The Fanfic Forever: Book 2-- Rise Above

hollistergurl posted on Nov 10, 2011 at 08:05PM
Book 1: The Beginning
Rating: C+-- mild language
Main Characters: Ariela Fosters, Nico DiAngelo, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, and Leo Valdez
OC: Ariela Fosters
Synopsis: It has been 3 years since the war with Gaea and the Giants. The demigods of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter have been living in peace: very few monsters had attacked them and there were no prophecies said yet. But, their peace ends when a new prophecy is announced that a new demigod will succeed against a war with the monsters. The monsters have gotten stronger and smarter each year, no longer held back by a leader, creating chaos.
*A/N: The demigods won the war against Gaea & the Giants, Hazel and Frank died, and Jason and Piper are a couple.
this forum is chapters 6-end. chapters 1-5 are on the Heroes of Olympus club

Book 2: Rise Above
Rating: C+-- mild language
Main Characters: Emily Greenwood, Nico DiAngelo, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez
OC: Ariel Fosters (from Book 1), Emily Greenwood
Synopsis: Two years ago, Nico DiAngelo attempted to bring back Ariel Fosters, but failed. He has recieved banishment from Zeus, who had done this job without any of the other gods' consent. Some are on his side; others are angry. The gods are fighting constantly ever since this dispute, wanting Zeus's throne; they are disrupting the mortal world with hurricanes, volcanoes erupting, and major earthquakes. The demigods of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter must work together in order to stop a possible World War 3; but who is the mysterious new demigod, who seems to have all powers of the gods and other powers that are unknown?
Disclaimer: Everything from Percy Jackson and the Olympians + The Heroes of Olympus belongs to Rick Riordan.

to EVERYONE reading this forum and commenting, you guys are AWESOME. <3 thanks for keeping this forum on Popular Content for most of the time! :D

check out my other forums:
-Heroes of Olympus Talk Show! (3-way collab: me, universalpowa, nicecatch42)
-The Darkness Rising (collab: me & kronos429)
-The Heroes of Olympus Musical (collab: me & universalpowa)
-The Regretted Choice (collab: me & MisterPerfect1)
-Turning Back Time (collab: me, universalpowa, and Meef)
-The Hearth Lost
last edited on Apr 12, 2012 at 01:31AM

The Fanfic 973 balas

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hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
So you know, I hate this chapter (I always hate the character extras for some reason...sigh) but they are a "filler" I guess...
@MisterPerfect1: yeah go GIRL POWER. lol (;

Character Extra 6: Annabeth

Annabeth was the only one not covered in monster dust. Around her lay overturned cars, fires, and screaming mortals.

She caught Percy’s eye, and he had the same guilty look as her. Everyone else around them was staring at the mess, their eyes gaping at the scene.

Suddenly, Annabeth heard the chop-chop-chop of a helicopter. She looked up into the glinting afternoon sun and saw a Channel 7 News Helicopter going towards their way.

She glanced at Ariel and saw that she also noticed the helicopter.

“Is the car still working?” Ariel asked Percy.

Annabeth watched him go inside the car and check the engine. Surprisingly, she heard the car come to life, hearing it purr.

Ariel took out a deep breath.

“What’s wrong?” Nico asked her, his face scrunched up.

“That helicopter… I think they spotted me.” Ariel replied, sounding nervous.

“Well, what are you guys waiting for? Get in the car!” Annabeth told them, and they all scurried inside, the tinted glass blocking the helicopter’s view of them.

Percy started driving, and Annabeth looked around the wreckage she passed. There were bodies over the highway, and it took them at least thirty minutes to get out of there.

She heard herself let out a big sigh. She was still thinking about her weird behavior yesterday towards Percy. Was it really jealousy, or nervousness?

