The Fanfic Forever: Book 2-- Rise Above

hollistergurl posted on Nov 10, 2011 at 08:05PM
Book 1: The Beginning
Rating: C+-- mild language
Main Characters: Ariela Fosters, Nico DiAngelo, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, and Leo Valdez
OC: Ariela Fosters
Synopsis: It has been 3 years since the war with Gaea and the Giants. The demigods of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter have been living in peace: very few monsters had attacked them and there were no prophecies said yet. But, their peace ends when a new prophecy is announced that a new demigod will succeed against a war with the monsters. The monsters have gotten stronger and smarter each year, no longer held back by a leader, creating chaos.
*A/N: The demigods won the war against Gaea & the Giants, Hazel and Frank died, and Jason and Piper are a couple.
this forum is chapters 6-end. chapters 1-5 are on the Heroes of Olympus club

Book 2: Rise Above
Rating: C+-- mild language
Main Characters: Emily Greenwood, Nico DiAngelo, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez
OC: Ariel Fosters (from Book 1), Emily Greenwood
Synopsis: Two years ago, Nico DiAngelo attempted to bring back Ariel Fosters, but failed. He has recieved banishment from Zeus, who had done this job without any of the other gods' consent. Some are on his side; others are angry. The gods are fighting constantly ever since this dispute, wanting Zeus's throne; they are disrupting the mortal world with hurricanes, volcanoes erupting, and major earthquakes. The demigods of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter must work together in order to stop a possible World War 3; but who is the mysterious new demigod, who seems to have all powers of the gods and other powers that are unknown?
Disclaimer: Everything from Percy Jackson and the Olympians + The Heroes of Olympus belongs to Rick Riordan.

to EVERYONE reading this forum and commenting, you guys are AWESOME. <3 thanks for keeping this forum on Popular Content for most of the time! :D

check out my other forums:
-Heroes of Olympus Talk Show! (3-way collab: me, universalpowa, nicecatch42)
-The Darkness Rising (collab: me & kronos429)
-The Heroes of Olympus Musical (collab: me & universalpowa)
-The Regretted Choice (collab: me & MisterPerfect1)
-Turning Back Time (collab: me, universalpowa, and Meef)
-The Hearth Lost
last edited on Apr 12, 2012 at 01:31AM

The Fanfic 973 balas

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hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
hey guys! it's Friday, so i'm posting!
i'll probably post a preview tomorrow, and thank you for all the comments!
i love doing Leo's POV :D
enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 6: Leo

Leo was afraid of the dark. Okay, yes, he admitted it—he’s afraid of the dark, ever since watching Paranormal Activity.

Leo shuddered; they had been walking towards New Jersey for about an hour now, since it was 8 PM.

He hugged the Double Stuffed Oreos that he stole from Percy’s parents; he hoped they wouldn’t mind, since they did leave them behind.

Leo opened the bag for the hundredth time and took out another Oreo—there were only a few left now.

Percy and Jason looked at him. “Dude, you know you’ve eaten like, a hundred Ores in less than an hour, right?” Percy asked.

Leo gulped down his Oreo, then stuffed the box in his backpack. “I eat when I’m… scared.”

No one responded to that.

The rain was just drizzling now, but there was still thunder and lightning—occasionally Leo saw a tree a few hundred yards away tumble down from getting hit.

It was summer, so it was hot and humid—Leo saw Emily was now wearing shorts and a tank top instead of her jeans and long sleeved-shirt; she seemed the most comfortable out of all of them.

Leo just wanted to sit down and sleep and play on his xBox.

“Question. Where are we going to sleep?” He asked them.

“Hmm, I think that’s the first intelligent question that ever came out of you, Leo,” Percy responded.

“Gee, I feel so warm and tingly inside.”

“That’s just weird,” Jason added.

“I was kidding, Pretty Boy.”

“Shut up, Hot Head.”

“Peerrccyyyy, you didn’t answer my question,” Leo whined.

