my side!” Lorenzo exclaimed.

“Yes, well, about that… it fits right into the plan,” King Jullian replied.

“What plan?”

“When anda two were born our kingdoms were on the verge of war. Then when anda were born we realized that we could stop the pending war sejak uniting our Kingdoms in the most assuring way.”

“How did anda plan on uniting the kingdoms?” Annalise asked.

“Since anda both were born anda have been betrothed. We were going to announce after your seventeenth birthday that anda would be considered dead if anda were not found. We chose this because anda were suppose to be married right after anda turned seventeen. Now, of course, the wedding will be postponed however it will still happen. anda two can live happily ever after,” Queen Catherine replied.

“We can still get married?”

“Of course, we are planning on it.”

“What do we do now?” Lorenzo asked.

“Now we take anda both utama and teach anda how to be royalty, and of course anda will plan your wedding. Then anda will get married and take on your royal duties,” berkata King Jullian.

Lorenzo and Annalise packed up what little they owned and headed off to their true utama with their newfound parents. It was only six months later when they celebrated their wedding. Their wedding did not just unite the kingdoms of Trion and of Innala, however the peasants and nobles.

Later when King Lorenzo and Queen Annalise were mentioned it was always with love, because when it came to caring for their people there was none lebih considerate. With this the story of the destined prince and princess was a story that was told for centuries to come.

With the glow of true Cinta Lorenzo and Annalise walked into the hearts of all of their people and into the stars where they will dwell for all time in remembrance.
posted by Kimi4312
Chapter 5: A Bleeding Heart.
After Roxana and Selina kissed, they ended up Ciuman in Roxana's bed, Selina gotten on bahagian, atas of Roxana and kissed her lips down to her neck then back up to Roxana's lips "I won't leave anda again, I promise" Roxana said, and Selina looked into Roxana's eyes "I'am sorry for how I treated you" Selina berkata and saw Roxana's necklace, she rips the kalung off and kisses Roxana, the seterusnya morning Selina woke up to Roxana watching her, "Are anda alright?" Selina asked Roxana "Yeah just a nightmare" Roxana said, feeling guitly how she acted with Abe the sebelumnya night, Selina...
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The first time I saw him he was digging ketchup out of a bottle with a knife. he was bent over the desk, red brown hair covering his face. With a crooked grin he turned around to face me.
"want some" he gestured to the big red mess of what I think might have been a sandwich.
"um... Maybe latter" I replayed setting my buku on the counter. I had just started a new tahun in high school, and was currently third period aka, utama Ed class. Probably one of the most unusefull class ever. Well here I am walking in to a class room of new faces, and with just one look at my new partner I know that I defiantly...
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posted by POPclogger216

Run by
Run through
Run away
Run to
By, through, away, to


Run by
Running by
That’s what happens
When you’re living life
anda run by
Some may need
Another try
Run by


Run through
Running through
It’s what we sometimes
Want to do
Run through school
Run through life
It doesn’t matter
How much strife
It may cause others
It may cause you
Run through


Run away
Running away
It what we should do
From ugly things
From messed up dares
From human beings
Who don’t give any care
On who they are
Go very, very, very far, just
Run away


Run to
Running to
Run to the One who is calling you
He’s calling you
With open arms
Just welcome Him
With your whole heart
anda won’t need to run anymore
When He’s right there with you
Run to.

Zoeiz took a subtle relaxed deep breathe. And held it just for a moment.

Christ, sejak highest heaven adored…

The cold blistering air nipped at her exposed cheeks and the tip of her petite nose. A perfect atmosphere for the winters most important day, Christmas.

It was only 7:55 in the morning. Children throughout the modest town would be up sejak now, pouncing on their drowsy parents, eagerly anticipating on opening the wrapped gifts and stuffed bags.

She breathed out, the vaporous air revealing her breath.

Christ, the everlasting Lord…

Naturally, fresh flakes of snow began to fall from the...
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posted by coriann
The house lights were on bright. It was a lonely brick house, brownish cream and had a red galvenise roof. there was a square arch around the front door. It was big and had a light and a bench on the side. I walked up the one step to the open door. The boy had already run inside. Contrary to the arch, the inside of the house was black and dim and full of decor and dim lights. I should have noticed from looking at the glass louvers.
I saw a Muslim lady in orange on the phone. She was fair (light brown) and thick. The orange sari was high up over her knees. "Mam, Mam"
She was laughing, but she...
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posted by GummyBears_11
As screwed up as my life was, I always found joy in singing. I sang everyday, no matter what happened. Singing helped me remember a better time. A time when 'he' wasn't around. A time when my mother WAS around. A time when I wasn't alone.