Annabeth noticed a big green sign that said “Welcome to Virginia, Folks!” They were entering the state of lovers, which seemed ironic to her after what had happened the past few days.
Ugh, I hated that extra. :\ But I promise you, the next chapter will be MUCH better! I'll post it tomorrow probably.
hampir setahun yang lalu the-time-thief said…
big smile
I thought it was super awesome! That is great! Love it! Post soon!
hampir setahun yang lalu tortillialuvsrr said…
big smile
hampir setahun yang lalu DMLIME said…
big smile
The extras aren't that bad. Are you gonna break up Piper and Jason? Cos they're not an important couple.
Can't wait for the next chapter! :)
hampir setahun yang lalu pink-bookworm said…
Wow just finished reading this and it's extremely awesome.
hampir setahun yang lalu Kronos429 said…
hmm maybe you should break up
hampir setahun yang lalu _Aphrodite_ said…
:) Kewlz I like the car accident :)
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
lol thanks guys and I can't tell you who I'm breaking up... it's a surprise :)
lol @_Aphrodite_ you liked the car accident? lol
Well, this chapter is certainly A LOT better than that extra... so enjoy! :D

Chapter 19: Ariel

As soon as Ariel had stepped in the back seat of the car, she fell asleep. This time though, a dream didn’t visit her.

It was nighttime, and the scene seemed to be in Virginia. There was a sign that she could see and it read, “You are now leaving Virginia, the State of Lovers.”

The vision shifted to a campsite, where a small fire was lit. Two people were sitting next to each other, a puffy coat around their shoulders. They seemed to be relaxed and anxious at the same time, and Ariel wondered why. Then, with a shock, she realized that the two people were her and Nico. They both had some gashes and cuts, and she wondered how they got them. She saw the form of herself in her vision lean towards Nico.

The scene then shifted to a dark day, in the afternoon. There was a swirling mass of ocean around seven people. Ariel saw two monsters, and she recognized them as Charybdis and Scylla, as Annabeth had told her.

Charybdis’s mouth was open, and she was sucking up the whole ocean, including major monuments, such as the Empire State Building, the Taj Mahal, and the Golden Gate Bridge.

What she saw next terrified Ariel. Someone, she didn’t know who, jumped inside Charybdis’s mouth, and the other six were shooting weapons inside the mouth, and in a blinding flash, Charybdis and Scylla were injured and left the other six alone. The person who had jumped inside, a sacrifice, wasn’t to be seen, and there was a terrifying silence that was somehow loud in her ears.

Ariel woke up with a start, her head banging on the ceiling of the car. She cringed and rubbed her head.

She heard laughing next to her and looked at who it was—Nico. He was clutching his stomach and pointing at her, laughing the loudest cackle from a son of the Death god.

Ariel rolled her eyes. “As if you haven’t bumped your head on the ceiling of a car before.”

Nico wiped a small tear from his eye. “You should’ve seen your face. For a full hour you were peaceful and then BOOM the next minute, your eyebrows scrunch together and you wake up and this happens.”

Ariel didn’t say anything. The last part of her vision was still in her head, and it was confusing. She guessed that the seven people were demigods, possibly all of them in this quest. What she was confused about was why there was a sacrifice; why did they need that person to go inside Charybdis’s mouth?

Ariel wished she could solve her own puzzle, but knew that the future would come soon. So far, her visions had been correct, and for once, she hoped that this one was wrong.

There was something that also disturbed her about the vision she just had. She had caught a glimpse of the person who had jumped in, and now just realized that the person was a girl, a girl with long, dark brown hair.

Ariel touched her own hair. She swore it was the same length as hers, and the only other person who was a brunette was Piper. But, she always wore her hair in braids, and Ariel doubted that she would ever wear her hair loose.

It was getting a little dark, the sky a pretty pink. According to Nico’s iPad, they were still seven hours away from going into North Carolina.

It was silent in the car, and Ariel desperately wanted to know what the mortals were thinking of her, where her mom was, and if she was glaring at any other news reporters named Bob.

“Nico, could I use your iPad for a sec?” She asked him.

He was in the middle of playing a game, and Ariel noticed it wasn’t Angry Birds. It was some game called Tap Tap Revenge 4.