“Honestly, Leo? I don’t know. No where is safe if the gods are fighting… we’re just gonna have to find a nearby store that seems friendly to sleep in.”

“There better not be any mutated Cokes inside,” Leo muttered.

“Hey, don’t insult Cokes!” Percy said.

“Pepsi’s WAY better.”

“I actually like Coke better,” Emily said. “The polar bear’s cute.”

“Well yeah, but who cares about a polar bear?” Leo asked.

“Polar bear lovers?”

“Like my stepdad, Paul.”

“Paul likes polar bears?” Jason asked.

“Apparently. My mom said he wanted one as a pet.”


Well that was a conversation stopper.

They trudged along, Leo’s curly hair plastered to his forehead—only Percy wasn’t wet, and every now and then, he could see Jason take out a brush to keep his hair all “perfect.”

“What about we stay in that empty bookstore over there?” Emily suddenly asked, pointing in the distance.

Leo tilted his head. “I don’t see any bookstore… I don’t think I’d want to go in one, either.”

“Why? They’re not that bad. Can’t you see that sign that says Books and Eyes Bookstore? They even sell coffee!”

Percy squinted. “I can’t see anything… Emily, are you sure you’re not on drugs?”

Leo burst out laughing, but shut up when Emily raised her eyebrows at him.

“Um, no. I’m pretty sure I can clearly see the Books and Eyes Bookstore.”

“I can’t see anything!” Jason complained, bringing out his hair brush again.

“Stop worrying about your hair, Pretty Boy.”

“Shut up, Leo!”

“What I don’t get it is why the gods are fighting, I mean, I think it’s pretty stupid and annoying—they could be helping us right now, not sitting around doing nothing.” Percy stated, crossing his arms.

Leo heard thunder rumble more loudly now—not a good sign.

“Oh gods, Percy, you made them pissed off even more!” Jason replied, brushing his hair faster.

“Way to go, Kelp Head.” Leo said, snorting.

“Hey, it’s not my fault, Leo and Jason, that they’re not even doing anything!”

The thunder rumbled even louder now, and the rain came harder—but wait; Leo felt his hair and found a cheerio on his head.

Emily looked up curiously. “Did I just feel a turnip on my hair?”

“Ow! It’s raining garden vegetables!” Jason yelled, raising his brush to protect himself.

“CURSE YOU DEMETER!” Percy yelled, shaking his fist at the sky, which made it rumble even louder, with more cereals and turnips and corn coming down from the sky.

“OW! A potato hit my head!” Leo rubbed his head, moaning.

Emily rocked back and forth. “So, now’s a good time to go in that bookstore that I saw, right?”

“Fine, fine,” Percy grumbled, and they ran, following Emily.

Leo thought she was crazy—until he saw the sign for Books and Eyes Bookstore.

“Why do I have a feeling this is going to go wrong?” Jason murmured, as they entered the vacant bookstore, which was surprisingly unlocked—the owners must’ve been in a hurry when they left this store.

All the windows were blown out, so the wind still came in, but it was cooler inside than outside; Leo stumbled on a lot of books, but found the lights and flicked them on.

“Leo to the rescue—again!” He said, pounding his chest.

Emily scrunched her nose up—which Leo thought was cute.

“Ugh. It stinks in here… Luckily, I found four sleeping bags in your parents’ apartment, Percy, if you don’t mind me stealing it…”

“No, it’s fine—it’s better than Leo stealing all of those Oreos.”

“Hey, don’t judge my love for Oreos!”

Jason yawned. “Yeah, well, I’m gonna crash—walking all this way makes me tired… and somewhat hungry.”

“Leo’s famous tacos and tofu burgers coming right up!”

“Tofu burgers?” Emily asked, looking at him. “And where do you have the food and fire…?”

Leo patted his tool belt. “The magic comes from here.”

Percy yawned. “You sound like… Walt Disney.”


“I don’t know.”


That was another conversation stopper.