Chapter 1- Ring Around The Rosies

I jerked awake. I was covered in cold sweat, and I still had flashbacks of the nightmare stuck in my head.

"No! Mother, please, don't go!"

There was no use in falling asleep again. It was already 6:40, and soon enough, my stepfather would barge in my room, yelling at me to get up, calling me names, threatening to beat me....
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posted by noahnstar1616
-The seterusnya Day-
I woke up. The sun was shining in my eyes. I called my nurse and asked if she could close the blinds. She did. I grabbed my katil remote and pressed the button that allows new to sit up. Once that is done, I notice a meja, jadual with a tray of eggs, baco, and orange jus on it. I reach for the tray and put it on my lap. I begin to eat. Not bad, but not good either. I grab the Televisyen remote and turn on the television. I decide to watch Looney Tunes. Then my Grandma walked in.

"Good morning, sweetie." She was carrying a ziploc bag with a bagel inside. "Don't eat that stuff." Shm grabbed...
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posted by POPclogger216
I had originally planned doing this for A Choice, with the song sort of depicting what happened, but I decided not to. So, picture this as any couple/ people anda want, whether they’re form the story, your own, atau whoever. Merry Christmas!

I do not own the song, nor (most likely) the plot.


Two friends; nothing more, nothing less. One, who had never had snow in her Krismas memories before, and the other, who had lived with white Christmases most of his life. This is a story of friendship, laughter, a hint of love, and a few memories being made.


Sleigh bells ring, are anda listening?
In the...
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posted by problematic124
Her eyes were raw
But she could not cry
It was all she saw
The pain and the lies
Her hope was broken
She felt incomplete
Freedom was wanted she wanted to be
To be able to laugh
To be able to smile
If not even once
But once in a while
She has to survive
She has to survive
It's the only thing that could keep her alive
Her eyes started to water
But she held the tears back
She never wanted
To be seen like that
Her life was of ruins
She hurt a real lot
Her family was gone
And left to rot
It was a long time
And yet it still hurt
She felt like a crime
And even worse
But she needed to survive
They would want it that way
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- Chapter 1: He's A Stray (Raven's POV) -
For only 20 years, 20 long years sucked for me, when I was only 23 years old, I became a vampire, why? well ask Jacob, my moron and jalang, perempuan jalang of a boyfriend I wish I can strangle, me and Jacob were at a party from his friends, he was being a little prick like always even if people are around he would blame me for it, I was just looking at a couple of beautiful Ros until Jacob grabbed my arm, "Why anda always looking like a stupid tramp? at least tunjuk some respect for once" he berkata and jerked my arm away, I ran to the bathroom, I just wish I can go but he's...
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posted by darkwave
I had a dream that was not at all a dream

The splendid sun was extinguished, and the stars

Roamed the dark eternal space,

No rays atau script, and the icy earth

Revolved and blind negrejante the moonless air;

It came and went in the morning - came and brought no day;

And men forgot their passions in the horror

This desolation, and the hearts cooled

A selfish prayer implored light:

And they lived around the fire, and the thrones,

The palaces of crowned kings, the huts,

Addresses, finally, the genre that was,

In flames gave light; Cities is consumed

And the men gathered at the homes igneous

To look once again...
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posted by darkwave
Life, he believes, is not a dream
As black as the wise men say they are.
Often a gray morning
Foreshadows a pleasant afternoon and soalhenta.

Sometimes there are dark clouds
But it is only on certain days;
If rain makes the Ros bloom
Why mourn and not smile?

Quickly, happily
The soalhentas hours of life go by
Thankfully, excitedly
Enjoy them as they go flying.

And sometimes when Death appears
And the best that anda have gone?
And when the pain deepens
And hope it sinks won?