“Yeah, one sec. I need to finish this.” Nico replied, his eyes fixed on the screen. His fingers were flying everywhere, his movements a blur. Ariel rolled her eyes and snatched the iPad away from him, and in return she received a bunch of cursing and a sixteen-year-old with his arms crossed looking like a five-year-old.

Ariel cautiously tapped the screen to the internet, and typed in channel 7 news live. There was a live update video that popped up, and she closely listened.

“Um, Nico, I think your iPad’s broken, ‘cuz I can’t hear anything.” She told him, nervously tapping the device on her lap.

He rolled his eyes at her. “You do know you can raise and lower the volume, right?”

“Um, no.”

He sighed as if this was something obvious she should know (which it was), and she could hear the voices of the people on the screen in the video.

Ariel started the video from the start, and she saw the same reporter, Bob, talking on the highway that they had fought on.

“Yes, that is right. We have been contacted by the Virginia police that there were seven strange teenagers in an Audi car driving on a highway that was attacked. They are suspicious, and some sources have said that the fugitive Ariel Fosters, daughter of Martha Fosters, was with them.”

The screen then turned to a helicopter view of the scene, and as Ariel squinted, she saw the seven of them with what seemed to be guns, shooting the griffins—except they weren’t griffins; they were huge pigeons.

“As you see in that clip there, we have reports that these teenagers including the fugitive, Ariel, were shooting down pigeons and some had bombs with them, that eventually exploded and then the highway was major chaos. I have a driver here with me who witnessed this.”

The camera turned to a man whose clothes were burnt, and his head was also bleeding. Ariel cringed with guilt, and she could feel Nico also watching the video intently.

“Sir, you said you witnessed the attacks by these teenagers. What is your name, and what did you see?”

“My name is Walter Kugler, and I was just driving on the highway from work with my five year old son. The car next to me, an Audi, had the seven teenagers inside. At first, I thought they were innocent, but then they suddenly crashed into me and my car… it spun around and we crashed into another car, and another, the three cars smushed together on the side of the highway. I was stuck on my side of the car, so I got out on the shotgun side and saw that the teenagers had pulled over to the other side of the highway and got out guns and bombs and started shooting them at huge pigeons. Why, I have no clue, but suddenly one of the bombs fell out of someone’s hand, and it exploded everywhere. It had come close enough that I myself got partially burnt—“

The man pointed to his head and continued. “My son… my five year old son… he didn’t survive the crash.” The man broke down in front of live TV, and Ariel felt crushed.

“I am so sorry, sir. There are reports that approximately twenty people have died so far, but there might be more…”

Ariel exited out of the video, her shoulders slumping. They were responsible for the lives of the mortals, the ones on the train and now the highway. Tears started rolling down her cheeks, and soon they turned into full-out sobbing.

She could feel Nico tense up and uncomfortable, and felt him awkwardly put his arm around her, bringing her closer to him, her head leaning on his chest.

Ariel breathed in his cologne, which strangely kind of smelled like a dead British officer’s stench. It was mixed with something else, something pleasant, and that balanced it off.

She could feel the others look at her, but all Ariel could feel, see, or hear was guilt.
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu DMLIME said…
First comment! Oh yeah!

Good chapter and I hope Ariel doesn't die. Post soon!
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu MisterPerfect1 said…
Ariel and Nico. Such a good couple. But I think that their relationship shouldn't start so quickly. I've always liked Nico. But Ariel. She should be an actual Heroes of Olympus character.
hampir setahun yang lalu MisterPerfect1 said…
Ariel is such an awesome character. I wish she could be in the actual Heroes of Olympus. And I think that you should take Ariel and Nico's relationship a little slower. Nico isn't the romantic, so I think that you should take a few more chapters to bring it out of him. And please keep the serious Nico di Angelo. Adios!
hampir setahun yang lalu number1pjfan said…
big smile
This is a really good story hollister girl! Post soon please!
hampir setahun yang lalu Kaia143 said…
Oh please post soon!! This story is sooooo good!
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
2 more comments, and I'll post again later. thanks everyone :)