In a matter of seconds, Leo had a small fire going (burning some math textbooks), and started with his tacos and tofu burgers—yum.

Emily smiled. “This smells REALLY good. I didn’t know you had cooking skills, Leo.”

“Hey, that’s just another awesome thing about The Flame.”

Jason and Percy rolled their eyes, while Emily laughed—everyone was dry now (well, Percy always was), and they all felt comfortable in the bookstore named Books and Eyes Bookstore.

“Ah, order up dawgs!”

“Leo… you’re not Randy Jackson,” Percy said, clucking his tongue and shaking his head.

“Obviously not, Shark Boy.”

“Since when am I a shark?”

“You’re not.”

“Then why are you calling me Shark Boy?”

“I want my food, Leo,” Jason said, stretching out on some books.

“Geez, always so pushy, Pretty Boy.”

“Shut up.”

Leo distributed the food, putting the nicest taco and tofu burger on Emily’s paper plate that they found lying around by where the coffee machine was.

She smiled at him. “Thanks, Leo.”

He managed to nod slightly, then gulped his taco in less than a second. That went the same for his burger, and everyone looked at him.

“Hey, you can’t blame the hungry stomach,” He said, patting his belly. “Well, Imma go sleep now, peace out, dawgs.”

He lied down in his sleeping bag, hearing Percy clucking his tongue again—but he didn’t care, because now he was dry and warm and with his friends, and he was just tired, ready to crash after a long day of finding diet Pepsis, Oreos, and a bookstore with a really weird name.
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
hampir setahun yang lalu universalpowa said…
that is so funni
and yay!
chappie dedicated to me XD
loll....raining veggies...dont ask where i come up with this stuff XD
i wonder how Percy ticked Demeter offf....maybe insulting Kellogs or something? XD
hampir setahun yang lalu Aphrodite100 said…
i just found this, and i think it's amazing!!!! hope you post soon hollister!!
hampir setahun yang lalu Jupiter305 said…
big smile
Great as usual! Go Shark boy, Pretty boy, Pepsi Poster boy, and Emily! lol
hampir setahun yang lalu MisterPerfect1 said…
Raining veggies.
hampir setahun yang lalu DMLIME said…
Please post soon?!?!
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
hey guys! thanks for your comments :D
posting right now; i kind of based this chapter off of Taylor Swift's song, "If This Was A Movie." you'll see how.. link to the video at the bottom! :D

Chapter 7: Emily

Emily looked up from the book she was reading—yes, she was reading a book. She didn’t have dyslexia like most demigods, and she didn’t have ADHD either, but she was really hyper at times.

The guys were snoring, and Leo was the loudest—he was sleeping next to her, and Emily smiled, but then suddenly frowned.

Being with funny and nice guys again reminded her a lot of the boy who didn’t come back to her at the orphanage.

She sighed; Emily hated thinking about her past, because it was so confusing and blurry. Basically all she did was live in the orphanage and fight monsters, and then when she escaped that day, she was found by Percy and Annabeth, since she had been running away from a HUGE telkhine.

She closed her book, already deep in thought about her past, about the boy who didn’t come back to her—Levi.

Despite the sadness she endured when he left, Emily found herself smiling a little—her time with Levi was great, the best part of the orphanage. Then of course, he left.

She remembered him clearly, the day when he came into the orphanage. Levi was fourteen, she thirteen; his mom had died in a car accident, while his dad abandoned them and didn’t want a thing to do with Levi.

They had become best friends instantly, and Emily remembered the girls were always jealous when they sat next to each other at lunch, and vaguely remembered the guys always trying to get in their way—they were the perfect best friends, she and Levi.

They started going out when she turned sixteen, and that was her best year, too. Emily remembered all the nights outside on the roof of the orphanage, just lying next to each other, admiring the stars and pointing at constellations.

That was pure bliss.

She remembered that one night clearly, when they were on the rooftop, and saw a shooting star go by, her head resting against Levi’s shoulder.

”Make a wish,” He had said.

“Do you really believe in those?”