Oh, even then, there is hope of rebirth
Unconquerable, never die.
Happy with his golden wing
Strong enough to make us feel good
Boldly, afraid of nothing
Face the Judgement hari coming.
For gloriously, victoriously
Courage can overcome despair.
posted by lovepop
"What? New Hampshire?" Hillishia said. "But that's far away." "Nah! You're movie stars! anda can buy your plane tickets in a snap!" Mr. Higgsten said. The dark and empty stage was very dark and eerie when it was silent. So it was silent as Ponya thought."Well I guess I can squeeze it in. How long will we be there?" Ponya asked. "Just to do some final touches so I'm guessing about a few days." Ponya turned to Hillishia. "It's ok! We can go to New Hampshire and come back in time to see the opening night!" Ponya said. "We'll go!" Hillishia said.......................sorry I had to make the artikel longer............................................... Zaqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq....................
( Hi I am here with another story. In this where ever is ‘I’ please consider yourself there )
Mei was busy with her laptop, Tia and Rocket were sitting in a corner D’jok and Thank were enjoying funny performance of Micro Ice. Ahito was sleeping and I was sitting in one corner waiting for Sinned. There was a loud sound coming from another room. Arch was scolding Sinned for his deeds he did in match. When he came he was a bit angry but when I went there he looked with his caring eyes and berkata “hey l’ll sis I’ll come to take you. Till then live here coz my life is kinda unsettled…”...
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posted by Ragefulchimp
Vandals and crooks
an aging man, caught like a ikan on a hook
Getting reeled in, he's easy prey
Eyes sag, creating bags, pupils widen, creating paralysis

Confusion and fear
An ailing man, with ikan hooks everywhere
The biggest catch today
Pavement runs red, creating pain, flesh torn, creating animals

Torment and Horror
An aching man, aches no more
The ikan hook rips away
Smiles widen, creating youth, blood drips, creating paralysis
posted by Ragefulchimp
    As hell started to freeze over, satan had his servants throw lebih wood in the deep, dark, crumbling pits of heck. The slaves of eternity agreed with haste, because if they didnt follow orders, Satan would do horrible things. The Creator of evil was Berlakon especially evil that day, because he knew what was coming up, Christmas. His kegemaran holiday was on the horizon, and he was still at a loss as to what to buy jesus. He already had wings, and this really cool rubiks cube that was electronic, plus his dad was all powerful, which was pretty neat. He had a couple of ideas...
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posted by Lore_Master
"Wha.... how could they have found out?" the hero thought to himself staring with a dead expression on his face, they heard a knock on the door "Are anda okay?" asked the girl getting up to check the door, the hero sat there Frozen in fear only hearing a faint voice "Boy listen to me... I know we haven't gotten off on the right foot but if anda don't escape we will both be captured so alih boy!" berkata the voice in his head, the hero couldn't believe what he was hearing was it the demon with-in him asking nicely? the hero shook his head in confusion "Why should I listen to you? you're trying to...
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posted by Lore_Master
These side affects were takeing a toll on the hero gradually wearing him down, the doctor took the hero in as his own careing for him and makeing sure he was brought up well, "Two year's have passed since that night." the hero thought to himself as he got up out of katil to start what seemed like a normal summer hari "Boy where are anda it's time to start work!" excalimed the old man as he knocked on his door "Eh... I hate mornings." berkata the hero as he got up out of katil getting dressed to start another day. With the sun bareing down on them it seemed as if hell had found it's way to Siege "Are...
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posted by Lore_Master
He couldn't stop stareing at his reflection "What am I? who am I...?" he asked himself looking at the black wings on his back, he took hold of his wings ripping them off violently howling in pain, massive amounts of blood were gushing from his back he began feeling weak soon falling to the ground into the puddle of muddy water he layed there lifeless he had completely telah diberi up, he slowly faded out of consciousness as his blood slowly filled the muddy puddle he started to laugh feeling the madness took over his mind, he rolled over to look at the star's once lebih before he was completely dead...
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posted by StarWarsFan7
"Well...that's better." A fourteen-year-old Rosella Karst says. She had just cast a spell on a glass cup which is now filled with water. She grabs the cup and takes a sip. "What are anda doing?!" Rosella's older sister, Pandora exclaims for she had just arrived. Rosella almost chokes on the hydrogen and oxygen drink. "Drinking water. Why? Is that illegal?" She sets the glass down on a coffee meja, jadual in the magical wizard lair that they are in. Pandora takes Rosella's wizard wand which has a vine stem and a beautiful white rose at the top. "I'm not joking. Why couldn't anda just go downstairs, get...
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