@MisterPerfect1: Yeah, I know they shouldn't start their relationship so quickly but this is a one-time fanfic and something surprising will happen in the end... so in order for that to make like a really big impact, Ariel & Nico have to click kind of fast. But I agree when you say it shouldn't start out fast, and I'll try to keep Nico serious (it's hard for me to keep his character, plus any other characters that RR wrote). But I'll try my best. :)
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hampir setahun yang lalu number1pjfan said…
hampir setahun yang lalu number1pjfan said…
Comment. You never said they have to be from 2 different people did ya?
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
^ lol I guess not.. teehee so I'll post right now I guess :)

Chapter 20: Nico

When Nico woke up, he was drooling—on Ariel’s shoulder. He spazzed out and bumped his head in the process, waking her up.

She stared at him and laughed. “Ha! I’m not the only one who bumped a head on the ceiling.”

Nico wanted to slap himself for spazzing out, and he hoped Ariel didn’t notice the little present he gave her—his drool.

But, she did. When she turned around to face him, her eyes crossed to meet the little present and looked questioningly at him.

Nico placed his burning cheeks on the cool window, avoiding Ariel’s eyes. He had never felt this embarrassed before, not ever.

It was dark out, with a touch of pink across the sky. It was 4:30 PM, and they still had a long way to go.

Nico sighed. He was thinking about the quest, the prophecy, and Ariel when he noticed something moving outside. There were trees all around the car, and he could swear he saw a shadow following the car’s every move.

Nico’s focus instantly became more alert. He tried to see what was out there; it could be a monster, or worse—monsters, plural.

“Percy, pull over to the side.” He told him.

Percy glanced at him through the mirror. “Why?”

“I think there’s someone stalking us.”

“Is it a monster?”

“Well, that’s what I want to check, dummy.”

Percy sighed and reluctantly pulled over. The car lights were blinking, and Nico beckoned for Ariel to come with him to check who the stalker was. She came out behind him, taking off her bracelet and raising her bow.

“We’ll be back as soon as we can.” Nico told the others, but noticed all the other demigods were snoring.

“Be quiet and stay behind me.” He ordered Ariel.

They walked through the woods, Nico trying to figure out where the shadow had gone. They were walking for what seemed like hours, and he felt stupid.

‘Maybe it was just my imagination… Maybe I was just hallu—‘

His thoughts stopped when he heard a twig snap behind him. He whirled around to find a hellhound lunge at Ariel, who had made the noise. She was caught by surprise and went down.

Nico heard her curse, and before he could react fast enough, two more hellhounds came and also lunged at her. Three heavy monsters were on a girl who weighed twice less than them, possibly more.

Nico tried to get his sword, his fingers fumbling in the dark. Meanwhile, he could hear the heavy breathing of Ariel, and noticed her bow was a few feet away from her, too hard to reach.

He wasn’t that good at archery, but did take some classes. Nico grabbed the bow and prayed to his dad and Apollo for a good shot.

When he released the bow, Nico’s eyes were closed, but he hoped for the best. His fingers hurt, and he wondered how Ariel could release and shoot it so gracefully, so accurately. When he opened his eyes, there was one less hellhound on top of Ariel, and Nico let go a huge sigh of relief.

But, when he looked closer, Ariel’s face was paler than his, her breathing coming in little breaths. Nico cursed himself for being so slow, but managed to take out his sword this time and attack the hellhounds who didn’t even pay attention to him.

He offered his hand to Ariel, who grabbed it shakily, her legs wobbly and her body shivering.

“Can you walk?” Nico asked her.

“I’ll try…” She replied, walking alongside him, each step wobbly. Ariel made three steps before she fell down.

“Um, I can’t walk…” She told him, blushing.

“I can piggyback you, if you’re okay with that.”