Levi shrugged. “It’s the only thing I can believe in; sometimes, we need dreams and wishes and hope that isn’t guaranteed, because it makes life easier.”

“So what are you gonna wish for?”

“Well if I told you, it wouldn’t be a wish anymore.”

“C’mon, tell me.”

Levi looked into her eyes, smiling. “Well, I’ll tell you what my second-best wish would be—running off into the world with you, just being free from this dump of an orphanage.”

She traced the wrinkles on his hand. “Would you really?”

He winked. “Of course I would. I would never leave you alone, not the way your parents did.”

Emily sighed. But of course, he was wrong.

His uncle came to pick him up one day, when they were eighteen—the night after the small prom at the orphanage, when they had danced slowly to the music and kissed sweetly on the rooftop, falling asleep there.

Levi looked happy to leave, bear-hugging his uncle. Emily had watched from the doorway of her room, watching in sadness.

Just when he was about to leave, Levi had stopped for a second, said something to the woman who owned the orphanage, then ran to her room, smiling.

”So, I guess I’m leaving.”

She had gulped. “I… I guess you are.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll come back to visit you.”

“Will you?”

“After yesterday night? I’m convinced I’ll visit you, the first girl I fell in love with.” He brushed his hand across her face, smiling.

“Is it true?” She had whispered, closing her eyes.

“You don’t think so?” He had asked, quickly taking his hand back.

“I just think you wouldn’t leave me…” She said, her voice cracking.

Levi smiled at her. “I’ve got a new life ahead of me, and, Emily, you’re strong enough to get along by yourself; someone will find you soon enough. Well, I guess this is goodbye then.”

He walked calmly away, never looking back—Emily realized he hadn’t even kissed her goodbye; he was already walking into his new life, forgetting her.

She sighed; love was a tricky thing, and she didn’t like fake love, which was how she felt when Levi walked away from her.

Suddenly, her ring opened so that Emily could see a small touch screen—she had forgotten her ring had held a mini iPod shuffle inside, finding a song fitting with her mood.

She smiled, putting on the earphones that had automatically come out, clicking on the song, then closing her ring.

The music came on, and Emily opened her ring again, looking at the title of the song.

“If This Was A Movie” by Taylor Swift; she smiled—this song was perfect for her mood right now.

Last night I heard my own heart beating
Sounded like footsteps on my stairs
Six months gone and I'm still reaching
Even though I know you're not there
I was playing back a thousand memories baby
Thinkin' ‘bout everything we've been through
Maybe I've been going back too much lately
When times stood still and I had you
Come back, come back, come back to me like
You would, you would if this was a movie
Stand in the rain outside
'Til I came out
Come back, come back, come back to me like
You could, you could if you just said you're sorry
I know that we can work it out somehow
But if this was a movie you'd be here by now
I know people change and these things happen
But I remember how it was back then
Locked up in your arms and our friends were laughing
‘Cause nothing like this ever happened to them
Now, I'm pacing down the hall, chasing down your street
Flashback to that night when you said to me
“Nothing’s gonna change, not for me and you”
Not before I knew how much I had to lose
Come back, come back, come back to me like
You would, you would if this was a movie
Stand in the rain outside
‘Til I came out
Come back, come back, come back to me like
You could, you could if you just said you’re sorry
I know that we could work it out somehow
But if this was a movie you’d be here by now
If you're out there, if you're somewhere, if you're moving on
I've been waiting for you ever since you've been gone
I just want it back the way it was before
And I just wanna see you back at my front door
And I say come back, come back, come back to me like
You would before you said it's not that easy
Before the fight before I locked you up
But I’d take it all back now
Come back, come back, come back to me like
You would, you would if this was a movie
Stand in the rain outside
‘Til I came out
Come back, come back, come back to me like
You could, you could if you just said you’re sorry
I know that we could work it out somehow
But if this was a movie you’d be here by now
You'd be here by now
It’s not the kind of ending you wanna see now
Baby what about the ending?
Oh, I thought you'd be here by now
Thought you’d be here by now

Emily smiled, taking out her earphones and it automatically disappeared in the ring, and now she was just wearing a regular ring.