“You sure? What if I’m too heavy for you?”

Nico squinted at her. “What, you don’t think I’m strong enough?”

“Nope.” She replied, her eyes a childish glow.

He rolled his eyes. “I’m still piggybacking you.” Nico beckoned Ariel to get on his back, and she did so reluctantly.

When he stood up, he grunted.

“See, I told you I was too heavy for you!” Ariel told him.

“I can handle you fine, you’re a twig.”

Nico could feel Ariel was reluctant, but he just wanted to get back to the warm and cozy car.

It didn’t take much for them to get lost. Nico could swear he passed the same tree three times, but then again, every stupid tree looks the same.

“Are we lost?” Ariel asked, the most obvious question Nico heard in his life.

“No, we’re already inside our nice luxury car.” He told her sarcastically.

Nico felt her get off of him, and she stood face to face with him. “Why don’t you use your iPad to get directions?” She asked him.

“Well, smarty, I left it back in the car.”

Ariel sighed. “I guess we’re just going to camp here for the night. We’ll look for the others tomorrow morning; I bet they’re still snoring in that car right now.”

Nico snorted. “You got that right. I guess we’ll just starve for the night ‘til morning. Hopefully, they’ll present us with ten fluffy hot pancakes ‘cuz I’m hungry.”

Ariel rolled her eyes. She reached for some branches, and rubbed them together, lighting a small fire. Nico noticed she was still shivering, and he wished he’d brought that blanket in the car.

Instead, he took off his puffy coat and when they both sat down, he put it over them, their shoulders touching. Nico didn’t mind, and it was actually kind of cozy and nice being alone with Ariel.

“Nico, you’re bleeding.” She told him, her eyes widening.

He looked down at his arm, which had a strange cut. Nico shrugged. “Must’ve been the hellhound.”

Ariel looked unsure, but she murmured a healing hymn anyways, which made the cut fade.

“Thanks.” He told her, his eyes on her own cuts.

“No problem. And yes, I will heal myself.”

They sat like that for a while, with Ariel murmuring another healing hymn, and Nico could see most of her cuts go away.

He wished he had his iPad right now; they could have been playing Angry Birds, just like the night before.

“Thanks for saving me back there, with the hellhounds. I should have been more alert.” Ariel said to him quietly.

“Hey, I’m just being myself, the awesome son of Hades to your rescue.”

She laughed quietly, and then sighed. “I just don’t get why so many monsters are attacking me lately—it’s not like I’m that important.”

‘Of course you’re important.’ Nico thought. ‘You’re probably the kid of the prophecy.’

But, he didn’t say that out loud. Instead, Nico tried to cheer her up a little. “It must be your smell.”

“My what?”

“Your smell. Maybe your demigod stench is stinkier than the rest of ours.”

Ariel giggled. “Or, maybe it’s just because I’m around you so much, and your stench is floating to me.”

“Oh yeah, sure. Like I smell that bad.”

“Well, you did smell like a dead British officer with a hint of AXE cologne.”

“Well, you smell like stinky monster dust with a hint of what’s that store? Oh yeah, Victoria’s Secret PINK.”

“Well, you smell like you bathed in the River Styx with Cerberus, who hasn’t taken a bath.”

Nico scrunched his face up at that one. “Well, you smell like a—a—“

Ariel smiled. “Anyways, you know, I just wanted to tell you thanks… I feel like such a weakling with everyone trying to protect me.”

This time, Nico did speak what was on his mind. “You’re not a weakling, Ariel. That’s why you’re on this quest. There’s a reason why Apollo personally requested you be on this quest, because you’re powerful. Possibly even more powerful than me, and I’m pretty amazing.”

Nico could feel her smiling. He could feel her come closer to him, smelling her perfume. He turned around to find that their lips met, and even though it was cold out and they were lost, it was the best—and first—kiss of Nico’s life.
hampir setahun yang lalu godessgirl23 said…
Amazing!!!! Post asap!!!
hampir setahun yang lalu Kaia143 said…
Post more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please
hampir setahun yang lalu number1pjfan said…
Awwwwwww! Oh no, I'm turning into Aphrodite! *cue thunder* Not like that's a bad thing or anything! Still, I'm glad they finally got together. That was so good that I want MORE! Please post again soon!
hampir setahun yang lalu tortillialuvsrr said…
hampir setahun yang lalu the-time-thief said…
That's so cute and insanely awesome.
hampir setahun yang lalu tortillialuvsrr said…
hampir setahun yang lalu pink-bookworm said…
Awesome and anico forever.
hampir setahun yang lalu Kaity_daAwesome said…
Aw, da wittle woveburds <3 so cute Post Soon!
hampir setahun yang lalu DMLIME said…
Awesome! But let's have an action chapter again cos they're fun!
Post soon! :)
hampir setahun yang lalu DMLIME said…
Holy Poseidon! I've never started a new page before! :D
hampir setahun yang lalu tortillialuvsrr said…
big smile
hampir setahun yang lalu SenorMcCool said…
I agree with DMLIME. I don't mind too much dialogue. As long as there's romance or humour in it. But still, we need more action and drama.
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
Ahh, don't worry there will be action... :) just remember that I am a girl who likes romance.. TEEHEE!
I will post tomorrow (it's my birthday tomorrow! teehee!) :)
hampir setahun yang lalu number1pjfan said…
big smile
Happy early birthday!
hampir setahun yang lalu tortillialuvsrr said…
big smile
happy early birthday and i LOVE romance!!!!! tee-hee!!!!!!
hampir setahun yang lalu the-time-thief said…
Sweet! I like romance on a certain level like a very nonserious level. Lol. Post soon! And
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu MisterPerfect1 said…
Well, I am a boy who likes romance. Feliz Coumpleanos!
hampir setahun yang lalu tortillialuvsrr said…
big smile
aw a sensitive boy jkjkjk!!!! what was that last part MisterPerfect1???
hampir setahun yang lalu number1pjfan said…
Wow, just stay clear of the hunters...
hampir setahun yang lalu tortillialuvsrr said…
hampir setahun yang lalu pink-bookworm said…
HPpy early birthday soz can't sau anything else bout to run out of charge yr.
hampir setahun yang lalu SenorMcCool said…
Feliz Cumpleanos~! (It means: Happy Birthday!)
hampir setahun yang lalu DMLIME said…
Feliz Cumpleanos!!! Also thanks for becoming my fan! Hope you post soon!

And I don't mind romance either, but I am mainly a guy of action.
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu number1pjfan said…
Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Have some cake!
hampir setahun yang lalu tortillialuvsrr said…
big smile
hampir setahun yang lalu Kaia143 said…
Happy birthday!!!!!!
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
Awww thanks guys I feel so loved :) CAKE & CHAPTER for everyone! :D (it has some action in it) Enjoy!

Chapter 21: Percy

Percy was not a happy camper when he woke up. Everyone around him was asleep, and he just realized he had left the gas on the whole time he was sleeping, which was around six hours; now, the gas tank only had one fourth of oil left. Along with that, when he checked the very back seat to see if Ariel and Nico had come back, they were still gone. Percy grabbed Nico’s iPad to check the time, and it read 10:40 PM.

There was still time left to find them, and plus the demigods needed to move fast. Percy turned off the engine in the car, and left a note to Annabeth where he was just incase she woke up and found him gone.

Percy got out of the car and started to search for them, bringing Nico’s iPad with him just incase. The light of the electronic device guided him through the forest, and although it was dangerous to bring anything electronic with demigods, he took the risk since he had no flashlight on him.

As soon as he entered the forest, Percy could sense something was strange. There was an eerie quiet, but he swore he could feel the presence of a small army, around forty-sixty.