She sighed, starting to feel sleepy—she slumped down in her sleeping bag, and felt herself black out as a dream was approaching…
hampir setahun yang lalu Kronos429 said…
nice chappie
for some reason, Emily kinda reminds me of Hailee
hampir setahun yang lalu Aphrodite100 said…
great chapter!!! cant wait til you post again!!
hampir setahun yang lalu universalpowa said…
great chapter hollister!! :D
and i hope you post soon...
im just happy the building didn't collapse on them XD
lol... im still wondering what percy did to tick off the gods THIS time XD
even though he probably did nothing-like in the lightning theif XD

post soon!!!!!!!! =D
hampir setahun yang lalu venus143 said…
Awww Mo thx for the Dedication I love your story and that last chapter was amazing so sweet and sad,poor Emily why din't you ever come back Levi ? Anyways awesome chapter mo can't whait till your next post laters:)
hampir setahun yang lalu DMLIME said…
big smile
great chapter....again.
please post soon!
oh and Levi sounds like a real (censored)
please post soon!
dont really like taylor swift
please post soon!
hampir setahun yang lalu Aphrodite100 said…
^ u don't like Taylor Swift?!?!?

several people in my school don't like her, including my favorite teacher.

She's awesome!!!!
hampir setahun yang lalu DMLIME said…
Sorry I can't agree.^^. But I do love Justin Beiber...Jk lol I hate that guy! Anyway post soon!
hampir setahun yang lalu Aphrodite100 said…
a couple of his songs are good...but not many. does he still sound like a girl?
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
^ lolll
and thank you and no problem, venus :D

^^ i LOVE Taylor Swift, lolllll. hate Justin Bieber though, lol

posting a preview or chapter tomorrow!
hampir setahun yang lalu DMLIME said…
Yes he still and always will sound like a girl.
hampir setahun yang lalu Aphrodite100 said…
cant wait for the preview!

i kinda feel bad for him, sounding like a girl and all. oh well.
hampir setahun yang lalu crazypegesus980 said…
hey im a guy and i love taylor and adam young.......yeah where this story is headed.....cant wait for you to post next
ya im a girly guy who plays three varsity weird.......haha....still love all that rap stuff though.....go really messed up.....absoulutely love your writing and your story line......cant wait to see what happens.....can we get a POV from Annabeth and see what is happening back at camp.......
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
^ that's awesome :D hahahaha
maybe i will do an Annabeth POV, but probably short.. good idea :)
oh and thank you! :)

posting guys! ugh, so stressed out from school these days -.- but i'll post a preview or a chapter on Friday!
hope you like this chapter :D (it's kind of weird, in my opinion.. but whatever, lol)

Chapter 8: Percy

Before Percy even fell asleep, he hoped for no dreams.

He didn’t get what he wanted.

Well, that was semi-true.

The first few minutes sleeping, he didn’t hear anything.

And then he heard Emily screaming, which woke him up.

He sat up straight, feeling dizzy when he sat up; Jason and Leo were asleep, but they did stir a little, their faces no longer content.

Percy had looked Emily’s way, and her screaming was terrible—gut-wrenching, terrifying, etc, etc. He had no clue what to do, so Percy just let her scream all she wanted.

Soon enough, it looked like Jason and Leo were starting to have nightmares—Percy could see their faces no longer in a dreamless sleep.

He himself was starting to get sleepy for some reason; wasn’t really loud screaming supposed to keep you up all night…?

Either way, Percy felt himself slowly descend on his sleeping bag, his mind blurry.

As soon as his head hit the pillow, Percy could feel himself give way to a dream—or possibly a nightmare.

It felt like he was swirling down a toilet—not a feeling he wanted to have.

The place was dark, and Percy could vaguely see a person holding up something—the sky, in fact.