Percy took cautious, quiet steps. He could hear some growling and shushing, and knew instantly there was an army of monsters in the forest. If there was an army, that would mean Ariel and Nico would be close…

Percy took out Riptide, and he could hear hissing behind him. When he whirled around, there was a whole army of monsters, around fifty hideous things.

A dracanae glared at him. “Wrong perssssson. Not the one.”

Percy frowned. ‘Not the one?’

“What do you mean, ‘Not the one?’ Or are you too scared to fight me?”

The dracanae and other monsters hissed at him. Percy carefully dropped the iPad a few feet behind him, so he wouldn’t get it damaged (or else Nico would seriously kill him). The army of monsters lunged at him, and Percy fought back hard.

Riptide gleamed in the dark, frightening the monsters a little bit of its celestial bronze glow. Percy rolled under legs and stabbed monsters in the back, and used more of his sword-fighting tricks. He slashed and parried, sending most of the monsters to dust.

He was getting tired, though. He could hear himself panting and his breath coming in little puffs in the dark. The monsters could sense that, and it must have given them encouragement because they fought harder, giving Percy cuts and gashes.

Percy looked desperately around for water. In the dark though, he couldn’t see any, and he felt hopeless. His arms were getting tired, and his eyes were drooping, even after the six hour nap he just had. Percy shook his head to stay focused, and tried to fight with renewed strength.

There were now just twenty monsters left, but that was just enough to overwhelm him. All of them lunged at him, sending Percy to the ground. He tried to defend with Riptide, but many got through his defense and were able to make more gashes on him, and he winced.

Suddenly though, he heard the whizzing of a bow and the telkhine next to him disappeared.

Percy managed to look behind him and saw Ariel and Nico rushing towards where he was. Nico was summoning armies of the dead, while Ariel was using her bow and arrows. It only took five minutes for them to defeat the whole army, and they helped Percy up.

“Thanks for that…” He told them, gasping for breath.

Ariel looked worried. She murmured something, and Percy felt a whole lot better and noticed his gashes turning into little scars.

“Is that my iPad over there?” Nico asked, looking at the rectangular object on the ground.

Percy glanced over. “Oh, yeah. If you don’t mind, I used its light to guide me through the forest.”

Nico didn’t look too happy with the dirt stains on his sleek white cover, but Percy didn’t care about that right now.

“We should get back to the car and get to a gas station and set up camp somewhere. It’s been like, three days since we left Camp Half-Blood, and we’re still halfway to Florida.” Percy told them, already moving towards the direction of where the Audi was.

He heard someone’s stomach grumble and looked back at Nico. He grumbled something about being hungry, but Percy decided he would take care of that problem later.

When they arrived at the car, Ariel and Nico immediately rushed inside, flopping down on the leather seats and sighing. The others were awake now, and looked confused.

Percy saw Annabeth staring at him, probably waiting for an explanation. “I’ll explain later. First, we need to get a move on with this quest.”
hampir setahun yang lalu Kronos429 said…
pshh you made Percy too weak D:
Gys, ther's wayyyyy to MUCH action right now!
I mean, fights every other chapter? >_>
And Nico is just...... >_<
And Ariel, what the heck is happening to her
more than half of the fights involve her getting attacked.
hampir setahun yang lalu Kaia143 said…
Post more but I agre with kronos429 to many fights
hampir setahun yang lalu hollistergurl said…
You guys will see... this will lead up to the event that will happen at the end... teehee!
And yeah, I know theres a lot of fighting, but it will get toned down--somewhat.
Remember: this all will lead up to something BIG, everything that happens in this story is meant for a reason.. so if the characters seem different or whatever, theres a reason why I made them that way.
last edited hampir setahun yang lalu
hampir setahun yang lalu nicecatch42 said…
Awesome chapters!
And mini-fights are ok, such as just encountering a random squad of monsters, but still, just keep the action more spread out-like very OTHER chapter or something.
hampir setahun yang lalu tortillialuvsrr said…
big smile
hampir setahun yang lalu the-time-thief said…
big smile
That was awesome!! I love it!!! So post soon!! Please!