He knew all too well who it was, who was holding up that sky—Atlas.

Atlas groaned, the sky on his shoulders. Someone approached him, holding a box-shaped thing.

“Hello, Atlas.”

“Prometheus. What do you want?” Atlas growled.

“Oh, nothing, nothing. Say, would you like to be of some use?”


“What makes you think that?”

“Prometheus! Just tell me what you want!” Atlas grunted, and Percy could feel his anger.

Prometheus sighed. “Why are people so impatient these days?”

“Just say it already!”

“Fine, fine. How much strength do you have left?”

“What is that supposed to mean? I’m holding up the sky!”

“Yes, yes, I can tell. I can tell that very clearly.”

“Prometheus, just say what you want already!”

Prometheus stopped for a second, then lowered his voice. “It seems as though we have a visitor.”

“Was that all you wanted to tell me?!” Atlas shouted.

“No. I was going to ask you for a… favor. But, a visitor must not hear my favor, no?” Prometheus smiled; it seemed like he was facing Percy now.

“And who is our visitor?”

Prometheus smiled evilly. “Why, none other than Perseus Jackson.”

That sent a chill up Percy’s spine, even though he was sleeping—is that even possible?

“Not all of us are awakened yet,” Prometheus said, directing his voice towards where Percy was. “But we’ll be coming for you soon, Perseus Jackson as well as your little… demigod friend.”

“Where’s Percy Jackson?! I don’t see him! C’mere you filthy little—“

“Now, Atlas, no need to curse in front of the boy. I think a… pleasant little dream might be enough for him,” Prometheus smirked, and the scene was gone.

Percy felt like he was swirling down a toilet—again. It didn’t feel any better the second time around, either.

This time, he saw Mount Tam, and the outline of Atlas holding the sky, but no Prometheus. In what seemed like only a millisecond, the debris and rubble of Mount Tam slowly formed into what it used to be when Kronos was awakening—like an evil Mount Olympus.

“Mmm,” A voice said, one that Percy knew he heard somewhere, but couldn’t place the name. “It feels good to be out of hiding again.”

“I’ve been out in the blue even after the war and it doesn’t feel good for me!” Atlas shouted, groaning.

“Shut up, Atlas. You are no use to us,” The voice said, and Percy could vaguely see the outline of ram horns.

“Prometheus wanted a favor from me; how is that not being useless?”

“Prometheus is… quite busy. In fact, he just wanted me to send our favorite demigod some dream; one that will be very fun.”

“Just get on with it,” Atlas grunted, shifting the sky ever so slightly.

“My pleasure.”

Once again, Percy felt like he was going down a toilet—it felt even sicker the third time around.

What he saw before him didn’t please him; his parents were tied up somewhere that was dark, a place he didn’t see before.

He tried to call out to them, but a harsh laugh echoed through his head.

If you don’t back out now, this is what might happen in your near future…

Percy tried to reach out to his parents, but the scene shifted.

He saw Annabeth, Piper, and all his other friends at Camp Half-Blood—but something was wrong.

They were fighting monsters, the Camp basically not a camp anymore; it was in ruins, rubble and debris everywhere.

The scene shifted again, back to Mount Tam, where the palace was growing ever so quickly, that you could see every little detail from miles away. Below it, he could vaguely see the outline of Camp Jupiter, but the buildings seemed destroyed and there was a lot of fire and chaos going on.

The harsh laughter echoed in his head again.

We’re coming for you again, Perseus Jackson. Beware.

The scene faded, and Percy felt himself swirling around, feeling like he was going down another toilet, feeling like all hope was lost.
hampir setahun yang lalu crazypegesus980 said…
YESSSS FIRST POST.........haha love it so much
hampir setahun yang lalu universalpowa said…
lol a toilet XD
i agree, that was weird
percy has a problem with toilets XD XD
lol post soon hollister!! :D
awsome chappie :D
hampir setahun yang lalu Jupiter305 said…
Oh.....SNAP! The Titans are making a comback. PERFECT chapter!
hampir setahun yang lalu Aphrodite100 said…
crud. the titans are coming back??????
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
lol thanks guys :D
Percy DOES have a problem with toilets.. lol
i didn't even know you guys commented.. my stupid email didn't get a message from Fanpop about this :P lol
posting a preview or chapter Friday! :)
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
hampir setahun yang lalu MisterPerfect1 said…
big smile
:D Awesomeness!!!

And I think Adele and Eminem should make a song together. That would win a billion Grammy Awards.
hampir setahun yang lalu DMLIME said…
Rams horns, hmmm......Krios? I get the names confused. Great chapter. Not too fussed about camp Jupiter. Post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!
hampir setahun yang lalu Kronos429 said…
HA! I know which Titans are coming back! :DDDDD
BUT, since hollister told me, I can't tell you :P
hampir setahun yang lalu MisterPerfect1 said…
HA! I do too! :P
hampir setahun yang lalu crazypegesus980 said…
I agree with MisterPerfect1 Adele and Eminem should make a song together that would be so soon please
hampir setahun yang lalu MisterPerfect1 said…
^Thanks, and post whenever ready.
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
thanks guys :D
lol that collab would be EPIICC. :)
posting on Friday, maybe.. probbably :)
hampir setahun yang lalu universalpowa said…
^ thats reassuring XD
and pardon me for looking like a person that lives in a dark cave but --
is he like the mascot for m&m's or something?
hampir setahun yang lalu Nick725 said…
i just started reading this and it's prity good i like that for a girl your prity good at the action stuff nice and post soon.
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
^ thanks! :)

^^ ... lol
MisterPerfect1's icon is Eminem.. he's a rapper :)
he raps the first part of the song "Lighters"
and "Not Afraid"
and the rap part on "Love the Way You Lie"
and so on and so on
hampir setahun yang lalu MisterPerfect1 said…
ARE YOU SERIOUSLY TELLING ME YOU DON'T KNOW WHO EMINEM IS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!


Eminem is the bestest, fabulousest, uniquest, amazingest, creativest, epicest, baddest music artist of all timez!!!!


Seriously, I'm crying right now. How could anybody not know who Eminem is?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!

But yeah, that's just a few of the words that describe him.

Summary: I <3 EMINEM
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu universalpowa said…
^ lol i see that i made you commit suicide twice in a row
ohno- i made you kill yourself TWICE
and i didnt--legit XD
my friends have the same reactions
**two years ago**
friend- Did you watch the SuperBowl? And then on Saturday nite live Lady Gaga sang-
Me- Excuse me, but who's Lady "Gaga"?
Friend- WTF? you don't know who LADY GAGA IS!! YOU LIVE IN A CAVE!!
Me- actually its a nice cave...

so i just dont get out much i guess...apparently i live in a cave
hampir setahun yang lalu crazypegesus980 said…
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
lolll MisterPerfect1!
you guys are funnyy hahhaa (:
so i have 2 things for you guys to check outt :)

1. the #5 Best Writer round 2 is up, and i'm up against pink-bookworm and... HecateA... so i probably won't win, but please give me your support if you like my writing :) thanks! here is the linkk:


2. my cousin just made a deviantart account, check it out if you guys like :)


thanks guys! :D posting tomorrow, i finished the chapter yesterday, now i just gotta work on my other forums.. ah! lol :P
hampir setahun yang lalu MisterPerfect1 said…
Who's Taylor Swift? lol
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
^ WHAT?!

i hope you were joking??? hahahaha :)
hampir setahun yang lalu venus143 said…
Great chapter as always Mo can't whait till you post. And i know you LOVE taylor swift but the only song i really like from her is safe and sound from the hunger games sound track she's ok i guess

Haha crazypegesus980 space bound is one of my favorite songs by him.
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu DMLIME said…
Space bound is an awesome song!!!!!!!!!!!
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
lol i love Safe and Sound <3
hahahaha, posting guys, this is a shorter than usual chapter though.. but i have another short chapter of Annabeth already done, and i'll post that tomorrow when i get 5 comments ;D
hope you guys like! :D

Chapter 9: Leo

Leo had gone to sleep perfectly fine. Quite happy, actually.

In fact, no dreams for most of when he was sleeping.

But then, he had heard something unpleasant—like how someone would scream if they found their Diet Pepsi gone in a poof… or at least he would scream like that.

He shifted a little in his sleeping bag, no longer in a content state of mind. The scream sounded girlish, so he knew it had to be Emily. But Leo was too deeply in sleep to wake up and see what was wrong, so he just stayed in the same position. He was also too lazy to get up.

But then Leo felt like he was in a dream, and it was true.

He heard chuckling, and a voice in his head.

So… this is the son of Hephaestus who used fire to help destroy Gaea? Funny little elf.

Leo didn’t like this person, whoever it was. That was even BEFORE the person had called him ‘a funny little elf.’ Leo was not a funny little elf.

Hmm, but he does seem a little… powerful. But klutzy, perhaps?

Now Leo was getting angry—who was this person to call him a klutz?! All he did was knock over a few things, maybe break them along the way.

Ohh, now I know the perfect plot on how to use you, puny little demigod.

The voice chuckled. This is going along quite nicely… quite, quite nicely. And with the gods fighting, this is the perfect time to rise.

Leo felt like squirming. Who was this person?

Hmm, the voice mused. This is going all too well… you demigods cannot defeat us this time.

The voice chuckled again, and it vanished.

Leo suddenly felt like he was bound to something, his arms together—he felt suffocated, and he was claustrophobic, so not the best feeling in the world.

Was this even possible while he was sleeping?

But then again, Leo was semi-sleeping while semi-thinking.

He shivered—he wasn’t asleep anymore, fully awake now.

Who was that voice he heard in his head?

Leo stood up in his sleeping bag, and glanced at the time: 6:55 AM.

Maybe he fell asleep for a little bit after the voice had vanished, because it felt really dark when he heard the screaming.

Or maybe it was just the freak weather from the gods fighting—and Percy made them madder by saying how they were sitting around just doing nothing.

Which was semi-true; Leo hadn’t heard from his dad in a LONG time.

He yawned, bored out of his mind—he blamed ADHD.

He looked over to where Emily was sleeping, and she wasn’t screaming anymore, but Leo could tell whatever made her scream really bothered her by looking at her face—her eyebrows were all scrunched up, which he thought was kind of cute.

He was still bored, and everyone else was sleeping—and it wasn’t like Leo was actually going to READ.

No. That would be last on his “Things to do before I die” list. Which is pretty stupid since he’s a demigod, and won’t finish most of the stuff on his list.

Leo stood up, stretching and yawning—those Oreos and Pepsi really filled him up, and he was somewhat hyper, even though he wasn’t much of a morning person.

His eyes were searching over the library, when they landed on a sign above a white-washed door—it said “Game Room.”

Score! Leo thought, getting excited and taking out his Just Dance 3 game, running towards the room.

For a second, Leo hesitated because he didn’t remember seeing that room yesterday night… but then again, it was dark so he probably was just oblivious.

He excitedly turned the knob, opening the door—the room was small and dark, and smelled REALLY bad, almost like the time when he… never mind.

Leo flicked on the switch, and low and behold him was a smiling empousa, baring her fangs.
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu universalpowa said…
yay im first to comment!! :D
and who could that be....hmm?
idk-- POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D
hampir setahun yang lalu Kronos429 said…
Not afraid and beautiful ftw.
universal.... I don't even know you anymore... :O
I would kill myslef, but Misterpefect ninja'd me
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
lol thanks :D
lol ninja'd you? hahahaaa

who likes my new icon?? ;D
hampir setahun yang lalu venus143 said…
<3 the icon haha. Nice chapter by the way and yea i like the song to know every word of it lol can't whait till you post laters:)